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June 7, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 7, 2012
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Alumna Continued from page 01 ward ,, to working with, her more, Fuller said. She s in- credibly strong. Getting better control of her pitches and some of her mechanics can be im- ] BACK PAIN NOT proved. She can only do better I LIMITED TO ADULTS next year." Gaa is working on her asso- J lt is often pointed out ciate's degree at LCC and said that up to she hopes to transfer to a four- 80% of adults year university after next year. experience back pain during the course of their lives. While this statistic may cause many to think that Sarah Newman, D.C. the problem is largely age-related, the fact is that children suffer from back pain as well. According to epidemiological studies, about one- third of children and adolescents experience low back pain at some point in their young lives. However, a recent study involving nearly 3,000 patients reveals that, in the case of three-quarters of adolescents with mechanical flow back pain, the source is non- specific and self-resolving. This finding argues for a minimalist approach, which chiropractic care Can provide; Even in 7% of cases involving spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis), the conservative J approach is preferred. Back pain that lasts longer than three months is referred to as chronic back pain and may be indicative of some underlying condition. At NEWMAN FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC, your and your children's good health is our ma,n concern. We are educated and trained in the detection and care of problems of the spinal column• Be sure to call 360.426.3886 today to schedule an appointment. Our office is located at 2211 Jefferson St.. Chiropractic is a scientifically sound and time,proven natural way to health. It's so effective, it's hard to believe. RS. When back pain experienced bl~e children is sports-related, chiropractor can check the ~oungster's biomechanics in opes of isolating the cause and determining effective treatment. "I'm studying to go into the nursing program," she said. "Right now, my plan is to be a nurse, but if sometime in the future I want to go further than that, it would be awesome to be a doctor." Gaa said she began playing softball as a child with T-ball and grew up on the field. "A lot of people in my fam- ily have played, so I grew up around the field and wanted to play," she said. "I love the com- petitiveness of softball. I just love the game. I love being able to compete with my teammates, I love being on the mound or in the circle with all the pressure. I don't know how to describe it." Gaa said that once she's done playing in college, she's sure she'll continue playing softball in adult leagues. Attorneys and Counselors at Law • General Legal Services • Non-Profits • Small Businesses Hourly Rates starting at s50 !!! PO Box 657 360-552-2022 union, WA 98592 CLEANERS & TAILORS ch 6m b r Mon-Fri21 5 South6:30 a.m.-6:OOse¢ondP.m.,Sat 9:00, 426-3371a'm"2:00 p.m. :' Membe'r ~o~,~,', Serving Shelton and Mason County for 86 year. $ $ By EMILY HANSON The Shelton boys' rugby team played in the Yelm Fishbowl on May 26. "It was a great day of rugby to really reinforce the spirit of the game," Shelton co-head coach Chris Nesmith said. "A fishbowl is an event where athletes show up and put their names in a fishbowl or any other container." Teams are chosen randomly and • then assigned to ~ coach. "Irony of the day, I was assigned to the white team, wearing Shelton jerseys and the Kitsap coach was assigned the blue Yelm jerseys," Nesmith said. "It was funny be- cause I only had two athletes who actually play for Shelton, Houston Dean and John Kaiser, go with me while the rest all played for the blue team." Nesmith said fishbowl tourna- ments are fun because they allow teams to really see the different fo- becomes.., mess about bludgeoning another person." cuses of other programs. "Kitsap has a deeper emphasis on teaching point of contact, from making the tackle to setting the rucks," he said. '~relm spends a lot of time teaching set pieces. In Shel- ton, our claim to fame in Washing- ton state is our pace of game. We play at a much faster rate than most programs making decisions faster and acting faster." He said that in a tournament like this, the first half of the game is always a bit of a mess. "Players are busy showing off their skills but rarely utilizing the skills different programs bring to the table," Nesmith said. "Athletes from Kitsap were tr high contact ball, Yeln ing to control the scru ton athletes keeping wide." He said the secon game is when players preciation for what t parts can do. "Strategies are bui sure to different style.. giving the players a hi in how the game of l played," Nesmith said In the white versu the blue team with mo ton players won with shon Bell scoring four "In the end, the be ofa fishbowl is the cam is built between clul said. "Playing within the game is an essentJ the game of rugby. It i a classy sport. When respect and empathy: grams, it becomes m( veloping rugby skills bludgeoning another Lg to force a L athletes try- ms and Shel- the ball out ] half of the build an ap- ~eir counter- t off of expo- of the game ader picture 'ugby can be ' s blue game, ~t of the Shel- ~helton's De- tries. st experience araderie that Nesmith the spirit of al element of meant to be £hletes build br other pro- re about de- ad less about erson." By EMILY HANSON "So, for exm ernity@masoncoun6 .com miss a putt by .............................. they can use fi the five foot re For the first time in its explained. now 11 year history, the The top th: Squaxin Island Museum teams receive Golf Tournament was held declaring their on Squaxin Island Tribal tournament al lands, place team w On Monday, the tour- names printed nament was hosted by the for the tournar tribe at the Salish Cliffs The winnin Golf Club. this year was "It's great to 'have the in Island Tri tournament here," David team, with AI Kass, PGA head golf pro- er, RayPeters, fessional at Salish Cliffs vatt and Ryan Golf Club, said. "Last ing a combine year, we struggled to fill 52. the whole field and ,this Kass said year we had so many peo- ment was sch ple sign up we had to tell good timing, some people we were too course recent full." the first salmo The tournament had fication for a g 160 golfers playing the 18- the country. hole, par-72 course in a "Salmon is scramble format, to the tribe, "A lot of people have portant to us,' played here before but "We recycleou it's the first time here for don't use the b some," Jacob Lippold, PGA assistant golf professional at the club, said. "People are having a great time. We have sponsors out aple, i£ they five inches, ve inches of pe," Lippold • ee winning ~[ a plaque place at the Ld the first- ill have its on a trophy rant. g golf team the Squax- ~al Council dy Whiten- Justin Gra- Earl shoot- d scored of ;he tourna- duled with the golf .y received safe certi- flf course in important so it's im- Kass said. • water and armful pes- ticides to keep the grass green." Along with the golf tour- nament, a silent auction was set up in tlle club. there with lots of give- "We'll ra: aways and we have hole-$75,000," Lil in-one prizes on all of the "Last year, it par three's. It's a scramble $40,000 so the event so everybody playsof having the J ..... I photobyErnilyH ..... from the best shot in the here is helping David Kass, PGA head golf professional at group." The tournan Salish Cliffs Golf Club, eyes his next shot Along with mulligans, ed every year during the llth annual Squaxin Island each golf team was alsothe Squaxin I., Museum Tournament on Monday at Salish given five feet of rope to urn, Library a] Cliffs Golf Club. use. Center. se about pold said. was about excitement tournament ent is host- to support land Muse- ~d Learning . Zumba Toning . Zumba Classes , Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 1 I:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at gggg o Sauna/Steam Room o Personal Training • Weight Training o Swimming o Aerobics Cli • Racquetball • Tanning o Cardio • Massac Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at shelt°nathleticclub'c°m Hours: Mon-Fri 4'.30am-9pm o Sat & Sun 7am-apm SH TON sses e Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 7, 2012