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Courtes, of Joe Puhn
Jared Dishon eyes the trail as he rides up over a bump with his dad,
Grant Dishon, behind him during the Shelton Valley two-day fun run on
May 27.
,o{:Om State Decathlon meet." Minighin also performed
...................................... Endicott finished the very well, placing 21st out of
100-meter dash with a time 35 heptathletes in the field."
Two Shelton seniors com-of 11.66. the 400-meter dash Sells said. "The heptathlon
peted in one final track and with a time of 53.6], the consists of seven events,
field meet last weekend,high hurdles with a time of four on the first day and
Or~ Saturday and Sun- 16.24 and the 1500-meterthree on the second day."
day, Indi Endicott and Sara run with a time of 4:57.12. Minighin's total points
Minighin competed in theHe jumped 18'7.25" in the were 2,804 and Sells said
State Decathlon and Hep-long jump, cleared 5'7.25" in she had personal bests in all
tathlon meet at Lake Ste- the high jump and vaulted seven events.
vens. 13'3.5" in the pole vault. He She finished the 100-me-
"Indi was outstanding threw 30'6.25" in the shot ter hurdles with a time of
in the meet, setting seven put, 94'6" in the discus and 18.05, the 200-meter dash
personal bests out of the 144'5" in the javelin, with a time of 32.14 and
~en events and coming very "The decathlon is con- the 800-meter run with a
close to his PRs in the other tested over two days, with time of 2:56.77. Minighin
three," SHS head track and five events each day," Sells clearned 4'4.25" in the high
field coach Doug Sells said. said. "It's an extremely de- jump and jumped a distance
Endicott finished the manding event, both physi- of 13'2.25" in the long jump.
meet second overall with a cally and mentally. Indi did She threw 28'1.75" in the
total of h,750 points, a greatjob!" shot put and 84'1" in the
"This places him No. 2 Minighin competed in javelin.
on the SHS all-time perfor- the two-day heptathton, a "These are really tough
mance list, 12 points ahead seven-event meet which ran events for highschoolers to
ofAndy Dunn's total of 5,738 concurrently with the de- compete in," Sells said. "The
in the year 2000," Sells said. cathlon. SHS program is very proud
"It is also the highest plac- "Our senior and Ital- of them."
Alderbrook Ladies Golf Lake Cushman Ladies Golf Lake Limerick Ladies Golf
May 29 -- Match Play May 28, 29 -- Two-day May 30 -- Memorial
18-hole: Gerry Lou Hazel- Eclectic Tournament Tournament
wood, Shirley Swenson, Lin- First division: low gross, Overall winner: Marsha
da Creswell, Jan Estep, Judy Kathy Johnson, 83; 1st low Berry, 66
White, Pat Johnson, Leona net, Evie Campbell, 64; 2rid 18-holers: 1st flight, 1st
Klein, Coralie Watters, Fran low net, Linda Sund, 65 place, Ann Johnson, 71; 2nd
Hammack and Rhona Westo- Second division: low flight, 1st place, Joyce Reyn-
ver gross, Donna Davis, 95; 1st olds, 68
9-hole: Jackie Wattnem, low net, Vickie World, 67; 9-holers: 1st flight, 1st
Ginny Seminara, Debra An- 2nd low net, Charlotte Gilje, place, Sharon Corrigan, 29;
derson, Judy Brockman and 67 2nd flight, 1st place, Sheila
Lana Clausen KP's: No. 4, Kathy John- Thomas, 34
May 31 -- Criss Cross son; No. 6, Jan Olson; No. 15, May 30 -- Team Dice
18-hole net: Carol Kelly, Sam Bastin ~ 18-holers: 1st place team,
25; Maxine Baillie, 27; Elaine Chip-ins: Charlotte Gilje MaryLou Trautmann, Robbi
Puetz, 27; Jan Estep, 29; and and Molly Frazier
Karen Laverdiere, 29 Birdie: Kathy Johnson
See Golf on page C-4
Monday, July 30, 2012, at the award-winning
Alderbrook Golf Course, Union, WA
Joining the day-long activities will be former
UW Football Coach - Don James!
• Handicap and Non-Handicap Divisions
• Longest Drive and Straightest Drive prizes
• Scramble format -.foursome
Hole-in one prizes - par Ys
The scramble format evem will start with
registration m 9 a.m., followed by a catered
dinner of specialty barbecue by Smoking Mo's Kitchen.
The cos play is $100 per player (after June 30, $125) and includes green
foes, packets, prizes dinner, and aucuon. Carts are emra. To register a
foursome for the tournamem, www.AlderbrookGolf.com.
All proceeds go to Love INC of Mason County, a 50i C(3) which mobilizes
the local Churches in Mason County assist those m need.
To date. there are 17 local churches supporung Love INC,
grows weekly. For more mformation on Love INC go
and the list
Alderbrook Properties
Falcon Investment, Inc./
Drew MacEwen
The Medicine Shoppe
Our Community
Credit Union
All About Parties
Gillis Auto Center
Love INC
Alderbrook Ladies ClubPantorium Cleaners
Alderbrook Men's Club Pascher Construction,
Alderbrook Resort and Inc.
Spa Rainestree, Inc.
Anytime Fitness Renee E. Stein,
Bakala State Farm Attorney a~ Law
Bill & Carol Kendrick Richard D. Thornbrue,
Bizgifts Certified Public
Case by Case Jewelers
Coffee News Santiam Fishing Rods
- Jay Kendrick
Shelton Chiropractic
Digital Printing Center
El Sarape Shelton Journal
Gardner Accounting ~helton Life
Green Diamond Shelton Rotary Club
Hood Canal Shelton Seventh-day
Communications Adventitst Church
Janis Byrd - Shelton Valley
Edward Jones Christian School
JesseYoungforCongress. Shelton Veterinary
com Hospital, Inc.
Kristy Buck - Simpson Lumber Co.
John L. Scott
Tacoma Rescue
Kamin Excavation. LLC Mission
KMAS Radio Toziers Ace Hardware
McCarty & Associates, Urraco Coffee
"a marketing firm"
~ Company, LLC
~ ~ Northwest Custom -
:~ . - ~ "k< . ~ ,~, U.S.S. John C Stenms
~,:~ ~- r,~, Windermere/Himlie
i~ • - Olympic Physicians
~.~ 221 W. Railroad, State 10 .... ' racks Investment
: ~" '.! PLLq;
i~ Shelton, WA 98584 Management
i~! (360) 462-5684 • (360) 426-3686 5/29/12 g~
fishing 427-9099
Skokomish Indian Tribal
Enterprises (S.I.T.E.)
19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01
$kokomish Nation. WA 98584
At the intersection of Hwy. 101 & Hwy. 106
minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation
Shrimp Bait
Here Now
Jo Jo's
Coors & Coors Light
s169 9
18 pk. 12' Z .....
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 7, 2012 - Page C-3