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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 7, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 7, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Golf Continued from page C-3 Alberts and Gayle Wilcox; 2nd place team, Marsha Berry, Ann Johnson and Iris Zieman Chip-ins: Robbi Alberts, No. 14 and No. 17; Joyce Reynolds, No. 16; Iris Zie- man, No. 7 Low net of the day: (tie) Robbi Alberts and Joyce Reynolds, 68 9-holers: 1st place team, Sharon Cor- rigan, Sheila Thomas, Pat Wass and Pegi Reese Pars: Sharon Hadsall, No. 1; Sharon Corrigan, No. 7 Low net of the day: Sharon Corrigan FS 55 R TRIMMER s23995 Versatile. straight-shaft trimmer for around- the-home or light-duW professional use Can use nylon line or STIHL PolyCut"~ head Simole ine advancement and reolacement MS 170 ,17995 CHAIN SAW Lightweight saw for wood-cutting tasks r arouna the home NEt/C/BR 200 BACKPACK B,OWER s299s5 Simplified starting makes this oowerfu blower easy to use S:!:~ Fuel-efficient engine and large :::?, fuel tank means a ~onger run t~me on a single tank ......... .z 1603 Olympic Highway North I Shelton 360-426-0875 1 *"Number one selling 3rang is easea on s indicated Irwin Broh Research,commercial landscaDers}as well as inclependent consumer research of 2009-2011 U.S Sales ano ma/ket share data for the gasoline-Bowered handheld outdoor power equlpmem ca[egory combined sales to consumers and commercial lendscaoers Stirling Hart, from Mission, British Columbia, aims axe throw in the logging show on Saturday at Loop Mason County Forest Festival. Jo his axe Field du Sho standing chop, single saw, dou- The show W ble saw and hot saw events. Hart prese~ Continued from page C-1 To the sounds of children rocking chair chanting: "fall in. fall in, fall the show to tl peted in tree-topping, spring- in" Bartow and Hart com-2-year-oldPh board chopping, the under- peted against each other in "Today's = hand chop, axe throwing, logrolling, lent,"Sprouf Early registration deadlin, irnal photo by Emily Hanson luring the ring the concluded with Ling a wooden he carved during ~e child it fit best, enix Trejo. ~how was excel- "ske said. for Love INC tourney approaches STAFF REPORT Love INC is hosting its second annual golf tournment next month. This year's tournameng has been set at 9 a.m. July 30 at Alderbrook Golf Course. Event organizers said that last year's event was such fun and a success that Love INC is hosting the tournament again. Due to the success of the last year's tour- nament, Love INC was able to ~ouch the lives of 508 adults and 246 children who otherwise would not have been helped. This year, Alderbrook Properties and Falcon Financial are title and tournament sponsors, respectively. The cost ~o play is $100 per player be- / cal churches in Mason Cpunty to as.sist those in need. Registration for the e~ent begins at 9 a.m. with the formal scramble format event beginning at 11 a.m. A catered din- ner of specialty barbecue b:~ Smoking Mo's Kitcher/will be served at 5:30 p.m. Extra dinner tickets are $30 each and must be purchased in advanced. Event sponsors and ho| still needed. Anyone inte porting this even~ as a sp( for $150 per hole. To be call 426-7842 or 490-0616. Love INC operates a cl verify the needs of the cli~ those with legitimate need,' e sponsors are tested in sup- nsor can do so hole sponsor, ,aringhouse to ~nts and assist Shelter, food, fore June 30. After June 30, the cost in- utility assistance, firewoo( clothing and creases to $125. The tournament costs many other basic servicel~ are provided include green fees, tee packets, dinner through Love INC's netwcrk of churches and auction. Carts are extra. To regis- and volunteers. To date, there are 15 lo- ter for the tournament, go to www.alder- cal churches supporting Loye INC and the, list grows weekly. All proceeds go to Love INC of Mason " For more information o~ Love INC, go County, a 501(c)3 which mobilizes the lo- to ,., Look in my bi-weekly section called Thh h one of our most popular special sections and h included with your Shelton.-Mason County JournaL 1 Year - $37 in Mason County • $51 in-state • $61 out-of-state. Get yours today by calling (360) 426-4412 New York Steak Pork Spare Ribs 2 per pack 4P Fie Sh Boneless ChiCkei~ Breast By th fOlb. case Many times a good repair on a used car is a b~tter value than a new car payment. Choose your mechanic wis#ly. Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan Mol~lenhauer and Noel Longan, owner. AUTO: 2033 Olympic Hij 426 It's easy to have Journal delivered home or office, Call 426-441 VIOTIVE ;hway North • Shdtot -1467 ;he your Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, June 7, 2012