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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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gay, June 8,- June '5, \_,_ l over forest I, ' tlefield—Jet’s i» an a change of come home# ‘ charge of services. Service NASH BROTHERS fe of your clO . 334 Kpand magical" ive them dry 6' ' " '- gularly- Y°“’" g the tune of “ 3 conservation" portioned C 0 I" no your 6'0“; 11y and properly "' gives you County S .t l er ONCRETE 1dry and Cleaners SHELTON ‘ CONCRETE . ODUCTS CO. _,_38Venth St. Bridge PHONE 123 “H 3HOME A TLOANS TWIS " . ll Lo ill-UP ings on the leg. anks of women‘ ird Hudnut 135 I )nomical to use i ' ‘ T. we lnsu rance Bldg. opularTropic i , usion. $1912“ 1' * GROOERIES irmac ‘ ESE MEATS FRUITS F, r "VEST FOODS AT BEST PRICES HOODSPORT 1944. TLocn cncncn l 6 will be Sunday School [Sunday morning at 10 reful with fire!‘ and Services at 11 O‘clock ____..__ Matlock Mission Church, 9' C. Haug of Montesano ‘1 hing Machine 123 So. 2nd lIVenient Terms ‘r sonable Rates County Savings .an Association SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J OURNAL l POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS District No. 3, Clifl C. Democratic Vote For BERT RAU DEMOCRAT Candidate for County Commisswncr Road District No. 3. Boy Carr DEMOCRAT Candidate for County Commissioner Road District No. 3 18 years experience in road building H. Parry Jones Republican Candidate for County . . Commissmner District 1 Experienced in Public and 1 Business Affairs N U T I C E OF CLOSING. OF REGISTRATION i BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the registration books for the ].n'c~' cincts of Mason County, Washington,, outside of the City 0‘? Shelton, will he closed for original registration and transfer of registration on and after the 24th (lay of June. 1944, until the 12th day of July. 1944: July 11th being the date of the primary election. DATED this 4th day of June. 1944. HARRY DEYETTE. . County Auditor and Regis- trar of Voters of Mason County. Washington. 6- 8- 15—2t. BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE 5 _WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON l‘ Freight should be routed via Str. Indian. Ferry Dock. '3 Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 ‘ Le Time Schedule as follows: ave the hi 5 Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 P- m- for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER; President UGET SOUND FREIGHT LIN \ I . tached, upon the undersigned ‘ woou NEEDS ‘ l he Summer months LoCAL AND OUT-OF-TOWN DELIVERIES elin a Fourre PHONE 179.1 or 215—R-3 rack SMITH . . filed with = by ; this Slst day of May, A. D. Keep America Democratic Register Now -— and Vote Democratic Candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER i LEGAL PUBLICATIONS No. 4389 SIMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY MAY KEARN. Plaintiff, _v,.s,._ ROY KEARN Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to Roy Kearn. Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit. within sixty days after May 25th, 1944, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiff. May Kearn. and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for ‘ plaintiff at his office address herein- Mason County l l l LYLE O’DELL l Candidate for County ~ Comm1ss1oner District No. 1 Six Years County Road} Foreman Have You Registered Yet? ' Collins Candidate County Commissioner District 3 Joe Forrest R E PU B L I C A N Candidate For County Commissioner District No. 1 State of “’ashington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OI" HYDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGIIT APPLICATION NO. 6045 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Arthur C. Burt of Union. State of Washing- ton. under date of May 31. 1944. the State Supervisor of. Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, an: application for a, permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed spring, tributary of Hood Canal, in the am-I ount of 0.05 second—feet, subject to! existing rights, continuously each year for the purpose of domestic. supplies; i that the approximate point of diver-l sion is located within NWV, of SW1; of Section 36. Township 22 N., Range 3 in Mason County. A iiiap~ showing the location and plan of said; diversion and the place of the pro-, posed use is on file, in the Office Of; the State. Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia. Washington. together With: such other information as is requircdi law. . person. firm or corporation‘ Any 1 whose right will be injuriously affect- ed by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, at Olympia. \Vashington, such objections or representations, in writing. as‘ he; may desire to make. Within thirty. l (30) days after date of last publica-g ‘ tion, which date is June. 15, 1944. ‘t m 11 d and official seal W1 ness y an 1944. tSEAL) CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. i State Supervisor of Hygriiglligs. ; _ - _l i No. 1666 5 NOTICE TO CREDITOBS , IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR: MASON COUNTY I IN PROBATE ‘ In the Matter of the Estate of; CLYDE W. JONES. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Lma M. Jones. has been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of, the estate of Clyde W. Jones, deceased; and that all per- sons having claims against the said: deceased or the said estate are hereby ‘ i required to serve the same, duly veri-i fled With the necessary VOUchers at-,» Lt Adgfin- istratrix or her A Orney of recor at the law office of yChas. R. Lewis, Suite 1 Lumbermens Building. Shel- ‘tnn, Mason County. Washington, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business. of the said estate. at“! file. such _claims together with proof of service With the Clerk of the above entitled court within six months after the date of first publication Of this notice, .to- wit: June 8. barreodr such claims shall be forever . LULA'M- JONES, Administratrix of the estate of Clyde W Jones, Deceased. Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Build- ing. Shelton, Mason County, Washington- CHAS. R. LEW-IS. Attorney for said estate, Suite 1 Lumbermens Budding, Shelton. Mason County. Washington, 6-8-15-22-29—4t. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their expressions of sympathy and for the beautiful flowers and cards durmg the be- reavement of Our beloved Wife and mother. Mr. John Killmer, Mr. and Mrs- Alfred D. Killmer and fEmily. Mr. and MrS- Ray Killmer and family, Mr. and MTS: of Seattle. Mrs. Vina Clark, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs; Ed Robinson, of Centralia. Earl Killmer, Hospital. below stated and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said I court. The object of this action is to se— cure a divorce on the grounds of desertion and a separation continu- ous over a period of 14 years. J. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff, Office Address, Govey Bldg. Shelton. Wash. 5-25—6-1-8—15-22-29—7-6—-7t No. 1665 TO CREDITORS PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of ALLAN L. BELL, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Blanch B. Bell, h NOTICE TO been appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Allan L. Bell. deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said de- ceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly veri- fied with the necessary vouchers at- tached. upon the undersigned Admin- istratrix or her Attorney of record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1 Lumbermen‘s Building, Shel- ton. Mason County, Washington. ‘ the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate. and file such claims together with proof of service with , the Clerk of the above entitled court, within Six months after the first pub- lication of this notice, to-wlt: June 1, 1944, or such claims shall be forever barred. BLANCH B. BELL. Administrati-ix of the estate of Allan L. Bell, Deceased. Suite 1 Lumberinen‘s Bldg, S h e1 t o 11, County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. , Attorney for said estate. Suite 1 Lumber-men's Building. Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 6-1-8-15-22~4t. Mason CALL FOR BIDS Middle Skokomish School District No. 43 will receive bids for 100 ricks of 16-inch old growth fir wood, or would consider bids on seasoned sec- ond growth fir, maple or alder, to be delivered and stacked in the school woodshed not later than August 30, 1944. Sealed bids will be accepted until June 14, 1944. at 8 p.111. at which time they will be opened at the school house. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. MARTIN SMITH. Clerk School District No. 43 5-25—6—1-8—~3t. No. 1659 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the. Matter of the Estate of ALONZO H. SLUSSER. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hazel Slusser Cheney has been ap- pointed and has qualified as Adminis- tratrix of the Estate of Alonzo H. Slusser, deceased; and that all perv sons having claims against the saidl estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly veri-i fied with the necessary vouchers at- tached, upon the undersigned Admin—l istratrix or her Attorney of record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1 Lumbermen’s Building, Shel— ton. Mason County, Washington, the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate, and file such claims with the Clerk of the above entitled‘ court, together with proof of service. within six months after the date of. the first publication of this notice. to-wit: May 25, 1944. or all claims not so filed and served shall be for— ever barred. HAZEL SLUSSER CHENEY, Administratrix of the estate of Alonzo H. Slusser. de— ceased. Suite 1 Lumbermen's Building. Shelton, , M a s o n County. Washington CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Administratrix Suite 1 Lumbermen's Bldg., Shelton, Mason County. Washington. 5 5~25——6-1-8—15—4t. State of Washington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF_ HYDRAULICS E Olympia, , NOTICE OF IVATEB RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 6047 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Royall W. Brumbaugh of Shelton, State of 1 Washington, _under date of June 1. 1944, filed thh the State Su ervisor, l l of Hydraulics, Olympia, Was ington. an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Hamersley's In"I let, in the amount 0f 0.05 second-feet. subject to eXISting rights. from April 15 to October_ llof ’Iiach year for the purpose of lI‘I‘lghtl-‘In and continu- ously for domestic use and fire pro- tection; that ,the approximate point of diveTSion is located within Govt. Lot 8 of Section 23. Township 20 N1, Range 3 in Mason CountY- A map Showmg the location and plan of said diversion and the place of the. pro osed use is on file in the office. 0 the State Swervisor of HY- ‘drauhcs., Olymgla. ashington, to- gether With suc other information as is required by law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will lie injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in writ- ing. as he may des1re to make, within‘ thirty {30) days after date of last ublicntion. which date is June 15. 944.. I. ., Witness my hand and official seal this 2nd day of June. A. D. 1944. (SEAL) CHAS. J. BARTIIOLET, State SuperVisor of Hydraulics. 6-8-15—2t. NOTICE Will the person or persons who took three sections of garden hose from the Shelton General' Please return same at once. Superintendent, S h e 1 t o 11 General Hospital. 6-1-8—2t. , To use the forest for our many needs, and yet to preserve its growth for the future must be our aim —. prevent forest fires. keep Washington green! office (formerly MILL WOOD Delivered anywhere outside Shel, ton City limits. Two cord loads $7 per 60rd “11 according to distance.- Leave orders at Shelton Transfer for) or phone 66. Morgan’s Trans- ” "vwm vmmm FOR SALE: small three rooml , house on Bremerton highway. FOR SALE: 80 acres of land, lots FOR SALE: Hillcrest lot 50'? 125, 20—ACRES—fOur miles scam)“: 1 lot on Arcadia Ave, unimprov- Tourist camp on Hood Canal. 17%, l 7 acres of land, good home, gener- 7-aeres of land with 200 feet of 40-acres of land with small liv- 20 acres of land on the bay lo- 5 room modern house, with 65 acres of land With some tim- 15142 acres close to Hammersley : vvv" Wanted ~-----A-“A-A- -g----4--a Real Estate W'v'ov-oo-'"", FOR SALE: fine large home inlWANTED To RENT: furnished house or apartment. Two adults. Mrs. Charles Zebish. Delivery, Shelton. IWANTED: women to work in laundry. Apply Mason County Steam Laundry. 6-8~—1t. Hoquiam, fireplace, utility room, hot water heating system, two bathrooms, full cement base-i merit, space for two cars, cor- ner lot, near schools. I 6-8-—7-6—1M General 6-8—-1t. WANTED: womar for Chamber- , -,, ' i 4 7| maid and cabin work. Alder- égfigs‘giggnfsmad Inqu re 1 1’ brook Inn, Unto... Phone 231. I fruit farm, 3-room house, 2-car,WANTED: to do housework by garage, gravity water system,l the hour. 750 an hour. Betty electricity, on highway close to' Rhinos and Betty Spray. Write school and store. Ed Okonek,' to P. O. Box 434. 6—8-22—3t. Grapev’eLI 6445*“ WANTED: to on margins. . Write Henry W. Cook, Route 3, FOR SALE OR TRADE. 40 acres BOX 265’ Shelton. $8.44 of land, 1%; mile from highway, four miles south of Shelton. One I WANT To BUY: small flea}, house trailer! 16 feet 0’13! separator. Pete VanderWal, Rt. gmdel gnet crib' 87" 3, Box 97, Shelton, or phone! airmon. er e . . - _‘ 6‘8_15__2t' 134, after p. m. 6 22 3t.\ WANTED: used, articles of all of Wood timber, four miles from 1F21r acts; ssuiiifmglfizgg Shelton on Arcadia road. Also 40' , , _‘ ,6-1-15_.3t half a block in the Seattle Syn- _______;.__________;—.~_:l dicate near Wyandotte Ave. Vic- WANTED To BUY: large, young tor Johnson. Route 3, Box 206. very spirited saddle horse. Write phone 3F24. 5-11-—6-29~§8t Box L c-o Journal office. FOR SALE: 10 acre ranch, COWS. WANTED: curtains to stretch, chickens, some apple trees, 250 a panel or 40:: a pair. No ruffles. Call at 720 Franklin St. - M6-1-15-3t. WANTED: steam press operator with alteration experience. Good salary and hours. Ship Service Department, N.A.A.S. Shelton. Contact Lt. Russell. SAWYER WANTED for small lumber mill. Would consider selling half interest to exper- ienced man. Located 3 miles east McCleary on highway Rte. 2. Box 152, Elma. B6-1-15—3t. WAITRESS and kitchen help wanted. Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. 5-4tfn. Good stock pdear inside and outside paint. Hillcrest Hardware. Phone 499. 3-2tfn. raspberries, strawberries, beau- tiful shrubs, house newly dec- orated. 1/2 mile from town. R. D. Stockwell, Rdute 3, Box 34. (Former Clyde Jones Ranch), Southside-Angle‘. 5-18tfn. Mason St. Cheap. Mrs. Ann Fredson, 8051 N. E. Sandy, Portland, Oregon. 4-13—-6-8——2m Matlock road, some improve- ments. Cheap for quick sale. Owner in navy. Deed ready. Write James Lynam, Tahuya, Wash. 5-25—6-8—3t. FOR SALE 1.5 acres of land, cleared, with WANT To BUY:‘O'ld‘ h'_o‘rs‘ es for East off Cascade on corner-i l small house and outbuilding. Also good well, located about: one mile from city limits. $15001 on easy terms. , >l: :l: :X: Mink feed. Phone 391J or write Andy Hansen, P. O. Box 223. 1-1tfn. WANTED: modern unfurnished 2 or 3 bedroom house. Will be permanent renter. George Her- mes, high school principal, 626 Eklund, Hoquiam. Phone 1394M. 5-25tfn. 5-room house, also large dance ' ' ' ""m or« recreation hall with living 3 quarters. Tidelands and water' W W property. Plenty of wood timber W ANTED TO RENT, upright for camp: Th‘S property 15 10‘ piano in good condition. Write cated Just north of Hoodsport S‘ L_ Rank) Route BOX 201 cd. $95. E}: :1: :1: acres with 1500 feet of water- front, 13 furnished cabins, one and is a wonderful tract of Shelton. 6_8_22_3t land, a real money-maker for _._.__,. - ' the right party. Excellent 'sal- WANTED: furnished house or mon and trout fishing make boat rentals good. Owner is wi- dow and can not take care of property. Priced at $14,500 and owner will take small market- able home as part payment. Must have sufficient down to in- sure sale. apartment. Lt. B. Johns, Naval Auxiliary Air Station. 6-1-8-15—«3t. v‘wn _‘-v-- -v--- For “Rent ------- vvvv . _ v...-.‘ s: a :1: FOR RENT: 2 room modern fur- nished cabin. Mill Creek Cabins. Phone 466M after 3 p, m. One.‘ mile south on Olympia hwy. 1 A2-10tfn. FOR RENT: 4 room unfurnished‘ house. 1962 Summit. M6-8—1t. ' vvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘ Used Cars 3 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv FOR SALE: ’39 Hudson coach with good tires. Frank 14., Smith, Star Route 1, Box 45. l 6-8-22——3t FOR SALE: 1937 Chevrolet se-' den; 1941 Ford sedan, miscel-fi al repair Shop and service sta- tion located on good highway with lots of travel. This is ex— cellent surburban property for anyone handy with general re- pairs to make a fine living. Owners age forces sale. Has alwavs made excellent living before retiring. Priced at $7,- 000. and well worthiit. * 5!: * tidelands. 2 room float house, water rights on good small stream. Also includes 24-ft. ca- bin cruiser with Gray marine motor about 4 years old in ex- cellent condition. All for $2,- 600 with some terms. See me today as this is a good Value. a: II! at laneous furniture, 3/4 inch wa- ter pipe. 530 Fairmont Ave.,'. phone 189J. F6-1tfn.' ovvvvvvvvvvoovv u. I Lost and Foun "m" l I able house and outbuildings, 20 acres cleared. Also some mer- chantable timber, plenty of Wood. Located about 7 miles Southeast of Shelton. Priced at $2,000 terms or $1850 cash. * $26 I: II! II 'VV"'W\ LOST: 10 foot gray rowboat with the name Windory painted on it. Reward offered. Call 2F1. 5-25—6-8—3t. LOST: purse. Don’t care aboutl money but must have keys and papers in it. Helen Forrest. Phone 464, 222 So. 10th St. 6-8—71t. LOST: gold Elgin wrist watch, at Springwater, Saturday, June 3. Name engraved on back. Re-l waréi. Beturn to Rea Strand- timber located just about ,4 we] , Millo’s Market, Hoodsport, mile from city limit on Arcadia waSh' . 6'8'15‘2t' road. Good*va;ue *at $585 cash- LOST: old black and tan hound. Tan head. Hama Hama district. Reward for return. Call or write Cooke‘s Feed'Store, Shel- ton. 6-8-22——3t. CARD 0F THANKS May We express our sincere appreciation for the many expres- sions of sympathy from our pole barn. 1/2 acre cleared. Lo- friends and neighbors, the Ameri- cated about 31742 miles from can Legion and Rev. Bull of Bel- Shelton. Daily mail and school fair, during our bereavement of bus service. A good buy at our beloved‘ son and brother. $1650. Will make $200 allow— Mr. and Mrs. Howard cated about 11 miles East of Shelton by road, 5 miles by wa- ter. Land is unimproved but“ has been logged years ago.l Would make a good tract of‘ land to have as investment for future or present use. $900, terms. * SI 5!! * acres of good land with some gar- age and wash room. Close in.- $2500 cash. $2800 terms with $1,000 down. 3|! * her and plenty of wood timber. Has fair4 room house and good ance .from last payment for E. Rose, electric power connection. En- Carl Ettlin and Lucy May ough second growth and timber Crocker. torpay for the place. Terms al- lowed. CARD 0!“ THANKS May we express in this manner our most heartfelt appreciation .of Inlet and also Pickering Pass, ~ the flowers and kindnesses shown Good 7-room home, electric i 115 by our neighbors, friends and lights, garden and fruit trees. organizations during the bereave-l School bus and daily mail ser- , ment of our beloved husband and Vice. Will consider a trade in father, James Harrison. Shelton.'$4.500.00. Mrs. James Harrison, * ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett 'HERBERT G. ANGLE Dillon and son, Phone 304 Angle Bldg. Miss May Harrison. 1|! ll l JOURNALW AN’ mmvvv 'mmw For Sale FOR SALE: Black Giant chickens. Good layers, $1.75 each, year old. Wm. V. Gibbons, Star Route 1, Box 177, Shelton. 5-25—6-8~3t. LINOLEUM REMNANTS Inlaids and Feltbase Olsen Furniture CO. 5-25—6-8~3t. Chester Whites. Insel Brothers, Lake Isabella. 6-1-15—3t. FOR SALE: large heating stove for coal or wood. Phone 381R. 1519 Olympic Highway. D6-8—1t. FOR SALE: pre-war davenport in good condition. Olive John- sm. Last house on Summit Drive. Box 1733. 6-8—1t. FOR SALE: mahogany finished double :bed, box springs, mat- tress, like new. Inquire 614 Alder Street, after 5 p. m. E6-8-22—3t. FOR SALE: two_8-ft. Show cases. Shelton Printing Company. 6-8-29—4t. FOR SALE: dinette set, daven- port and chair. Phone 14F35. W6-8-22—-3t. ONE JERSEY COW, FOR SALE: Reasonable. Fresh one month. J. E. Swager, Route 3, Box 190, 52’; mile past Binn’s Ranch. 6-8-—_—1t. FOR SALE: nearly new Monarch range, white enameled, uSed very little. Equipped with water jacket. Mrs. Paul Armstrong, Route 2, Box 12, Capitol Hill. 6-8-22—3t. FOR SALE: '41 Indian ChiEE. $500 cash. Can be seen at A6-1-15—3t.] 6 8 1t ; FOR SALE: 10 acres on Lake ‘WANTED: woman to do weekly FOR SALE: boar and three sows. Newatzel including store, boats family washing Phone 7F3. and cabins. One-third down. No ' ' 6_8_22_3L i phone calls. C. L. Reeve, Lake ,____ , Newatzel. 6-1-15-3t- WANTED: goldfish for outdoor pool. Call 484W. 6-8—15-2t. FOR SALE: 31/2 acre variety Hoodsport. David C. Eatwell, General Delivery, Hoodsport, Wash. 6-8-15—2t. FOR SALE: new 14 foot flat bottom cedar rowboat. Complete with oars and oarlocks. Home evenings. J. C. McKiel, Hoods- port. 5-25——6-8—3t. FOR SALE: ’42 24-ft. Schult house trailer, new truck tires, awning, etc. Claude Watt, The Pines Auto Camp. 6-8-22—3t HAVE 20 WEANER PIGS, 7 and weeks old and saddle pony for sale. Lyman Kingery, Elma, Rt. 1, Box 162. 6-8-22—3t. St. Claire and Vernois Wood and Coal KITCHEN RANGES All porcelain ovens, hot water coils to fit, also St. Claire all-white KITCHEN HEATERS Olsen Furniture Co. 5-25—6-8—3t. FOR SALE: twelve horse power crawler tractor, overhauled. 1941 cleat-trac bulldozer, model ' BDI—I. 37 horse powar, dual drive rear end complete, fits all late model ton and one-half trucks. Heavy duty pull grad- er. Rainier 6262, Seattle. 5-18—6-8—4t. FOR SALE: odds and ends of plants at bargain counter prices. My own selection 14 plants, 75c postpaid. Route 2, Box 228. L5~25——6-8~3t. « WANTED' ”. Carpet Sweeper, preferably Bissel. Phone 102 5-25—6-8—3t. FOR SALE: pigs. Inquire M. W. Eveleth, Rt. 1, Box 216. 5-25—6-‘8—3t. PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. C o m pl e t e equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, abso- lutely harmless. Praised 1vfly thousands including Fay c- Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Fir Drug Stere. 8-1—9-7—16t. FOR SALE: heavy waterproof duck cover for truck, 334 steel camp bed, 50 gallon oak barrels. New Leland white does with lit- ters, some without. Buck's. Good stock. Mrs. Josephine Lu- sin, Route 2, Box 288. 6-1-15—3t. DRY ALDER and Maple slab and edgings. 16" length. $10 dump cord load. 8-ft. slab $5.00 cord on the ground. Write F. M. Nagle, R. 1, Box 116, SheltOn. 5-4—6-20—-—2M FOR SALE: good cow Inquire Mrs. Oscar Noll, Route 3, Box 188. 6-1-15——3t. FOR SALE: inlaid linoleum. Call mornings. 426 Grove Street or phone 236W. L6-1-15——3t. Evergreen Gardens, . FOR SALE: seed potatoes, cook well and excellent keepers. $2.50 per hundred. Phone 49W. 903 Franklin. S6-1-15—3t. WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. ELLIOT B. SPRING Accbunting Tax Service: Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 Page 7 A D S \ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50:. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertion. Reader notices 3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c: original poetry 50(‘ per inch: classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompan al‘ other orders or payment, ma 9 be- fore the first of the month tc save expense of billiniz. An extra charge of 10c will be ade when v billing Ia necessary. PHONE 10.. D U I Class1f1ed Serwce MUSIC INSTRUCTION: violin, piano, guitar, accordion, band instruments. Special summer classes. Studios in the Four- square Church on Hillcrest. En- roll Mondays or arrange for period by phone or mail. Prof. L. D. McGhee, Union. Phone Union 388. r 5-25—6-8~3t. IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS contact C. L. Collins, Business Agent, 1612 Division, phone 240W. 3-30tfn. r.- ' Radionic i Hearing Aid 5 , Complete with crystal microphone, radionic tubes, batteries and battery-saver circuit. Ono model—one prlu-om quality-Zonilli's fincsi‘ Ilo Imus—we “arrays” 264%; to 70m AccgptvdbyAmerican Medical Asso- ciation Council on Physical Therapy McCONKEY PHARMACY L.___—J FREE! If Excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indi- gestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 5-18—8-24—15t. FOR PLUMBING Call ' HILLCREST HARDWARE Phone 499 WIVELL’S RIDING HORSES: Cole Ranch 2 miles 'south on Olympic highway. After 4 p. m. week days and all day Sunday. I W5-25—6-25—1M ' l Lawnmowers and Knives SHARPENED Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop ‘IV'RIQTITCT-ITNC' 404 Franklin Mrs. Martha Jacobs 2-1tfn DRESS F O R M S MADE TO order by your specific meas- urements. $3 each. Mrs. Loni . Larson phone 369M for at): pointments. L4-6tfn FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE _-- 0v--- ~~-~'- "W PROFESSIONAL CARDS 0v vvvvvvv vv vwvv "v vm~ CHARLES R. LEWIS ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M.‘Bldg Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY Lloenoed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 REGINALD SYKES ACCOUNTING Northwestern Life Insurance Agent Accident and Health Insurance 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 l ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - Shelton INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building