June 8, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 8, 1967 |
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Commencement Held At
Garrett Heyns Hicjh School
Commencement exercises
were held Friday night at Wash-
inton Corrections Center for the
5:; members of the 1967 graduat-
ing class of Garrelt Heyns ttigh
Speaker for the program was
Dr. Garrett lteyns, retired head
of the Del)artment of Institutions
for whom the school is named.
Speaking on what a successful
person is, Dr. Heyns stated that
among other things, he is con-
siderate, had a code of ethics
and is well informed on a general
Dr. Heyns became an honorary
member of the graduating class
when he was presented wilh a
dilfloma from the school hy Ern-
est Timpani, superintendent of
the Corrections Center Timpani
also welcomed the graduates,
their families and guests at the
commencement exercises.
The class was presented by
Louis Grinnell, Shelton school
superintendent, and dil)lornas
were presented by l.s Spilseth,
chairman of the Shelton School
PUD Buys
Power Line
- The purchase of the Tacoma
City Light 13,000 volt feeder line
Music was furnished by the
Shellon Itigh School band an,i
the Garretl Heyns High chorus
sting four numbers.
This was the second (-om-
mencement exercise at the Cor-
rections Center for the high
school program established l.here
in September, 1965.
Board Has
The Pi(meer School Board at
its meeting Monday night an-
nounced that six teachers have
signed contracts for next year,
five returning and one new.
The returning teachers include
Miss Linda ILinearson, kinderg; w-
ten; Mrs. Dorothy Zickrick, firsl
grade; Mrs. Ethel Rohrig, third
grade; Carroll ttowes, fifth grade
and William Smith, seventh
grade. Mrs. Anna Ambrose has
been hired as fourth grade teach-
er succeeding Rolland Quinn,
wh did not renew his contract.
The summer reading program
will start al 9 a.m. June 19
with Mrs. Joy,..e Gillie as lhe
The board plans Io meel wilh
an archile(.1 to 6.onsider reltlace-
ment of lhe floor in the multi-
purl)ose building and other pos-
sible revisions.
County Sets
Hearing On
Road Closure
The Mason County Commis-
sion set a hearing on the closing
,,f the lower Leeds Loop Road
in the Agate area for 11 a.m.
July 3.
The seclion of road, which runs
along Hanmlez'sley hflet, was re-
l)laced with a new road located
al)ove the waterfronl property.
The commission closed lmrt of
the ol(l road after an earlier
hearing, but, left Imrt open since
residents were having trouble
gelling to the new road from
newly-established driveways.
The commission set 11:30 a.m.
June 26 for a hearing on closing
a portion of the Old North Shore
Road in the Plat of Jones and
liarneds Tahuya Canal Water-
front Tracts.
The commission set 1:30 p.m.
June 19 for opening bids on
blacktopping the Bear Creek
Hill on the Dewatlo Road.
A delegation h'om Star Lake
al)peared at the meeting to ask
about garbage service, codes on
trailer houses, estimated cost of
having roads blacktol)ped and
requesting a speed limit on roads
in the plat.
The,,, were referred 1o county
offices which could give them
the answer to their questions.
Jaycees Hear
Chamber To Hear
Of Retail Association
Fred C. Lugar, Olympia, ex-
ecutive director of the Washing-
ton Retail Council, will be the
speaker at the Shelton Chamber
of Commerce membership meet-
ing tonight.
The meeting will start with a
dinner at 7 p.m. and the pro-
gram at 8 p.m. at Heinie's Broil-
Lugar's topic will be "cheap-
er than wholesale". The program
this month is sponsored by the
retail trade committee of which
Eldon Kahny is chairman.
Lugar was
for five years
as one of the
men in the
This will als0
Chamber electi0'
HC Lions
At a dinner meeting last
Thursday night, the Hood Canal
Lions Club installed the follow- Ii
ing newly elected officers to serve
for the 1967-68 year. Jack Grubb,
president; Larry Lysen, secre-
tary-treasurer; Randall Updyke,
first vice president; Dick Bue-
chel, second vice president ;
George Carlson, third vice presi-
dent; Dean Biggs, tail twister;
Reini Koenig, lion lamer; Harry = --OUr
Spieth and Art Pauly, directors.
Charlie Dillon will serve the sec- Bibl
end year of his two year term. e
The installation ceremony was
c(,n(lucted by Dick Hunt, Zone Is PI
Chariman 19C1. Multiple District
19, Lions International. Presiding . How to
for the evening was Les Hein "off the
1o l.aike Cushman l{esort, State St:heel will be oul lo(lay, con- who is retiring as president when
Park and development by Ma-. (..lu(ting with pi(:ni(:s for the four : : :' "The morals, morale anti the new officers assume their re
son County PUD 3 was effe(.txve lower gra(h's Wednesday and fo," religion in Viel Nam'" was the auties T"I" 1 squa
May 15 the upper grades today, tt subject of Col Arthur Esles a,, ,h, a;,.; ,f lvr,. s respon
Under lhe ar'eemPnt the PUD "rh(, s,:hool enrolhnenl is 172. Posl Chal)ain at FI Lewis, when tz .... la r,.t, f. t,.a o, .1 In tm
'" t a a ' ,'o , .... aactauau aJAcar, ul Lzwu u..aicu . n
will now .servl('c. . (.usl, mers ....... whu.h W NNENS it lhe S]leltoll Elelllelltal wele ](ll to limb|. (,l(7l('hell l,olldahl tilth tit, spoke to. the Shelton Javcees. " Worn'arts': V.lUO" " l)rovmeu ..... mr, m-" a.^_a pla -,he
Tacoma City Lighl had tx, en serv- St'heel spell ng ('ontesl this year were all grade; Diane Stansburv, sixth grade, anti Tuesday night, stallation dinner u,, ,::,.
in on the lake formed by its . , , , . " Col. Estes told the Jaycees be " mey wm,
|ltl#,a' TI gn'ls and all from Bordeaux S(,hool. "1 hey l,m(la Sluller, fourth gra(h ............. cation
Cushman earn. WIIV--,I |nl ltlougn! me morals oi me men Va.. ":on
,e,, t)rr , in h,,, ,),,,.,er fI )rn f .... in Viel Nam and the morale was m comolndtJ _,
.,,,' ........... .r , .... . . " .... /fi IIIIqIP#IIOI Bible SclOO,
T' ('oma Cil,, I i,,hl until 1q69 I1 nn 1 B ............ very mgn in comparison With m..'' IOldli,lll,l .... r('
" " " ' " " ' dillerenI
) lh It In Kor Ind W)rM ,,aI
when ,h0 l,nnev,le ,,)wet a,l- 3ell 3ale W,rbek^ T. r1.,.. =ru.,-=’ ;r a-.n- ' '; ; '" -- Io seem Ilk'
" ( " r rind|mY iV llPqknlPP WlmllqkqlP EVE [l " t
l)')inl at its Potlat(:h substalum. me ,, ,,,u .,,.,_,. ,.,,,, "".Y " ' ...... ;Is t
m,.. t),,, . ...... ...... '- -o ...... t m"lll'tA/AllA'dff Home ;tides and transl)ortation Planning and organizational reassurance an(I transportation" young fighting man is much . . Ine puv..
. , ------,-,-v---=, are among essential eommunitv methods used to establish five information and ref(lTal servi(c" more honest about himself than t,ee tuzzara son of Mrs. tual lives.
(,tl th( ovm l'=d I)ow(r system " " ' " * " ,, 'n'
' ,' , ' " ' s " v'ili nurse " o s" ( " , Layton Buzzard, Shelton will re- Walkl g
..... ;,,, r ..,.- o,,.-., m resort to serwces for the aging slated for dlfferenl lvR('s of s )et;al .'e- 1 ng nd h me .l,t, hs father or grandfather. ........ ,hl
The ('it vomTnlss o " t ....... celve a IA Degree in R)llllCal name el u,
...... a ............ .... ,,m ',-d is y .. I n zecenv 'd attent on l)y community leaders vices for the aging will also be service; employment )l)portulu- Col. Esles has been in the . .. l . .-.^,,
..... " ' ......... ; ' " n ', ) )tic'ilion hem lh( Shclton ..... , 9' science [rom t.;anlornla State Col- 'it the
m me'" ,.,...:ss. ......... o. i-st.,.' dl;-,,..0 ;t ' . .' If '. " ." ' ,'it an eleven-county gerontology outlined .... The services Include a ties-- paid ,'rod volunteer', home- Army. _2 years, and IS a master. , ........ '.. ..... ,1_
J t}(e(s for lh( opt I Hlon of a , , , lege al l.A)ng teacn June to E ist t.,v,
,..,.., .... t ............. t , .... r,,. . : :'" ' " ' workshop in Olympia, today said Council m Aging in Grays Har- maker service; meals-on-wheels; parachutist with 100 jumps. H( ..... " . . .,. Is .",
'Y.?,:: X'.'.'.L'2.:,7".,.5.'"NS :;J, fireworks stan(I al 1Iighway 101 A A Smick Washington State her county, an information and leisure time activ ties and hous- ho'ds many medals among which Aenulng me ceremony .WlU ginning .
|Cl Ifll "a %11 ii IA(I |! )(1 ]._ ., I11,) . I o . . .
develo,)er of the recreational .North and H Strecl al Its meel- University Extension community referral service in Bremerton, inD. tire the Legion of Merit and the be nls wife,. Karen .and their lng an.o [r
,.t,_',(,',o, ....... ( .... a;.,, d.. ,.u.. mg Tuesday The applica,ion had organization specialist housing for the elderly in Long- Smick will dis(.uss "Organiz- Hronze Star. aaug.hter..aen, Lee, h,s mother: for u t
h( (n approv(d I)3 the St lie Fire , anQ nls wile s parents 1Vlr and Junior r ,-
' , . ' " . ;. .. Smick, who is also Chariman view, a recreation service in Van- in for Community Action the - . . . " " . Z, ' ' . '
Mtrshtlls Offl(( md City Fn( o ( * (o s o ( s Mrs James L)oran nelton turea
"" : ; " ' f the State Council m Aging : uver and a transtx)rt:alion .'er- S cial Action Pr)ces.," and Miss . "' ' " " , " .^.,
l)el)artmenl .' . . , . Buzzard plans to continue his Mrs. t.v.,
,lle ; ' . ., dad Coordmalor for the wink- vie(.' In Olymlnd. Marg,u(2l'hyte, Olyml)m, execu-..,..=.11 l.mm,,a, .............. rr.
I::xe jon, Str?et Stlpelrtendenl Bolt lem. shop said the world,hold'on, Corn- "Te l'er)rtsr, wiD he ,'"":"'(I tivc se(:retary of the Stale Coun- dUl₯111ll VUi, ,..veflucuQrl,) .tow;Jx.rrl. yt/,:oegree. of .t3]e.,..v,u ,;"
, ,pe 1t 1he e(anxmission work In it PI ', - , .... :'7 ....... , , , .... in I ublic 'dministration ttiflon' "
: .............. "' ' ....... un y inning fdr ILnrlched by He|0il Wevri(.h Monfbs. no cl on Aging utll speak on Whv __ _ ,- . .... . ff
; .... ." ...... trod starh,,t on cl(,aring an a, rea Livih,i in the Later Yi, al's, will G'rays liar'lor coun;y"]xlension We Need Comiunity Planning Piam ef Here, :: ned'-.- ('rei
mr me n( w (lly (log I)ound Fhe q tesls rez
/" "..e" i v ' ' he attende(l I)y several persons .... ent po).., u : ...... ",.'.,.. for the Later Years ...... .-.' ' ' ,,
.,/3 /a pound will I)e Iocat(d adjacent to f-ore Mason count .............. The Olym.)ia worksho , is one ........ I ANY NOR, MALLY timid wild ary pr J
Tn( ....... S(2w(r lie llmenl I tidal . ermn, LIIS[rlCt A(lmlnlsTral.or - . ) v . I Norman ,,velem, lmpson animal that char-e -',, . a ,..h"man -'.-I'..,. anY
"" ' "'; ' The one-day session will con- q'a'e x'm,)',r'm,t of Public As of four district sessions l lanned q-;,,, o ......... ’-tor thi: ........
( s )eln may De raDlo ann contact )le,lsc
q he ( )nlmlSslon wa notlfl( d s s r g l
........ ' : " ' :'der es.'ential needs of the aging sistanev" Mrs May Short Iron- 'tl a State Gerontology Work- wee u ..mr,2.,^. . .... ,7..'. .. "" " ' " ' ' ": ""fr
- " ' - J , - ( 8 a Jill UlICCU UaL. IUI" tll" . , ,
VrlU that the planning commlssmn had services currently provided and view committee (,iaairman State shop heht at WSU in early April. s,,-vi,,' ........ s h ...... ,,,,., a,,,. should be avoided, or call
h 'ld up a .tl n on a I)lal sub- method of stimulating commu- Council on A,in-" Mrs Caroline The first was held in Spokane, in,- ,h, s ........ r .... A,, h, ,
nnlt((l t) M(rv Seltlt M]atent lu II , Ma 0 P e o r t , i
The $5(I exernl ! on on prol,- " ' n y action to provide .ltal ser- L Har,ds Vam, ouver Vancou- y 1 . " h the w) w'll be 'md ,,iris at the Panhandle 'L'e |
erty taxes to lhose 65 and older I.)ioneer Way i)en(ling clarifica- vices now unavailable, ver Senlor'Citizens' Recreational held in Bellinghanl and Yakima 4-H Clu) Cam ' .... I ,-=..
lion on slr(( 1 v t( ttlons lskcd v -)
with limited incomes on a singh. : ' ; ; : ;- ' Leaders from Mason county Social Educational and Service in Seldembr. All are co-sl)on- Mason Counlv "4-Hers may take I ." -
famdy resi(ten(,e cost taxing dis- in the pla, l)l:-mn ng to attend the workshop ,,reram and Mrs Amanda sored t)y, WSU's Cooperative Ex- the course for one week start- | . ' tI I
Iricls in Mason C)unty $15,830 include Mary J(, Barnett, Irvin Smith Olvmlfia Dresi'denl Thurs- tension Servic.e and the State int, July 24 Two weeks 'wi'll be I / I \\;IV- [ I
Hits year, 'rreasur,," Jotm Cole McArthur, Rev. Wendell Harder, lon C.uniy 'Coun'cil'on Aging" Council on Aging. devoted'h, Grays Harbor County I / ,, I.', t IUI'II I
s,u(I this we(k FIanz "I R.aus(her dad ltazcl (, f l ,hi worksho ssslons will,
' .' ' , Knwanans Hear .... -" ' ": ..... " "'g P .'"." : "" en,'oliees, with courses starting I kli 'I-- [
H s offl(( h( said had ,7 Rms(hc IV( t 1 l ( s '
"'" "", . .:' "., ' !: "': "" .... g' the I end'ng l'ader: a Ir lgN T NECESSARY to an- July 10 and 17. | \\; "f'/%l |
tpploved Ii)pJl, Hlons fol th ex . rh( stSSl)n will (tldw l)|Itlcl c n(e Io )) I ( {o ]
; " ; :; "" .... " A L_..± C ......... I ":."" " " ' - .ha : al I ly h' r n munity thor benches permanently to 'l Primary object of the course I \\; t'Uv-- / b
" ' )'lnts "o " ' " " '
,ml,tlon , .(7,!e s,u,t. /'%IOOLJT.. o urvnvd, L': " .[' .m. C!a!lan, Cla, k. Cow- achon process to the develop- patio, but it. ix aitvisable It, is t,, teach the youngsters how I " A .,
A I)1 (2 IK ,Iovtn of lhc l( vonu( lllZ L=rays Hart)or JeIl( rson m( n of essential sel % 1((. S and co
"; ' "" ' , ' , : . : t .': "" s '" :,." change their )osition by it cou fie to surviw in the w(x)ds, Eveleth I N / Q]
All nli I ( e S ( o )
loss shows lhal s(.hools lost $7, n 1C T m Kn lan!t, Klt. ap, Lwis, Mas." n, F acific, facilities," said Smjck. of inches every so often. That saM, hul he also stresses prcl)ar- |
222.31; the oily, $1,77,4.90; Ihe who is on leave from his An" Thurston and ahklakum coun- Discussion lopics for the work- lets the spol of laving under alien for meeling emergcn(.ies | .
(oun| ( urr( nt (Xl)(ns( fund $2 F( ce dulies ,s ., surviv tl in- ties . ............ ;.-I,..t. ,_,__ ........... I II..
' .' : ' " ' , ' " t" ' ' ( "* S,,Of /4Ota|,S cut, e t-|oHuile eac[) bench lel err OUl. anywnere. I [/.,,,,,,,,,eeemfi
119.23; the counly road fund, slruclor, was Ill(, SlXaker al the Talks by a slale legislalor and "' " " | i n| Lmm'-"-._/i
$187021" the state $1,',9219" i,'e Shellon Kiwans Cut meetin fede,'al off(ial )n sidle and , I tUHt/ihlf_( I_,..'.:!
districls, $4:,7.28; the library dis- luesday, federal at,Ion related to corn- I AI a It r I 31-1/-IVilUJ I
trier, $334.76 IXWl districts," $?,63. Kneeland, the son of Mr. and munity planning on aging will t mm i mmi ........ :
14 and ,,the," l ,xing dislricts Mrs. Dave Kneeland Shelh,n be a sl,ecial I,rogram feature. III 1Ul 1M rl I 51R/i:D I,"
' , ' . ' . I II mi ,
$355.78. spoke on survival and the h'aln- Joseph L. McGavlck, Seattle, I IT I I I " I IIkVklt I_
This is the first year the law ing give,, in the classes he con- stat:e Representative from District INJnIIallll a qP I I I1 / DEEM Ihl I':
passed hy the 1965 session of liac ducts. 32-B, and a member of the Stah, I I I I I 11 III.II IiI I I fl IF I I]l_l_ll IIll III
state legislature was in effert. A group of Kiwanians and their Council on Aging, will give "A I ALWAYS FIRST OUALJTY i J fl l N/ i / Z=.,-" "..-'" II1
"v ." ill ]eaxe al 2:30 p nl Slaic Lglslalor's Viewpoinl " I ...... I ULI I LU I..
[ Salurday on R,)y Kimbel's yachl, Charles P. Weikel, San Fran- I i,i ' .-.-,,,.. / Dr I 1 i-I1 I
. HIUIIADING. ,./ . , a garden i gale?' '"rhe Flamingo" for Olympia eisco, Regional Representative on I .n vr -., / #'1 I A I1" I " I
Make It 1,2 Inches less wide than where they will attend a (linnet Aging, Department of Heallh, Ed- I l -"" t //%, \\; / kM/ll.;I-I i
the opening between lmSts to al- at the Tyee al winch lhe Kiwanis ucatlon and Welfare, will d,s- | ] 4 / JU i/"l/k, I
low a inch c.learance op bolh Inlez'nalional presidenl will be cuss current federal aclion re- I 1 a _. r, i 7__ -- I I
hinge side and latch side lhe s ,cake," laled to the field ,,f ag n I I' -, 1. If k =.--. -- / I
.__..... = = = = =----.-------- = = = = = -- -- -- -- -- I \\;.. , Y V .. -. I NEW COMPACT
' !l /( -;/ 7" i REMIN6TON*
I - . ' .. m mmn
I ' nnei 4Fk==
I ,/ /, /i!\\; /i OCLCUUnU '
i Shelton Roller Bowl I I ,lJ --- '
t If / sp e’'''
; Friday- June 9 I Regularin M°d C°|°r$''|$198 Reg'I
I .I ..... i / ,.,,... $; .. ,,,
, / / . 0 "-. ! HUW 1.6Y
& I 70 to
!. L__ = = =.= = = .... L__ u
!! an 00llI00[U00ll00/V00, n I:KIL ,I The b,ggest' collection' of summer- '/
I I weight sport sh,rts, kn,t shirts and -
! June 30 -- I Penn-Prest dress shirts are here at
George Washingfon & The Cherry Bombs I ..... '- ....... " '- I /i I I
I I 'enney . o oop up your Tavorltes. ,,o...,.., ;,,..,-
Pa&/e 2 - Sheiton.Mason County _Journal - Thursday, June 8, 1,967