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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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40 and 8 G t Offic Nomi alia e s er n ns A 135 may turn up with a re-tread .qairc Intendant, Mary Anste5 a program honoring living char- Licenses rrllv as its top officer for 1967-68 if for Guarde hi Porte, Norm Qlstle ter meml,rs of Voiture 135 at tim recommendation of a nora- for Impiste, Gale Albrecht for the August promenade. inating corrmlittee is followed. Conmfissaire Voyageur, Harry the docket in Court be- Correa during Were: Patrol St. Rt. 1, driv- Sollars, speeding, $34 1940 Yale $12 2641 N. ;Peeding, $17 18020 $34 6825 $22 5002 negligent J. Olym- Fran- 376 Shel- Alfred 31, Corne- $12 :forfeit. :'Box 254, of travel, Rose, 1003 negligent forfeit; Jane Cuzick, St. Rt. 2, Box 130, expired operator's li- cense, $15 forfeit; Lena Camp- bell, St. Rt. 1, Box 68, Shelton, no arteriel stop, $7.5(} fine, $2.50 costs. Bruce. Myers, 1959 Union, Olym- pia, speeding, driving while li- cense suspended, $122 fine, $2.50 costs; Ethel I)ompier, Rt. 2, Box 3A, Shelton, negligent driving, failure to keep right of center line, $24 fine, $2.50 costs; Harold Rogers, 306 W. First, Seattle, drunkenness, $10 forfeit; Robert J. Allen, 1321 SE 41st, Olympia, speeding, $29 forfeit;. Danile Brig- ham, 7936 28th SW, "Seattle, neg- ligent driving, $29 forfeit; Rollie Duckham, Shelton,.failure to op- erate motor vehicle in reason- able and prudent manner, $20 forfeit. Appearing Monday night were Pichard Challendar, Shelton, no arteriel stop, $12 forfeit; Vern Harder, 1349 Railroad, Shelton, speeding, $12 forfeit; George Hawley, 712 26th Ave., Seattle, driving while intoxicated, $11250 fine and costs; Arthur Holliman, Rt. 3, Box 552; Shelton, expired operator's license, d e f e c t i v e equipment, $15 forfeit. SHELTON POLICE Art Mell reported two tires taken from vehicles in his used car lot. J. Andrew Prichard reported a car damaged in the Evergreen Square Parking lot. Ralph Kunkle reported his son lost a newspaper collection book. Fred Dahman brought a tele- phone receiver he found to the police station. Laura Burbank reported she f.')und a boy's bicycle. A car driven by Stephen O'Neill had struck a parked ve- Olympia, Aus- Olym- with no 1i- $58 3110 Crys- failure $12 forfeit; Fremont ng, $12 for- Box 193, stop at He told officers he swerved to miss a cat on Euclid Ave. when the accident happened. Cars driven by John Leel Jr., Portland, and Ms. Martha Wit- stars, Shelton, collided at High- way 101 and Third St. Mrs. Wit- stars and Mrs. Adeline BoRon, a passenger in the Leel vehicle, received injuries• B. L. Rose reported someone drove over his lawn. Peter Zopolis reported some- :; St,eer Hu- ,one. drove on his lawn. 53, Sealeck,' "Thola Tinker'repot'ted Ve[nda- eiti' ']ugene lisa to a vehicle parked at the herren, negli- Ed Johnson auto repair shop on center line, Cots St. Box 213, $17 forfeit; Oak St., $24 forfeit; 3, Box 242, $12 fine, $10 ,tlee hicle belonging to John Martin. me; Charles ,'t; fi,ler, Tacoma ;!kl;l :el Sergeant: ('tfeit; l  helton, speed- ,, Se^, rjarnin Myers, j', ll;en l, n, sPeeding, ]Ri" rh-F e_ °n person, z--. h" • chard, drunk [t: 'Z, el :; Steyer Hu- ' e 3 Sea6eek, : h, ]r iti' )ugene lg vl nerton, negli. h, atio center line,  " n on vehicle, 'qt, t license plate, [()LIOE COURT lie°e h he docket in, I I. urt before ;123 Jefferson,  driving, $56 !lto "n,. n, Rt. 9 Cl egligent driv-' ai5 .tor s .license  n POssession : liquor, $111 t. , .,ay Hanson, 01e elton, expired gIl, Terry Gillette, driving, $56 SHERIFF'8 OFFICE John Swanson Jr. reported fishing equipment missing from a boat at Bayshore. Ron Healy reported a wallet missing. John Wimpress reported a boat missing at Lake Nahwatzel. It was recovered later. Dan Anderson reported a dog hit by a car. Ken Waller reported tools taken from his car. A boy's bicycle was found abandoned on Brockdale Road. till Beesch reported paint on the Union Oil Co. property at Bayshnre. Rolls Pierce reported a shot gun, beer and wine taken fz'om a cabin at Mason Lake. Roy Beaman reported two shrimp pets taken. Willard Bennett reported a break-in at a cabin on the North Shore road. Bill Hall reported vandalism to Crazy Eric's drive-in at Bel- fa'ir. SUPERIOIt COURT Default Divorces A default divorce decree was granted in Mason County Su- perior court Friday to Erwin Baker from Nadine Baker• New Cases Downer ConstructionCo. against Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wil- liams, foreclosure. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the M:ason County Commission at its May 29 meeting were to Albert Mills, frame cabin, $800; Theodore Ross, wood cabin, $1,500; Alfred Greenwalt, frame cabin, $150; G. J. Bush, summer residence, $4,000; William. D. Cook, frame cabin, $6,000; Rose Brewer, wood summer dwelling, $1,900; Charles Adams, frame cabin, $4,000; Richard Roeper, storage shed, $150; Irving Lewis, wood sunmer home, $3,000; S. E. Radnich, frame summer cot- tage, $3,000; Robert Van Horn, frame residence, $5,000; Herbert Hartung, wood cabin, $2,000. Permits approved at the June 5 meeting were to Joseph Selm, wood cabin, $1,000; Marvin Coon- ey, boat house, $1,500; Norman Sarmons, wood cabin, $i,000; Joseph Nebenfuhr, wood cabin, $1,500; R, ichard Duggins, wood residence, $1,000; Milton Guhr, frame cabin, $1,200; R. H• Ren- wick, wood cabin, $2,000; John R. Costello, frame cabin, $1,850; Chet Goodfellow, garage, $1,500: Eugene Brown, skid house, $6, 000; J. N. Walgren, bulkhead, $7,425; Carl W, Bailey Jr., wood residence and shop, $5,500; Mar- garet Berliner, wood residence, $10,000; Douglas Justice, frame s'torage shed, $200; Keith Ander- son, remodel residence, $1,000; R'ichard Schouboe, frame cabin, $1,000; Theodore Gilbertson, wx.,d cbjn¢ $725; Seab Combs, frame garage, $400; Delbert Nelson, workshop and carport, $800; Frank 1Yorasun, frame cabin, $3,000; Donald Miay, wood cabin, $30O. LOWREY Organs l Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box 205 Cola 426-4302 L , Mustang, aSttenca00; Original Car, is still lowest priced bucket seat00, 00tlll the No.l seller * no-extra-cost extras like 3.speed stick shift, deep-pile carpeting, padded instru- ment panel, luxurious all.vinyl interior, scads morel 'lltb'e:°'YM,ntult:::U;er'e suggested retail .rice for Mustang Destination charges, state and local taxes !.) Illt ed, ODtions such as whitewalls, extra cost. See your local Ford Dealer for his selling price, " 00.ur Ford Dealer Eager Beaver 00'JIM PAULEY, INC. Shelton, Wash. I it I Al)plying for marriage licenses in the Mason county auditor's office this past week were: Robert Woodard, 25, Yakima, and Jeri Nunamaker, 22, Shell,re. Fred George, 21, Shellon, and Melissa Leister, 17, Potlatch. Ervin Baker, 41, Shellon, and Suzanne Amick, 28, Shelton. Melvin Dunn, 18, Shclton, and Mildred Selvidge, 18, Shelton. Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robins, RouW 2 Box 915, a girl, June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DeP)chc, 105 Roosevell street, a girl, June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Smith, Route 1 Box 280A, a girl, June 4. Mr. and Ma's. Pheron Lee Per- kins, Route 1 Box 558, a girl, June 4. The conmittee recommended, at last Thursday's June promen- ade in the 40 & 8 Club, that Jay Umphenour be returned to the office of Chef de Gate which he held three years ago. The vote will take place at the July 6 p)menade, at which the voiture's championshi I) bowling team will be honor geusts. Other recommendations by tile nominating committee included Jim Durand for Chef de Train, Ernie Campbell fin" Correspond- Pizorski for Aumonier, Dr. B. N. Collier fl)r Medicin, Glenn Cor- rea for Avocat, Ed Richards for Guarde des Prisonniers, A1 Ein- arsson for I'apeau, Pizorski and Bill Dickie for one-year Cheminot tern's, and M,el I:X)bson for a B-year Cheminot: term. From the floor Jce Rank was added as a nominee for the latter office. Nonfinations will also be open before the balloting July 6. Chef de Gare Del Weston named Herb Angle and Harold FFRY RECEIPTS ,Receipts from the ltarstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending May 27 were $289 and for the week ending June 3, $264.75, the Mason County Engineer's office reported. CITY BUILI)ING PERMITS Building permits approved by tile city of Shelton during the past week were to Arne Johnsen, residence, $17,000. ANNIVERSARY Sprouse -Reit i :"!:::::!:i:! . ::'"..: . :' ::: :.:, :{:::!:{::: • 7",::!.:: TOPPER TOYS' SECRET SAM CANE SHOOTER It looks like an ordinary cane, but look! It shoots caps! Regularly $1.99 58 c Plain or Plain Ruled Writing Tablets ,oxO,Reg. 49c100 215 2/58 Salt :r Taffy Asst. Colors, Flavors! 1½lb. Bag Decorator Men's Assorted TIES Rugs Four-,n-Hand & Redi-Tied .:..:.' Stripes, Patterns, Solids! 24" x 36" 5 8 • . Asst. Colors, Styles Reg" ',.j, Double Tipped Cotton AppliCators 180 Per Box $1.19 Completely Sterilized ! Value Popular Colors Men's S0x 75% Hi-Bulk Orlon Acrylic, 24% Stretch Nylon. Asst. Styles Terry Solid Colors, Stripes, Novelties! $1 if perfect Combs Package of 5 8 12 Asst. Reg. $1.80 Kids Love PLAY-DOH Modeling Compound Four 7-Oz. Cans Fire King Glass Bakewear 1 qt. Casserole & Cover; 32 Oz. Measure; Loaf Pan; Pie Pan; Cake Pon Reg. to ;1.19 Bottle Keeps It ,is8 Hot or Cold! Reg. $2.39 ': "Ha Hair Spray New Formula, Regular & Hard-To-Hold 13 Oz. Reg. 77c ), Black or Brown Bobby Pins Rubber Tipped, 120 per Card Reg. 31 5 €. HURRY! HURRY! Quantities Limited To Stock On Hand! Evergreen Square Shelfon Thursday, June 8, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3