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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Deferred * Sentence Extended +€ :L :, e  ,!t2J le# one I}IIODELIN G :lt0n store is in rernodelin e at0re . g a por- "- • according to &apos;4 PessJmier ntly oh t£. ' the of. • m... _ '"= second t th., to the former k:: ,[t department e ,s also being,  ..ue located in "PPltance depart- / 4t:his is in ca- • the POlicy of ,r Convenience, : eeessity of cus- .clib the stairs ,m0r to reach the  credit windows. be operating, starting this week, Friday, Saturday and Sunday plus a special show on Wednes- days. This schedule will be in effect all summer. For an up-to- date program, consult their ad- avertisement in this and follow- ing issues of The Journal . . . Leroy Robbins, owner of LE- ROY'S TELEVISION & FIRE- PLACE, announced this week that he is holding an open house this weekend, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. For your conveni- ence the store will be open until 9 p.m. each night. The store was recently combined with Carl- son's Tile and Fireplace and is located in the Carlson building. Leroy will be handling Sylvania electronic products along with • William Dodds, held in Mason County jail for parole violation, had his deferred sentence con- tinued for one year when he appeared in Superior Court Tues- day. Ie was also sentenced to serve year in the county jail. Dodds has been in the county jail about three months. Orders of dismissal were signed in six old cases on mo- tions by Prosecuting Attorney John C. Ragan. They included a grand larceny charge against Phillip and EI- wcod Stout, dimissed because of a lapse of time and insufficient evidence; Arnold Brown, an as- sault charge appealed from Jus- tice Court in 1959; Ronald Gar- Poli< e Patrolman Dic:k Boot, Is Taken By Death • Richard C. Booth, 45, a Shel- ton police patrolman for more than 11 years, (tied Monday night at his home. He was on a leave of absence from the Police Department for health reasons at the time of his death. The Police Department re- ceived a call from his wife Mon- day night. He was taken to Shel- ton General Hospital by Hughes ambulance where he was dead on arrival at the hospital. Mr. Booth was born Sept. 21, 1921 in Shelton and has lived in this area all of his life. He joined the Police Depart- ment as a patrolman Sept. 17, 1955 and had been with the de- partment since that time. He was 'meterman earlier this year when he was granted a leave of ab- D.C., anti Mrs. Morley Prepper- nau, Germany; one brother, Rob- ert, Shelton; two sisters, Ml. H. A. Beazley, Deer Island, Ore.; and Mrs. Bud Donaldson, Shel- ton. :Funeral services will be held at Batstone Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thursday with burial in Shelton Memorial Park. It fireplace equipment. Free coffee risen, grand larceny, who was sence by the city. th to(), so stop by . • sentenced to a federal penitenti- He was a veteran of World ed0tn of t ,, Ken Chapman, owner of cry in Texas before he was ap- War H. wdh - tress , Survivors include his wife, Vi- .lb, eSday but + EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER, prehended on the charge here; v te to ' ,t ;"]+it Th,.. say Some- has gifts for ole Dad all over Michael MfCord and Victor ola, Shelton; two daughters, Mrs. Y, a* Is one item the store. From cards to shavers Wright, grand larceny on a Duane McMurchie, Washington €)h0Uld°nly we of to perfume. So make sure to charge filed in 1959, dismissed g this hlWays fight buzz on by when you're shopping for failure to bring to trial with- o o ,eP| %t of ptc freedom for the head of the family . . . ' in 60 days; Albert Leber, grand Maurlce H. ()ulnn ..... RICHARD BOOTH . tryme. freedoms Tom Ogden, owner of larceny, restitution has been let, l[qf [ n]oy. I will OGDEN'S RADIO & TV, an, made and victim does not want :e.,t0nther .Y Soap box nounced that he will be closed to prosecute; Ronald ChurclJ, Succumbs At" 7b ' It.  the b' !terns more from June 10 to June 24. Every- grand larceny, prosecuted in • Maurice H. Quinn, 76, died Mfn'n Woman i.f, USmess World body, even Tom, needs a vaca- King COUnty for possession of F:iUbJect o - lion once in awhile, so if you stolen property, last Thursday in Shelton General ........... Hospital. He was born July 22, r / I w re+m.,"% di+,  treedom, wanted something fixeu ann you 1890 in Parkersburg, Iowa and UCCUmDS mere $llt +,. uerent li,ht wanted Tom to do it just wait. ,,,el " WCC Inmate had made his home in this area !h en.'-reedom we He'll be back . . • the past 70 years. He lived at • Elizabeth C. Bingham, of ':t, cash s vin; +i.j m;rrnnhh2 604 Turner street. Mr. Quinn was Calispell, Mont.,died in Shelton MTAh;NN/)I?NT &L i?AcNKngOn Seeking Writ a member of the Shelton Eagles General Hospital Tuesday. She 'i,. ring of' t, its banking hours. Starting this Lodge and was empk)yed as was 72 years of age. Miss Bing- ;}VA ...... Saturday, it will be open from • Howard D. Russell, an inmate maintenance and fireman at the ham was a school teacher in #.,[LLEy APp-, 10 a.m. until 12 noon. at the Washington Corrections Shelton Post Office. Montana and was a member of :r . this w, " Announced by Tom Weston, pres- Center, has filed a suit for a The funeral service was held Retired Teachers Assoc. She was .,r,g e Vallev-.(. ident, the new hours will be, on writ of habeas corpus against at 11 a.m. Monday in the Bat- born July 27, 1894 in Superior, e ':-m aaniver " Saturday only, 10 a.m. 'til noon. Ernest Timpani, superintendent stone Funeral Home. Entomb- Iowa. I;s s always ;;r he Saturday hours are the only of the Corrections Center, and ment was in the Tacoma mauso- She had been making her home ¢l'[lv A Bar- • ons effected . . • the State of Washington. leum. with her sister, Mrs. Martha " it . gum .... Russell contends his conviction !yl' ( Wth 21 Years Eldon Kahny, manager of He is survived by his wife, Witsiers, 717 Railroad avenue, the ;.,ighty£.S°n Count I'ENNE¥'S, is holding a shirt on a charge of forgery by a jury Esther A., Shelton- one son, past eight months. Mrs. Witsiers e ur: ell we might fair, and wow, have those prices in King County contained errors. Laurence D., of Seattle; one is her only surviving relative• daughter Mrs. Clarence Wolfen- The funeral service will be held '?e H..YOu Stop bv been slashed. If you really want  barger, of Olympia; two grand- in LeRoy, Minn. his 2NI-'PY Anniver . to save skads of money make Legal Publications i"%s¢ Celebration dnubly sure you take part in children and two great-grandchil- -, ( • . dren; and two brothers, Clarence  =, __ = ! l y;. ' Iollars too, this event... CALL FOR BIDS W. and Leo F., both of Shelton. cIr|sTs r|an I I' ldie , The winners in a recent pro- The Commissioners of Mason I I  th who need motion at MILLEK'S we"e: Mrs. County Fire District No. 4 will Library Meeting For S|ble School ]t' °ut oh your feet Henrietta Warnes, 21 volume set receive sealed bids on the follow- * .Zk, the town, of encyclopedias; Ruth E. Boy- ingl .... SCS1000AA6 5-stage 10 'l bianager of sen, G. E. charcoal starter; Mrs. ,t for ;;i" has an H. Melvin, Brinnon, after shave h.p. 3- 220 V P • Daily vacation bible school at  shue UBesides set; and Mildred Schneider, bath- 189 ft. 2'/" Galv. Pipe • The Centralia Public Library, the Pirst Baptist Church will 215 ft. No. 8 - 3 wire Centralia, Washington, will host start June 12 and continue - ti n ' efdn:has m!:)er:0Tth ion2i- :wgef! -i! 1--8" x 2½" Sanitary Well the June meeting of the Timber- through June 16. Classes will o Seal land Library Demonstration Ad- be available for those four years Misc. Fittings visory Conmittee. This will be old through the sixth grade. Mrs. Fused Disconnect with Meter held in the President's Confer- Cliff Coutts is director of the P*')Rt, .. available right here in Shelton. Base Complete -- Power to be ence Room, Centralia Commun- Bible School. tl :. ¢ i -- The pump to be installed on the ity College at 7:30 p.m. ,tonight. Classes will be held from 9 i " '-' Will DL supplied by Fire District. • : ':'+ ' .... new drilled well located on the D..C. and IVrs. Morley Prepper-. a.m to noon each day. mGrim Cole Road. The Commissioners reserve the s Ji es As right to reject any and all bids if "i:: Qd a necessary, f  Bids to be submitted not later er For Next Ye r than June 20, 1967. Mason County' #.!:¢ Fire District No. 4 anr Jim Gonzaga University campus in WALTER SIVO Prtll yell A-.roUnder Spokane have bus tickets when Secretary •  t the #; Le- they depart from Olympia next 6/8-15 2t   llelto TM ballot Sunday morning The boys in- --'--NO.-302-'-5--'- !tt! ;'W]Ve;ri; eterans elude Bruce Wils,'m, Jerry Sparks NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE t r',ig 'u Hall end Mel Bearden under Post 31 OF REAL ESTATE ,;S ov-..' + sIxmsorship, Jan Donaldson by In the Superior Court of the f':Ysl)ot': u trom 40 & 8 Voiture 135, Gary Mil- State of Washington for Mason HEREIS . .%&ict t.o Men- tenberger by Shelton Kiwanis County. iaeh%l co Ith the Club and Ien Bond by North (In Probate) t ' mnence ' . •  • In the Matter of the Guardian- - Mason K iwams ,Jub. Bead m a ship of LILLI$q ORTGIES, A' THE PERF:EC:T North Mason high school junior, Mental Incompetent. LUre of the other five all Shelton high NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN 2, and school juniors. They will spend that Dora Brown, Guardian of S, Who during ; be in- :raonies When teams the a week in the Boys State activi- ties featuring leadership, citizen- ship, Americanism, and govern- ment. +"' Weather roles Vice Ju- Ruth ,.  third -L' * High Low Precip. ca;d. June 1 68 48 -- Of- June 2 81 58 .01 and June 3 61 57 .08 ; Jay June 4 69 51 -- thrid June 5 81 45 -- Joe Jim June 6 85 52 -- CUrer. 3une 7 64 53 -- office Readings are for a 24-hour t_ six Unty on the period ending at 8 a.m. as re- ported by the Rayonier, Inc. weather station. Five-Day Forecast Temperatures Thursday thru Monday to average near normal With little day-to-day variation. Normal high, 71; norrrml low 44. Little or no rain indicated, Screen Doors of Shelton 426-2611 the above-named incompetent, will sell at private sale and for cash the following described real estate: Lot 3, Block 31, A.mendd and Corrected Plat to the City of Shelton, MaSon County, Wash- ington. to the highest and best bidder. Bids must be submitted in writ- ing and may be left with the Guardian at 121 South Fourth Street, Shelton, Washington. Bids will be received until the date of sale. The sale will be made on or after June 29, 1967, and the Guardian reserves the right to reject any and all bid. DORA BROWN Guardian Glenn E. Cortes 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington Attorney for Guardian 6/8-15 2t NOTES FROM NElL Creosote When the oil" liquid we call "creosote" was first distilled from beechwood tar more than a cen- tury ago. it was used. for the most )art, externally on the skin as an antiseptic and disinfectant. For this reason it was given the name "creosote", coined from 2 Greek wordskrco meaning • 'flesh." and soter for "saver" or "saviour". The term was intended to connote that craosote was a "skin saviour. .• Nell's Pharmacy nergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.---426-8827 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays  9:30 - 6:00 i GRADUATIC>N GI A savings account at Capital Savings and Loan in Sheldon makes an ideal graduation gift. It's the perfect answer to the gift problem. No sizes to worry about. No colors to choose from. And, it honors those who re- ceive it. What's more, it's easy to open a savings account for a friend or loved one at Capital, too. In any amount. Why don't you stop by so,on and start your favorite grad off on the right foot? o , o OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 107 S. FOURTH -- SHELTON i ANNUAL JUNE Continues • • • ;?d;{e35p2.; &&WOB,2XnE;gula; to:35, now $25 ;fi;3E LUGGAGE '/3 o" Recj. Price Horizon and Courier Styles -- Plus Assorted Silhouette Irregulars BOYS-- One Goup Short Sleeve-- Sizes 8 to 18-- Reg. to $4 SPORT SHIRTS . . . . . now =1.69 BOYS -- Cotton -- Regular 3/$2.50 BRIEFS & T-SHIRTS ..... now 3/$1.89 GIFTWARE-- One Group GLASS GIFTWARE . . I/+3 o{ Reg. Price DRYGOODS -- Towel and Dish Cloth Irregulars KITCHEN TERRY SET ...... se+ 77' DRYGOODS- Regular $1.29 COTTON HONAN WEAVE • • • yd. 77€ DRYGOODS WHAT ABOUT SHEETS? 20% of Re 9. Price One Group Spring Maid -- One Group Irregulars ,, ..... , ..... ,,;:J ,[;j,1. "Don'tbe the LAST on . " +" •+ ..... Your Block to Display : The American Flag" AMERICAN FLAG KIT  LAWN a?d/'or WALL MOUNT --Includes \\; oo+,o. , / HALYARD ROPE  STORY OF THE FLAG -- JUST IN TIME FOR FLAG DAY, JUNE 14-- CHILDREN-- One Group-- 1 & 2 pc.-- Valuesto $5.98 GIRLS' SWIM SUITS ..... now =3.50 READY-TO-WEAR -- 1 & 2 pc. -- In Many Styles & Colors -- Reg. to $18 SWIMSUITS ...... now READY-TO-WEAR -- One Group -- Regular $11, NOW BERMUDA SHORTS, SKIRTS & PANTS ACCESSORIES & LINGERIE -- One Group LINGERIE SAMPLES I/2 $8.99 $3.88 Price nationally advertised VERY FAMOUS BRANDS ....... 17 & 21 JEWELS WATCH SALE Values to $59.95 ' VV Values to $79.95 Values to $110.00 " 24.99 34.99 39.99 AT'THESE PRICES FOR FAMOUS NAME BRAND WATCHES, WHY HAVE YOUR OLD WATCH REPAIRED? DON'T MISS THIS FANTASTIC EVENTt Open Friday 'til 8:30 P.M. 3rd & Railroad Thursday, June 8, 1967 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S