June 8, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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0 0 | n Collection
pia was rec.ently endowed with
ilmlmulml a donation to the geology de-
partment made by Mys. Walter
S. Allison of Hood Canal.
Mrs. Allison presented the min-
eral collecUon made by her de-
ceased husband, Albert E.
Schrimpf, a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
The collection was received by
the Rev. Richard Cebula, head
of the department, who expressed
delight with the acquisition. It
will be integrated by the resi-
dent geologist, C. D. McDaniel.
Isler Bonner of Union and
Quartzsite, Ariz., evaluated the
collection earlier and pronounced
it "material a college would be
proud to own, providing hun-
dreds of hours of study."
The donor was Shelton City
Librarian from September 1953
to May of 1958•
Rummage Sale
• A rummage sale will be
sponsored by L,aurel Court No.
26, Order of Amaranth in the
PUD auditorium this Friday.
Doors will be open from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
PUL-KO-KEE, or Korean Broiled Beef, is an Ameri(:anized
version of a recipe ,Jan(; ]{elhnan brought I)a(:k from Korea.
A habachi pot or some other type of char( oa'.. fire is a must
for best results.
Korean Recipe For Broiled
Beef For Summer Barbecues
• Summer weather permitting
outdoor meals on the (:harcoal
broiler give an excellent optx)r-
tunity to try Jane llellman's
Americanized version of a Ko-
rean recipe. Pul-ko-kee, or Ko-
rean Broiled Beef, can also I)e
broiled on a habachi It.
Jane met: and married a na-
tive Sheltonian, Carl llellman,
while they were I)th in the ser-
vice stationed in France. When
he was discharged about a year
ago she was fortunate enough
to receive a WAC transfer to
Fort Lewis and was able to com,
nute from, Shelton until her dis-
charge in December.
llor decision lo .join lhe WACs
was made by Jane after she
returned from a year in Korea
Where she worked in the Red
Cross recreation progq'am. The
experience had partially satis-
fied a lifeh)ng desire to tmlvel
so she decided to prolong it.
Hax;ing been free of oommuting
only since the first of the year,
Jane has had little oplx)rtunity
for organizations or hol)bies. She
has, however, enjoyed her affilia-
tions with the Shelton layettes
and getting settled in the h()me
she and Carl recently hought.
(Korean Broiled Beef)
I lb. heel
2 Tbsp. oil
4 Tbsp. sugar
2 Thsp. soy sauce
pel)per 1o taste
I grc<m onion (including top)
I clove garlic
4 Tbsp. prepare(l sesame seed
(recipe below)
1 TI)sp. flour
Use any beef tender enough
for broiling. Cut into pal)er thin
siie'es. Add sugar and oil. Mix
well. Combine soy sauce, pepper,
choPl)ed onion, choPl)ed garlic,
prel)ared sesame seed and flour.
Add to the meat. Mix well. I't
stand 15 minutes. Broil on a
hal)achi or other charcoal fire.
Serve hot. Makes six small
1 cup white sesame seed and
1 lsp. salt. Wash seed if neces-
sary. Brown slowly in a heavy
skillet, slirrinq constantly. When
the s('eds are brown and rounded
remove from the heat and add
salt. M:tsh the seeds until pul-
verized. Makes enough for sever-
a] re(.ipes.
MRS. PAT HENRY (center) was the guest of honor at a
morning tea held May 23 in St. David's E1)iscopal churciL
Mrs. Henry has been advisor for all Orthol)edic Guilds in
+ 0++
Society Editor Marj Jacobsen Phone 426-4412
Fla 9 Collection
To Be Displayed
Durin 9 Meefin 9
• Evelyn Ronald of Centralia
will be guest speaker at the
June 21 meeting of the Mason
County Women's Republican
Club. Following the club's 1 p.m.
business meeting in the Memo-
rial hall Mrs. Ronald will speak
on "Our Heritage, The American
Flag" and display her collection
of flags.
The program is in commemora-
tion of Flag Day which will be
celet)rated next Wednesday. Chil-
(lren are particularly welcome to
see the flags and hear Mrs. Ron-
aid talk ah(,ut Iil"i'n:. Refresh-
ments will he served.
Jobies To Install Saturday
• Honored Queen Elect Darleen
Gray and members of Bethel
No. 37, International Order of
Job's Daughters cordially invite
the public to attend the installa-
tion of officers and members at
8 p.m. this Saturday in the Ma-
sonic temple.
Those being installed include
honored queen, Darleen Gray;
senior princess, Cheryl James;
junior princess. Barbara Wolf;
guide, Janet Viger ; marshal,
Holly Scott.
Chaplain, Lynden Elmlund; re-
corder. Laurie Godwin; treasur-
er, Susan Busack ; librarian,
Marci Chisum; musician, Yvonne
Van Laanen.
First messenger, Patty
Thomas; second messenger, Jody
Engen; third messenger, Debbie
Milner; fourth messenger, Susan
Speece; fifth messenger, Vicki
VFW Auxiliary Scholarship
Won By Miss Be÷÷e Cowan
• lVfiss Bette Cowan, first place
winner in the VFW Auxiliary
sponsored scholarship progTar0,
"Young 'America SPeaks and
Acts , was presented a $25 sav-
ings bond at the Shelton High
school awards assembly last Fri-
day. Auxiliary president, Mrs.
Walt Bloomfield, made the pre-
:Miss Cowan's application was
forwarded to the Department
chairman for State competition.
Second place winner was Joseph
Simpsan who was also presented
with a $25 savings bond.
The VFW Post and Auxiliary
received a participation award
from the Forest Festival Associa-
tion for their services as color
guard in the parade.
Installation ceremonies took
place at Friday's meeting. In-
stalled were Mrs. George Wit-
c.raft, trustee No. 1; Mrs. Joe
Ellison, color bearer; and Mrs.
Charles Cox, imtriotic instructor.
Mrs. Wayne Robinson was the
installing officer.
Hospital chairman Mrs. Sam
egg attended the recognition cere-
monies held June 1 at Ameri-
can Lake Hospital. She was pre-
sented a unit award by the Vet-
erans Administration Hospital in
recognition of outstanding service
to hospitalized veterans for the
year 1966.
It has been voted the ways
and means committee will take
over the handling of the auxiliary
Sewing Club when it meets in
The summer meetings scheduh,
of the post and auxilary have
been set for June 2, July 21 and
August 4.
The VFW 43rd annual conven-
lion to the Department of Wash-
ington will take place June 14-17
.... in Tacoma. The Tacoma Motor
Inn will be the Ladies Auxiliary
headquarters with registration
from 7-9 Wednesday.
Briefly the highlights of the
convention are: Memorial ser-
vice, 7:30 p.m., Vednesday, First
Methodist churca; post and aux-
iliary joint session, 1:30 p.m.
pageant of Drums, 7 p.m. Fri-
day, Cheney Stadium,; new el-
ricers to be elected with a joint
installation at 2 p.m. Saturday,
Winthrop Hotel. Members wish-
ing more complete information
ay contact Mrs. Larry Godwin.
Local auxiliary department
delegates are M:rs. Sam Ogg,
Mrs. Beulah Harrison, Miss Mar-
tan Johnson, Mrs. Sue Weaver
and Mrs. Larry Godwin.
A Fifth District meeting took
place in Hoquiam Saturday eve-
ning with nine Shelton Auxiliary
members attending.
Shelton members elected and
installed to district offices were
Colleen Gephart, junior vice pres-
ident; Betty Godwin, conductress;
Fae Robinson, color bearer; and
Jo Sparks, musician. Jessie Cox
of Shelton was an installing con-
A Voice of Democracy award
was presented to the Shelton
Auxiliary at the meeting. Mrs.
Sam egg, senior vice president.
accepted the award.
• YOU CAN OUTUNE planting
beds, provide a mowing strip for
the lawnmower, and keep grass
from spreading by edging beds
with pressure-treated luml)er.
Use 4x4s for straight lines, or
Inner guard, Debbie Carr; out-
er guard, Scan Simpson; senior
custodian, Julie Remsberg; and
junior custodian, Chris Carlson.
Courtesy officers to be installed
are flag bearer, Kristy Lord;
page in ne north LAnds Archer
page in ' south, Arlen ubera;
unsltin . fiairman, Tilaa 'cole ;'
proficiency chairman, Merridee
Anderson; publicity chairman,
Shirlee Van DeRiet; prompter,
Judy Laugen; choir director,
Alcoa Ruddell; keeper of the
lights, Linda Potter; keeper of
the robes, Jayne I_z)ok; and tele-
phone chairman, Linda Koch.
Junior officers are chaplain,
JoAnna Winters; recorder, Na-
dine Larson; treasurer, Kathy
Province; librarian, Susan Mor-
ris; musician, Patsy Miltenber-
ger; first messenger, Diane
Kokett; second messenger, Rae
Ann Caulkins; third messenger,
Debbie WeAl; fourth messenger,
Mary Schmidt; fifth messenger,
Linda Okonek; inner guard, Mary
Ninnis; outer guard, Maxine
Schmidt; senior custodian, Janet
Wiley ; and junior custodian.
Peggy Viger.
Members of the choir are Ra-
mona Wermer, Cindy Russell,
Connie Froelick, Marsha Moore,
Kim Michaels, Loreah Seljestad,
Jill Seljestad, Tracy Harrdin.
Lark Hamlin, Sharon Watters,
Becki Holland, Kay Hellman,
Cindy Monger, Jan G()dpaster,
Julie Van Laanen, Penny Frye,
Susan Edson and Barl)ara Barn-
Installing o[ficers are honored
queen, Joyce Powell; guide, Ter-
rA Turner; marshal, Diane Turn-
er; chaplain, Nancy Dalke; re-
corder, Judy Ni(;holson ; flag
bearer, Wendy Briekert; senior
ruslo(lian, Jan Powell; and ju-
nior custodian. Candy Joslin.
Garden Club To :+:+
Have Its Annual
Picnic Monday
• The annual picnic of the She]-
ton Garden Club will be held at
Priest Point Park in Olympia
next Monday. Members wishing
to attend should meet in Ever-
green Square at 10 a.m. and
bring a sack lunch and a thermos
of coffee or tea. If it is a warm
day, Mrs. Craig Eliot, president,
wi)! \\; furnish soft drinks.
/'s." Eliot and the Misses Dora
and Rose Fredson re ,ntly visit-
ed tbe park and foh.,.l the out-
door stoves would take too long
to heat potluck dishes.
Before going to the park club
members will tour the Knause
Bulb Farm and after lunch will
visit the rose garden of the
rayler's on the point.
Mrs. George Cropper will in-
stall 1967-68 officers at the park.
Final MeeHng Of
Year For Music :+
T • The Olympia Chapter of Wash-e a c h e r s Club i;:i ::::+
ington State Music Teachers met
Monday in the home of William
O'Neill for the final meeting of
the school year.
Officers elected for the con>
ing year are president, Mrs. Paul
Moody; vice president, Mrs. Le-
Roy Gruver; corresponding sec-
retary, Mrs. Lawrence Martin;
recording secretary, Mrs. Ed
Sliva; and treasurer, Mrs. Oliver
Jet fords.
Final arrangements were made
for the members' attendance at
the WSMTA convention to be
held June 25-28 at Washington
State University.
Mrs. O'Neill was assisted by
the Shelton members of the chap-
ter, Mrs. Lou Cowles, Mrs. Lout
Larson and Mrs. Ed Silva.
Open House For
Anniversary Pair
• An open house from 3-5 p.m.
this Sunday in the Memorial
hall will mark the 40th wedding
anniversary of iVlr, and Mrs.
Earl Gallanger.
M. and Mrs. Gallanger were
married June 11, 1927 in Bell-
ingham. They have made their
home.in Shelton ,the past !4 year,s.. ,
The Gallangers family will' host.,,
the open house.
WCTU Members
Sign Petitions
• Petitions against selling alco-
holic beverages were signed by
mem,bers of the Woman's Chris-
tian Temperance Union at their
last meeting. Mrs. Agnas Kangas
was hostess to the group in her
Canyon View home, June 2.
Following a potluck luncheon
Manilla Galloway, president, con-
ducted the business meeting• De-
votions were given by Mrs. Mary
Turner and the l)rogTam followed
the salutes to the American,
Christian and Temperance flags.
Mrs. Nell Eads, citizenship di-
rector, led the flag salutes.
Port Townsend
Festival Theatre
Newitt has been announced by her
Cliff Wilson, Shelton. He is the son of
Spokane. Miss Wilson is a Shelton High sc
and attended the Deitz Business school. No
set for the wedding.
• The Port Townsend Festival
Theatre will open for the sum-
mer, June 30. The season will
begin with "The Dumb Waiter"
and "A Slight Ache" by Harohl
Pinter, and "Summertime" by
Ugo Betti.
Informati,m about tickets is
available by writing Port Town-
send Festival Theatre, 1314 NE
4?,rd, Seattle 98105 or telephone
Seattle, ME3-3608.
The motel with the00ctionView'00
Panoramic view of serene mountains and
bustling lake activity.., just 5 minutes
from downtown, Univ. of Washington,
Woodland Park Zoo, or City Convention
Center . . . Large soundproof rooms and
suites, family units with kitchens, TV,
* High School
• Having her high school grad-
uation behind her does not mean
the end of studying for Linda
Hinchcliff. After a summer of
work, if she is fortunate enough
to find a job, Linda will enter
the Tacoma General School of
Her strong desire to be a nurse
and the capabilities she has dis-
played earned her a Shelton Gen-
eral Hospital Auxiliary nursing
Linda's subjects this year were
typing, second year German,
home economics, composition,
literature and civics.
bus to
her job
16, elimi
ber of the
a time.
Linda wX
in Tacoma
in her
5 feel 4
eyes and
loves to
swim and
mer and
EleIal00t .
by Enna
Smartness with superlative comfort. TrY
balanced Cuban walking heel. Feel tl"
flexibility of the premium leather sole.
insole and linings. In a wide
and widths.
The colors Bone and Black Patent
5,', to 10 in AA, A, B, and C
Black Calf is available in 5-10 in
and D widthS.
Thursday, and annual banquet, 2x4s nailed to stakes driven a radio, free parking, swimming r
this area connected with Mary Bridge Children's Hospital 7:30 p.m., both at Winthrop He-'foot into the ground. For curves, pool. Commercial rates, major
in Tacoma, since the local guilds were forined about seven tel; parade at 2 l).m. Friday; use lx4s. credit c a r d s accepted.
years ago. Her area included Olympia, Shelton, Hoodsport, .---.-_----.-.--- Group meeting L \\;!
Centralla and Westp°rt" The tea was given bY members °f raw be r ries ! 1Home Me=f €I .,,,11,.,11, l .,,, Unff ,.,..._,o,,. facilities" 1 i !,1
the local guilds as a farewell party for Mrs. Henry who Is Phone:
moving to Tacoma. Posing with her are Mrs. Robert •
Fuller (left), president of the Donnie J. O'Nell Guild, and .
Mrs. Ron Beehtold, president of the Shel-Toa Guild, t
+,auj..er,ntj i you, OUR CUSTOMERS, for your business in the ! vAc.¢vj I
Ii OLEN. PROB ST I l{past' ThiS,PhoneOUrourlaStson.in.lawCrOp, willandbe a smalldaughter,One. II .i
Cooling "k Cutting "k Double Wrap I -- . i li,.. " ohri ,,+ ,d
[ AL HANSON, Meat Cutter ]
, WEHAVE30LB. BEEFBUNDLES ' / / I "'::" .... i
/ (Includes Hamburgers, Steaks and Roasts) I lodger i Beverly lahlendorf ....
l Call--HOWELL'S GROCERY I 46-6991
| Inquire About Our Locker Beef. I
Page 6 - Shelton-Maeon County Journal - Thursday, June 8, 1967