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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1967
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I BillDickie's SIDELINE SLANTS Meet 1967's by a college pinnacle of 13'6", in te days long before fibreglass poles. Afhlefe-of-fhe-Year Sometimes things come easy! It hasn't always been so when that time rolls around to point the finger at Shelton's prep Athlete-of-the-Year. Usual- ly the choice is tight and tough, but this was one of the exceptions. Decision reared its head in a matter of moments, and came out Chief Clayton. This well set-up, tow-headed senior was one of an extremely skimpy crop of 3-sport varsity letter winners at Shelton high this school term, a fact which simpli- fied the choice considerably. Not that the rules mandate a 3-sport choice, under- stand, but everything else being equal it's the telling advantage over a 2-sporter, who would have to be somebody the likes of Des Koch, for example, to rate above a 3-sporter. If memory serves rightly, Des was the last 2-sport star to rate the choice• But back to Walter G. Clayton III, • our man-of-the-moment athletically. At 5-fcot 8J-inches and 172 pounds, he didn't make his mark in football, bas- ketball and track all on muscle, al- though he had it stacked in the right places and it was tough and durable, as attested by the fact that he missed but one turnout during five years of participation in his three sports in junior and senior high despite living all this while 20 miles away out at Grapeview and rolled up an estimated 30,000 miles in that period getting to and from turnouts and games. None of this, of course, has anything to do with his choice as 1967 Shelton high school Athlete-of-the-Year. He earned the nod on the basis of his performances this school term only, in which he was: (1) quarterback on offense and linebacker on defense in football, earning unanimous choice as Olympic League all-star line- backer and the honorary captaincy of the Climber team, (2) second high scorer and floor-leader for the basketball team and second team all-league choice at guard, (3) third high scorer on the track squad where his versatility as a point-maker in the pole yault, shot put, broad jump, and high juhap was of much value, and h¢ was Olympic League high jump champion: : : In football, Chief led the Highclimbers in scoring with the aid of a highly-honed kill at place-kicking, an ability he devel- oped largely on his own, by kicking a ball between two trees, once his father got him started at it nearly a half dozen years ago. .Chief's dad, incidentally, earned part of his way through college with his foot, which was instrumental in making him second leading scorer one year even though he made but one touchdown in the old North- west College Conference when he attended Western Washington at Bellingham. Walt was all-conference end his junior year, but a leg injury slowed him down and confined him largely to a kicking role his nior year. He was also state high school pole vault champion at Hoquiam with a state meet mark of 12'9", followed All of which only shows Chief comes by his athletic prowess honestly and is only indirectly connected with his choice as 1967 Athlete-of-the-Year. During the prep career which closed with his gradua- tion this week, Chief earned eight varsity letters, missing only in basketball his soph- omore year. Throughout that time he also maintained a 3.0 grade point average in the classroom, participated in several dra- matic activities, was a staff member on the school newspaper, was president and secre- tary of the S Club, treasurer of the Key Club, a member of the student body Sen- ate, and just recently, in a non-school ac- tivity, received his Acolyte Cross for the seventh consecutive year at St. David's Episcopal church. He will begin his high- er education at Washington State Univer- sity next fall, where he plans to turn out for football. The only serious competition to Chief's choice for 1967 Athlete-of-the- Year came from Dave Gunter, another senior and the only ,other 3-sport let- terman this year. The gargantuan Gunter, in his three years of athletic endeavor in Climberville, earned nine letters, three each in football, wres- tling and track. Dave led the track squad in scoring this year with 77-2/3 points, throwing discus, shot and jav- elin; was undefeated in wrestling until the district meet; and earned all-league honors as defensive tackle in football. SPORTS SPLINTERS -- Had he not been tied up with track, Chief Clayton r.fight have l:en a letterman in tennis. After track season was over, Chief filled in on the junior varsity tennis squad one day and won a match at Elma. Ken Droscher, 1963 Highclimber base- ball grad, has been named on the Oregon College Conference all-star team as one of it two pitchers along with five other team- mates of his Southern Oregon College team which won both the OCC and District 2 NAIA title. this spring. Ken joins anoth- er member of the SOC pitching staff, shortstop, third baseman ,and two outfield- ers on the all-conference selections. Things look pretty rosy for Southern Oregon for next year, too, for three of the all-confer- ence choices are juniors, including Ken, and two others are sophomores. Droscher had an illustrious career as a Highclimi;er hurler. Apologies to John Sells. Last week's column incorrectly credited Gary Combs with holding the Shelton school record in the shot put. John Sells, the tiny Tiger of the weights, set the 54' th,, mark in 1965. Appearing in the Pacific Coast League box scores this year for Van- couver is pitcher Jim Dickson, whoso father, Homer (now dead), was one of the very first Shelton high school track coaches, back in the early 1930s, and had been Pacific Coast Conference javelin champion prior to coming to Shelton as coach. Babe Ruth League Play Now Underway • The newly-reorganized Babe Ruth baseball league composed of 13 to 15 year old boys has started play. The league is com- posed of six teams, listed be- low with their sponsors: Mr. View, Jim Pauley's; Hill- crest, National Bank of Mason County; Angleside, O. K. Reefers; Southside, Lumbermen's of Shel- ton; Hood Canal, Lake Cushman Resort; McCleary McCleary Simpson Recreation. Games played thus far pro- duced the following results: MAY 29 McCleary 15 Mt. View 8 Winning pitcher-Tutland 5 strike outs; Losing Pitcher-- Den- sley- 7 strike outs Turner- 10 strike outs (also pitched} MAY 31 Southside 8 Htxxi Canal 7 Winning pitcher-- Bacon, el- sen (also pitched); )sing pitch- er-- Dean, Cush (also pitchedJ. Southside completed a triple play in the 3rd inning. A line drive to Shortstop (Ferrisl to In Tourney first tilt 7-0, and coming right back and blanking the Port An- geles Comets 5-0. The Oilers couldn't quite re- tain their winning ways in the final two evening encounters. The Gott crew took a 5-2 loss at the hands of the Nygard nine of Bremerton-- the eventual tournament winners-- and in the final clash of the evening, the Oilers were beaten by the Olym- pia Carr 10-6. Golfs Takes Fourfh • In their first diamond action of the year, Shelton's Gott Oilers captured fourth place in an eight- team tournament held last week- end on Olympia's Stevens Field. The Oilers won two and lost two and finished behind the tournament champs, Nygards of Bremerton, and the second and third place finishers, the Olym- pia Cams and Bud Htggs' Lakers. The Gott nine won their first two games handily, shutting-out the Astoria Merchants in the THE MONEY 8AVER IS COMING SOON! I II 1st base (Julian) to 2nd base ( Stites I. JUNE I Hillcrest 3 McCleary 0 Winning pitche .... Jim Corey (missed a perfect game by two walks in the 2nd inning. Struck out 18); Losing pitcher- Greg Joins (struck out 17); Corey also had four of the five Hill- crest hits. JUNE 3 Hillcrest 24 Hood Canal 4 Wittenberg and Fredson pitch- ed for Hillcrest. Hillcrest scored 7 runs in the 1st inning and 14 in the 4th. Mike Nutt scored the only home run. MAY 8 Hood Canal 23 O. K. Reefers 4 Winning Pitcher-= Dan Cush', losing pitcher-- Roush; Hood Ca- nal collected 17 hits to 3 for the Reefers to gain the runaway victory. MIKLETHUN ELECTRIC'S team will face Gott Oil, on Callanan Field Friday night, for the first half season Little l,eague major league cham- I)ionship. Team memhers bottom row 1 to r: James Warren Earl, Steve Coleman, Bob Chris- \\; tensen, Danny Morgan, Leslie Greenfield, Rick Miklethun. Set.ond row: Mike Sullivan, Steve Simmons, Roland Starr, Steve Settle, Mark Tu- son, Mike Coleman, John Eager and bat boy Tom Wittenberg. In the back: Mark Witten- berg, and Clyde Rains. q'le Te(I Wittenberg and time for the play off is be served at the concession Bordeaux School Takes City Elementary Track Title The Bordeaux tracksters, led by three first places finishes by Jennie Nutt, garnered a total of 126 points while the other com- peting grade schools, Evergreen anti Mr. View, totaled 79 and • As has been the case for many years, a strong Bordeaux squad once again ran away with the honors in last week's Shelton Rotary-sionsored City Elemen- tary Track Meet. Golf Club Calendar VASHON'S MEN'S CLUB HERE JUNE Ii • June 11 is the day the Vashon Men's Division will invade the golf course in competition with the Shelton Men's Division. If you haven't signed up yet, do so as soon as possible, or con- tact. Tournament Chairman Jerry Thompson• FLACUS' TEAM CLOSES IN ON BROMAN A spectacular 12 out of 14 points performance by Flakus' team put the pressure on the first-place team of Broman's. Broman's first-place team has .606 while Flakus' team has a close .600. The standings are as follows : . Bmman 9/16 57/94 .606 Flakus 12/14 48/80 .600 Archer 1/16 56/92 .587 Miller 9/12 37/72 .514 Olson 6/16 48/96 .500 Sienko 10/16 43/96 .447 Carl 2/14 34/78 .436 White 5/16 36/84 .428 Thompson 3/12 32/66 .,121 I)strom 6/12 26/82 .317 TEAM NO. I: Sonny Lowe 2, Clint Willour 0, Clyde Brown 2, Gary Nicloy 2, Bill Batstone 2, George Hermes 2, A. C. Link- letter 2. TEAM NO. 2: L. L. McInelly 0, Bob Kieburtz 2, Purl Jemison 0, Oliver Ashford 2, Capt. Val Sienko 2, Harry Cole 2, Bert • Hoard 0, Glenn Sowers 2. TEAM NO. 3: Heinie Hihier- man 2, Don Pauley 0, Oliver Kelly 2, Bob Coots 0, Frank Heuston 0, Frosty Koch 2, John Ragan 0. TEAM NO. 4: Joe Holt 0, Mark Fredson 2, Ray Rice 0, Iwm Myers 0, Capt. Dan Carl 0, Del Cole 0, Kurt Mann 0. TEAM NO. 5: Guy Beckwith 2, Larry Larson 0, Jim McComb 2, Harry Peterson 0, Pop Hul- bert I, Bud Knutzen 2, Cpt• Kurt Broman 2, Joe Borek 0. TEAM NO. 6: Phil Bayley 2. Fred Stuller 0, Glen Robertson 2, Glen Ferguson 0, Capt. Gent, White 0, Art Bennett 0, C. D. Ries 1, Bob Wolden 0. TEAM NO. 7: Rocky Hembroff 2, Jack Kimbel 0, Bob Turner 0, Capt. Jerry Thompson 0, Geor,' Valley 1, Roy Dunn 0. TEA3I NO. 8: Tom West(m O: TONEY'S AUTO REPAIR 1817 Olympic Hwy. No.- Mt. View • Andy.Tuson 2, Capt• Jim Archer 0,, Buck Price 2, Bud Pauley 2, Chub Nutt 1, Don Brown 2, Bob Sund 2. TEAM NO. 9: Bob Slettedahl 0, Frank Travis 2, Clyde Coots 0, Capt. Dick Bostrom 2, Ron Sanford 0, John Long 2. TF, AM NO. 10: Jack Jeffery 0, Capt. BOh Miller 2, Rudy Olt- man 2, Jim Pauley 2, Bill Dickie 1, Elston Isbel 2. LADLES DAY TO BEGIN AT 9:00 A.M. Now that school is out anti the weather is getting warmer, the ladies' play will begin at 9 a.m. on' Tuesday throughout the sum- mer. All members arc urged to come out either for nine or 18 holes of play. Last week 12 girls played for Low Net. Mac Munro won the ball. TWO-BALL AND CRAB FEED SATURDAY, JUNE 24 A combination two-ball four- some and crab feed will take place .on Saturday, June 24. The tee-off time for the two-ball four- some will be at 5:30 sharp. The crab feed will begin at 7 p.m. Co-chairmen for the crab feed are the Kenny Fredsons and the Jim Hilliers. Tickets for the crab feed are on sale now at McComb's Busi- ness Service and the Hembroff Agency. All social as well as the golfing members are invited to the crab feed, and all golfing members are urged to participate in the two-hall beforehand. 75 tfints respectively. Individual winners were: Boys' A - 50 yard dash: Albert LeGault (B), Ron Singer (MV), Steve Tabor tB), Larry Grant tel Boys' B 50 yard dash: Ken Kingery tMV), Fred Riske (B}, Gary Hurd tB, Bob Davis (MV) Boys' C - 50 yard dash: Mark Lems (MVI, Mike Fox (M'V), John Mallinger (MV), Charles Earl (B) Boys A 100 yard dash: Dick Wilford (B), Terry Knight tB) Ron Singer flY, V), Albert LeGault (B) Boys' B - 100 yard dash: Roy Krumpols (MVi, Fred Riske (B, Ken Kingery (MVi, Don Morgan tEl Boys' C 100 yard dash: Mark Lems tMV), Mike Fox {MV), David Bored I EL Warren Earl (B) Boys' 400-yard relay : Bor- deaux, Evergreen, Mt. View Boys' A Baseball Throw: Terry Knight (B), Dick Wilford (B), Charles BoringiBI, Randy egg (El Boys' B Baseball Throw: Ken Kingery (1WV), Pat David- son (B) Steve Hoosier (B), Randy Howard (MV) Boys' C Baseball Throw: Larry Simlton (EL Danny Sewell tB, Steve Sergeant (MV), Mike Fox (MVi A Broad Jump: Richard Oltman (E). Duane Makoviney (B}, Mike Wilson (B), Ron Sing- er (MV B Broad Jump: Roy Krum- pols (MVI, Fred Riske (B), Gary Hurd (B), Jimmy Hillier C Broacl Jump: Mark Lewis (MV), Ken Fagan (MVi, Charles Earl (B), VCarren Earl (B) A High Jump: Terry Knight (B), and M.ike Coleman (MV) tied for first, Brian Grinnell (E) and Ty(, Hunter (MV) tied for second B High Jump: Steve Hoosier For 1967 LAWN BOY Exclusive BIG 4 • EASIEST STARTING • EASIEST PUSHING • EASIEST GRASS CATCHING • EASIEST MAINTENANCE Saeger Motor Shop %.  _ "We Service What We Sell" • .,r  1 0 Olympic Hwy. S. ".. 426-4602 Complete Automotive Service For Appointment Call Alex Toney 426-3971 (B), Jimmy Hillier (E), Roy Krumpols (MV), Sonny Vercher Denise (E), and Steve Baze (MV) tied Girls for fourth. Jeanne C High Jump: Gene Rank (B), (E), Warren Earl (B), Charles Ft Earl (B), Ken Fagan (M'V) green, Girls' A 50 yard dash: Girls' Becky Youngland (B), Nora Nel- son iE), Amanda Wright (E), Kay Howell rE) (MV), Girls' B - 50 yard dash: Girls' Michelle Drengson (E), Linda ShcrY Cochran (B), Denise 'ai'dnel'vey (B), Vicki Straike (El .... Girls' C 50 yard dash: GwlS Jeannie Nutt (B), Lorrie Johns- Jeanie ton (B), Cindy Sund (El, Debbie schatt Kieth (MV} Robie Girls: A 75 yard dash: Karen LeMagie (E), Becky Younghmd (B), Nora Nelson (E), Patty Dunbar (E} Girls' B - 75 yard dash: Miche]]e Drengson (E), Linda TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HORSE Kids love Queenie. Best cash offer and a good home takes her by Saturday noon. 26-8479. P 6/8 FOR RENT - 2 bedroom house, Arcadia Road /. mile out unfurnished. Watch for sign. G 6/8 1946 WILLYS JEEP, four wheel drive, good condition, $400. Ph. 426-8038. W 6/8 Figures Don't Lie... And we don't either. Because at 3/4 of one per cent per month on the unpaid balance --equivalent to a 4.5% bank loan, we're the lowest in town on a New Car loan. We even throw in life insurance free. See ua today and compare! Mason County Federal Credit Union Serving Mason County Residents Except Simpson Employees. 4th & Cedar 46-2202 I Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 8, 1967