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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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People Attend Reunion At Grayland Recently represented, union to spend a part of her friends in Lancaster and Io()k The family had reserved all vacation time with them. a side trip down along the coast months units of a motel in Grayland Last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. towards Sail Diego. Also on the writ- and the families started gather- John Berntsen was very sur- trip, a tour through the Hearst made, the ing Saturday from Wheeler, Ore Castle in San Sebastian is a sight reunion took prised when by guile and trick- Orting, Othello, Hoqulam, Kitti- ery, she was taken to the East- they will long remember. The Grayland. tas, Puyallup, Port Angeles, wood Room at the Alderbrook ohl Spanish Mssions at Santa eight Bremerton and Union. The weath- Inn for a surprise baby shower. Barbara and at Monte.rey were With their er was real nice for the reunion One table was decorated beauti- also visited. The Rebmans found grand- and all had a wonderful time very contrasting weather in Cali- n. playing ball, getting acquainted fully with the many lovely girfts fornia. In the desert it was hot for the expected baby, and an- 125-130 with the fourth generation and other for a large sheet cake and along the coast it was cool of the just catching up with fancily talk. with "Welcome Little Stranger" and windy. They had to come pres- Due to all the commotion they written across it as the center back up to Washington to find Ball, left all the clams on the beach, nice weather. Mrs. Alma All went home happy, sunburned, piece. The refreshments were the Engh, Carl cake, ice cream and coffee. Mrs. Sunday, the Rebnmns children, sore from too much ball and Kenneth Jones was the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Non Slighte and Clyde tired. (laughter of Olympia, and John and Mr. and Mrs. John Rebman a Widow of Mr. and IVrs. Thomas Ball returned Thursday evening from Rebman of Seattle, came to the All togeth- brought home their granddaugh- a vacation that took them down Canal to hear about the journey. -j generations ter, Pat Jensen, from the re- into California. They visited Their little granddaughter had )i , her first dip in the Canal and . it looks like she will be another Summer Family Wrffers ooo who will enjoy the water of the Canal in years to come. l..dY, so: Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'rle4 c.ence editor Cancer Rsearch?" The seminar cession of seminar tours for sci- Timm traveled to Bellingham to Y rec cer Society, is being held for physicians and ence writers, who visited cen- bring Dianne and all her para- ChUte i:.we, d an hen- nurses, ters and learned and reported phenalia collected during a year Ilty 0  Sc,enCe from In 20 years of writing and about progress in cancer re- at school home. Diana will be L m 0re,ortland re- romotion in the cancer research search He resentl edits the home for the summer this Thurs-   -, • , p • P Y , !ft.  se." city Friday field including the authorship of Newsletter the journal of the day. L ..vr .... car ' ' Mrs. Pat Nilsen, Mrs. Ed Met- :%a r,.. sponsored a comprehensive book on the National Ass.ciation of Science 1! lety. u:slon of the subject, entitled, "The Savage Writers, and is a member of zler, 1Vfrs. Dorothy gelsey anti  :Jl-terate a ad been Cll," led to the science degree the Executive Council. Mrs. Ruth Boysen were arrmng ;I ;14 by f:a?eldiS- honor for the New York science Mrs. MeGrady, the daughter the many people who attended L_ tists 'sUn- writer who spends his summers of Mrs Frank Robinson and the retirement party in honor of • on • ' . Mrs. Anna Sjoholm Sunday af- . lt a* the topic in Lilliwaup In '51, Dr Me- their three sons Pat Jr Mi ,,u .. • . • • , , ., - ternoon at the junior High i EXciting m Grady staged the first in a sue- chael and Seamus, are all writ- School. -iri | ers. Pat ivy. McGrady, Jr. ar-  $e rived in Lilliwaup last week with ..   his bride, the former Colleen ;!i  t Bennett, and is spending several ;ii00 ? T h H d weeks in a beach cOttage wOrk" II11e eclc er onore on a book on rejuvenation v00"t H S d ,o be published by Coward-Mc- Cann, New York. Colleen, artist, ere un Gy designer and former ballet dane- er, is painting, experimenting with cooking Hood Canal sea- Worthy Patron of Order of OES food presented to her by her Pourty-four of Washington, Centralia. skindiving husband, and learning Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dean of about the Olympic Penninsula failed to Lake Cushman .made a Cedar wilderness. wishing-well for the occasion. or the de- A surprising coincidence, when It was an interesting coinci- education_ Mrs. Sjoholm counted the gift in deuce that Mrs. McGrady, Sr. of her the wishing well it was the exact purchased an orange lace dress been amount of the years she had in Portland to wear at a dinner after- taught. Saturday night, and discovered in upon her return that the dress at the Still in a fog of happiness for had been designed by her new School, the affection and kindness the daughter-in-law, Colleen had for community showered upon her, used the same design to make as she re- Mrs. Sjoholm wishes to thank her own wedding dress, done in all for the lovely afternoon, white. like, who is a syndicated Anna Bible School For columnist for News Day, Long Island newspaper, has been given teach- she an assignment to write from for Faith Lu÷heran Vitha.. His parents received on h a phone call from Seattle 1Won- • "Living In Gods' Kingdom" day norning when he was en- route, about to fly to Vietnam, death is the eheme for this year's Va- via Tokyo, Japan. whom cation Bible School, which runs ..... on a from June 12-16 at Faith Luth- Seamus, the youngest son, has home. eran Church. Within this Broad been reporting for News Day, now scope, two courses ask questions: but has recently gone to a new "Who Is God?" and "What Is Long Island paper, Suffolk-Sun. Mrs. the Church?" Two courses stress He taught school following his ,unty, faith "I Believe in God" and graduation from Harvard, teach- Ib "What God Has Done for Me." ing one year in Chehalis and t" ° The remaining two speak of the two in Chugiak, Alaska. of sanctification: "Coosing pkq life God's Way" and "Leaning to Wish Pry." A hlv Of God Besides the lessons, activities ..ssem_.. and recordings, there will be Sets Bible School her tw film strips on Eth'ipia, our . Sjo- mission emphasis for VBS. ! 6, of r Well All classes will meet at the • The theme for the Evening Ta- church, with the exception of the Vacation Bible School at the 5 and nursery meeting at Mrs. Carl Shelton Assembly of God will Ba- Johnson's from 9 a.m. to 11:30 be, "Soldiers of Christ." This Pres- from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Grades theme will be carried out in the 1-9 will meet from 9 a.m. to songs and in the overall plan- 2:30 p.m. Those whose classes ning of the school. There will .... Alex last till 2:30 are asked to bring be craft, Bible studies, inspiring a sack lunch and beverage, nusic and interesting flannel- A welcome 'is extended to all graph stories. interested young people. The school will begin June 12 Aloha at 6:50 p.m,. and will continue Grand nightly thru June 23 Monday / r though Friday. SAFEGUARD YOUR HEART There will be classes for be- Le/l(J J ;,!, ginners through Junior High. : Shy. -c '' ( /,. The final evening Vacation " Bible School program will be :rence ' c  - Uni- ol of State stai- SHELTON VALLEY [ I e.  edrlv.phv;ir, llly Tune TOppers 1 lon.  a$five people have $ [Owe June 10 and 11 to the 1Oth Annual Buick Open, on NBC-TV. THE FIRST CLASS to complete the Simpson Timber Company's Better Methods cost-reduction plan was grad- uated May 22. Pictured outside the Colonial House, where the courses are taught, are, front row, from left, Bill Francis, Dave Leland, John Moskland, Lou Redman, Dick Brewer. Second row, from left, Inn Mann, Frank Abbott, Elaine Province, Ewell Einert, Roger Cooper. Third row, George Tohnan, Sig Fecht, Dave Caxstairs, Warren Saltz, Bill Low, John Conners. Back row, Rich McKay, Paul Ewerett, C. Henry Bacon, Jr., John Stentz, John Syme. Miss Province is Better Methods secretary, Fecht, Low, McKay and Everett instructors. Simpson President Bacon was on hand to congratulate the class and present special awards. BLACKHAWK € FARM FRESH "AA " LARGE FROZEN BANQUET Doz, Art Varieties pkg. SAVE EVERYWAY AT THESE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES LIBBY -- Regular 25¢ ,c, ¢,,.. FRUIT COCKTAIL 23' MAID I ='= T 5 QT. PAIL I DEL MONTE -- YELLOW CLING -- Reg. 25¢ S. PEACH HALVES ........................ 23 ° o.,o., BEAN ,,. EN S .......... 23* "-'° --* BLE, CH ............ .......... 2-oz.P,O. 47* .,w,..,, WH,E -- . o  € Z. PK 46-oz. TIN 11Jl DRESSING Chutney or 1000 Islands 16 OZ. SIZE LANDER -- Regular 69¢ EGG SHAMPOO ....................... 32 OZ. SIZE INSTANT COFFEE --*XWE 7¢ WHITE RAIN  Regular $1.49 HOUSE HAIR SPRAY '1 27 .......................... 13 OZ. SIZE l TOMATOjuICE YOUeverydaySaVe more CONOB BLUE A Ie .,.0o -,i e" at flese | WAREHOUSEpAyDIRECT PRICES ----U I/ -J  oaf li . 4eOZ. T,. im l * WHY Thursday, June 8, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15