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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For FAST SERVICE Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p.m. Tuesday For Sale FIREPLACE WOOD -- Hoods- port, Lilliwaup, Potlatch area. Phone 877-5338 5/18-6/8 HYSTER SINGLE DRUM load- ing donkey, powered by Jeep motor, mounted on old Chev- rolet truck, $250. Phone 426- 4064. K 5/18 tfn HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's farm .... Kamilche Valley. 426- 3740. M 1/12 tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cots. 4/14 tfn D For Sale OUR EVERYDAY PPJCE! Six miniature color prints from slides, 99¢ Regular $1.98. Zieg- ler's Camera. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn STOP- at DickinsoWs Odd Shop --Hoodsport. Antiques, used furniture, many other items. Closed Tuesday. 877-5223. D 5/25-6/15 40' x 8' 2 bedroom Angelus mo- bile home• 426-4546 - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. B 6/8 tfn FOR SALE: Used refrigerator and T.V., $10 each. '64 Honda, WITH For Sale LARGE CAPEHART T.V., cher- ry cabinet, excellent condition, upright Royal Typewriter. T.V. converter. Plumber's tools. Call Services SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil. peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn after 5, 898-2516. L 5/25-6/15 .......... PSYCHIC READING: Advice "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." and help on many matters. rubber stamps for sale at The 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- Journal, $1.50 each. 227 West 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn Cots. 12/1 tfn C/AIN---SAW'-- SH-'ARPENIN FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor speedy, accurate, precision or black/white with each roll grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- tor Shop, Hillcrest• Phone 426- 6163. 5/25 tfn 4602. 1/15 tfn WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS ol BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light room-size rugs. Custom-made grading, back filling, sewage For Rent SMALL FURNISHED downtown apartment, water and garbage furnished. 426-3351 days only. F 5/25 tfn ONE SMALL downstairs apart- ment, furnished, suitable for quiet single lady. Inquire 526 Franklin. B 5/25 tfn FOR RENT-:-: Traiier space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, furnfshed apartment. Edge- wood Apts., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn 15 Words or 10 addRlOJ FOUR (4) insertions for the prloe 3 BEDROOM HOME CLOSE IN l t/ story, well-kept home with well-cared-for yard, garage with utility room and storage or shop building, home has 1 bedroom Real Estate Real Estate 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, 721 Alder, COMFORTABLE 5 bedroom $8500. Some cash. Also one home for sale on Angleside. bedroom house, Dayton area, Phone 426-8047. F 5/25-6/15 some acreage, $8500, some ................................... cash. Phone 426-8113. WANTED: 5 or more acres, Shel- B 6/8 tfn ton area. Write full details and terms. P. O. Box 173, Shelton, Wash. 98584. H 6/1-22 ANGLE AGENCY S PAcI ou s- - THREE --b--r-o0m Hillcrest home, with family room, fireplace, patio. Shown by appointment. Phone 426- 3261. W 5/25 tfn ISLAND LAKE building site, 21/2 lots, shallow sandy beach. Also VACUUM CLEANERS -- We 150 cc, A-1 condition, $250. draperies. We measure, expert systems. Reasonable rates, down and 2 upstairs ..... Electric three bedroom lake home. 426- sell the best and service the 426.2132. S 6/8 installation. Your satisfaction Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. LAWTON APARTMENTS -- heat. Convenient kitchen with 3265. P 6/8-29  rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- 7/22 tfn 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- breakfast nook. $12,250 and own- ..._._.___..../€' 3544. M 3/2 tfn W'H---- AND DRYER, d-ini--ng is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Ol- , able, furnished, unfurnished, er may consider trade for small- One bedroom or bachelor er home. Bedroom ARCA00Z00 set, couch and chair set, ironer, sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, HAND SAWS units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn ........ Peovl:a;; b.u.y D-7--CATRSAL-JI--5ail--QUii: 2 matching rugs, bookcase, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn cene 765-3464 or write Mrs. chest of drawers and crib. 426- & TABLE SAWS 2 BEDROOM HOME waterTront Ilome " Noah Johnston, Box 175, Quil- 2809 after 5 p.m. T 6/8 "-E-E--HoIR of-beuty Ff--or HILLCREST Enjoy summer living the year e-garde "i tens, Wash. J 5/25-6/8  call for a Merle Norman Cos- SHARPENED rent. Downtown. Suitable for Modest 2 bedroom home with round in this excellent 3 bedroom ed homesites' .Ji one or two people. Adults only. excellent view of Olympics and custom home located on 3% acres ::..,--...u noq dr) SPINET PIANO to be picked up. metic demonstration. Elaine's, 17]4 Jefferson (Mr. View] Call after 5:00 p.m. 426-6450. water. Single garage and large of waterfront property only 4 f, Also electric organ. Will sacri- phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn R 4/27 tfn yard. Owner will consider con- miles from town on Arcadia rictiY,' with Davis loader and Interns- fire for quick sale, to save ............................. tional 46 P.T.O. baler. Phone moving expense. Terms to reli- FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. Ev-  FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- tract at $6,450.00. Road. Large family style kitchen ' el 426-4932 evenings. A 6/1-8 able person. Write credit man- ergreen Second Hand Store, with bat' and dining area view ontya 'les to . S-L-.B-WO()Dand p0ie Wo0cl-for ager, PROSSER PIANO CO., Matlock Road• Phone 426-2028. HOUSE MOVING room apartment, furnished, NEW HOME -- ANfiLESIDE ' ' • " ' a e and three ................ hwng room wtth fzrepl, c nree ,,, __ . "--bUSe.i  • , , • school v ]3  2418 First Ave. So., Seattle, W 1/20 tfn downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. 3 bedroom split entry home large deck fm outdom enjoyment, or l,$1t sale. Slab. $16 cord; pole wood Wash. 6/8 Houses Raised, Foundations D 2/23 tfn ready for occupancy. Large kit- daylight basement with hobby gbes_ and alder - $18 cord, deli'vered. 426-2582. N 6/8 tfn i--ve FOR SALE Large selection and Leveling then with built-ins, hardwood area, 2nd bath and rec room with uQ AI Ls- and inexpensive advertising, of reconditioned ranges, re- Phone 426-8147 FOR RENT .... Two bedroom floors, two fireplaces, double ga- fireplace. Double carport and con- a be2Un  bridle Just call The Journal, 426- frigerators, washers, dryers, furnished house. Call after 1 rage, utility room, Rec Room crete play area excellent beach stream ,...,nre  tre way from carpets and up- 4412. 8/19 tfn Eells & Valley Appliance 1/27 tfn p.m. 426-8485. S 5/11 tfn and ½ bath in full basement, and boat" ramp.' All of this and ,u this and _' holstery. Rent electric sham- Center. 6/5 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE An excellent buy in an excellent more for own:"YS tra,:v" pooer $1. Coast to Coast. 6/8  FOR RENT: Upstairs furnished neighborhood and for only $18,- ..-e-ro;. 'l Sporting Goods MOBILE HOME FURNITURE • apartment suitable for one 750. $26,900.00 , o,,.t., , - .... We specialize in quality SEPTIC TANKS quiet person. No drinking. Ref- bird baths, stepping stones• compact furniture for your erences. Apply 526 Franklin• 23 ACRE FARM a -- CLOSE IN CaLl 426-3653 icreSt! hS/ii We build planters and do small BOAT .... Fisherman's unpainted, mobile home. At Olsen Furni- INSTALLED B 5/18-tfn 2 bedroom hone,good barn and o#+,    -ARCADIA l0e :,  cement jobs. 1232 R. R. M.E. Phone 426-8113. B 5/18 tfn ture you're always welcome, • cleared, fee]d pasture. All B 6/8 i Wright 426-6516. 5/18-6/8 .................................................. 4th and Cots. 426-4702. Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Gravel, I)--FOe- outbuildings, 2[cres, mostly ...... "'"" Box 346A, r,- 1960 25 H.P. SCO -q?T outboard 4/14 tfn Ditch Digging, Bulldozing nished houses. Also 3 bedroom in good coz'/n and priced for  - j.::;'. home. References please. Ph. early sale aff$18,750.  ,.. motor, less than 25 hours use.  __//__ | 20% New cost $450.00, now $150.00. Wanted 426-8113. B 5/18 tfn Realy 426-8833 evenings. Mc 5/25 tfn First Bank Cards Honored WHY ? ? ? ? PAY RENT I Mr. __//__ FoR RENT :-. iurnished d0' Three bedroom home downtown t°wn apartment' Carl°n Apart- that c°uld pr°vide an inexpen" [ L  S' i}t:t DISCOUNT '= ft. SANDE ACE speed boat, FAMILY OF FOUR, one college, GLEN PARR ments. See manager, Apt. 3, sive home for a handy man or ,! mahogany finish. 28 h.p. Evin- rude motor, like new, complete one high school student, needs 426-6539 SHELTON 120 Kneeland. Phone 426-3011. someone with "talent." $3,850.00 ";it with remote controls, $325 cash. unfurnished two bedroom with 5/25 tfn , C 4/27 tfn with terms available. basement or 3 bedroom house. SALE Days 877_5311 Hoodsport, Eve- One year's lease. Call Mr.  GaTEwAY -APAITMEITS-- = WATERFRONT PROPERTY  rhea'  hinds Union 898-2334. G 6/8 29 Brotche, 8 to 4:30, 426-2626. Furnished, modern downtown. Excellent building site on salt he$( • B 618 Adults only. Inquir 119 E. de- water located only 2 miles from   dar. Phone 426-4895 or 426- town. No bank and gravel beach. - O tL 1965 100 H.P. MERCURY out-  WANTED--lrull-time employ- 4981. G e/1 tfn 163 feet frontage and over 100' @1" }ri t 't • Green Wear board. Single lever control, ex- dren, 7 and 10 yrs., light house- Tent for attractive, efficient tra gas tank. See R. C. Viger, work. $100 per month plus waitress, must have previous N deep. Room for one or two • .ique and 877-5565 Hoodsport. v 6/8-15 room and board. 877-5458 or experience. Phone Cushman electric heat, carport, complete- homes. Priced below going price • Arhhcml FOR SALE: 16 FT. Skippercraft, 877-9794. F 6/8-15 Resort, Hoodsport 877-5388. ly furnished and refinished. Call at $85.00 per foot. - - s / 40 h.p.Johnson. Tee-Nee trailer, wAN;14EDi Rent: lease or lease: c 5/11 tfn 426-4428 evenings. J. 618 tfn Prope Flowers top, 15,4 T.r o,tlon house with some acre- WX0000"D :::Live i", u"e"cu00: : ANGLE AGENCY net: Call 426-6474. B 6/8" age. Kamtlche or Shelton area. bereft, woman' to help in the .hOlse, tin furnished, 2220½ iSInce,.1890 .V: LOOK!] '"'"" ft HURRY! 352-1934. B 5/25-6/15 :&dams St., Mr. View. Call 426- " ........ yoU t', 2159, ' M 6/8 tfn  bUl" LIMITED TIME ONLY! MT. VIEW 1965 RAINIER, 15 ft. trailer, sleeps six, electric brakes, ek- cellent condition, $1200. Phone 426-4527. M 6/8-29 GARDEN SHOP 1936 Olympic Hwy. N. 6/1-8 2t Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replacement Warranty WATER H EATI,:R The llotpoint Custom Glassline water heater provides the ulti- mate In automatic, safe, effi- cient operation. And best of all, It is backed by lO year tank replaeement warranty. Eells & Valley Appliance Center 2nd & Cota St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing Center I GLASSPAR FIBREFORM GLASTRON • EVINRUDE BOSTON WHALER EVINRUDE -- HOMELITE BOATS 8= MOTORS Holesclaw • E,Z-Loader Little Dude Open Sundays Bank Financing Hood Canal Marina Union 898-2252 Used Cars 1956 TUDOR BUICK Special, needs transmission seals, other- wise OK. $100 cash as is. Call 426-3804. M 6/1 tfn 1961 FORD SEDAN, stick shift, practically new motor and tires, $600. Call evenings or weekends. 426-8133. Y 5/25-6/8 '49 CHEV PICK-UP for sale, Ex- cellent shape, new tires. '426- 2072. B 6/8-15 1956 CHRYSLER New Yorker. Runs good, looks good, new battery, '67 license, $125• W. D. Austin, Rte. 3, Box 328. 426- 8517. 6/8 tfn FOR SALE: '65 Falcon 289 Fu- tura hardtop. Automatic. Radio and heater• New tires. Excel- lent condition inside and out. Call 426-3784 after 5 p.m. A 6/8-29 1965 CHEVROLET Biscayne, V-8, for sale. Good condition. $1495. Call 426-2814, C 6/8 H [ [ Montgomery Ward Sales Agency Available in SHELTON, WASHINGTON Excellent opportunity for husband and wife team or individual with general merchandising experience. Sustained Sure Income 3k Business Independence CHARACTER REFERENCES NECESSARY Local Contacts Desirable Apply Montgomery Ward Sales Agency 220 N,orth First • Shelton, Washington _ I I ........ I • II IRONING DONE in my home six days a week. Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn HANDYMAN wans oDs. Clean- inff, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 tfn WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn OSBORNE'S GENERAL CONTRACTING We go anywhere in county do anything reasonable. 426-6241 5/11 tfn ] BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/30 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NOLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn BULLDOZING DUMP TRUCK LOADER Culverts • Bulkheads Herb Welch Construction 426-8349 or 426-8550 - Shelton 3/9 tfn WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash oz" Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn i i iii i Page 18 - She.lton-Maeon County Journal - Thursday, June 8, 1967 home .and care of elderly mother. Private room and bath. 426-3648. H 5/4 tfn Lost & Found LOST .... Paper collection book, vicinity of 7th or Angleside. Reward. Book number 30788. Phone 426-2075. K 6/8 Pets, Livestock AT STUD --Ibn Natif, register- ed Arabian stallion, chestnut, 15 hands, best disposition, grade mares accepted. Call Sky- lark Ranch, evenings, 426-2851. H 4/27 tfn FOR SALE: Gentle saddle bay horse, good children's horse. Sold with or without saddle. 426-3834. T 6/8 tfn Puppies! A good selection of Australian Terriers available. The newest Terrier in the U•S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent. Stud Service: Australian Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Poodle (white) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426-6152 Shelton, Wash. Miscellaneous LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex- A-Diet tablets. Only 98¢ at Nell's Pharmacy, 5th & Frank- lin. 5/25-6/15 HERB ANGLE 'DICK ANGLE FOR RENT -- One and two bed- Real Estate & Insurance room modern apartments, Jef- Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 ferson St. Apartments. 426- 401 Railroad Ave.' Ph. 426.8272 8474. L 6/8-15 FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom fur- nished house. Water and gar- bage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 6/8 VACANCY Edgewood Apartments Shelton Airport 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED Call 426-8584 4/6 tfn R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE --- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor - Exchangor, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn Southern Calif. TRADE WILL TRADE EQUITY in a modern, 3 bdrm., 1½ baths home, small hi-desert com- munity near Los Angeles for acreage fronting Hood Can- al : .... WRITE: LUCAS 100 E. VERDUGO AVE. BURBANK, CALIF. 91502 5/18-6/8 Real Estate FOUR BEDROOM, well-built, modern home, Skokomish Val- ley. Fireplace. 4 acres fenced, cleared. Owner. 426-8992. C 6/8-29 ..................................... MODERN THREE - BEDROOM NOTICE split level. Large fenced yard Henderson West Sloane is not a partner or never was a partner of mine.. Signed: Robert A. Sloane 6/1-15 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends and neighbors, the Salty Sashayers and Christmastown Rounders for thvir acts of kind- ness shown me at home and in the hospital in McCleary. Ken Gribble CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our re- cent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts dur- ing the loss of our beloved, Clar- ence J. peters. Mrs. Clarence Peters and family CARD OF APPRECIATION We would like to express our sincere thanks and our deep ap- preciation to all in our commu- nity who were so concerned and helpful during the illness of Mrs. Norvold. This community is full of wonderful people. The Norvolds 8/8 with woods behind• Near air- port. $9,500. 426-3227. T 6/8-29 BEAUTIFUL BROOKSIDE and upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tfn H A.MM'ERSLEY INLET. 10ft frontage, 1000' deep. Spring water. Fruit, electricity. 2 room house. $110 front foot. Inquire Mason Apts., No. 5. L 5/18-6/8 1S0' Waterfront ON OYSTER BAY Modern 3 Bedroom, Day- light Basement, 2 Fire- places, Carpeting, Drapes and Some Appliances. BY OWNER Call 426.4279 or 426-4597 W 5/18 - 6/8 ........ | ..... LaBI$$ONIERE Real Estate ONLY $17,500 This family home has 5 bed- rooms, 2 complete baths, large living room with elegant fire- place, large picture windows, view, separate dining rooim, kit- chen with all built-in appli- ances, large roomy recreation room with fireplace, well-land- scaped yard. Corner lot. LARGE & ROOMY Truly a family home with plenty of room all on one level, slate entrance, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, carpeted living room with fire- place, modern kitchen with built- in appliances, dining area, rec- reation room, 2 car garage, fenced yard, easy - to - care - for home, only $21,750. BRAND NEW- NEVER LIVED IN " 3 large roomy bedrodms, 2 com- plete tiled baths, gleaming hard- wood floors, living room de- signed for easy furniture ar- ranging, raised hearth on fire- place, kitchen is really a wom- an's delight, walnut cupboards, built-in range, dining area over looking patio, double garage, utility room, everything in this home, close to Mt. View school, Stores, all this for $17,500. SNUGGLED AMONG TREES 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, carpeted living room, kitchen with dish- washer, stove, lots of cupboards, utility room with washer & dryer included, large extra lot for pri- vacy. $14,950. Angleside. FIX IT YOURSELF Nice roomy home needs some fixing up, has new roof & sid- ing. 3 bedrooms, sewing room, bath, utility room, large kitchen, living room with fireplace, Only $750 dn. and $50. per month, Full purchase price $6,500. LARGE CORNER LOT Overlooks City & Mrs. All cleared ready to build on, City water and sewer to it $3,800. COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST Excellent planned home, large bedrooms, closets, bath, living room with fireplace, heat-o-la- for, dining area, kitchen with lots of cupboards and includes .stove and refrigerator, large utility room. All this on 2 acres. $13,500. Call 426-4666 Sue Daniels 426-3434 LaBI$$ONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 119 o. 4th --- Shelton, Wash. Just $500 down and $50 monthly moves Angleside home. It needs inside painting plete with pretty yard, fireplace, garag e Hurry, this is a good buy at $5,900. t./'  WHY? :' We don't know why some wise home buyer has'';a:; this trim 3 bedroom Angleside home. It'Sexcellel°ade .__'l and FHA appraised at $11,500. It's in 1. !j a large yard, full basement and a double g arage TAKE YOUR PICK ... ,,k We have three fine family homes priced frOroOde  750! Each has four bedrooms, a family e aia-lir , baths. We are sure you will like the styl homes so why not check with us today for * '. A"SHELL"of A HOUSE...  he vor And a whole city block of land can - .-thi u : An investor's possibility , . . better clec .dJt: Adorn this nicely landscaped yard which at0l, h conditioned 2 bedroom home, and a garagCte  ;:? $14,750 and on FI-i  .jL ends. Priced right at U _a,,= Lof,e 'l A PARTICULAR HOME FOR PARTIC This immaculate 3 bedroom Angleside hO. ,.,__..e1}l tows finest views, 2 baths, and a full b;Sappt'ilr ' you'll agree that this is a good buy at th .m,:,Bl, $14,750! :'? P.,VATE. BUT CONVEN,ENT-- Located in East Mr. View district on an °e p, out of the regular flow of traffic, with a }oPe !^b'l an easy-to-care-for yard. This 3 bedrooms, e : t and has a big family room, 1½ baths, d°O d0'!i ' more Priced at $18,250, it takes only L S - °,,,4];,, This two bedroom newer home has beenari.ttt,  and span inside and out. It's located ox*€7950 w" ,..!'/ an oil wall furnace, and is priced at jus • .... ...'' available--so give us a call. , o . o , o . o o , o . Heres a quality 3 bedroom home that is, owner. It is located on a big lot in a v,e 0 hood. You will like the maple hardWOy :;[/11 fireplace' the °il f°rced'air furnace' a°d "l tures. Let us make an appointmen t Sh°V/ COUNTRY HOME .,. I l0e#:dl, We've just listed this fabulous 3 bedrOO eBt6,ll: and located only three miles from city c .€ 8P;f,. garage and workshop, plus a 2-car c.a°]. living room with fireplace, blacktop drVV'call 't than could be put in print. So give us .0    an appointment to show you this $21,500,v ' / Here's a charming 3 bedroom home th atis and includes range refrigerator and living room carpet. Lots of room f, too l., a horse or so. It's a dream if you're no '::id 40 BIG PRODUCING ACRES controlll L. d°' a'°l There's marketable piling (a well 's  lf pasture for a small herd of beef. Theree 0 garden spot and a roomy 3 bedroom hOist ' '.' and remodeled. Good water, too. Price are flexible.. OUT OF THIS WORLD ---,ti  '." " ater  0 This is how people descmbe such a w $, have listed on Hammersley right noW. a? of perfect frontage with unexcelled ie,r ing pasture area and a most liveable r 0ff " huge living area. Terms ? ? Make yo • HIMLIE REA00t,,I 1717 Olympic Highway N. EVENING8 cALL: '# r .j,$l P ' DICK KNAUF 426-8110  _ .?I/t  VINCE HIMLIE 426-6501  DAVP'