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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tte S. McGee / to seek commission post Annette S. McGee has announced she will seek election this fall as Mason County commissioner in District 3. She will file for the Democratic nomination now occupied by John Bariekman. Mrs. McGee was raised Annette Bienek in Mason County and was active in 4-H, school activities and community organizations. She graduated from Shelton High School in 1953 and Washington State University in 1959. After graduating from college, she continued her education at St. Martin's, Pacific Lutheran University and Central Washington by taking courses in administration, criminology, juvenile delinquency, counseling and conservation of natural resources. Working with citizens and civic groups of all ages, including youth, has always been a part of Mrs. McGee's'life. She has been an educator for 16 years, managed the Mason County Fair 11 years, was park and recreational director three years, and has held positions with the Mason County Extension Service, Washington State University Zoology and Wildlife Department and Washington State House of Representatives. She is a Mason County Granger, a member of the Mason County Branch of the Puget Sound Blood Council, an active member of St. Edward's Parish, 4-H Club leader, counselor for Boy Scouts earning merit badges, an active Democrat in Mason County and has held numerous offices in the Democrat Party including state committee person and regional political action chairman of the Washington State Federated Democratic Women. Mrs. McGee, her husband Bill and daughter Jenny reside on the Cole Road. McGee believes citizens should have a voice in county government and pledges to listen and work with the citizens of Mason County. Responding to citizens' needs and encouraging people involvement is one responsibility that I will take," said McGee. "I am running for county commissioner because 1 am concerned about Mason County now and in the future, our youth, the working people, our senior citizens, the county growth, safety, crime prevention, recreation, and the proper use of our natural resources. There is a definite need for citizen involvement to provide a mutual responsibility for accountability in all phases of government." considers lower water rates Shelton City at its meeting took under advisement study a proposal for rates during the months. submitted to Howard Godat, split rate during the purpose, he said, set a lesser rate for over and above the that a rate of water used between 1,000 cubic feet a at the present cents per 100 cubic the rate for all Over 1,000 cubic feet at 25 cents per 100 Present rates set the rate for any use below feet per month. t said the split rate to all water users result in reductions in ills to some high Users of as much as said Dr. Bob Briggs him in the water ly, which had been by:the commission about the e new water rates on of lawris in the Use of water rate no sprinkling rate, as in the past. COmmission also if the split rate, if apply to the June bills which will Herb Fuller change could be he would look of having the go into effect on SSioner Brad Owen had some question the rates in such commercial users the rate reduction be under the he would be go along with it if a continuing study to use was. stated that because had been instituted year and was a Way rates were set -ult to get. of potential revenue. Briggs stated the previous rate had a split rate built in which was removed in the new rates. The heavier users were hit hardest in the new rates and, even with the proposed split rate for the summer, they would still be paying substantially more than they would have under the old rate. The commission beard about two garbage problems. Dave Knutzen, a member of the audience and one of those who has voiced strong opposition to the new garbage collection system, told the commission the 300-gallon can in the alley behind his home had gotten full before it was emptied and some garbage had been set on top of it. Dogs had gotten into the garbage and had been scattered in the alley. He stated when his wife had called the public works department about the problem, it had been implied over the telephone that they had scattered the garbage in the alley. Public Works Commissioner Mike Byme stated he would look into the complaint. Public Works Manager Dennis Colvin stated there had been a problem in some areas with people filling the 300-gallon containers with grass clippings so that there was no room for others who use the containers to put their garbage. lie asked those using the cans to hold off putting grass clippings in the cans until close to pick-up time so there would be room for other users to deposit their garbage. A request from Park Board Chairman Sandy Jones for an ordinance prohibiting overnight camping in parks and park parking lots brought a lengthy discussion. City Attorney Herb Fuller said he would look into the question to see if it was covered under another ordinance so that passage of an additional ordinance would not be necessary. The commission referred a letter from an l 1-year-old girl asking for extension of the bicycle path from the high school to the Airport Grocery to the county since the area involved would be in the county. gratulations Jim Getchman OF ELMA Winner of our $50 gift certificate drawing. Jim is now eligible to win a 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. Oorand Prix winner will be selected t random drawing on July 17, 1978. 2nd Street WA TO A letter from the Ci,il Service Commission was received giving the result of a recent test for sergeant in the police department. Placing first in the test was Bobby Finney, with Mark Oliviero second, Kenneth Dobie third, William Byrd fourth, John O'Hearn fifth, Edgar Wooden sixth, and William Steele seventh. Police Chief Frank Rains said he would have a recommenda- tion for filling the vacant position for sergeant in his department later. He also said the Civil Service Commission is taking applications for a test for po.lice patrolman. Building Inspector Dave Delph told the commission a request for a zone change for property at Seventh Street and Highland Drive had been held over by the planning commission to get an environmental impact statement and other information. Approval was given for a zone variance for a sign for the Super 8 Motel and for a conditional exception for a crematorium at Batstone Funeral Home. Delph also stated additional information is needed on a request for a conditional exception for the Collier Building. The building inspector also announced that starting July 1, excavation permits would be required by the city. Delph reported that as of June 1 of this year the city had issued building permits with a value of $6,452,000 compared to $1,160,125 during the same period last year. A large part of the permits, he said, was for the city wastewater treatment plant but, excluding those, there had been $2,834,195 in building permits issued, a 60 percent increase over the previous year. The commission signed a union agreement with the public works employes. Mayor James Lowery asked City Clerk Helen Stodden to check into the workings of a city B and O tax as a possible source of making up some of the revenue which the city will lose in the removal of the sales tax on food. BAROMETER by Wuersh of Fall River, Mass. Set in pine and oak woods. A special gift for Dad. Priced From SHIP'S CLOCK by Douglas & Emory Ltd. Brass with quartz movement. Designed for precision. *Y7" t SATIN JACKETS From Vanderbilt Sportswear Reg. $22.95 THE; TREI(Ic;URE CHE;T Kari n, Kristen, Rod Jr., and Robert say: WALL oI00ECL00NEI00 ° In its upright position, the WalI.Recliner As you recline, tM WalI.Recliner is only 1" from the wall.., gently glides forward.., to reel nn to full bed position! or lin r for Father's Day Choose Now| Over 120 Different Chairs In Stock. t ON ,, 10% tO 30% II I I • I FREE DELIVERY I I I II Open 8:30- 5:30 FREE PARKING I II I ( E1001 4th and Cota * Free delivery • Free gift wrap • Convenient credit styled for you personally 4th and €ota 426-4702 Thursday, June 8, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal 'Pa' 5