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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JourrLal cord Stream fishing season opens last weLas:e:hsregomnOp:n:;v d elsewhere on the Green steelhead weekend, with some success showed average success with just with rain, wind a.d success improved with about one reported in the middle stretch of under two trout per angler, temperatures cutting (Continued from page nine.) was reported at Brockdale. reported on Mission Creek Road. Doris Lackey reported a Cattle were reported loose check folder missing. near the Deer Creek bridge on George Moake reported a Highway 3. license plate taken from a Ethel Gunderson reported a vehicle. rug taken from an unoccupied Vandalism was reported to a residence, railroad corssing at McEwan Mrs. Leon Moore reported Prairie and Alder Roads. she found a gray male F.C. Lindholm reported four cock-a-poe dog. tires and wheels for a mobile Shirley Peele reported a home taken. book baglost. A one-car accident was Rocks were reported thrown reported on Olympic Highway from the C Street overpass, South. breaking a car windshield. Becky Simpson reported a Norm Eberle reported stereo dog attack by a bear which came gear taken from a vehicle, up to her residence. Brent Heftier reported items A one-car accident was taken from a trailer house, reported at the Lake Limerick Mike Hovind reported a Fire Station. waterski taken. A small, brown dog was A tree was reported across a reported found in the Belfair road on Harstine Island. area. An abandoned vehicle was Robert Corey reported a reported north of Hoodsport. house entered. A accident was A one-car accident was reported on the Mason Lake reported at the Union River Road. bridge. Linda Maddux reported a Juveniles were reported chain saw, cooler and food taken throwing rocks at Wolden's from a campsite in t!le Dewatto Service Station. area. Lawrence Goodwin reported A wallet was reported found chickens killed. at Lake Nahwatzel. An abandoned pickup was Boaters were reported reported at Carson Lake. speeding on Lost Lake. Mary Tratnick reported an Robert Fox reported a cabin ashtray thrown at a vehicle. on the North Shore broken into. Frank Fouts reported a dog A fawn was reported hit and damaging a garden. killed by a vehicle on Highway George Long reported .a 3. cabin broken into. A vehicle was reported left Barbara Moundenhauer on Highway 101 for two days. reported two stray' cows at her Mailbox vandalism was place. reported on Arcadia Road. Ray Sterry reported a A truck at Kneeland Center burglary. was reported tampered with. Vandalism was reported to a Joe Andrews reported a Simpson Timber Company fire vehicle driven through a garden, truck at Camp Govey. Prowlers were reported inside Jim Olds Builders reported a the Belfair Auto Wrecking yard. sliding glass door taken from a A door to Hood Canal house under construction. School was found open. SUPERIOR COURT A rock was reported thrown Dissolutions of Marriage through the windshield of a vehicle on the North Grapeview Gilbert Eggleston and Jocille Road. Eggleston. Pamela Fleming and Leon A scuba tank was reported to have exploded because of the Fleming. Marilyn Ledbetter and heat in the Coulter Creek area.  Ronald Schafer reported the Nathaniel Ledbetter. :ndshleld in a vehicle broken Ricky Andrews and by rocks from a truck. Andrews. Ronald Moore and Nancy A yacht found beached in Oakland Bay had apparently been Moore. taken. There was an attempt to New Cases hotwire and vandalism was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skinner discovered, against Intermountain Properties, A vandalized boat was quiet title. reported found on Sunset Beach. Lumbermen's of Washington Joe Matthews reported a against Mr. and Mrs. Elfin sliding glass door in a beach Montane, breach of contract, home smashed. Ada and Adam LeClair A sailboat was reported against James Critchard, breach found on Mason Lake. of contract° A boat and motor were Charles Schwartz Jr. against reported found at Shorecrest. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Schuttke, Jack Denny reported a wallet personal injury. taken from a residence. A tent, sleeping bags and a FIRE DISTRICT FIVE gasoline can were reported taken May 28, 9:47 p.m., car fire, from a campsite. John's Prairie, minor damage. Keith Hurst reported a boat June 2, 6:31 p.m., aid call, missing, child with head injury, Mason Vandalism was reported at Lake, transported to Mason Lake Cushman Resort. General Hospital. A one-car, injury accident June 2, 8:25 p.m., aid call, was reported on the Agate Road. injury accident, Agate Road, A car-motorcycle accident State Patrol transported. I I SHELTON'S OUR HOME TOWN June 2, 11:36 p.m., aid call, possible heart attack, Stretch Island, District 3. District 5 transported to Mason General, Shelton. June 3, 3:24 p.m., possible explosion, Coulter Creek Road, air tank safety release, no fire. June 3, 4:01 p.m., aid call, motorcycle-auto injury accident, Benson Lake, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital, Bremerton. June 6, 11:46 p.m., aid call, possible appendicitis attack, District 3, District 5 transported, Harrison Memorial Hospital. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to McDonald Corporation, restaurant, $184,513.51; Douglas McDugai, relocation of residence, $29,680; generally heavy pressure but reports of fishing success varied greatly across the region. Stream conditions cut into the opening weekend's fishing, particularly in the far western counties. Steelheaders were averaging about one fish for every two anglers checked on the Elwah and Dungeness Rivers on the upper peninsula and a few Dolly Vardens were also taken in the Dungeness. Heavy pressure from steelheaders on the Skykomish produced about one steelie for every five fishermen near the Reiter rearing ponds, with the bright summer run fish ranging from seven to 10 pounds. Near Flaming Geyser Park on the green River only two steelhead were counted in a check of 26 anglers, while in six reporting a catch and a slightly better percentage were having luck with rainbows. Fresh steelhead were also being taken from the Cowlitz, Toutle, Kalama and Lewis Rivers with 17 summer run brights counted from the Washougal over the opening weekend. Hot spot for trout fishing in Western Washington proved to be the Mashel River in Pierce County with an average of better than six rainbows or cutthroats per angler in addition to a couple of steelies reported. The middle fork of the Snoqualmie River kicked out better than 3.7 trout per creel and the north and south forks averaged nearly two per rod. Plentyy of people out fishing on the Skagit River over the Marshall Jackson, combine two houses into one, $9,600; Jack Wright, add to residence, $2,000. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to Lyle Barnhard, deck, $1,152; Rozell Brown, addition, $11,000; Anthony Corirossi, mobile home, $2,200; A.E. Dahl, mobile home, $18,000; James DeHart, residence, $22,400; Tamerie Dewey, mobile home, $6,500; James Forster, residence, $55,810; G.E. Glendenning, storage building, $18,000; Henry Graber, residence, $55,271; David Hall, garage, $2,000; Joel Hanson, mobile home, $5,000; Robert Hopkins, deck, $2,240; Larry Howard, vacation cabin, $23,604; S.D. Littlefield, carport, $1,600; Robert Miller, storage and shop, $3,750; McDonald Corporation, sign, $6,000; Matthew Lambert, Playground program portable storage shed, $500; planned at schools Robert Meatherlin, storage shed, $2,800; Ronald Query, residence, $42,120; Allen Eau, mobile home, $10,000; Charles Sokolik, mobile home, $28,900; Robert Strobe, summer home, $16,200; Fred Stress, summer home, $23,000; Arnold Tahja, residence, $45,000; F. Traverse, Susan ...... alteration and repair; $2;000; Jerry Twidwell, worm barn, $5,615. t :" .... '" .'.a- ) Shelton Parks and Recreation again will sponsor a playground program this stunmer, at Mt. View Elementary and Bordeaux Elementary Schools. The program will involve arts and crafts; games; sporting activities such as floor hockey, softball, basketball and track; special events each Friday; and a lot of summer fun. Planned this August will be a Junior Olympic Track Meet involving girls and boys in the summer program. An Art Fair also is planned in August to • display projects created during the program. Mt. View will be opened from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and Bordeaux will be opened from 12:15 p.m. to 3 p.m. and will be Wilderness to be discussed The U.S . Forest Service study of proposed wilderness areas will be the higlflight of the South Olympic Spring Loggers' meeting on Friday, June 9, in Aberdeen, according to Chairman Bill Truax of Boise Cascade Corporation. Truax said the annual meeting, sponsored by the Washington Forest ProteCtion Association, will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Nordic Inn, 1700 South Boone Street. Norm Bjorklund, vice-president of the Industrial Forestry Association, will take a look at the study called RARE II, which stands for roadless area review and evaluation. June 12 - Lacey June 13 --Orelon Coast. Inn at Spanish Head. June 16 - Point Defiance potluck picnic Daily call on demand )ortation -- 426-2568 SENIOR CENTER NEWS AVAILABLE TO ALL SENIOR iCITIZENS AT NO COST: ,Outreach Assistance, Telephone Reassurance, Chore Service, Notary, Assistance with Forms, Information & Referral. MONDAY, June 12: Kamllche lunch, noon. Games, Shelton, 2 p.m. TUESDAY, June 13: Lunch (Shelton), noon. Painting class, 1 p.m. WeightWatchers, 7:30 p.m. Singalong (Belfair), lunch, 11:00-noon. WEDNESDAY, June 14: Shelton, noon lunch, live music, 11 a.m. Blood pressure, 1 p.m. Legal aid by appoint- ment. Progressive pinochle, 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY, June 15: Kiwanis luncheon, noon, program follows. Lunch, Belfair, noon, Music, 11 a.m. FRIDAY, June 16: Lunch, noon, Kamilche. Music, 11 a.m. Card Club, noon, Shelton. Swimming, 1 p.m. leave Shelton Center. Potluck & entertainment, 6 p.m. at Center. SATURDAY, June 17: Dance, 9 p.m., Belfalr's Twanoh Grange, Red Eye Express. B/Pill gldt41i-lgll I III Space Courtesy of Los Rodgers As manager of Harvey's on Mt. View, Mike Harvey Owner/Operator brings 3rd generation background to serving the people of this community. He received his business administration education at Central Washington College and serves'on,the board of directors of Harvey's, Inc. Mike, his wife, Cindy and their eight month old daughter, Tina, make their home at 1321 Eait Dearborn in Shelton. You Can count on Mike and the crew at Harvey's for friendly home town service. 119 Wdlmm Blvd. (Ineellnd Center) " I I II I I I I I I  II I II I I I Hge lO -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 8, 1978 under the supervision of two playground leaders. The duration of the program will be eight weeks beginning June 19 and ending August 11. There is no cost. The program is designed for youths ages 8-13, but children of all ages are welcome. tile river. The White River provided some good trout angling with some Dolly Vardens reported up to five pounds. In Thurston County, several streams were good for trouters, with the Deschutes averaging better than three per rod and nearly four per rod being pulled from McCallister Creek. The Skookumchuck kicked out about 5.5 cutthroat per angler and the Black River just over two per rod. In Pacific County, Cedar Creek was good for nearly six fish per creel and Williams Creek showed three per man. In Southwest Washington, fishermen had excellent success on streams planted with legal-sized cutthroat, with the best producers including Mill Creek and the Coweeman River in Cowlltz County, along with the Newaukum River in Lewis County and the Little Washougal in Clark County. Some lakes in Western Washington continue to provide good fishing with lake Cushman in Mason County still producing some excellent Dolly Vardens and cutthroats. In Pierce County, Rapjohn is still showing good results with rainbows and Lake Kapowsin checked fair for spiny rays. Capitol Lake in Thurston County In Snohomish County, Lakes Goodwin and Shoecraft are reported at their best biting on lures and Spada Lake continues good for foot-long trout, with fishing limited to artificial lures only. In Whatcom, anglers report some good rainbow fishing behind Gbr[ge and Diablo dams. East 6f the Cascades, marginal weather conditions persisted through the weekend, fishing success. A reading set a record Spokane area for the dat¢, NOW OPEN A LOTTLg IBD? @ AWAOD Watch for Grand Opening Ladles' and Men's Sandals, Men's Shirts, Hilo Hattie, Miss Shasheen, and many others. 3 miles north of Hoodsport Highway 101, Hood Canal. 877-5261 O O 1978 high school we want to give you $5 This may be your last chance to enjoy lifelong advantages of Simpson Credit Union membership. You can join now while you're still a part of an eligible household. Open your account with a $,5 share and we'll match it with another $5 share. If you're already a member, add $5 to your share account and we'll match it with another $5. P.S. You're eligible if you or your family works Simpson Timber Company Simlog Simpson Building Supply Simpson Paper Company Eugene Plastics Olympia Oyster Company Simpson Employees' Federal Credit Union Ken Fredson, Post Offke Box 639