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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1pf Jot00 .. victim critical dltions planned Mrs. Man Hickson said this are week her son Chris, injured in a traffic accident near Sultan May ..-.-thquin Productions, under the sponsorship of Capital Music 18, is still in critical condition i=l has announced that auditions for its summer musical Everett General Hospital. ':tation, ,,. 't1, Friday, "Tile Sound of Music," will be held on June 9, l0 and June 9, and Saturday, June 10, tryouts will begin at 7 will be heard on Sunday, June 11, beginning at 2 auditions will be held in the social hall of the United of Olympia. For more information call 491-6257. She said while his condition has stabilized, he is still unconscious. Hickson was injured in a traffic accident in which Frank Brown, Shelton, was killed and stamp change slated his brother Charles injured. hk.;!ncome families will get a cost-of-living increase in food 7=UOtments on July 1, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Carol A I ! Foreman has announced. All food stanlp households in the a s ko 'rental 48 states and the District of Columbia, including single =, Will get larger allotments. Tile monthly allotment for a bs are Y of four, for example, will increase from $174 to $182. The IO 1 adjustments are based on March food cost data. Last battle described By ADOLPH JOHNSON Dan Hurley and his wife Honora lived on the old road to Kamilche Valley. They came right from the bogs of Ireland. He was the uncle of young Dan tOrcycle fatalities up SC arce Governor Dixy Lee Ray this enee is emer in that motor cle ..... week issued a warning to 1 v • g g cy ]atafities nave increasea in i•llere helmet-use laws have been repealed, according to a Washington residents who might iiSafety Council study. Data from the NHTSA fatal accident be interested in seeking pipeline teate that in six states that repealed helmet-use laws in 1976, construction jobs in Alaska this ¢Yele operator fatalities increased 26 percent during the first summer. ,,"ths after reneal above levels for a comnarable three-month Alaska Governor Jay la 1975•  - Hammond requested Governor /J[,, ' : Ray's help in alerting Washington pl citizens that the next major id ear ant to construction, building a gasline across Alaska throughMiCnada scussed and into the American "west, will not begin before 1980. FORMER KAMILCHE l SUtsop nuclear plant will Community Center. Both governors are concerned S C R E W B A L L A d o I p h  subject of a forum on Be#fining at 2:30 p.m., a that many people may use their Johnson of Olympia recalls ,JUne 11, at the Olympia slide show and speakers will !  " savings to travel to Alaska the "good el days of his seeking pipeline work, only to be childhood in the Oyster Bay address specific issues of construction impacts and future environmental and socio-economic effects of nuclear power on Grays Harbor and surrounding counties. Speakers will include Pete Swanson, local planner, and Quentin Bayer, Grays Harbor resident. The program is sponsored by the Crabshell Alliance, a regional citizens' group which proposes the replacement of nuclear power plants with conservation and alternative energy sources. Linda Fricke, spokesperson for Crabshell, stated, "This is the time for all area residents to discuss the issue of nuclear power and appropriate energy use in the Northwest." iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil|Ullllllnlllln aW.eathel," High Low lat01p. ,, Fahrenheit FIIIIIIlUlllllllnnllllllllllllllllllllUll Jqlh,,,naY add an hour :a =" and 2.4 feet. June 8 .... 1:29 a.m. 6.4 ft. • 6:10 a.m. 10.0 ft. .... 1:17 p.m. -1.0 ft. • 8:42 p.m. 12.0 ft. , Jtlne 9 .... 2:13 a m. 6.3 ft. 6:52 arn. 9.6 ft. ..... 1:55 p.m. -0.6 ft. 9:18 p.m. 12.0 ft. June 10 • . 3:03 a.rn. 6.1 ft. '- 7:38 a.m. 9.1 ft. 2:34 p.m. 0.0 ft. 9:53 p.m. 12.0 ft. ' JUne 1 1 • . 3:52 a.m. 5.8 ft. • . 8:31 a.m. 8.6 ft. •. 3:16 p.m. 0.8 ft. 10.33 p.m. 11.9 ft. t, June 12 • • 4:50 a.m. 5.2 ft. • 9:34 a.m. 8.1 ft. • 4:02 p.m. 1.7 ft. 11:12 p.m. 11.8 ft. 13 • • 5:46 a.m. 4.5 ft. 10:49 a.m. 7.7 ft. • 4:47 p.m. 2.7 ft. 11:50 p.m. 11.7 ft. June 14 "" 6:42 a.m. 3.6 ft. ":..2 p.m. 7.7 ft. • • :47 p.m. 3.7 ft. 'June 15 May 31 82 42 0 June 1 85 51 0 June 2 89 49 0 June 3 93 33 0 June 4 93 55 0 June 5 92 56 0 June 6 82 57 0 Celsius May 31 28 6 0 June 1 29 11 0 June 2 32 9 0 June 3 34 12 0 June 4 34 13 0 June 5 33 13 0 June 6 28 14 0 Tile weekend forecast calls for continued cool weather with a chance of showers. High • 12.26 a.m. 11.6 ft. temperatures are expected to be • . 7:34 a.m. 2.5 ft. '. 1:36 p.m. 8.2 ft. in the 60s and low 70s with lows ',6:48 p.m. 4.7 ft. ranging from 45 to 55 degrees. disappointed when finding there is no construction underway. "Those looking for high-paying construction jobs this summer are likely to be very disappointed, and find their savings rapidly depleted," said Governor Hammond. Hammond warned that several factors make summer job-seeking difficult and expensive: a higher cost of living, the highest unemployment per capita in the United States, no pipeline construction, and a resident-hire preference law that is being strictly enforced. Board to meet The Mason County Fair Association will meet at the fairgrounds office June 13. Trustees will meet at 7 p.m. and the association meeting will follow at 8 p.m. I llll II i i area in a continuing series of Journal vignettes._..___..: Park facilities to beclosed Jarrell s Cove State Park dock facilities will be closed June 12-16 for construction and replacement of floats, the State Park Department said this week. The park is located on Harstine Island. Other facilities in the park will be open, they said. Squaxin Island State Park will be closed June 19-23 for construction and maintenance of dock facilities, the department said. Equipment will be in both areas about a week before and a week after the closures, they said. liurley that lived on Oyster Bay. item and my father got along like two strange bulldogs from different neighborhoods. There never was much love lost between the Danes and Irish, as they had fought for thousands of years. Old Dan called my father a kraut-eating Dutchman, and father called Dan a potato-eating, bog-trotting Irishman. Dan's property extended down to Petterson's Flat where he kept his milk cow and what little stock he owned. On the trail down there was a stump where Dan would sit and rest. Jim Simmons nailed a bunch of little sharp nails on the stump. They found that out later. Dan blamed my father. When he sat down on the stump he thought he had sat down on a porcupine. The air was blue around there, and it wasn't hard to understand why the snakes left Ireland. Dan went home vowing vengeance on Danes and all mankind. They met one day and 1 I \\;klt' /.r k/ rtii 'y" i don't know who won the fight, Illllll V Im I IIMI satisfiedbUt fatherlookCameon homehis face.With Ita 2121 Olympic Hlway N. Top of the hlll.l couldn't have lasted long because 426-3341 papa had asthma and Dan had OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 to 9. . sinus trouble. Later when Dan got sick and food was short,  "iI papa took him a half a sack of SUNDAYS 9 to 6. flour and some coffee. Thus ended the last battle between the Irish and the Danes on Patterson's Flat in Mason County. Clyde and Lena Waldrip MILORGA NITE lived there later. I almost forgot when Dan got home, Honora started to LAWN FERTILIZER treat Dan's you-know-what. She couldn't see very good and got liniment instead of a home 100% organic. Will not burn. Best hot weather remedy those oldtimers always fertilizer. For that long lasting, dark green made themselves. When Honora started rubbing that on, old Dan color. Reg. $7.95. 50 lb. bag. forgot about his rheumatism and grabbed his cane and chased poor Honora out in the woods, I 1 and on his way back sat in a puddle of water. ' Iltl or on the sand, Q Help keep America Don't looking grand! lllu! BA RGA I N of the Month Reg. $12.95 I Conley TV and Stereo Center I  ,,,,e, [ and I/L Limited i Curtis Mathes now' 00oo00ro,o,o,o w, o, our Grand Opening Drawing 12-QL LITE I For TheBockyardChef Samuel Miller COOLER CHEST I WEBER I The best there is. Polyurethane insulated. I CHARCOAL Bill Brickert Holds 12 cans, plus food, I BAR-B.QUE KETTLES ice. Lid doubles asserving Arthur Tracy tray. Use on picnics, out- From $26.S Shirley Hicks ings, etc. Colors. 036 ' ' We also thank oil those who helped us celebrate our il- ..... Gr.and Opening, your presence was greatly appreciated, .,._....,,,.,,., Harvey's 12-4-8 WEED.N-FEED Will rid your lawn of all unwanted broadleaf weeds then turn your lawn into a dark green Wr'E0"I)  carpet. Reg. $10.95• 40 lb. bag I ......... covers 5,000 sq. ft. ......... $944 NOW Sooner Or Later, Babies Need Bedrooms. are professionally trained and thoroughly experienced in the business. Call us. We can help sell the hou;e you have and help you find something for your tI growing family. JERRY SMITH REALTY The more your family grows, the smaller your house gets. And when it's time to do something about it, the Neighborhood Pro- fessionals TM at CENTURY 21 are ready to help. CENTURY 21 leads the real estate world in listings and sales. One reason is that our salespeople We're the Neighborhood Professionals:" ab (0UAt V,$tNG OPPORTUNITY I j s a special thanks to our I I UStomers of the.last year I i _ we are offering a I | omplete Lube Service I | & Oil Change for J '4.00 I t   'IuI Oil ulld Filter I i ,, c,,,s I 7..k ; ,.i iI?  COMPLETE AUTOMOB LE SERVICE I 17, %"%. WHEEL ALIGNMENT " TUNE-UP I : X" BRAKE SERVICE" SHOCKS I ! A.%30}  LUBRICATIONe TIRES I 426"39591 * .: *Ud, 1804 Olympic I Y, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Ir0"Y='. rag. - np: :. P m", Hwy. North J Each office is independently owned and operated. CENIURY 21 JERRY SMITH REALTY, 7th 8, RAILROAD, 426-9751. 1977 CENTURY 21 REAL ESTATE CORPORATION PRINTED IN U.S.A. Tru.Test Deluxe Reinforced VINYL HOSE * 5/8", 60 ft. * All weather vinyl reinforced with tire cord. " Flexible in oll weather : Strong in hot sun Solid brass couplings .ow*9 ss 4 Harvey's Deluxe LAWN MIXTURE Plant yourself a dark green carpet. Harvey's blend really does plant a fine textured hardy lawnl Ask your friends, chances are their lawn is from Harvey's. 1 lb. covers 200 sq. ft. Available in 1 lb., 5 lb., 10 lb., 25 lb. and 50 lb. bags. In unopened 50 lb, bags. IRISH PRIDE TRU-TEST Baler Lighter Twine Fluid * NO odor * Ckmn * Falt * Leaves not rot or mildew, no taste * No Flare.up. Reg. ft. per bale. Reg. $39.95 $1.05. oo I I',, -- i'- ...... -7-- ,.--, 2 99 GAL. REDWOOD FIELD FENCING LATEX STAIN I 330 ft. rolls. 12V= gouge woven J wires. 39" high. Reg. $73.44. Rich redwood color for I bare or stained wood; J jllJl81 JIL__ shingles, siding, fences.  N Water clean-up. OW -- TROPICAL FISH SPECMLS -- Albino Tiger ,,be 4P1 Black Shirt Tetras 19 Penguin Tetras molenistu= cat ............................ 2/$1.19 Thursday, June 8, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 1