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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tl, 1 a ARTOO-DEETOO'S cousin, X-12, is a part of the"Star Journey" Summer Activity Program at Timberland libraries. Summer reading program set School-age youngsters are invited to let their imaginations take them on a "Star Journey" in Timberland Regional Library's summer activity program at two local libraries. "Star Journey" activities have been scheduled by the Timberland South Mason Library ',426-L;62)i for Wednesdy, afternoons from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The weekly programs of stories, films and crafts will run from June 21 through August 9. The Timberland North Mason Library (275'3232) has not set its schedule for the activities as of press time. Those interested in the program in the Belfair area should call the library on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday afternoons to learn about the program. Library materials with a space theme have been added for the "Star Journey" program. Some of the books are "Star Wars," "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," and various items about the constellation. Lists of ..... acienoeftction authors and authors of related non-fiction works have been drawn up to Bail reduction is .o,p .oo., ,o.e,, ,ooa,0 additional items. Cassettes telling granted by court Judge Hewitt Henry, after a hearing in Mason County Superior Court Friday, reduced bail on Dennis Marshall, charged with second-degree burglary and possession of more than 40 grams of marijuana from $17,500 to $2,000 and provided that 10 percent of that amount could be posted with the clerk's office to secure his release. The motion for release on personal recognizance was made by Marshall's attorney, John Jarrett, Tumwater. Jarrett told the court Marshall had lived in the area about 3½ years and had been living with his parents but was not now. Jarrett stated Marshall had two brothers living in the area and that he could live with one of them if he was released. He was employed cutting -eedar and had been employed with Simpson Timber Company but was on a lay-off basis because of an injury to his arm. I I I Marshall, the court was told, is 20 years old and has no prior felony convictions. Deputy Prosecutor Gary Burleson told the court in addition to the charges against him Marshall is being investigated for involvement in other burglaries. Burleson also said that in a previous court appearance Marshall told the court he was living out of his car and had no funds. Burleson stated he believed bail was necessary. Aplearing before Judge Henry Friday for identification was DeVere W. Foster, 46, Vancouver, charged w!th second-degree theft. Foster told the court he was a totally disabled veteran and had no funds. The court appointed the Tumwater law firm of Jarrett and Kaeding to represent Foster. the "Story of Star Wars" are available at all libraries and the f'dm "Hardware Wars" will be screened at library programs. Claiming to have been filmed "on location in outer space," the film uses actors, common household appliances and special defects in a comic mistelling of the original rdm epic. Some of the in-library programs will include astronomy, making space helmets, Indian star fables told on flannel boards, and a survival game in which teams attempt to complete a space journey with limited supplies. Take-home activities include star finder charts and star brightness charts to use in night watches. Star journeyers will also be appearing with Artoo-Deetoo's cousin, X-12, at parades throughout the Timberland region this summer. Costumed youngsters marching with the robot have already copped a trophy in the Westport Saltwater Festival parade. I I I From Sidney Gould Prestige Alex Coleman Mr. Alex Mr. Fine Jim and Me and more. So many people tell us they can't find us, attd we know we are hard to find the first time...after that it's easy. We're in Kneeland Center on Mr. View. From the direction of Shelton, turn in at Ted's Steak House (that's just past Hilbtrm-Pauley Ford), and we're the pink door next to West Realty. Just come on in! d.sepl00s Ileautlqu¢ Kneeland Center next to West Realty. I@ IIII ...... / I I Jl II II I I II I II Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 8, 1978 Joseph Leiva, ner/operator. Ph. 426-4266 I I I Forest00 practice permit review is discussed The Mason County Commission received some strong objections to a proposed forest practices application review policy presented to it by the regional planning office. Max Schmidt from Simpson Timber Company told the commission he believed the proposed rules went outside the scope of the county authority on forest practices permits which are first submitted to the Department of Natural Resources and are approved by that department. He said he does not believe the county has any authority over Class II and III permits. The county authority is limited to the two types of Class IV permits which are those in which a conversion of land is anticipated. He also objected to the proposal for county public works review of the permits and consideration of the effect on county roads. Also objecting to the proposed review procedures was a representative of the contract loggers association, who stated he also believed the county had no authority over Class II and III permits. He also said the amount of time requested by the county for review was longer than the period of advance notice required on Class II and III permits, which would create an additional problem. Also speaking to the commission was Pete .Overton, who told the commission he believed the whole proposal was out of scope. A group, he said, spent two years preparing the regulations which are followed by the Department of Natural Resources. James Connolly and Monty Anderson from the planner's office stated they could agree to review of only Class IV permits where there was a proposal to change the use of land. A couple of cases in which the Department of Natural Resources had not acted responsibly in handling permits brought the problem up which the review procedure was designed to avoid in the future. Connolly commented it was too bad that the good people had to suffer the consequences of what others did. One of those vho opposed the proposal stated, in regard to the proposed public works department review, that it appeared the county wanted to have the logging operators improve county roads because they hauled over them. The commission agreed to Sign Up Now For Shelton Co-op Pre-School FALL REGISTRATION. Toddler, 2, 3, 4, 5 year old classes. A creative experience. Parent participation produces pc for you and your child. PHONE: 426-7533 or 426-2181 after you see your doctor • •. continue the hearing until 1:30 p.m. June 19 to give the _[ '*""'"1 ....... planning department time to modify the proposed procedures. (/ i'SF spread "° he bring your prescription to word! Plans being made for fire season Forest Service crews and Corps and Young Adult equipment are being readied for Conservation Corps programs. this year's forest fire season and, These crews are being organized although the number of and trained in addition to regular firefighting units will be slightly Forest Service people, he said. less than during last year's Also, cooperative agreements drought, full capability is being with the states of Oregon and maintained. Washington provide for In Oregon and Washington reciprocal fire protection help, the Forest Service has taken a Worthington observed. While closer look at fire protection generally the Forest Service costs and has allocated some $4 protects only National Forest million heretofore used for lands, fire planning and pre.suppression readiness to preparedness is closely disposal of hardous forest fuels coordinated with the other land (slash and other material), management agencies and much This change in emphasis is valuable mutual aid is realized part of a long-term fire annually, he emphasized. prevention program aimed at Without such inter-agency ultimately reducing overall fire support, state and federal forest protection costs and damage to fire organizations individually resources, according to R.E. would be hard put to cope with Dick) Worthington, regional the fire suppression impacts orester, Pacific Northwest experienced by one or more of Evergreen In the woods... or on the street, Help kep America looking neat! Evergreen Square • 426-34S6 • Shelton HOUSING FOR THE Forest Investment Corporation, a Bellevue, Washington real estate building development firm, is contemplating the construction of a 38-unit low-income (based on ability to apartment complex for elderly citizens only, on 7th Street at the end of Park Street and along Goldsborough Cree' The complex will be two story wood frame with 30 1.bea room units and 8 2-bedroom units. Also included will be laundry and recreational facilities. Will those interested elderly citizens please complete the following form and to: Senior Citizen Center 2nd and Orovd ...... ' ....... # i Region. the agencies almost every year. Shelton, WA 98584 Worthington pointed out that "By pooling our firefighting one of the factors that, will help resources," Worthington said, the Forest Service maintain its "we are able to achieve greater U.S. Department of Agriculture ability to respond to all fires efficiencies in protecting our Farmers Home Administration that need immediate action will Northwest forest lands from be the use of personnel from Job wildfire." Port gets approval, denial on grants The Shelton Port The port district was told it Commission hasbeen notified by would be notified when the Federal Department of allocations were to be made interest but not a commitment or contract. Transportation that its again and it could reapply at application for $28,025 for that time. (Signed) runway improvements, clearing The port district was also Name and grubbing, runway lighting notified that an allocation of Address and safety fencing at Sanderson $1,870 for an airport master Field has been denied due to plan had been approved by the City limited funds, department of transportation. ' WASHINGTON INSTRUCTION 44// Exhibit F-1 ( RURAL RENTAL HOUSING INTEREST SURVEY The Farmers Home Type 515 Elderly housing proposal has b.e;rl e explained to me in detail. I believe these apartments are needed to prov.;, rural residents with economically designed and constructed rental houSl_ When and if this project is completed I will definitely consider living thef, and. could move in within__ days after th e apartmenLSe;d; avaimble. A 1 -- 2 (circe one) apartment w adequately meet my "-,1 and I would be willing to pay up to $ per month re,,-' charge. I understand that this signed statement is a sincere expression of J J J Linda K. Lee janiCe / Pamela Jane Melena Diana Kay Wolfer Richard M. Brooks James The above photos were not available in time for last week's special graduation section.