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to dedicate Contract, funds discussed with commission Bible
sanctuary ,,***nta,,v0 of the union because of a col,rt suit filed by had been told by the attorney from the state in paying for wlffch need to be filled and that school
'eVerend Frank Cole,
district superintendent
Assembly of God
will be tile speaker for
service for tile
of the Shelton
of God Church.
Service is scheduled for 3
p.m. June I1. Tile public is
welcome to attend.
Reverend Mr. Cole was born
ill Tacoma and graduated front
Lincoln High School there. He
received his theological training
at Northwest College of the
Assemblies of God located ill
Kirkland and began his ministry
in 1952 as assistant pastor of the
Assembly of God in Ketchikan,
After a year of service in
Alaska, Reverend and Mrs. Cole
returned to Washington where
they pastored at Neah Bay,
Catldamet, Ephrata and Sequim.
For the past nine years the Coles
pastored in Port Angeles.
In addition to pastoring,
Reverend Mr. Cole has served as
presbyter of the Olympic
Peninsula Section and as
executive presbyter of the
Northwest Region as well as
directing the camp at Fort
Flagler for several years.
Frank Cole
The judge
History is the judge;- its
executioner, the proletarian.
Karl Marx
For Women & Men
Layaway / z' '
Bankcards Welcome ..0/
and sheriff's office appeared
before the Mason County
Commission Monday to ask if"
the comnffssion had considered
any action on a proposed union
contract which had been
submitted the week before.
James Lowery, business
agent, and Gilbert Johnston,
assistant business agent for IWA
Local 3-38, along with
Undersheriff Jack Hauge and
Lieutenant Nat Stairs from tile
sheriff's office, appeared at the
commission meeting.
The commissioners stated
they had been advised by their
legal advisor (Prosecuting
Attorney Byron McClanahan)
not to have any conversation
with the union representatives
the union.
Lowery colnluented lhal lie
did not see how tile suit lied in
with contract negotiations.
Co mllli ssioner 'Fern 'l'aylor
stated the conlnlissiou would
have a counlerproposal later, and
a tentative agreenlenl was
reached for the union and
sherifl's representatives to return
later in the afiernoou. When
they appeared, lhe coiunffssioil
slaled it had other business
which had to be taken care of. A
tentative agreement for the two
groups to get together loday was
M cClanahan, who appeared
at the commission meeting after
the union and sheriff's
representatives had left, stated lie
representing tile union in the
court still not It) talk to his (tile
union attorney's) clients.
, McClanahan said lie had
some ideas oil the contract
proposals which he was going to
pitt into writing concerning the
way ill which vouchers were
subnlilted, what should be
included to be purchased out of
the uuifornl allowance, and some
oilier things,
After tile discussion on the
contract, Hauge told the
conuuission that because of the
escape froni the Washington
Corrections Center last week, the
departluent's budget for overtime
was gone.
Conlnlission Floyd Cole
asked if the county got any help
situations like tiffs, and was told
it did nut.
Hauge also stated there was
a problem with a shortage of
people since Deputy Doug
Haskins was still out on
disability and money to fill his
position had not been provided
by the commission.
Cole stated lie had said
before he believed the county
should fund this position since it
was an emergency situation.
Both Lowery and Hauge told
the commission that as far as
overtime is concerned, the
deputies only put in for about
half of the overtime they
actually work.
Stairs stated there are two
spots open in the patrol division
the events of the past weekend
have pointed out tile need for
more people.
Deuces wild
Liberalism today has become
deuces wild. It can be used to
fill any Iland. If I had my way,
however, I would make it a
crinffnal offense for anyone to
parade under the banner of
liberalism who was not
conscientiously and even
religiously devoted to the ideal
that in an industrial democracy,
freedom of opportunity is the
great value that must be
preserved above all others. Unless
this freedom is preserved, no
other freedom will be secure.
Thurmond Arnold
Vacation Bible School will be
held at the Northside Baptist
Church next week.
There will be a special
session from 2 to 4 p.m. Monday
with the classes the rest of the
week from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Classes will be held for those
in the second through the sixth
grade. The classes will include
Bible study, arts and crafts.
The classes will be held in
the church at 123 West C Street.
Most cruel
History is about the most cruel
of all goddesses.
Frie, drich Engels
Yes, 32 years ago Galloping Generous George started out
in the appliance business in Shelton with Walt Nash...and
he's been gaining ground every year bringing the best in
sales and service to Shelton and Mason County. Through the
month of June he'll be celebrating his anniversary with
savings and a free drawing for you. Come on in!
Olympic Gateway Center,
2505 Olympic Hwy. North
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9-6,
Thursday, Friday 9 to 7,
Saturday, 9:00-5:30
100% Polyester & Double Knit.
Elastic Waist.
t6tl i i-
Sizes 8-18 32-38
Sizes 32-52
Come in and help
us celebrate!
You'll get
your major appliance
or furniture purchase
in June.
Sizes 32 to 60
Microwave Oven
Come in during June
and sign up for
'20"" Micro wave o yen.
• Drawing to be held
Cook with the World's Most Advanced June 30.
Cooking Method
ful Sweater knits for
"¢¢QSions. Wash and
l! for easy care, of
rsQ. Short sleeve.
I I.m.l.x..xxl.xxxl.
i9"',o* 1
Thursday, June 8, 1978 - $helton-Mason County Journal . Page 15