June 8, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 8, 1978 |
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School out Tuesday
By DORA HEARING e Sandy Bridges family and the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
DaveBoothe family. Walter Breckenridge of
Mary M. Knight School will
close for summer vacation Matlock Pinochle Club met Chiloquin, Oregon and to attend
Tuesday. at the Grange Hall Saturday the graduation exercises of Dana
evening with Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Hopkins Breckenridge from high
Matlock Grange held its Ford hosts. High score went to school.
meeting Friday evening with a Gene Townsend and Audrey Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dowling
potluck supper. There were four Austin; pinochle to Gene are enjoying a visit from Mrs.
visitors, the master of Pomona Townsend and June Milam; and Dowling's mother from San
Grange, Ralph Welch of Fair low score to Roy Andersen and Diego.
Harbor; and. Mr. and Mrs Kay Barnes. Next party is June Mrs. Leslie Stevens and son
tcnester valley ann narola 17 Bob of Duvall were visitors
Hunter ofSkokomish. The group "Mr. and Mrs. Mike Friday at the home of Mr. and
had a fried chicken supper. Brehmeyer and children, Mrs. Mrs. William Barnes Sr. They left
Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford spent Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. and Mr. Mrs. Stevens mother, Mrs.
Thursday at South Bend with and Mrs. R.E. Bradberry were Aimll VanWyh of Bellevue, to
visit the Barneses Friday and
Co ps pe mit is Saturday.
r r Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boothe
and son of South Bend were last
asked fo r work week Monday guests at the l.C.Ford home.
Melville Knoff of Colorado
Application has been received impact of the proposed activity Springs spent a couple days last
by the Seattle U. S. Army Corps on the public interest. That week with his sister and family,
of Engineers Office, Brinnon decision will reflect the national the Grant Siehls. He left for a
from Eivind H. Hjelvik, Brinnon, concern for both protection and
, trip with his motorcycle through
..... .... on behalf of himself and Ethel utilization of important Alaska and Canada.
.... ::i Hjelvik for Department of the resources. The benefit which Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fitting
[ " Army permit in accordance with reasonably may be expected to and family spent the weekend at
..... Section 10 of the River and accrue from the proposal must the Grant Siehl home to
Harbor Act of March 3,1899 for be balanced against its
3: /i work in Right Smart Cove, reasonably foreseeable celebrate Brian Siehl's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson
MEMBERS OF DEN 2, Pack 126, were the winners of the attendance Dabob Bay, Hood Canal near detriments. All factors which and girls Candy and Kimberly
trophy at the May pack meeting for having the most people present. Brinnon. may be relevant to the proposal motored to Idaho for the
The work is to construct a will be considered; among those
weekend to attend a family
ramp, drive piling, and install a are conservation, economics, reunion.
Scouts u-'Even awards float for commercial boat aesthetics, general environmental Mrs. Edward Valley spent
launch, concerns, historic values, tish Saturday afternoon with Mrs.
Preliminary review by the and wildlife values, flood damage Wayne Evers.
During the May meeting of received the naturalist, were Art Homburg, district Seattle District indicates that this prevention, land use, navigation, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Cub Scout Pack 126 several outdoorsman, artist and forester executive for the Mason District, work will not significantly affect recreation, water supply, water and son Don spent the weekend
awards were received. Robert awards. Earning the highest and Marie Crader, program the quality of the human quality, energy needs, safety, with Mrs. Alta Kelly and Don
Wood received one gold arrow award that a Cub can ear was director for Cub Day Camp. environment• The preparation of food production and, in general, just got back after spending 18
point and the wolf badge. Kevin Patrick McElroy with the Arrow The next pack meeting will a Federal Environmental Impact the needs and welfare of the months at Ecuador in the Peace
Smith of the Webelos received of Light award, be June 25 at I p.m. at Pioneer Statement is not anticipated at people. Corps.
the naturalist and engineer Special guests were also at School. The activities will be this time. Comments on these factors Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams of
awards, while Mike Deacon the May meeting to give a centered around track and field Preliminary determinations will be accepted and made part Enumclaw spent a couple days at
presentation on day camp. They events, indicate that the proposed of the record and will be the Lud Rossmaier home last
[-wi-ilL/ll;l- --] activity will not affect considered in determining week. Tuesday evening Mr. and
endangered species, or their whether it would be in the best Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were dinner
t, iuo,.iv,,., ,,, I
AARP h g critical habitat, designated as public interest to grant a permit, guests at the James Rossmaier
l h ahs meety endangered or threatenend Comments should reach the hom "
S e to celebrate Mrs. James
pursuant to the Endangered cattle Corps office not later Rossmaier'sbirthday. Sunday the
Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat. than July 3, 1978 to insure Lud Rossmaiers spent at Rainer
at c urc recen 844). Formal consultation conslderatmn
i;i pursuant to Section 7 of the Act " " " with the Paul Rossmaiers.
" r , When Shelton Chapter No. The membership unanimously with the Department of the r -
Interior is not required for this / NOW OPEN . . . WEIRE NEW!
of 00m0, a,,00, to 00on,a00
Husqvarna Association of Retired Persons afternoon entertainment program proposed activity•
[ Ik,= ............ met at the United Methodist at Fir Lane Convalescent Home Presently unknown 1 MILL CREEK ENTERPRISES
i-Ai-¢iR- Church Monday, the group voted with a contribution of $25. archeological, scientific, / Just off Highway 3 on Mill Creek Road, Shelton
prehistorical or historical data
llw to skip the regular July .me.eting i , Membership Chairrnan Sybil may be lost or destroyed by l Phone 426-5404 r
' aaa 't?, plan tot a' plCmc'at Ratine asked each member tO work to be accomplished under l l--t • Precision Machining,
rotlatch State Park August 7 er
• please check their memb ship the requested permit. The work | • , 1 _.. Light Welding and Parts
i i i card and pay dues when owed, is not located on a property J t/JJ/( Remanufacturing
1 I1 ! as sending out notices is very registered in the National / ]NI N •Gunsmithing
U I_[i_1111 expensive. Register of Historic Places. I Illllllr \\; • Bearing Pressing
IRflE I i --,-, Assistant State Director The decision whether to issue -- OPENMON.-SAT. 9A.M.-SP.M.,
i ill lUl II Owen Elliot gave a report on the a permit will be based on an - "
m • IIlll Ju,.,n Ill., nationalo convention that met in evaluation of the probable I±PAIR
nn r' III Chicag last month. ELECTRIC MOTOR R
HI lUl 'ud'I Cindy McMahan gave a talk
UU Uk] II1 on her work with the combined License is WE REPAIR
• Electric Chainsaws • Skilsaws • Electric Mowers
uuuFIN city and county parks and d
recreation departments, approve • Electric Power Tools (of all kinds)
She informed the group this The Washington Stat Liquor We have new and used electric motors
l l is anewconceptandhasmany Control Board announced this for ony purpose, lf it's not in stock, we can get it!
exciting possibilities, week a Class E-F liquor license CALL:
F.E. Hefferline of the Forest to sell beer and wine for home
i ,., ! Investment Corporation, Seattle, consumption has been approved Sh-ltorlEI.ctrlcMotorR-pair....,r,.i
spoke briefly on plans for a for Heinz L. Gumpel for Park 426-4918
senior apartment building at the Place Marker, Star Route 2, Box
r]j- ] foot of Seventh Street hill. 200, Belfair.
.... l l i .'L,
County 1$ New homes, new construction
foundations, siding, roofing.
Getting a New DonebyJ&JConstruction.
Neighbor in 111611IR INSURMK:I RMI$?
No Joe fop am oe SMArt
Evergreen 479 2.9
C°untry" .,
Bllll]01 Shelton -- Olympia
I Leave Shelton 8:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m.
=Dt-, .... =-=o, ............. Arrive Olympia 9:15 a.m. 5:15 p.m.
Too often careless good record, see us about
drivers nudge up your SAFECO. Chances are you Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p.m.
rates with claims. SAFECO can save money. Arrive Shelton 10:15 a.m. 6:20 p.m.
doesn't think responsible
00IIEI drivers should have to pay
for the carelessness of PARCEL EXPRESS SERVICE
others. So if you have a OLYMPIA DEPOT SHELTON DEPOT
[HI[ I ky He b ff Ag cy Greyhound Bus Depot Senior Center
Roc m ro en .o,,o,o.oo..,. 0,ov ,,,..,
Phone: 357-5541 Phone: 426-2910
i Residential, Commercia
& Texturing
l 426-8836
Illl llllllllllll lllll