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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!:000d Canal West: bcal students among high school graduates the Hoodsport Community Hall. Dimitri Todd from the Mason County Sheriff's Office will be describing the "Neighborhood Watch" program, and explaining how citizens can cooperatively keep themselves and each other safer from vandalism and other crimes. AI Pile, the Cushman security officer, will discuss the special security problems of the area and how they can best be handled. GINIA REIS I e Hood Canal School l) s Assembly will be held at /:l. June 12. Grades four eight will attend the l$1Y, and their families are l.elcome Awards will be lLthe fields of scholarship, P, athletics, music, and drill team. lUnlmer vacation begins School is dismissed at 10 12., have just a few items, the Lions Club will sell them for a 15 percent fee. The Lions also accept donations to be sold in support of the Lions' many charitable works and community betterment programs. The Lake Cushman Ladies Golf Club May 31 competition was for fairway shots, all strokes except those on putting greens. Players therefore had two-thirds They are visiting Lucille and Gray, Timothy J. LeClair, Sherry Elmer Edwards, Mrs. Scrafford's Messer, Kenneth D. Richert, parents. William Shugart, Jim Tobin, The Lake Cushman Fire Debra Ann Twidwell, Kathy Ann Department is preparing to start Vrahnos, L. Benjamin Ward, its training program for volunteer Barbara S. Whitten and Renee firefighters. Men and women Winget. interested in becoming This Saturday night the firefighters are asked to call Hood Canal eighth-grade students chairman Joe Hudson at will be honored at a 877-9578. dinner/dance given by their Fire commissioners of the parents at school. The potluck forest and then lead tile children on nature walks. Thank you for helping, Mr. and Mrs. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Whitson, Mrs. Ragan and Mrs. Carter. Parents are reminded as the school year draws to an end to please be sure monly gets to school to pay for charged lunches and book fines. of their usual handicaps. Arlene Lake Cushman Department will buffet dinner will be served at 7 Tile Hood Canal School We now offer /oney Market Certificates in $10,000 minimums, I CO This Saturday is Lions Club Baker scored highest. Ruth meet on Wednesday, June 21, at p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dis!rict employes and their six month maturities. So if you're interested in high-yield, short- I MMUNITY NEWS Flea Market Day at the Hood Butler and Marian Hopkins tied 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Cushman Manvellor are bringing the meats, famdles are invited to a potluck term investments based on treasury bill rates, please call us. I?he Lake Cushman Canal Womans Clubhouse in for second place. Ann Anderson Sales Office. and all the other dishes will be dinner tomorrow night at 5:30 426-8234 Ir0vernent Association will Potlatch. Those renting tables and Mary Thomsen were tied as brought by the other parents, p.m. at the Skokomish Valley  _ • • third-place winners. All golfers in SCHOOL NEWS Mrs. Laney is in charge of home of Superintendent and I00Plm00t Curulnd l00d:d;nn=l R:mnb the area are welcome to join this Hood Canal School decorating for the festivities. Mrs. Rbbert Delming. -,jV---,-,..L .1,,, .mu,.=i ulaiim weekly competition• Tee-off time congratulates their alumni who Dance music will be from a is 9 a.m. every Wednesday. graduated from Shelton High tapedeck provided by Jim -- , , , ' The H°°d Canal Li°ns Club Sch°°l Tuesday night" They are Bennett" The chaper°nes will be I t//., CO executive board meets tonight at Glen H. Anderson, Tim Avey, the Bennetts, Browns, Dehnings 8 p.m. in the PUD Building in John A. Bolender, Stanley L. and Perkins. I ...x:,.// /*  • J ,)i_, '' x00ason  unty Potlatch. Bourgault, Jeffrey F. Butters, The Hood Canal School .3A/. - , .,, • The Robert Scraffords from Judy Lee Ann Collins, James Board meets next Wednesday I 'IL I''1 00l00uslness Southern California, who lived in Martin Cole, Carolyn Cultee, evening, June 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Shelton for many years, have Kathryn Cultee, Linda Marie the school library. The agenda just arrived for the summer. Freeman, TroyE. Goos, JohnE. will include discussion of the ] i/ _/!r:!-,'/ possible resubmission of the  • -- special levy which failed, J " --: f/ l0011"ectoF00/-" S ie. .nd principally for lack of voter c ntists atte turnout. The flegotiations l 4" :,"- ./ I ""-' ,'Kz b*. ' ' i proposals for next year s ! ",-,,: "/ , nationa meeting willc°ntractSbe withdiscussed.district employeSAnother l ' Want action? Call an expert to help you. important item on the school Accountant Electric Motor Repair Recreational Vehicles YOU SHOULD CHOOSE ONE PHARMACY Because today's medicines are so much more POtent and so much more specific, Jt has become very important that a family choose one pharmacy to fill all their drug needs for both prescription and non- prescription drugs. A family should "shop" for a Phlrlnacy they feel eomfortable with in much the Utme manner they "shop" for a physician or dentist. We hope you will choose our pharmacy for your family. We are dedicated to your better health and COncentrate our efforts toward achieving this goal. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US then you need a delivew. We will deliver without extra charge. A great many pie rely on us for their health needs. We requests for delivery service and charge aCCounts• Nell's Pharmacy !! Fifth & Franklin 5t.--426-3327 !. ' Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30: Saturdays--9:30 to6:00 , 0000000 0000000 ill Jill Jill ,,,-s .ow 1/2 PRICE AND STATIONERY 425-6102 131 Railroad Ave. s, Voters, Taxpayers of Washington State Please read this and think : five years ago our legislators in Olympia amended it tion so that all properties would be appraised (and )at their true and full market value. B.eausin 8 hardship to the extent that retired people tl teir homes to excessive taxation. tsk that you write your state senators and t tt yes, demanding that they introduce and support that will amend the Constitution to correct this h situation. aew amendment is to read "All property is to be al appraised st its true snd fair market value until ' I tttains the age of 65 years. At that time his primary be appraised at the actual cost that he paid at the :lu or building." contributions to the undersigned sponsor will t) run. this ad in every newspaper in our state and J"I: 1i advt. bY Mason County Taxpayers Association Iohn W. Codling, Pres., Belfair, WA 98528 I 24th District Legislators are: 11 ; Conl State Senate Bldg., Olympia 98504 )n el .1 Polk, Port Townsend 98368 " .. Brad . 918. Ellinor, Shelton 98584 Christian Scientists were told at their 83rd Annual Meeting, Monday in Boston, Massachusetts to put aside "busy work, organizational mechanics, and zeal for media exposure." Among those attending the meeting were Mary Ninnis and Charles Herz of Shelton who joined others from the Pacific Northwest on a special flight east for the meeting. "The need today," said the Christian Science Board of Directors, in its message to the denomination's global membership, "is for more healing, more spirituality, meekness, humility." In a strongly-worded statement, the directors warned against "powerful mental cross-currents at work against religion and against the moral code inculcated by Christianity." "It's obvious that the present period is marked by a conspicuous lack of stability - in our homes, schools, and institutions, our commercial and public life as well as in individual experience," sad the Directors' statement. The Directors are principal officers of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, of which Christian Science congregations around the wodd are branches. The Board statement was read by Chairman DeWitt John. He reminded the several Burglary is charged Dennis E. Marshall, 20, Hoodsport, has been charged with Second-degree burglary and possession of a controlled substance. Charges were filed against him in Mason County Superior Court last week by the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. Marshall was arrested about 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Potlatch area by sheriff's deputies who had answered a call from 8 woman who told officers she had observed a man leave her home just as she was arriving. She called back later to tell officers she had received a telephone call from the person she had seen and recognized and that he told her he was coming to return the property he had taken. i ii ii i i .lansemds 45 The lightweight, high performance saw designed [or the man who waken his living thinning, pulping, or falling and bucking small timber. Has electronic ignition, chain brake, anti-vibration-control, ,IAIUlIn. Left, right head guards, safety trigger. U.S.F.S. approved muffler, automatic oiling with adjustable teed. With 2t) Inch bar SAEGER MOTOR SHOP 1306 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY SO. SHELTER, WASHINGTON 98584 PHONE 426-4602 thousand gathered for the meeting that in 1894 Mary Baker Eddy, the denomination's founder, counseled: "The Church, more than any other institution, at present is the cement of society, and it should be the bulwark of civil and religious liberty." The chairman called on twentieth century Christian Scientists to "go forward in the spiritual work which is the essence of the Church - loving one another, restoring the lost element of Christian healing, overcoming sin, and living the life of a Christian." The directors also announced the establishment of an endowment fund for The Christian Science Monitor, to help the church's famous newspaper cope with spiralling publishing cost. Named as the new president of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, was John R. Peterson, a Practitioner and teacher of Christian Science and the church's General Counsel. board agenda is the change in status of kindergarten transportation for the coming year. Members of the community are always welcome at these meetings, and their ideas and questions on school matters are solicited. Today both second grades are having a barbecue at the Lake Kokanee Community Park as guests of the Reises of Division 9. Their lunch money has paid for most of the groceries. The profits from the class rummage sale have been invested in chocolate sundaes with homemade ice cream. Volunteers have donated salads and the like to this feast, and are helping to chaperone the crew. Mr. Bright and Mr. McDonald, both from the forest service and both fathers of second.graders, will discuss the Don't pollute! i A Thought-Stirring Digression I N°" 123 EthelB. Dinning I This week my thank-you letter from a prisoner incarcerated for fighting against busing for the purpose of integration, with  whom I Correspond, contained a letter from a FREEDOM FIGHTER as a special message to his unborn son as his heart was dreaming of home. ( It was never delivered and was found later on his body. IT READ - "'My child, sleeping tn the dark and gathering strength for ! the struggle of birth. I wish you well; and when your time comes, and the time of your mother, whom I dearly love, that | there will be something in you that will give you power to fight for air and light, and to hold on without knowing why. "May the flame that tempers the bright steel of youth never ! die, but burn always, so that, when your work is done, you may still be a WATCHMAN'S FIRE at the end of a lonely road; loved and. cherished for your gracious glow by all who i need light and warmth for their comfort. "The spirit of love and adventure will be given you as a child. May you keep it forever. For with that in your heart you will seek the goals beyond the RAINBOW, THE PASTURES BEYOND THE DESERT AND THE LIGHT BEYOND THE DARK. "May you always seek and strive in good faith and high t courage in this world where men grow so tired. I "'Keep your capacity for faith and belief, but let,your judgment watch what you believe. 5 "'Keep your power to receive everything, only learn to t select what your instinct tells you is right. • "Keep your love of life and throw away your fear of death. Life must be loved or it is lost. But it should never be loved too well t "'Keep your delight in friendship, only learn to know your I friends. "Keep your intolerance, only save it for what your heart tells you is bad. "Keep your wonder at the great and noble things like sunlight and thunder, the rain and the stars, the wind and the sea, the growth of the trees, the return of the harvest AND THE GREATNESS OF HEROES. "'Keep your heart hungry for new knowledge, the hatred of a lie and your power of indignation. "NOW I KNOW I MUST DIE, AND YOU MUST BE BORN TO STAND UPON A RUBBISH HEAP OF MY ERRORS. FORGIVE ME FOR THIS. 1 AM ASHAMED TO LEA VE YOU IN AN UNTIDY AND UNCOMFORTABLE WORLD. BUT SO IT MUST BE. "'IN THOUGHT, AS A LAST BENEDICTION I KISS YOUR FOREHEAD - GOOD NIGHT TO YOU - AND A GOOD MORNING AND A CLEAR DAWN.'" COMMENT - This was printed in "'Time" 1/25/43. "IN A NATION LED BY TRAITORS, CONTROLLED BY ALIENS, AND INFESTED WITH SHEEP, IT IS WORTH READING AGAIN. "' GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON - THAT THROUGH HIM THE WORLD MIGHT BE SAVED (Jn. 3:16-18). IN THIS WAS MANIFEST THE LOVE OF GOD TOWARD US, BECAUSE THAT GOD SENT HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON INTO THE WORLD, THAT WE MIGHT LIVE [ THROUGH HIM, AND HIS LOVE BE PERFECTED IN US (1 Jn. 4:9-15). pd. adv. 426-755, [I/ol INPUT / OUTPUT ACCOUNTING PO'IT OFFICE BOX 878. 8IEELTON Auto Repairing -- Male• eve•hauls -- B•akes & Ignition --- Welding g Tune-ups ld'e Service 219 So. 1st. 426-12:!2 Beauty I J Complete Hair Care .... Wigs-Wiglets.Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics - Penny•ich Bras Elaine's Beauty Salon 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Body Shop AUTO BODY & GLASS 426-9020 Builder • Building s Remodeling • Cabinets Dick Wood Rt. 1, Box 598 426.36S7 Mason Lake Drive, Grapevlew Pump Motori, Electric Mowers, Electric Saws TOM BAZE, 426-4918 If no anlwor: 4:16-6479 Floor Covering --Linoleum -- Carpeting -- Tile -- Formica Rex Floor Covering MS. View Ph. 4:11).2292 l Floor Covering * Expert Installation * Large Showroom * National Brands * Convenient Terms Viking Floor Covering 111 W. Cote Shelton 426-291& nsulation RETRO-FIT NEW CONSTRUCTION Authorized Bordens Blown Cellulose Insulspray Foam • Fiber&iota Energy Conservation Inaulatlon 1111 Olympic Hwy., Shelton 421111b Insurance Tired of shopping? Let us do it for you( Auto- Home-Soat.tlfe.Health-aullnets-Prefer red Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance ts our only bo|iness. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 117 E. Cote 42b.3517 M&M RV CENTER Recrealional Vehicle Supplies Custom Canopies M &;M CAMPER SALES 2335 ely. Hwy. No. & K Street 426-5101 Remodeling: . .. NORTHLAND REMODELING Creative home innovations. 426.11016 Remode!ln i tAglttl| CONSTRUCTION , HOUSING • REMODELS * REPAIRS Rick & Dee Slrllng I,.o. Ix I union, WA  (2o6) . ........................ ','F. ,i:' Rentals Shelton's Complete Rental Store! Tools & Equipment for Homeowners & Contractors Barden'I Rentals 1209 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-11191 :able TV For Service 12o11 426-1691 Concrete -- Ready-mix Concrete -- Conc•ete Culve•ts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Sc•eens & Tools Graystone of Shelton 7th & Park 426-3144 :oncrete • Driveways, patios, sidewalks • Retaining walls a Saturday pours • Free estimate Bill Cox Concrete 1102 Buena Vista 426-5958 Construction" or 426-3258 PHONE: 482-4586 MEYERS CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM HOMES PLANNING  DESIGN -- CONSTRUCTION WAYNE W. METERS -- J0 MEYEIS Rt. 1, Box 214 Elate, Wm 98541 Drugs • --Helena Rubinstetn --Cosmetics --Prescriptions --Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics Nell's Pharmacy 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-1327 )rywall Hanging. Taping, Spraying o&$ Larry 0rth 426-9348 Free Estimates Electrical ] Bonded " Licensed " Wiring " Heating Fraser-John,on Electric Furnace and Heat Pumps ' Underground " Commercial , Arcadia Electric Bob Taylor Office 424k012@ P.O. Box 8319 Home 4211-1931 Electrical landscaping GREEN THUMB LANDSCAPING Lawn maintenance, sowing and mowing, flower beds, pruning. Complete landacaping service. Call 41k.1tl or collect 748-071 Landscaping- Ornamental gordens Native gardens Rock gardens -- Lawns Irrigation ayatema Londacape dealgn lickardll Greener Greenery ATA Horticulture 426-8:171 .ighting' The Light Gallery ALL YOUR LIGHTING NEEDS Olympic Gateway Center' Sholton 426.7414 Lighting 1 -- L00gcht der S CUSTOM WOOD WORKING , UNIQUE LIGHTING DESIGNS PH. Ie.3365 UNION. WA. 98592 GRIEG UNDER ; Locksmith WILLIAMS LOCKIdVIITNING * Keys made * Locks keyed alike DAYTON-MATLOCK ROAD 416-2915 ill i Masonry * Fireplaces * Block Foundations " Anything with Masonry John Klmmel Licensed, bonded end insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Music L____ qLe I OWNIR For oil your needs in music, 426,410 'iinting: Sla'Aqlb Roofing i BENT NAIL For all your roofing needs. Call 426-9757 Secretarial Let the "OFFICE ASSISTANTS" Do your work. We do: Typing, Bookkeeping, Income K State Taxes Mimeograph Printing Suite No. 4, Govoy Bldg. Shelton, 426-71110 Sharpening'FRED DOWELL Saw and Tool Sharpening 2032 Cellanan Shelton, WA 98584 426-7287 Slaughtering ' CUITOM FARM SLAUGImmI $1S per hone. J&T Northwest Sloughterlng 426-8615 evenings. Travel  1t(9 Twe00 42641274 114 W. Alder Betty Kay Anderson, Manager Welding" .' RICK WAK! MLDING All. IWDET AILI =k Automatic Wire Feed Tig. Heliorc. Stick (Marine or land) PHONI 4t6-tIN " Window Washing' shelton Electrical Maintenance & • Appliance Repair ' PHONE: 426.7259 Custom Sign Painting & Airbrush Company. CommllrClal art - graphic des'10n ':/.chltectural drawing. Spe¢lallffig in truck lettering & design. 701 So. First "/7/bring clarity into your life'" Rtck Wokojanee PROFESSIONAL WINDOW WASHER Woko's Window Service , 426"9354 -"Reasonable Rat."  ; 426-7300 Shelton, WA i .... • Ii ii Thursday. June 8. 1978 Shel-ton-Ma;nn, Cnuntv .Inttrnal . Pan 2