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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 8, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 8, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publkati0ns NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, ELSON CREEK Cedar Sale, located with T. 22N., R. 7W., W.M., Grays Harbor County, Washington. SEALED BIDS will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his representative, Federal Building, P.O. Box 2288, Olympia, Washingtqn, up to and not later than 2:00 PM, local time at laCe of bid openina, July 11 78, for an estimated 15 board feet of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is: Western redcedar: $143.26. Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $8.00 per M board feet for all above species. Additional deposit required for road maintenance on National Forest roads over appraised route is $4.95 per M board feet for all species logs priced per M board feet. The contract includes a description of the maintenance work and a breakdown of the per M board foot deposit on a er M board foot per mile basis y roads. All of the Alaska yellow cedar, if any, determined pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors and Included Timber not meeting Utilization Standards is exempt from Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions. Bidders are advised that violations of the Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions constitute breach of contract and may result in contract cancellation refusal to award other timber sales to the .... violator, and/or debarment or suspension from bidding on future timber sales. The required bid guarantee is $400.00. Application Purchaser Road Credits are None. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and submission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Shelton Ranger District, Shelton, Washlnqton, or the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington. 6/8-15-22-29-4t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, A-28 Cedar Sale, located with T. 22&23N., R. 8W., W.M., Grays Harbor County, Washington. SEALED BIDS will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his representative, Federal Building, P.O. Box 2288, Olympia, Washington, up to and not later than 2:00 PM, local time at Ilace of bid opening, July 1 978, for an estimated 12 board feet of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is: Western redcedar: $166.81. Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $5.00 per M board feet for all above species. Additional deposit required for rcb makntenare on Natlontl Fdlfest rbads ver appraised route is $4.40 per M board feet for all species logs priced per M board feet. The contract includes a description of the maintenance work and a breakdown of the per M board foot deposit on a per M board foot per mile basis by roads. All of the Alaska yellow cedar, if any, determined pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors and Included Timber not meeting Utilization Standards is exempt from Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions. Bidders are advised that violations of the Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions constitute breach of contract and may result in contract cancellation refusal to award other timber sales to the violator, and/or debarment or suspension from bidding on future timber sales. The required bid guarantee is $400.00. Application Purchaser Road Credits are None. The ricjht to reject any and all b,ds is reserved. Full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and submission Of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Shelton Ranger District, Shelton, Washington, or the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington. 6/8-15-22-29-4t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Shelton City Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. June 27, 1978 at the Commission Room in the City Hall, on the vacation of 8th and 9th Streets from Euclid Avenue to Wyandotte Avenue, Block 11, Seattle Syndicate, a public hearing at 7:15 p.m. JUne 27, 1978 on the vacation of South 6th Street from Seattle Avenue to Satsop Avenue between Blocks 64 and 65, Seattle Syndicate, a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. June 27, 1978 on the vacation of 9th Street from Pine Street North to Vacated Alley, Block 7, David Shelton's 2nd Addition to the City of Shelton, Washington, Mason County. All interested persons welcome. Helen W. Stodden Clerk.Treasurer 6/8-1t NOTICE SERVICES TO PERSONS UNABLE TO PAY THEREFOR CERTIFICATION Mason General Hospital, Shelton, Washington. The Mason General Hospital has certified that it will not 'exclude any person from .admission on the ground that such person is unable to pay for needed services, and that it will make available to each person so admitted services provided by the facility without charge or at a charge which does not exceed legal Publications accordance criteria established in the Washington State Medical Facilities Construction Plan. This certification has been made pursuant to the requirements of the regulations of the Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education. and We fare, (42 CFR 53.111), and the applicable provisions of Washington State Medical Facilities Plan. The Department of Social and Health Services, has, therefore, established the foregoing level of services as the level of uncompensated services to be made available by said facility in the period January 1, 1978 through December 31, 1978. The level of services set out meets the presumptive compliance guideline of the Federal Regulations. Copies of the criteria used for identifying persons unable to pay for services may be obtained from Department of Social and Health Services, Health Services Division, Office of Health Resources Development, Mailstop LP-13 Bldg. 14, Olympia, Washington 98504. The records and documents on the basis of which the above level of uncompensated services was established are available for public inspection at Building No. 14, Thurston Airdustrial Park, Olympia Airport between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on regular business days. 6/8-1t PUBLIC NOTICE WASHINGTON STATE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION PROCEDURES ACT (ECPA) CHAPTER 90.62 RCW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: Mason Regional Planning Council, located at 428 West Birch Street, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, Washington 98584, Phone: Area Code 206-426-5593, Information Officer: James E. Connolly, is hereby designated as the Permit Information Center for Mason County. Any person desiring information, assistance or direction regarding federal, state, or local permit requirements may contact this office for guidance. An information officer is available to answer questions and assist in identifying and securing permits required before beginning construction. Additionall , a Master Application }torm for the obtaining of the state's major environmental permits, may be submitted through the Permit Information office. This procedure automatically distributes the application to all the necessary state agencies coordinating their review and decisions affecting a project. A public service of Mason County. 6/1-8-15-3t No. 4962 ', IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of DALLAS RICHARD PITTENGER, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Personal Representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned, or the attorney of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: June 5, 1978. Date of first publication: June 8, 1978. /s/Rose B. Pittenger ROSE B. PITTENGER Personal Representative c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125V2 N. 5th Street P.O. Box 396 Shelton, Washington 98584 6/8-15-29-3t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, CANYON RIVER 78, H6 TIMBER SALE, located within T21 & 22N., R. 6 & 7W., W.M., Grays Harbor and Mason Counties, Washington. Public Notice is hereby liven that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating Forest Properties in the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12, 1946, an estimated 25,500 M Board Feet of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting will be sold to Simpson Timber Company, Seattle, Washington, on June 20, 1978. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is: Douglas.fir, $136.82; Western hemlock and other coniferous species, $49.17; Western redcedar $134.40; and Pacific Silver fir, $28.74. The road amortization allowance on this sale is $8.00 per M board feet for all above species, and may be adjusted pursuant to the terms ot the timber sale contract. Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $14.91 per M board feet for all above species. In addition there is within the sale an estimated 586 acres of all species logs subject to per acre pricingwhich will be paid for at $234.72 per acre. In the event that total bid value plus required deposits for this contract exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000.0.0) an EEO compliance review will be conducted on the high bidder to determine if the provisions of such person's ability to pay Executive Order 11246 have been therefor, as determined in complied with before award can Page 30 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 8, Legal Publications be made. All of the Alaska yellow cedar determined pursuant -to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors and Included Timber not meeting Utilization Standards is exempted from Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions. Bidders are advised that violations of the Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions constitute breach of contract and may result in contract cancellation, refusal to award other timber sales to the violator, and/or debarment or suspension from bidding on future timber sales. If requested by State of Washington, or by Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, or by any person deemed to have a reasonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 13th day of June 1978 at 2:00 PM, local time. Requests for public hearing will not be considered unless received in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on or before June 6, 1978. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Shelton Ranger Station, She/ton, Washington, or the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, Dated May 18, 1978. RICHARD D. BEAUBIEN, Forest Supervisor, Olympic National Forest. 5/18-25-6/1-8-4t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Washington Department of Fisheries who is owner of the below-described property has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of adult salmon holding pond, freezer building located at Simpson Salmon Hatchery. about nine miles south of Matlock, within SW /4 of Section 11, of Township 19 North, Range 6 West, W.M. in Mason County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within the associatedwetlands of East Fork Satsop River and Bingham Creek. Any person desiring to express their views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director, Post Office Box 186, Shelton, Washington 98584, in writing of their interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is June 15, 1978. Written comments must be received by July 15, 1978. 6/8-15-2t NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED PLATS OF RUSTLEWOOD DIVISION NO. 2 Said proposed plat is located in a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 2 West, W.M., and that portion of Government Lot 7 lying west of Oyster Cove, located on Picketing Passage between Shelton and Allyn, in Mason County, Washington. MILLER'S ADDITION Said proposed plat is located in that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 23 North, Range 2 West, W.M., lying northerly of the Haven Lake Road, except that portion described as Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Short Plat 188, located near the intersection of the Haven Lake Road and the Tahuya River Road, in Mason County, Washington. SISKAN CONDOMINIUM Said proposed plat is located in that porhon of Lot 3, Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., located on the South Shore of Hood Canal on State Highway 106, between Union and Belfair, in Mason County, Washinqton. Complete metes and bounds aescriptions for the above proposed plats are shown on copies of the proposed plats on file in the County Planning Director's Office at 428 West Birch Street, Shelton, Washington. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: That said Hearing will be held at 7:00 P.M., Monday, June 19, 1978 (or as soon thereafter as possible), in the office of the County Commissioners, and any person having an interest in the matter may appear at the Hearing to be heard for or against said proposals, after which the Planning Commission will recommend approval or' disapproval of these Plats to the Board of County Commissioners. DATED this 5th day of June, 1978. MASON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION /s/By James E. Connolly James E. Connolly, Planning Director 6/8-1t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION No. 884 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT No. 853 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 2369 known locally as the Daniels Road, and more specifically located in Sec 11, T 20N, R 3 WWM, M.P. 0.66 to M.P. 0.92, work defined as "construction" in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and proper, and WHEREAS, this project is identified as No. 102 on the officially adopted county annual road program. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1978 Legal Publications . -- -------- ---- -- that it is their intention to clear, drain, and surface with paving Class A-L.B.S.T. and that said work is to be performed by day labor in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described County Road Project is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Engineering, $1,172; Road Construction, $11,723. Engineer's Estimate in detail is on file in the office of the County Engineer. The County Road Project herein described is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law, provided, and in accordance with WAC 136-18. ADOPTED this 30th day of May, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Chairman /s/Floyd C. Cole /s/Tom Taylor ATTEST: /s/Mary Van Blaricom, Dept. Aud. 6/8-1t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Washington State Department of Fisheries who is lessee of the below-described property has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of expansion of existing fish culture facility located at Kennedy creek, 1/4 mile upstream from highway 101 within NWV4 of section 32 of township 19 North, Range 3 West W. M., in Shelton, Mason County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Kennedy Creek and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, Washington 98584, in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice gwen pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is June 15, 1978. Written comments must be received by July 16, 1978. 6/8-15-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4957 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , .',ESTATE-OF V.ERNA" A. GANIKOS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the above-entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same on said Personal Representative, attorney of record at the address below stated, within four months after the date of first publication ot this Notice, or the date of filing of a copy of this Notice with the Clerk of the Court, whichever is later, and within ten days of service of such claim to file the same, to(ether with proof of such serv,ce with the Clerk of said Court, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication June 8, 1978. DATE of filing copy of Notice to Creditors June 5, 1978. s/Michael D. Barckley ersonal Representative /s/Michael D. Barckley Attorney for Estate Michael D. Barckley FULLER AND FULLER 114 W. 10th Olympia, WA 98501 357-8000 6/8-15-22-3t NOTICE OF HEARING EMERGENCY BUDGET EXTENSION -- JUVENILE COURT WHEREAS, it is necessary to continue the Detention of Minors Program in Mason County for the remainder of 1978; WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of County Commissioners it is in the best interest of Mason County that provision be made for an extension to the Juvenile Court budget to cover the cost for the detention of minors for the remainder of the calendar year 1978, in the amount as follows: $5,000 for detention of minors, remainder of 1978. NOTICE IS THEREFORE GIVEN: That the Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at 11:00 a.m., June 19, 1978, Monday, in their office in the County Courthouse, to consider granting said emergency budget extension. DATED this 6th day of June, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Mary Van Blaricom Dep. Aud. 6/8-15-2t CALL FOR BIDS Mason County Road Department Sealed bids will be received by the Mason County Commissioners until ]1:00 A.M., June 19, 1978, for furnishing Mason County with Cutback Asphalt for the calendar year 1978, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications and proposal forms are available at the office Legal Publications of the Mason County Engineer, 426 W. Birch St., Shelton, WA 98584. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to accept only that bid deemed most advantageous to the County. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASH INGTON /s/By Mary Van Blaricom Dep. Auditor & Clerk of the Board 6/8-15-2t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Department of Natural Legal Publications Resources, who is owner of the below-described property, has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of bridge for multiple use recreation trail located at approximately 7 miles west of Belfair within NEW of section 32 of township 23N., Range 2 W.W.M., in Mason County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Tahuya River and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA. 98584 in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice gwen ursuant to WAC 173-14-020. he final date of publication, Shelton churches invite you to attend services Northslde Baptist Church 1211W. "' Strqmt Pastor, Rev. Kenneth P. Netting 426.qMI27 Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m t. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 o.m. Evening Worship .... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Jesus loves you -- we do, tool • S.l.C. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE rlnlanet & ndllan 426.1298 Cad C. feeR, Pester HOME PHONE 426-1985 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship... 11:00 o.m. Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .......... 9:45 o.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 o.m. Evening Service ........ 6:30 p.m. bible Study (Wed.) ...... 7:00 p.m. KAMILCHE VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER 3 blocks east of Highway 101 and 108 Juncti0n Non-denominational Charismotlc Walt Wagner, Pastor; Phone 426-7655 Sunday School ......... 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship ...... 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service . 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer and Praise 7 p.m. Call 426-5336 or write: Box 88 Shelton Christian Fellowship lu west Franklin 42t-2758 BIDLi - al/gUM11€ - ¢0mllN11f Sunday 10 o.m ............... Bible Study ! ! o.m .................. Worship 7 p.m ............ Home Meetings Thursday 7 p.m ................... Worship Mt. View Alliance Church Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday, 11 a.m. Multi-Media Sunday School ................. 9:45 o.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a,m. Evening Service ....... 6:00 p.m. Family Night (Wed.) ... 7:00 p.m. Roy. RERT LINN, Pastor Pastor DENNY TYAS, Aulstont Pastor 426.S14 i I .... FirstBaptist Chwcb00 ,; $th and Cola , , Downtown Shelton June 11, 1978 A.M "For The Multitudes" P.M. "Awana Award Program" Dr. Ernest Malyon Interim Pastor 9:30 a.m ...... SundaySchool "11:00 o.m ...... Morning Worship 6:00 p.m.,. Evornlng Gospel Hour 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting *The Me'nlql Worship Is broad. get live over KMAS, 1281 kc. The Church with the lie Welcome SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD M.A. Younglund, pastor 521 Monroe Street Rick Vlckery, assistant Sunday School (For All The Family) ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Pastor Younglund, speaking ............... 10:50 a.m. Gospel Service, Pastor Younglund, speaking ... 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study and Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. Thursday, Youfh Night ....................... 7:00 p.m. Legal Publications Legal %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-_ posting, or mailing of notice is months after the 15 June 1978. publication of this Written comments must be date of filing of a received by 15 July 1978. Notice with the 6/8-15-2t Court, whichever within ten days of NOTICE TO CREDITORS such claim to file No. 4958 together with SUPER IOR COURT OF service with the WASHINGTON FOR MASON Court, or the same COUNTY barred. ESTATE OF AUGUSTE DATE of first GOLDSCHMID, Deceased. June 8, 1978. NOTICE IS HEREBY DATE of filing GIVEN that the undersigned has Notice to Creditors been appointed and has qualified 1978. as Executor of the above-entitled /s/Otto Goldschrn d . estate; that all persons having Personal RepresentatW claims against said deceased are /s/Herbert H. Fuller hereby required to serve the Attorney for Estate _ same on said Personal HERBERT H. FULLER Representative or Herbert H. 114 W. lOth Fuller, attorney of record at the Olympia, WA 98501 address below stated, within four 357-8000 6/8J! Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day saints Connection & 12th Streets Priesthood Meeting ......................... 9:1: Sunday School .............................. Sacrament Meeting. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia g Lake Boulevard Kurt Hardenbrook. Bible School ........... 9:45 a.m. Family Service ........ 6:30P'' Worship .............. 11:00 o.m. WIKInosday -- Home Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p,m. Episcopal Church Welcomes St. David's  4th • Cedar, SheltOn Sunday, 7:30 g 10:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 7:30, Holy Communion, 426-8472 Come As You First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST, Sunday School 11:00 o.m. Church Wednesday evening testimony meetings 730pm READING ROOM -- 302 ALDER Hours: 12 noon-3 p.m. Tuesday thru Fridoy CHILD CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICES Sixth and Rollroad Saturday. 9:30 a.m. '-- Sabbath School, 11:00 o.m. --- Hour of w°rshIP Wednesday. 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Tim Galloghar, Pastor UNITED METHODIST CHURCH G and King Streets Dr. William Andrews, Mil Sunday School .............................. Worship Service .............................. Reception for Dr. and Mrs. Andrews ............ COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH The Friendly Church DiKiF41og,the ved to,abundant .life, and reaching their world 10 a.m. (ioad) ........ '... ...;'. ;/... Sunday Evenings .............................. Home Bible Daily .......................................... Individ 524 Demlmm St. Tom Barwick, Pastor 426.9194 or St. Edward's Catholic ChurCh Father Michael Feeney 426-6134 -- Masses -- Saturday • .... Sunday ......................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., I1 o;!i Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 E. Wyandotte Roland Huber Sunday, June 4 Worship Service, 9 a.m. Sunday School, 10:15 Summer schedule in effect through August A CELEBRATIO00ls21 Manta = OF DEDICATIOPI " June 9-12, 19713 e street ,°+iltll X + .. ++ -S.++, $helt°n° washlngt° + in" + ++ ++ +i + 00++Jil00Y+iN00 + + + + + + --'..+-..,----- ++ .......... Friday, 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 10:50 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:00 P.m. Monday, 3:00 p.m. 7:00 P.m. Service of REDEDICATION & COMMUNION. Musical concert with MILDRED WYNETTE. Recording Artist. A concert in spng by the HERITAGE SINGERS. This outstanding choir from Northern California are featured on KGDN. DEDICATION service featuring Rev. Frank Cole, Assistant Superintendent of the N/W District of the Assemblies of God. Special speaker: Rev. Sam McGill, first pastor of the Shelton Assembly of God. FELLOWSHIP DAY: Rev. Dean Young, Pastor of Calvary Assembly of God in Centralia, WA. Rev. John Tappero, Pastor of Renton Assembly of God. All services ore open to the public and the concerts on Saturday evening and Sunday morning are gifts to the community in sharing this special event with the members and friends of the church.