June 8, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 8, 1978 |
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Community calendar
Thursday, June 8
8 p.m., North Mason School
Board meeting, North Mason
High School library.
I 1 a.m., Twanoh Falls
Women's Club. Call Hannah
Dehler, 275-3512.
Tuesday, June 13
7:30 p.m., Belfair Water
District commissioners' meeting.
Old PUD Building in Belfair.
Wednesday, June 14
7 p.m., Allyn Fire District
commissioners' meeting, Allyn
7:30 p.m., Belfair Cemetery
District commissioners' meeting,
Ray's Barber Shop.
Bud McKay
+* Barbara McKnight
Richard Meek
Kimberly Miller
Frederick Pfistner Kim Ratliff +* Patricia Roberts
son Sande * Karla Schillinger
James Sullivan
Barbara Swanson
Onna VanParys
Kathryn Washburn
Thomas Wegner .
Brenda Wentlandt
* Top ten scholars
+ Honor Society
Randy Works Steven Zech
lhlr Texaco
ry Herald
True Value Hardware
Sound National Bank
Drug Store
Boats & Motors
tUYa Grocery
toln Realty, Inc.
Y Shell Service & Western Auto
an's Chevron Station
• Interior-Inn's of America
• Orloske Shell -- Belfair
• Belfair Cleaners
• 9's Fair Harbor Marina
• Tidal WaVE Beauty Shop
• Belfalr TV
• Belfair Trading Post
• The Briar Patch -- Belfair Center
• Spencer Power Equipment -_ Belfalr
• Belle Faire Boutique
• The Clothesline
• Huson Brother's- Tahuya
• Sande & Don LePere
• Olympia Federal Savings
Jill Morgan
Joseph Roche
Mark Thomas
+* Christine Whitehall
Lloyd Suhr, President
M. D. Parrett, Vice President
Edwin Taylor, Secretary
Robert Mustain
Raymond Russell
Billy VanBuskirk
Jayne Whitman
Permit sought
for marine
railway, float
Application has been
received by the Army Corps of
Engineers from Wilfrid Loeken
of Bellevue for proposed work
on South Shore of Hood Canal,
3.5 miles outside Belfair, to
construct a 50.foot marine
railway and install a 74-foot
ramp with float for private
recreation, boat launching and
Adjacent property owners are
Richard Laine and Jim Noble.
Preliminary review by the
Seattle district indicates that this
work will not significantly affect
the quality of the human
environment. The preparation of
a federal environmental impact
statement is not anticipated at
this time.
Preliminary determinations
indicate that tile proposed
activity will not affect
endangered species, or their
critical habitat, designated as
endangered or threatened
pursuant to the Endangered
Species Act of 1973.
The decision whether to issue
a permit will be based on an
evaluation of the probable
impact of the proposed activity
on the public interest. That
decision will reflect the national
concern for both prot:ection and
utilization of important
resources. The benefit which
reasonably may be expected to
accrue from the proposal must
be balanced against its
reasonably foreseeable
Comments on these factors
will be accepted and made part
of the record and will be
considered in determining
whether it would be in the best
public interest to grant a permit.
Comments should refer to the
re ference number
071-OYB.1-004875 and reach
the Department of the Army,
Seattle District, Corps of
Engineers, P.O. Box C-3755,
Seattle, Washington 98124, no
later than July 1, 1978 to insure
Golf News
LakeLand Village Golf
and Country Club
Low gross winners of the
two-day, 36-hole Chapman
tournament played May .29 and
30 were Ken Baldwin and Jack
Connelly with 152.
Ed Okonek and Russ Dahl
took low net honors with 116o
On a warm afternoon last
Thursday the ladies from Gold
Mountain canoe to LakeLand
Village to play against its
women's club.
Patti Schillinger took low
gross for the local club with 83.
Louise Okonek had low net,
with 65, for the first division;
Carrie Harstad had 66 for the
second division and Jerry Dailey
69 for the third.
Kay Sinkunis had low putts
for the day, with 30. Patti
Schillinger had the longest drive
on the No. 6 hole and June
Connelly was nearest the pin on
No. 5.
The ladies' club from Lake
Cushman came to LakeLand
Village to play in competition
with the local club on May 25.
Billie Churchill had low gross for
the field with 83, followed
closely by Arline Baker of
Cushman. Patti Schillinger had
low net, first division, for the
local club; Kay Sinkunis for the
second division and Marty
Oldroyd for the third. Marj
Kieffer had low putts and Jackie
Williams had the longest: drive.
Two LakeLand Village men,
Karl Jahns and Don LePere,
came in first in their division at
Alderbrook's two.man, best-ball
tournament on May 20 and 21.
On June 10 the men's club
at LakeLand is scheduling their
own two-man best ball
Beifair Elementary School
sponsored its annual rocket
launch for fourth- and
fifth-graders last Friday.
The launch concluded the
children's study of rockets and
their principles.
Students also entered their
model for a contest based on
appearance. Awards were given
for three skill levels with level
three being the most difficult.
Ross Caughie, Pat Heath and
Greg Joyce received awards in
level three; Nick Lane and Lauri
Callahan, for level two; and Dale
Hunt for level one.
Bill Beck conducted at Twin Firs
Cemetery in Belfair Friday at il
William J. Beck, 80, of a.m. under the direction of
Route 2, Box 3025, Belfair, a Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home.
retired North Shore county road Memorials may be made to
department worker, died last the Heart Fund, in care of Mrs.
Tuesday, May 31, at his home. Margaret Woollett, 3110
Born August 27, 1897 in Viewcrest Drive, Bremerton
Newton County, Arkansas, he 98310
moved to the Belfair area in
1937 from Ontario, California. MONDAY[ AT LAKELAND
He worked in logging and oyster
harvesting for a short time and VILLAGE RACEWAY
during World War II worked at PARK,..
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Shirley Taylor reports on
the forge shop. June 5 that people are drag
He retired in 1959 from the racing on the airstrip at
road department. He also LakeLand Village. Subjects were
operated a saw-filing business in contacted by county sheriff's
hishome, deputies and given verbal
He married Essie Robertson warnings.
January 27, 1919 in Muskogee,
Oklahoma, and she died MASON LAKE SMASH-IN
November 30, 1964. A son, Mason Lake's security
William J. Beck Jr., died on officer, Rudi Zingier, reports on
Salvo Island, November 13, June 5 that the summer home of
1942, and a daughter, Helen George Long, Tacoma, was
Divine, died in Belfair June 27, burglarized between May 28 and
1969. 31. Entry was gained by
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. smashing the glass in the front
Dixie Cundiff of Belfair; a son, door.
John F. of Port Orchard; I0
grandchildren; 18
great-grandcMldren; a niece and DOG FOUND -.',
two nephews in Oklahoma. Small brown dog was found !
Graveside services were near Belfairon June I.
June 8, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5