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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DON&apos;S SPORT AND CYCLE SHOP OBicycle Repairs OLawnmowers Sharpened e OSporting Equipment OKeys Made HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES $, 223 CoLa Street Phone 243 $1TELTON-ItlA¢')N C01,YN'T JOTYPAE LE(dON OPENER B JoE 0 MAHONEY O O 000 o 0t: course, Dad will never admit it, but deep down in his heart he loves to be appreciated, too. Be sure to tell him lust how much you care on Father's Day, June 19th. You'll find a fine quality card that's iust right for your Dad in our complete Gibson selection. I , {' McCONKEY'S FIR DRUG AT OLYMPIA 0N 11 ESDAY NIGHT Firs.ff'batth, action for Imlh the I eanl and its new coach is sehc(l- uled for the Shelton jnnior Anlcri- ('an lep, ion baseball squad ncxl q'ucs(lay evening' in l;'om'II1 1)is- I ricl competition. Coach led Smith will I)e nal<ing his debut as a Shelton sports mentor when he leads tim Shel- ton junior legionnaires into Olym- pia for the opening game of the dbdrict schedule for t)oth teams in a night game sidled for an eight o'('locl¢ start aI SNwens Field. TIlE NE%V ('OACll got hi, first h)ok :it his t)rotcges Tuesday af- ternoon when he sl]porvised for the first time ()no of the sqll;Id'S workouts. The teanl has I)ctn working out unde)' the tutelage of Brl|ce Schwarcl¢, who will handle the j|miof' legion B teanl this sum- nler. so the aqll:l(l isn't lacliinff for condition. 13ut Tuesday v,','l.; a get ac- quainted session for all hands ,qs Coaqh Slnith arriwd ill Shelton Monday to t:tke ul) his permanent residence here. ;itll such short knowledge of his squad, Coach Smith was in no position to name his 'probable stan'ting pitcher for Tuesday's opcning scrat). Don Cleveland, ten Hawk, and Bob Eac, rett, all members of tile hi/4h school team, and Ned Millet'. lhe jt|nior high's pitching' nlainstay, all arc ready nnd raring for the ('all. All four are righthanders. TIIE CATCIIING post in eaus- ink the new coach his first seri- ous prohlem. Karl Schwarc.lL .i|m- ior high catcher and the only masknlan with any amount of ex- l)ericnce, has a hrok+ql finger on iris throwing hand and whether he will be ready to play Tuesday is questionable, alt:hotlbh" lie ha's been working out ncverlheless. Followinff next Tue3( ay's open- el', Coach Smith an(1 his young diamond warriors make their first home appearance of the schedule at Loop Field when they enter- Lain Post 138 of Tacoma Friday nig, ht, June 17, nnder the Loot) Field lights. 213 RAILROAD PHONE 63 i STRAWBERRIES RECEIVED FOR Turner Packing Company at FARMERS SUPPLY" HILLCREST 14¢ pound - Crates Furnished - Checks Weekly | CAL.L, THE',.'SHO'T,.% BY IJllR ° . N..B.C. PmZES WON 1Author Callismfs BY 3 SHELTONIANS n r.- ,, - Official returns from the North-!Dear I nrlller In west International Bowling Con- i T  . A. T gress., held in Portland this spring June ,' or ,n r, AII_I_a tl reveal the mllowmg prize wmmng scores posted hy Shelton bowlers: A1 Ferrier, tied for 8tn place in the open singles with a 635 score, winnhlg $86.65. Arnie Aronson and Mary Cartel', 13th place in tile Class B doubles with 1125 score, winning $65. Aronson 6;h+(I in Class B singles with 564 score, winning $10. :i: .',1' * Another wildlife story---this one a true spine-chiller---from the cap- able pn of I. P. Callison of Un- mn appears in print in the June issue of Sports Afield, now on lo- cal news stands. The sory is entiUed "Fate In- tervenes in the Cariboo Moun- tains" and is an account of an es- cape from death while hunting grizzly bears which he can only Aronson also picked up some attribute to fate. more bowling change last week- It relates the events during a end when he won the Camp Gris-'big game hunting trip into the dale handicap singles tournament with his total o'f 647 in the three games. McCleary Marksmen Top Simpson League McCleary nmrksmen nosed out 1 Reed Mill Two to win first place in final stamtings of the Simpson l P, ifle League's first season. } Scores announced for seven shoots held m the new range un- der the Shelton high gym gave McCleary a team total of 5,665 t points; Reed Mill Two, 5,569 points; Simpson Shops, 3,806 points; Reed Mill One, 3,185 points, and Shelton Teachers, who took part in only four matches, 1,926 points. Highest individual match tally for the season was a 186 shot by Harold Cramer of Mill Two. Carihoo Mountains of British Co- lunbia which Mr. Callison made a few years ago. Tile story was submitted to the magazine more than two years ago anti Mr. CaN lison ha(I given it up as a discard- ed nmnuscript, so lie was consid- erably sm'prised when it. appear- er in the June Sports Afield. The story tells of a point-blank I encounter with two grizzlies with the author's last cartridge gone and his guide possessing but two light loads in his gun. How the guide's cool thinking and precision acting saved the day is graphit;ally dscribed by Mr. Callison in a story all qltdoor ac- tion lovers should read-for them- selves. Simpson Salmon Derby Returns Are Coming In First returns ill the second an- nual Simpson Recreation Assoe- I iation sahnon derby were coming in this week. George F. Wilson of Woodfiber topped the King di- vi:don with a 15 pound 7 ounce \\; / ezltEy, caught out of Smith's :Mar- ine at Union. Numerous silvers were caught laqt week end, including two en- tries ,of less than five pounds by Mrs. Frances E. Viger of Union and Frank R. Rawding of Wood- fiber. These were caught at Union. The derby is to ruff through October. Top prizes are outboard TOWN TEAM AT IF. TOWNSEND FRIDAY NIGHT First action for Shelton's new town team, sponsored by the Am- erican Legion, is slated for Friday night at Port Townsend, M:|nager Stltn Al'n]strong ;tunollnced yester- day. The Legionnaires will medt the Port Townsend town team under the lights up there with Bob Tobey, ligh school pitching ace, rdated for l.he opening hurling as- sigmnent. He will be pitching to Don Sa- tra, another favorite ex-High- climher athlete who is coming down from Tacoma to play with his old teammates, ArmstVong said. George Snyder is another catcher with the squad but shift work (ill keep him out of dia- nmnd action this weekend. At the present moment, the first home game scheduled for the Legionnaires will be the return game with Port Townsend on Sat- urday night, June 18, Armstrong announced, although another game may be scheduled in the meantime. The Legionnaires will open with Ken Fredson on first, George Nak on second, Wayne Clary at short, and Larry, Swift at third, with an outfield composed of Manager Armstrong, his brother, Buck, and I Pete Bloomfield. [ Besides Tobey, the pitching staff | also includes Jess Phillips, Jack Stewart and Tony Nelson. Tobey[ and Stewart are lefthanders. | | GERM, HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR IF NOT PLEASEI). your 40c hack. Ask any druggist for this STRONG fungicido. T-4-L. Made with ,q0 percent alcohol, it PENETRATES. Reaches and kills MORE germs faster. Today at PREPP'S DRUG STORE I SEE THE . . . Fairbanks-Morse PUMPS LOW PRICES Net men know... "It's a Case f *'Tt's the Ivater '' OLYMPIA BREWING CO., OLYMPIA, Shelton Electric Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W How Soon Can You Expect Deliry Of a New Buick? YOU'LL BE SURPRISED! 24 Months To Pay AT BOB ERVIN ' MOTORS :(WE NEED USED CARS) '49 CHRYSLERS & Now On Display at KIMBEL MOTORS Complete Richfield Oil ,,GAS, 01L, LUBE Complete Automotive Body & Fender + and Car Painting Augmenting Our Former Services of Repairing and Cars- Trucks- Heavy Logging GREASING - WASHING - Pick-up and Delivery HOME AND O 12' 17 D I P 17 COMMERCIAL  I' r Ill+ 1 U I lll By I nternational-Harvster Chrysler - Plymouth - SALES - PARTS - South 1st at Mill St. ' motors offered for the heaviest King and Silver. Join In The Fun! rgd Hood Canal Fishermen Early morning fishermen were tO .   the luckyones at Calm Cove last weekend reports Operator K. J. Edwards. A. J. Henry of Tacoma took a s 15 pound king while a Mr. Bean _ ey of Seattle had the most quart- Gay hats' and whiskers are being w o r tity with eight blackmouth. Paul GOE00 FARTHER Siverson had a 10xz pound king and Mr. Younker a 4 pound black- McCleary again this week as the community ' mouth. Others made nice catches WlTfl FATHER of rock and ling cod, Mr. Edwards r+ported, pares to set aside routine duties and These "Botany" brand products will St. Martins Preps Sports the "Days of q9." really make FATHER'S DAY a Teams Get New Coach day of real pleasure. For golf or St. Martins high school athletic Highlights of the program scheduled tot any other sport "BOTANY" teams will be under the supervis- brand shirts and slacks are ideal, ion of a new coach starting next • fall when John Albert Monahan, When Dad goes swimming he former University of Oregon and k d i 1 d th ti f Q can't miss if he has those "dry Portland University athlete, takes wee en nc u e e corona on o ueen faster" Botany brand bathing over the coaching reins, it was " ' 10; trunks. And "Botany" brand announced last week. thy Marshall on Friday evening, June Monahan replaces George Van socks will always put spring Mieghem, who has coached the in his feet. Preps for the past three years. "Days of '49" Parade on Saturday morning, ' Van Mieghem's future plans were , %. not revealed in the announcement. ""'Shirts $11.g5 and up, GUESTS FROM CALIFORNIA 11, and a sports program Sunday, June 12,  Mr. and Mrs. Cha;rles Mitchell's Slacks $15.95 and grandson, Gene Smith, f,'on A1- ing an Evergreen League baseball game up. , Socks $1.65 to $5.00. bany. California and Mrs. C. H, 5, , Brown from Oakland, California, : ",; ,.. Bathing trunks are honse guests at the Mitchell the McCleary Foresters and Tenino. , }- :!!. $4.95 and up, home. " ' :::i.:- McCleary's celebration is under joint ] of two energetic organizations, the Foreign Wars and the McCleary Fire The program promises fun and entertai ,,:+ :+,, all who visit McCleary this weekend. Dwight Norris Men's Wear 003.3S ,...., L 2.,00a,q = 'S She,o. a.d,00McCleaff:'W-hi.gton SERVICEMEN "Phone 494 MERCANTILE 123 Railroad Avenue 407 S. First - Phone 748 i