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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[ ii i i . , ,,it,, PACKED WITH COUPLE WED ! SKILL! AT OLYMPIA t Ir Are you moving, or storing was your fragile lmusehoht articles? Lovely Mihlred l")ugger Their safety depends largely on expert packing. And that: is OUR trade! Women for whom we have Packed, for transfer- ing, eggshell-fragile porcelains. insist we are wizards. But we're just expert, from long exper- ience[ SHELTON TRANSFER, INC. 221 South Second St. Phone 66 Calling All Hill.Billies Western Old Time & Scandinavian Mnsic D2kNCE Every Saturday Night 9:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. -- With Music By Oakie and His U.E. Chamberlain Cowboys Eleven radio musicians and singers featuring Jeannie. our champion cow-girl yodeler, Johnny Williams and his Missus, Hill-Billy Harmonizers at the TROPICS BALLROOM % $1.00 PER PERSON, TAX INCLUDED Schneiders Prairie 8 Miles from Olympia on Shelton Highway FOR SALE- $6375 2' BEDROOM HOUSE SELTON-MAS0N COUNI JOURN ,00,OCI00TY among tile first of the traditional June brides, when she exchanged vows with Rudy Homan June 3 in Olympia. Rev. Ray Micol, Sev- enth l)ay Adventist minister, per- formed the ('crcnmny at his home at 2 p.m. Miss Dugger iv the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dugger, Shel- ton, and Mr. ltoman is tile son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Homa]] of Shelton. The brown ilaired bride wast ning was a tclegra]n ret!eived by be'mtifully attired in a white gab-[ Mr. Johnson from a sister in ardine suit with blue accessories.[Stockholm, Sweden, whom he has He," costnme was accented with L[ not seell since he was one year gardenia and pink rosebud col'- I old. sage. A delicious smorgasbord din- Ms. William Austin, Jr., at- tendan.t to the bride, added a gar- I her was served to the guests. denis corsage to her costmne. ] Those present were a brother, Mr. William Austin, Jr., acted Erik Jobnson, and family from as best man. Both the brideg'room Kapowsin, "Wash., Mr. and Mrs. and the best man had white car- Paul Hintz, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. nation boutonnieres. Hagen and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Mrs. Ray Micol, wife of tile Christopher and children, all from minister, sang "Becaruse." Bremerton. The bride and bridegroom had a Mr. and Mrs. John M. Johnson, weekend honeymoon at Randle, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Sten- camping on the Cowlitz River. berg, Skokomish Valley and Miss The popular young couple are Eva Steele, Tacoma. now building a new home on Hol- Those from Shelton were Erik m,n street on Hillcrest, wlere they Forsberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Illan to reside soon. Larson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tile new Mrs. Holman grad- George Ahlquist and family, Mr. sated from Irene S. Reed high and Mrs. Axel Peterson, Mrs. Es- school this year. In school she ter Anderson, Mr. and .°Mrs. John was very active in dramatics, and Swanson and family and the hen- she was on the pep staff, in pep ored guest and Mrs. Johnson. Surprise Party Fetes 60th Year J. H. Johnson was honored Jtme 5 at a surprise party at his home, given hy his many friends. The occasion was his 60th birthday, Tile higgest surprise of the eve- ]] Four Shelton Men Named Scholars At U.W. Convocation Fore' men from Shelton were named to scholastic honoraries at the University of ,'ashington's twelflh annual Honors Convoc:t- tion in Meany Hall May 25. Herbert Grant Angle, Jr., sop- homore in i)remedicine, became a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta. Philip Donavan Palmer, senior in electrical engineering, was nam- ed to Sigma Xi. a science honor- ary. Phil recently was elected president of the U. W. Associated Students for next year. Raymond Arthur Morris, senior in chemical engineering, was nam- ed to the engineering honorary of Tat] Beta Pi. William Homer Tay- lor, graduate in physical educa- tion, was named to Phi Delta Kappa, education honorary. GRANGERS IN TWO ,COUNTIES SLATE PICNIC ON JULY 10 A large picnic for grangers in Mason and Grays Harbor counties will be held at Panhandle lake July 10. Grangers of both coun- at 1419 Fairmont Avenue IN SHELTON Payments $50 Per Month Will Redecorate Call Broadway 4135, Tacoma HOMES, INCORPORATED 806 Washington Building - Tacoma ii I i iiiit i iii II II OF COURSEI KELVI NATO00 IS A sErl00R strf| ! I Model FM $339.95 Other Models from $189.95, club, a school librarian and she worked on the yearbook staff. The bridegroom also attended school in Shelton, and at present he is employed as an assistant technician at the Rayonier lab- oratory. Townsend Club No. 3 Meet at Jackson's Townsend Club No. 3 nlet at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. John Jack- son at 6 p.m., Saturda,y, June 4, for a pot hick dinner. Music and cards were the feature of the evening following the business meeting. t Those attending were Mrs. Ads Bassett. Mrs. Clara Getty. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hulbert, Mrs. Grace LePage, Mrs. It. A. Beisen, Mr. and Mrs. Harley "Witcraft, Jim De- lanty, Mrs. Syhle Taylor, Dan Emerson, Jack Smith and •the host and hostess. The next meeting of the organ- ization will be held at 8 p.m., June 18 at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Beisen, 612 Cota. Circle to Hold PotlUck Fidelis Circle of tile Methodist Church will meet at the summer home of Mrs. Ed Elliot on Hood Canal near Union at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 15. for a pot luck hmcheon.. This date is a week sooner than the ffsual meet- ing. Those wishing or able to fur- nish transportation, are asked to meet at the church at noon. ON BORN Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Rutledge of Route 3, Box 159, became the par- eats of a son born Jtme 4 a the Clinic Hospital. aooM,ml THa rU)O00! *Pri shown are/or delivery in your hi,hen with -Year Protection Plan. 8tale and local taxes cztra. PrWes and sixi, fimnt ttubjccl lo change wilhoat noli€, e Imagine ! Kelvinator gives you far more food space than ever before! Worlds of shelf space for general storage! • Big Aeross:lhe.lop Frozen Food Cltest hoMs 50pounds of packaged frozen foods andice cubesI " B Plenty of ice cubes.., four big, new quick-release ice lrays! Q • Two 10.quart sliding crispers! • Bonus Cold Space... Refrigerated Fruit Freshener keeps a big supply of fruits, a case of soft drinks dell- • ciously cold! • Kelvinator's famous sealed-in-steel Polarsphere. Tops for dependable oper- ation ! Mr. Johnson has been employed ties are to bring picnic lunches, at the Simpson Logging Co. for' dishes and hearty appetites. Po- many years. He formerly resided mona Grange is providing ice in Bremerton. cream, coffee and cream, Carl KENNEDYS IN SI'OKANE Emsley, Pomona leader, said. During the day there will be Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Kennedy races, horseshoe pitching and nd (laugtter Susan traveled thin softball games between the car-, week ...... to Spokane for a short plea-ious, grange group.s Game,s are I su'e trip. Mtking the trip to the I planned for the young and old. ,msern wasnington city oy train I To get to Paniandle lake from they expect to. be gone for "the lShelt0n  one drives west toward rest of the weeK. Dayton, following the signs, HARSTINE GRANGE CARRIES TRAVELING GAVEL TO SHELTON By Mrs. Earl Harriman Harstine grange took the "trav- eling gavel" to Shelton Valley last Thursday evening with 16 mem- bern present. A literary program, put on by the Shelton Valley grange, was enjoyed. Mrs. Hazel Hitchcock and daughter of Kent spent Saturday and Sunday t week ago at her Island mlmer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernqrd Housen and family of Seabeck spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson. A week ago Sunday tile W. E. Gillette family celebrated a birth- day dinner for Mrs. Syble Gillette. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Page have entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crockett and children of Eugene, ()re., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Page of Pickering. $ :t: * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and daughter of Seattle spent the week end at their Island summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flaten and daughter of Snohomish spent the week end at the home of Mr. Flaten's mother, Mrs. May Wil- liams. Chester Streckenbach, grange master, left early Sunday morn- ink for Pullman to attend the state grange convention. Mrs. Wills Mills and daughter went to Seattle Sunday to meet her son, Joe Mills, who flew from San Francisco. He was confined l in a hospital there after a ecent bicycle accident. ! Miss Dixie Simmons graduated from C.P.S. Sunday. Those attend- ing from the island were her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sim- mons and son, Jimmy, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons. Mrs. Lestel" Johnson was a guest of honor last Friday evening at a bridal shower at the school. The affair was sponsored hy Miss Marlene Page and Miss Dorothy Carlson. She received many lovely gifts. A dainty lunch was served. Table decorations were vases of roses. $ $ $ Harstine school children and parents gave their teacher, Mrs. Gordon Simmons, a surprise birth- day party at her home last Wed- nesday afternoon. Our new neighbors, the Floyd Johnstons, who live on the Carnes place, were. called to Tacoma on Monday to the funeral of Mrs. Johnston's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stearns and family of Portland spent the week end at the C. W. Streckenbach and Will Lahey homes. Mrs. June Loving and children and Mrs. Elsie Small and daugh- ter of Sheiton were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arch- er at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith and Mr and Mrs. Stanley Smith left early last week for Indiana where they will visit J. P. Smith's par- ents and other relatives. Clyde Harriman visited last Sat- urday in Aberdeen at the home of his sister and family, Mr. and! Mrs. Albert Otterstad. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman I were Sunday afternoon guests at[ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen I Harriman, Jr., of South Side and j went with them to a picnic at[ Walker Park. [ Wedding bells are ringing for[ Denzel Page who is to be mar-] ried this Saturday at Elma. This| Marriage Licenses Applications for marriage li- censes @ere filed during the week of May 31fo June 7 in the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, Mason county auditor, by the following couples: Allan L. Eaton, 20, and Joan Moran, 19, both of Shelton. Mamrin Lrenzen, 22, Brinnon, and Marclel McAferty, 22, Shelton. WE FINANCE ALL OUR CONTRACTS W.H. Creach, 59, and Anna Olsen Fu, niture Co Jones, 70, both of Naches. Ted Sebesta, 42, and Helen George, 39, both of Retsil. III John J. Goodchild and Dorothy PHONE lO2 "Fine Furniture For the Home" 38 COTA A. Mason, both of Shelton, last week obtained a marriage license in Chehalis, makes three of our young men to be married in te last three months. Harstine ferry is getting its new spring coat of paint this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Gillette and family of Tacoma were last week end guests at the home of Mr. Gillette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gillette. Mrs. Earl Harriman plans to leave the last of this week for San Francisco to visit her daugh- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted V. Hile. lie Takes Wooden Nickels [ "Don't take any wooden nick- elm" means nothing to Roy Law-] rence of Anomosa, Iowa. He'si been collecting them for years, now has 350. ENJOY STORK SHOWER LAST SATURDAY Mrs. R. J. Belling!musen was ] honored at a pink and blue shower Satm'day, June 2, ;it lhe home of Mrs. Rohert Allan. 'rile .M()wer was given hy lhe Cnlholic choir wlenlhers. The table center piece w;w. a tree made of rose buds, which had a cradle with a haby figurine in the nliddle. Favors were pink and blue bassinets. Dm'ing' the afternoon, ganles were played and refrt':hments were served. Mrs. Bellinghausen received many lovely gifts. Those present were lhe Mes- dames Robert Allan, J. q_% Shimek, V. Brigham, George Hermes, El- mer Smith, Roy Rector and e Misses Jest, Irma Daniels. Mary Ann Keenan, l,orena Deschamps, Virginia Connolly. JaneI RobcrLs and the honored guest. Mrs. Arne Johnson and Irene Holt were un- able to attend. Agate 4-11 Club To Give Program Saturday The Agate 4-H club will give a program in tile Agate schoolhonse at 8 p.m.. Saturday, J]me ]1. The friendship quilt top, which was made by the girls, will be awarded the lucky winner. Guest for the evening will be ,Miss Piedahle, Mason County Home Demonstrator. The l)ublic is invited to come and enjoy an evening of entertain- ment. Kentucky's Ice Cave Ice Cave in Caldwell County, Kentucky, contains ice the year round. Th Nothing could be finer for FATHER'S DAY Only ELGIN has the _ DuraPower Mainspring Jl,!," ,,r ' I:h!h,Y" m,t;. l'.hq, p,,:..L n F.. the rest of his life ch(.N.h your gift of a %a;,'h. ic'll he pro]]d dep,,.labilily . . . halqy (',fleece one fFOln o]lr arc I}riced from $29.75 Tax. C, nvenient terms. IVAN Angle Building JEWELER Ph one; You ought to be driving a $3.85 /5 QUART $2.13 PINT RARE BLENDED W}IISKE' 86 PROOF. G5g GRAIN NEU. TR/L SPIRITS. SCHENLEY DIS fRIBU 1'ORS,INC.,N.Y.C. Two of A n00riea's 3lost Popular .00lotor Pictured above are typical exa,nldeS of the two so, ark and separate lines of ears wilieh bear the current imprinl of ihmtiae goodness--li,e Streamliner and the (:hieftain De l,uxe Sedan Coulees. F, aeil is in snch den,and *l;at, on its own, it ra.ks among America's i]losl pot.Liar ears today. That Itt'o cars of such decidedly difl'erenl )lq.,arhwe sh.uhl each enjoy such d,le aeeeplance s easy to Cxldaim TIIli:Y'RE B()TII PONTIACS! While each has its own individualized sn,artness, both offer all the great basic Pontiac virtues. IIoth .. are eO.Sl,h'uous|y l..:mllf.I, lh)ih c known I.'oinise of I'(mtiae quality- abililv, and Ih,e perl'ormanvc. Both enj,D'a}de i..r(}..n, at..e of Ponliac'S --th- 1.,cr-l..'k,'d slraighl cighl or IliOIl' Si.-C)li,,(ler COIll])llliiOII, Fim, lly, I)olh rel)rcsenl IlllllSl]tl| X |)rodu('t a{ a rm'v tow prJ('e. Elf her I " -tO" l'l;ike )'oH nl;gh'l) [la[I])'. Ilvdr.-:htic Ib.itw, white sidewall tires: ln(.¢ls fftld fcmh,r shields m.ailable m Motor 233 South First Street, Shelton, Washington the most magnificent array of sport shirt colors you've ever seen Soft pastels. Colors tat sparkle like a gem. Flaming hues as bright as a sunset. They're all here in our famous Stradivari Shirts. Pick several for different occasions... subdued tones for leisure.., brighter tones for golf.and sports.., high colors for hunting and resort wear. But color isn't the whole story. The Stradivari Shirt is quality-plus. The cream of American shirting fabrics. Piped seams. Meticulous care in buttons, needlework, and all details. It's a shirt you'll wear with pride for town or country, business or leisure. Now Only '8.95 YOUR CHOICE OF 19 COLORS Miller's Men's Shop Shelton Hotel Building Phone 609 i . ii !i:i!iiii CUSTOM-SUI - 0 E SHIRTS