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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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the Accident Phone 854 1800 Hall t Daily 9:00 A.M. IIdays Pt Burnett REED SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS TO TOUR WOODS OPERATIONS Students who will receive Mark E. Reefl Memorial Foundation scholarships here Thursday eve- ning, June 16, are to tour opera- tions of the Simpson Logging Company in Shclton, McCleary and Grisdale that same day. Accompanying the award stu- dents, Miss Helen Johnson, Herb- ert E. Loop, Jr., and Lloyd Allan Brumbaugh, all of Shelton; George Robert tanning of McCleary; Er- nest Martin Furnia of Montesano, and Clifford Walter Johannes. of Elma, will be members of the scholarship board and community scholarship committee members. W. G. Reed, president of the Simpson Logging Company, is to present the six $650 scholarships at a dinner in the Colonial House following the tour. STABLES Horses by Hour or Day HORSES & GOOD TRAILS Out and ride these Long Evenings lr°r Reservations Call 771-W OIEB0UTH GATE WITH STABLE SIGN & Eacrett Co. 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY O@ Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH PAINTS 00 HAULING ]BUILDING SUPPLIES Always Have Fun At MARG'S BALLROOM AT PARK DANCE , JUNE 11 and Old-Time Music, (tax Included) Students 75€, Adults $1 Cubbers To Meet For Roundtable Cubmasters, den mothers and pack committeemen of the Shel- ton Cub Scouts will meet at Lin- coln school at 8 p.m. Thursday night for a cubbers' rountable session. Directors of the meeting will be Claude Pevey, cubmaster of Lin- coln P.T.A.'s pack 10, and Verle Schreiber, cubmaster of Bordeaux P.T.A.'s pack 12. Everett Groves, field scout executive, will show film strips of summer program activities for cubs He will also show films of a Cubber's Pew Wow, a leadreship training pro- gram which Mason district is con- sidering. "Parents of cub scouts are es- pecially invited to attend this round-table session," Groves said. "The cubbing program is designed to make the home a more intereSt- ing place for children, especially for boys." "The program features planned family activities such as occur during summer vacation, holidays, or during the routine week. The roundtable meeting will help par- ents in Shelton and Mason county to get acquainted with cub scout- ing," Groves said. Hot Sun Increases Fire Hazards Here up to 175 (Continued from i--age 1} les than one-fourth of one per cent of the protected area," Mr. Levin said. Because hot and sunny weath- er drives many persons into camp- ing activities, Herb Grell insists that all persons must observe a few simple rules when in the woods. These include: AP-WAYS HAVE a fire permit before starting a blaze. Camp- fire permits are required outside the national forest. To start camp- fires on private property, written permission must be obtained from the owner. Travelers should carry axe; shovel and water bucket. Smokers are to smoke only in safe places, not to smoke while walking in the woods. Do not throw lighted cigars, cigarettes or fireworks into any forest area, brush, range or cattle district in the state. Ash trays must be provided in cars. thanks the public for ef- to keep the Memorial Day T-ILN-MAON COITNTY JOURNAL i ,,, i - - i v I _ i i five miles beyond the Inke. l:;e- tween the extremities of tlws(, roads lies about 15 miles of wooded mountains. A (OMMIT'rEE eonsi:;tin/ nf I-lerb l)ickinson, Paul Sweency :!lid George Yocum was to investigate the eonstz'm:Lion of the linking road. They arc to inke steps necessary to get the I)r(Jjcct underway" Jackson said. Herb Dickinson, a hmy'-time resident of Hoodsport, commented timt there are "many gateways to the'Olympics, but only one front (leer, and that is }h)ods- port." Members of tim Hoodsp0r[ Com- mercial Club met at 6:::'0 o'clock Wednesday evening for a i)ienic af: the Hoodsport playground, where more picnics are planned Ibis Slimmer. AFTER A PICNIC hmch, ar- ranged by Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mille and Mrs. Joe McKeil, tim persons pitched horseshoes. Teams of Jaclcson and Gilbert, and ,lack- son and Andcrson were (hamps. l'mnch comndttce for the nc×t meeting, to be held in September, will be Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hadtl¢c, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest Worl, and Mrs. Robert Smith. City Officials Trek To Hoquiam Confab Several city officials from Shel- ton are going to Hoquiam for a three-day convention from ,hme .q to 11. Association of Washington Ci- ties convention begins with a mix- er and crab feed Thursday night. A tour of Harbor industries will keynote Friday activities. Various sessions will bring mu- tual problems into the open for general surveillance during ihe convention. Planning to attend are Mayor Harry Carlon, City Clerk Mrs. Al- ma Catto, Attorney Glenn Col rea and Commissioners Donald O'Neill and H. Enzo Loop. THINGS AS THEY SEEM (Continues from page 1) should have a more fitting name and that City officials should listen to suggestions that keep coming in. One local group of period safe from fire. Only two civic boosters believes that the were started in Mason county, name of Raih'oad avenue should One was in a house in the Agate lbe changed to "Evergreen Boule- area, and the other was a small, vard" which has merit in consider- brush fire in Purdy Canyon. Be- cause the blazes were quickly re- ported, they were stopped before much damage resulted. STATE FORESTRY office at Shelton airport is manned 24 hours a day. It is open for information from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. daily and I for business from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. I In the event of fire phone Shelton 149. The chiefs of all fire protection[ groups strongly urge that people be very careful of fire this Sum- mer. Wet weather was on the side of western foresters during 1947 at 48, but e#rly indications show conditions are swinging in the op- posite direction. ,ATIONAL HARVESTER WAYI I 20% nown; 24 Monflm to Pay For freezing food-the easiest, fastest method of £ood preservation-is the most economical, too! You can buy food ia large economy amounts, when prices are lowest, and enjoy it months later. Better, more nutritious food... less work and waste in the kitchen.., more leisure time for you! SAVE IN EVv-RY WAY WITI-I AN IH FREEZER ! i i Hi 1 IH d fiK Now... $384 Freezes and store $85 Ibs. of delicious food.., L ,. I a 1 ubic.fw)t capacity.., beautiful whir& "f_',"2" d.,,,k,, allqtul construction.., baskets  and dividers for seporaflng food . . . balanced, floating lid A wonderful lnvestmentl • il Ulli [ i li tWo Ways and you'll save.M- trs and f(d! These amazing r.eally are thrice! And yo a real thriR.investmentl @ Kimbel Motors Hoodsport People ELECTRONICS I SES SIII?WN KIWANIANS Set Large Projects ! ,,,,cl,on,es a .dopt,', i,, ,h,. ((?oat!lille0 /'rolll Pnvc 1) ] rllodOFll develol)nlcllt ,)f l]l( l(,h- at!on of any decision that is made. On tle other hand, Raih'oad a.v- enue and the traffic that went over the rafts from Shelton to the camps and logging operations fur- ther afield has always held signifi- cance to the comnmnity, but then progress is marked about us each day and Shelton should not be backward in this respect. HELTON in its presentation of the anmml Mason County For- est Festival, an event that has grown in :tatue with each year, has e,¢n given muci in a{a:ining success by communities who have sent dele- gations and participants to help along. McCleary, our neighbor and closely allied community is coming up this week end with their "days of '49" celebration and Shelton should assist in any pos- ; sible way to give them a success- ful show. The show this year will i many attractions and will have plenty of appeal to attract a big throng of celebrants.. We have been pleased over the as- sistance that McCleary has always given out- Festival and on their celebration occasion, a good chance to reciprocate is offered. BRUCE ELMORE GETS ARIZONA POSITION Bruce Elmore, assistant plant manager of the Simpson Logging Company operations in McCleary, is leaving June 15 to become vice president of Southwest Lumber Mills, Inc., at McNary, Ariz. E1- more's resignation was announced this week, effective June 15. The firm which Elmore is join- ing operates sawmills, planing mills and a molding plant in Mc- Nary, Flagstaff and Overgaard, Ariz. Elmore has been with Simpson e past four years. He is a forme Shelton school director. Mrs. Elmore and children plan to join him in Arizona late this sum- mer. KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR • LAND CLEARING • BULLDOZING t DITCHING • ,BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING Q BULKHEADING 707 South First Street - Phone 601 • PILEDRIVERS For Land or Water • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PHONE 601 phone was the ,sHbjecI ,f a dol]m- onlration given by ('. N. h:ey of ilte Pacific Telephone and Tcle- ;F:;'qd] conic:lay to lhe Sholt(,ll 1.:iw:tnis clu}) Tuc'-;day n(ion. Mr. Key, l)y Ihe u:e of appara- tus, denlonsiraled how lhc tt of electronics ill the modernization of telephone equipmenL is allowing l'()l' lnany strides in tim ('olllp:ll]y's l)l'OgTa.liI. The g'ul'i, st)eak(n' wns in/:r¢>- duced t)y E. tI. FauberL w h o served as Ci]airrnan of lhe Day. Fre(t Beckwith, lieutenmt govern- or of the Sollthwcst Wtshing'ton Search For Plane In Mason (ounty (Ct,tltiTIll(d ]1"OI12 PII'(' ()lit') \\;vesiel*n :ll(i ('cnlv&l l:ll'I ,d • lhe Olyml)ic mounl ;lizl:. Coordinating unit of lhe :;earth ;u'n/ld:t is ilu (o;Isi (hl;)'d ;tit: ,:[alhm ;11. l'ort Aru;eles. "lelore we ]e:lve l!tc dil,¢R)n c(mniy arcs," IA. I:{;HHIIev said 'l'ue.:day, "v,c*re L(,in,4 to e::imut all imssible leads. %c have had the t)lymDie |'"ll']'reS \\;x,•e]l hhmket- er] \\;qth radi() ',,ol:tltlinition be- l\\;veen grotlnd ilIlils lind :livl)l:]nes. The SOIII'(!ll 'foi'('o lhtlt Ol)eraie(! +)lit ,if Shelton Airport is tile s;llne .'nit tilat lool;ed for ihrec other h):.fl: pl:mc.; in the North- west, ill receipt weeks. "We average about 50 per cent Kiwtmis division, annmmeed timt in finding l)lanes," LL. Ramner ex- he is leaving nexl Wednesday to pressed. "That's pretty good for attend tile annual International tiffs rough country." Convention at Atlantic Cily. Gas Taxes To Boost County Road Funds A state gasoline tax increase passed at the 31st legislativo ses- sion late last winter will result in a more substantial county road fund. Communications from the De- partment of Highways at Olym- pi;t inforne(1 eount.y comnfission- ers Men(lay thai. 10,720 a(Iditional dollars will flow into the road fired for 1949. An estimate for 1.¢)50 in- dicates a total of $180,900 will go into the same fund. 380-Foot Road Asked i i i i iiiii i i illl ii " missioners 'Monday asking they establish a road 380 feet long into a. game farm near Belfair. Paschke operates the farm. Arthur Ward, county engineer, was instructed to inw,;;tigatc the road proposal. Pa,ff6 5. FAST, EFFICIENT, EXPERT HOUSE WIRING SERVI00 By Bonded, Licensed Electricians KILLMER ELECTRIC LOCAL DEALERS FOR MONARCH RANGES, CROSLEY APPLIANCES, APEX WASHERS & DRIERS 207 Cots Street Phone 664 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ' * Handsome gifts that show individuality and good taste. Dad will • Top Grade Parts GIVE • Guaranteed Service AT Prices You Can Afford Honest Business Is Good Business Lou's Radio • Mr. View Phone 675-W Go To Church Sunday Jewelry- Gifts 129 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 143 F. E. BECKWITH IIII I I We Have a COMPLETE lane of CANNING S  UPPLIES I PORTO PURE FRUIT PECTIN ' 10' 8-OZ. BOTTLE ...... JELLY GLASSES 8.Ounce ooz ................. 49  FRUITMASTER WAX ,-Lb. Carton 19' For Jam and Jelly Jars Sliced or Piece FRESH SIDE PORK ................ lb. 55 ¢ SLICED LUNCH MEAT ........ lb. 49 ¢ PURE PORK SAUSAGE ........ lb. 39* BACON T ARES' TM ...... _._ ..... . ....... :27 € lb. Tender - Grown COLORED FRYERS ................. lb. 55¢ AGED GOOD GRADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS AND STEAKS * RABBITS * COLORED FRYERS Bulk Kraut - Bulk Pickles ORDER MEAT BY PHONE  CALL FOR UNTIL 7 P.M. WITH ,-,, FRIDAY AND SA]:[RDAY PRICES fer 2: € S K A C A P TUNA FLAKES 6-oz. tin 31 ' Fisher's Blend FLOUR 25-1b. sack. Sl.89 DENNISON'S PORK & BEANS No.,, T,o 2 for 37 ¢ ,Standby Blended Juices ,.o, t,n 35 ¢ Holly BrandSugar ........ 10.Lb. Sao 89 ¢ LOTS OF LOCAL BERRIES THEY ARE VERY GOODt Cantaloupe lb. 13€ TOMATOES Ctn. 19 ¢ , J,m, ,, FLORIDA ORANGES 10 Ibs. 98 ¢ Fresh, Crisp, Local LETTUCE 3 for 11 ¢ Needham Food Center • BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY = ' MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONE 199 Calif. Dry Onions .. lb. 7¢ Initialed cigaret lighter . . . $3.00 to $10.00 SOMETHING FROM YOUR JI,WELER IS ALWAYS SOMETHING SPECIA'L Can Serve You Best BECAUSE WE USE Flawless blue-white dia- mond in 14-carat solid geM setting . . . $40.00. Handsome Leather Billfolds From to $12 Of County Commission George B. Paschke and others filed a petition with county corn- /ff t h a L 2 LOU'S RADIO ::. Wide selection of fine wast watche.s ]n hand- some gold or silvcr Cases,, neW('st W r i S t- band styles. Priced from $18.00 to $125.00. be thrilled and proud to receive them. And with every purchase goes a long term guarantee, If you are uncertain about a se- lection . . . let the fa- thers behind our count- ers help you!