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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa e 6 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursda .... GRAuAM In Hood Canal Communl les AtUn,°nPr°bes HOU,SEfA00NT;/4.?00 THEATRE f ]"rl.-lt., ,i;Ine | O- 1; James Cngney, Pnt O&apos;trlen, HUmldtroy l;oglrt., Anu Sh,,ridan € "ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES" George Is;+mcroft, Billy Ilalop A Picture a.s t.crrifi(: as it:.; C,;v.A,!! ................ O .................. Sun(ty-Moiday-Tueday June 12-13-14 In Technico!:)r "THE BOY WITII GREEN HAIR" /)at O'Brlau, l;obert ILv:tn, Barbara II:de and l)e:tn Stackwell as "tlw |ioy" A Shock, A Thrill An EXperience . . . Different than anything you'ye ever Seen, I)cfoi'e!! Adults 50c; Chihircu ]5c ........... O ............. Wed.-Thurs., June 15-1(i I)OUBIA, FEATUHJ The Clsco Kid in "TILE VALIANT IIOMBRE" Duncan l{en;Hdo, I.('o (!:t.rril- h), John I,itel, |;,rba, ra. I:,li-':,; :tnd "D++tisy )) The Wonder Do'. econd ilJ; "The Cou: crfcieers" John Fld!on, l)ori:, Mcrrick ALi)ERBR()0K COMMUNITY HAS GROWING SPUR'I THIS SPRING The Hood Canal territory is fruit becoming one of the finest re,)rt areas in the entire North- west. Latest surge of activity is i the conmmity of Alderbrook. I,'IVE NI':W business firms op- ened at Ahlcrbvook in the last two weeks. These new stores pro- vi0,., uh)thing, groceries, Rnick- Icnt¢'Rs, Souvenirs and g i f t s, lun(hea. ad delic:ztessen goods. There "is also a beauty shop. I The Flagwood Shop, owned by* Mi:)s Flag g and Miss ti]astwood, h:mdlcs candies, northwest delida- cies, knitting yarns and assorted items: ]t is Ideated in a rustic, r:tnt:h-style building, and the at- H00DSPORT THEATRE FRIDAY, JUNE 10 ,,, Hopalong Cassidy "Stagecoach War" SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Randolph Scott Nancy Kelly Cesar R,omero "Frontier Mrshal" * i,i , Belfair Builders ' BELFAIR Special This Week 4 x 8 x !z Sub-st:mdard Plywood .40 1 x 4 Kiln Dried I) Grade Fir Fh)oring $85 M PHONE BELFAIR 5-3512 tractive sign was created by Wal- do Chase, wood-block and water  color artist. Alfred Brunstrom of Union was contractor for the building. In the same building is the Ann Kenny Gift Shop, Which used to be located at the Alderbrook Inn. The shop is unique in that her gifts are of a rare nature. TtIE THIRD of the new firms is the Alderbrook Apparel Shop, operated by Mrs. Vera Lamb, the former Vera Dunn, daughter of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunn of, Aberdeen. Her shop features sports apparel of all types, well- known ladies hosiery and women's and children's wear. The new Alderbrook Beau Shop is located in the building that houses the apparel shop. Op- erated by Mrs. Wood, the shop will featqre machine, machlneless and cold waving, and hair styling. DIRECTLY ACROSS the nigh- way from the previously-mention- ed firms is the newly-reopened Alderbrook Center, managed by Mr. and Mrs. Larry Adair. The Adairs are former, residents of Belfalr, where they operated a garage and filling station busi- ness. The center handles groceries, meats and produce. It also fea- tures a fountain lunch. The addition of the firms to the Alderbrook community indicates that the popular Hood Canal is r, pidly growing as a vacation re- gion. It i ii COMING UP.,. Thursday, June 9: Chamber of Commerce dinner at 7 p.m., busi- ness at 8 p.m., Shelter hotel. Zonta club, 6:39 p.m. dinner, at home ol Mrs. Bernard Winiecki. Friday, June 1O: Lingerie Show, 1:30 and 3:30 p.m., Colonial House. Sunday, June 12: Trinity Sun- day. Check Journal church page for announcements. Monday, June 18: Swim classes for school children star at De- light Park. County commissioners meet, 19 a.m., courthouse. P.U.D. Commission meeting, 8 p.m., P.U. D. bldg. V.F.W., 8 p.m., Memori- al Hall. Tuesday, June 14: Kiwanis club, noon luncheon, Memorial Hall. , Into Road Problems Hostesses Aid In Successful Party Event In Lilliwaup Hostesses for the potluck sup- per and pinochle party, with which the Lilliwaup Community Club .en- tertained Friday evening, were Mrs. Lee Erhart and Nrs. Fred Forrest. A pleasant evening was spent by those who attended. The affair be- gan with a supper, followed by pinochle and refreshments at the close of the play. Prizes were won by Mrs. Fred Thatcher and Dick Schauffler. It was hard for Mr. and Mrs. Lew Evans of the Lilliwaup Shop- ping to believe their eyes Sunday morning when they found the flowers missing from their two large flower boxes in front of their store. Hoodlums had raided them, probably during the eve- ning or early morning and had de- stroyed the beautiful display which had been an added attrac- tion for visitors to Lilliwaup, Guy Kneeland is reported to be a patient at a Shelton hospital, where he was taken last Tuesday. Busy Gene Krupa Wants To Fish long Hood Canal "I'd like to stop here a month and spend every day fishing," ex- claimed Gene Krupa when passing through Shelton one day recently. MEETING ..A tightly-packed schedule that has kept them on the road since May 9, Gene Krupa and his 20 musicians and singers were on their way from Seattle to Port Angeles when they stop- ped in Shelton to stretch and to eat. Krupa, 40, in show business most of his life, has travelled many times over all sections of the United States. "Every time I come into the Puget Sound dis- trict, I get a desire to knock off work and just go fishing." "I'll bet the fishing is good up alqng Hood Canal," he said, add- ing, "Isn't it?" Assured that it was th finest stretch of water in the world, Krupa reaffirmed a desire he said he always had, "I'd like to try it." A WELL-KNOWN drummer r * I Belfair Teen Club Ends Active Year At Carnival Party A carnival spirit prevailed and an active year was climaxed for the Belfair Teen Age Club, Fri- day evening, May 27, when the member's were entertained by their adult sponsors, the Belfair Women's Club. "Come to a carnival party," was I the invitation issued to the 75 I teen-agers, with Belfair school I gym as the scene of the festivity I and play clothes the rule of the l evening. Chaperones representing I the Women s Club served hot dogs, homemade cookies and pop, fol- lowing the dancing and games. The meeting was the last one of this season for the group, which will convene again in September. Meeting every two weeks frmn September to June, the Teen Age organization in the past yenr has capably handled a number of par- ties of its own, including a Hal- lowe'en masquerade, a New Year's Eve frolic, and a St. Patrick's Day formal dancing party. On these vccasioQs, arrangements were handled by teen-age commit- I tees, appointed by their president, ! Rhea De Mougin, with chaperones ] always provided by the Belfair Women's Club. Other officers for the self-gov- erning young people's group are: vice-president, Barbara Ori; sec- retary-treasurer, :Mary Denevan. Barbara also acted as chairman for the standing refreshment com- mittee with Charlene Adair and Janet Brown to assist her. Guiding the Teen-age Clhb though a strenuous responsibility to be one of its most worthy pro- jects, the Belfair Women's Club, which founded the group in 945, has advised and supported it since that time. Teen-Age advisers in the past year were Mrs. Rex P. Crossen and Mrs. J. S. Ahl. Maintenance of public streets approaching the waterfront in Un- ion was endorsed by members of the Hood Canal Improvement Club at a meeting in the Union school Monday night. ItAR LAN B L A K E, president, said the club is notifying the Board of County Commissioners it is opposed to the closing of any public streets in Union. "Only a few approaches to the water ow remain open to the public and the right of citizens to use these for swimming and boating must be protected," Blake said. The club also discussed logging operations in the Union area and voted to notify authorities to see that loggers keep roads properly posted and that logging trucks travel at safe rates of speed along residential streets. THE DIRECTOR of state high- ways is being requested by the club to post a sign at the Allyn cutoff on Highway 14 to direct motorists to Union. Members re- ported many tourists are con- fused by a lack of signs indicat- ing the drive along scenic Hood Canal. The club set the third Sunday of July as the date for a com- munity work day in the old Union schoolhouse. This comes on July 17. Entertainment at the meeting. included vocal numbers by Patty MUm'de and Mrs. Orabelle Avey and a piano duet by Mrs. Mildred Munroe and Mrs. Helen Ander- ;::en. Roof Fire At Union Home Is Extinguished Union volunteer fire depart- ment helped extinguish a roof fire at the Bud Cowle home on Union hill last week. Damage to the residence, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McHenry, was confined to the roof, I WE ARE GRATEFUL... For Our Part In the Completion of the H00DSPORT LUMBER Lumber, Building Materials, Hardware and Complete Builders' Service FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES Atlas Power Tools i=i!ili::: Visit The ELDON HOTEL COFFEE i FOUNTAIN SERVICE SHORT ORDERS "/ Also Board and R RAU'S CHICKEN DINNER 3 MILES EAST OF UNION ,, Specializing In Butterfried Steak and Seafood DinnerS PRIVATE DINING ROOM WITH' DANCE For Banquets and Private Parties Open Every Day Except Mo" I ^ For Res ' 'UI BEST WISHES |] i THE FLAGW00D SH00I" J aycees entertainment and meet- ing, 8 p.m., Airport recreation hall. City council session, 2 p,m., city hall. Wednesday, June 15: School Boy Patrol picnic at Twanoh State Park; boys meet at 9:30 a.m. at IAncoln school. Active club, 8 p.m., because, in Krupa's words spok- en with a grin, "I can't do any- thing else," the musician and his troupe returned to Seattle after the Port Angeles engagement and then headed east. So long, Gene. When you come back to fish, the boys on Hood FLAGW00D BUILDING PEARCE BROTHERS A N D : : ; ' ANN ,K00o00g GIFTS GENERAL CONTRATOIt : tl)  ....... Bichsel bldg, Business and Profes- Canal can fix you up with boat, iPASAmOUNT sional Womens Club, 8 p.m., p. OF fishing gear, and tell you where I-)) rz. _, U.D. bldg. theyTe biting, l-Jl.lLltlJl£llL ' FLAGWOOD BUILDIIUd[ Vorld'--- Largest Cathedral BABY'GIR-- ' UNION PHONE o ALFRED BRUNSTI{0r St. Peter's at Rome is the larg- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tembull, _ = + ,+ ................ est cathedral In the world, cover- I203 Cots, are the parents of a PHOJqE UNION 370 ', ing 18,000 square yards, baby girl born June 2. - 'i " °': ,.,, ................... 0 ........... i ' ' ' "'" "' -- i. ""+ ALDERBROOK COMMUNITY SH THE FLAGW**00D SHOP ..A+ q+," 'r 15 C tA..h,.j+L E + ++e IFTS JEANETTE MacDONALD . :i . SAN IRANC/SCO FINE CANDIES,  JEWELRY : Fine Linens - Novelties T  , ' € < ,+. Sllnday " | uesd,y, ,June 12 - 14 .... " ...... • ' ....... 00GARFIELD t" ;s Body and oul ;nro Northwest Delicacies Beautiful Knitting Yarns BOOK RENTAL LIBRARY IN THE FLAGWOOD BUILDING • ALDERBROOK APPAREL SHOP Alderbrook Inn WELL KNOWN BRANDS OF SPORTS CLOTHES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN @ Swimming Suits The Finest Ladies' Shcer Hosiery Open Every Day and Evening MRS. VERA LAMB Phone Union 232 O ENGLISH BONE CHINA O i: i, Open Until 9 Every Evening IN THE FLAGWOOD BUILDING + SHOP Machine, Machineless and Cold Waves Personality Hair Styling • "k Open Every Day Except Sunday MRS. VERNA WOOD Alderbrook Inn Phone Union  * GROCERIES *" FRESH FRUITS "k AND VEGETABLES SHOP WISELY AND SAVE AT ALDERBROOK CENTER : Opposite Alderbrook hm. LARRY AND LILA ADAIR . PHONE UNION 269 FOUNTAIN LUNCH GAS AND OIb