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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FUEL KIDS t W/HY V4EAR AM OVERCOAT IM.IDE, vauEu OiL FRO00 C.Jkkl BE UPPLIED ./ Take the pain out of chilly nights and mornings by putting cold to rout• We're ready to deliver a full tank of fuel oil at a momen't notice. Keep your tanks full of 011 and your home will always be warm. STORAGE TANKS 50 to 1,000 Gallons for new burner Installations. C, hehalis, \\;Vash. The, mlcecss of the baseball tryout camp held at City Park last Slll'nl]ler by the Brt)wns has prompted the St. Lotlis organization to conducl an- other Sllch ca]rip here this SUln- nler. Tony Rebel|o, tile t}rowns' ace scout on the west coast, will again he in cha, rge, Tryouts begin Thursdkv, JIme 23, continuing through .h|ne 26, and will be open to all haseb:di- minded yet ths who have  l}anker- ink for a career in America's No, 1 game. There i@ no cost xhat- ever, hut boys must brinf;" thoir own basel)all shoes and gloves, and pay their own expenses. Those who look like real prospects will be signed to contracts anti be re- ilnhtn'sed for expenses inctlrl'e(I, in alten(ling tile tryouts, The Browns now have 19 minor league clubs l.o 1)rovide pro:peet. for Ille pavellt t.elln. VVil.I) this • ( ''r many chlbs of vrions :]:t,'shl('a- lions llndel' the Brownie I)IAIIIeY thel:e is ample opportunity for tal- tilted yollng players to be. asF.iIn, ed immc(lilftely and start lheb' climb tl I) tile laddel' to the ltla.jor leagucs. Shelton Air Service TICKET AGENTS For West Coast Air Lines For Reservation Phone 25-J, Planning A Trip? We'save you all the Incon- venience of routing and ticketing; on Plane, R.R. or Steamship. No Service Charge World-Wide Connectiona Call Olympia Trove| Service ely. 6226 OLYMPIAN H OTEI Qlympla, Wn. GO TO CItURCH SUNDAY i , . , i i r -- coRoy:s ,-€, A GRANO OgD See the many exdueiva features that have enabled MAaTm Mcrm to set a New Standard o Perfarmanee for outboard motors. Let tm shaw you how MARTIn's patented mechanical- ly contl'ollod poppet valves give in- stant, flood-proof starting, bettor, more own gu die,r/button, more all- aroand operating efficiency plus more horsepower par poupd of motor voight. Watch as the excluMve M&lt full swivel mvlnl the entire lower end of the motor up for quick, easy in,poe(ion. .  th6 full rvexo without |uhlfdngl.,. the vertical starn adjustment,phm mny other MA- -enginoormi features. Bmltly ityled Wit two-toned, baked-on enamel finiS, MaTm $119.95 ao ate prided tm COME IN AND SEE WHY OUTBOARD MOTORS MOTORS ARE ACCLAIMED.. be sure to see ALL 3 'MARTIN SldO ll "20" 2V H.P. The Standard of Perbrmance! SHELTON AUTO BODY 120 EAST PINE STREET - PHONE 145 , B 7 Ted Keting t-'ractically every city-dwelling American is sure tlmt bears are the most ferocious wild animals ever turned loose, and their a, man who hunts titelli i:, ;| veritable giant among men, The fact is, with certain im- portant exceptions( mot.;( of them pertaining to the grizzly1, bear hunting is pretty dull sport. Davy Crockett started the bad bear myth anti he has had many eager cooperators since. One trap- per told about his terrifying ex- perience of being socked square in thb kisser by  1,500 ponnd grizzly. But after a quizzing by Writer Charles B. Roth i1 :dl came down to this: The grizzly was in *l lrap, the trapper got too clone, and the bear let, go a lucky roun(l- honse right which yon or [ would htwe done in like conditions. One of Ollr Ino;3I; 5;tlCCeS,qfllI and realistic bern' ]hinters was A. C. Rowell. He killed in all. around 300 bears, anti never considcl'ed he was in the slight(,st danger. He] had ver little regard for grizzly courage. When asked if hi, wove ever elmrged by one he tel>lied: "Only by a wounded one or ny a f,,male trying t.o dehmd her yotg. But a. fentale, eotlcmtail rabbit has Steelhead Punch Card Set Back To June 1•5 Seattle.-.-,The State of Washing- ton Department of Game has ex- tende(l the final date before which the sttellxe,ad punch cards are to b retraet to he main office 509 lairv ow Avem e North, Seatth,. The new (h,adline is June 15th. These cards contain very va,l- uable information which enables the Galne Department to correct- ly Ffle,qSlll'e tile Sllccess of its steel- head T)rogrmn anti t0 establish im- proved m'magemont practices. i, To date a considerable number of these cards ae still outstand- in;,,' anti tlc department is solicit- ing the cooprat.ion of all steellmad fishern(?n by returning theh" Cl'(ts .... whether any fish were taken or not, Women's Golf Division Entertain With Dinner The V;omen's Division of the ShelL(m Bayshore Golf Cluh en- tertained their husbands at a pot- luck dinnei' last Monday, June 6. at the summer home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel on Island Lake. During the evening the group of approximately 60 engaged in boat- ing, water skating and (lancing., PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE W. L. P('t.':GBL HollyWood ...... 47 25 .653 ........ ] SEATTLE ...... 39 33 .5,12 8 t San Diego ..... 37 ;;3 .529 9 San Franckco 35 36 .493 11'4, Oakland ........ 35 ;{6 .493 11, Sacramento .... 32 3t. ,485 12 Los Angeles .... 30 ,10 ,429 16 Portland .......... 2,t 42 ,364 20 How Series Stands Won W'on EATTLE 5 San Diego 1 San Francisco '30aldand 3 Hollywood 5 Los Angeles 1 Pol'tland 2 Sacramento 2 Games This Week Los Angeles at SEATTLE. San Francisco at Portland. Sacramento at Oakland. San Diego at Itollywood. -Tides of the Week Computed fo Oakland Bay • (Hood Canal tides are one.hour' and 55 minutes earlier) Thursday, June t3 High ................ 4:01 a.m. 14.6 ft. Low ................. 11:21 a.m. -2.7 ft, High ................ 6:42 p.m. 14.4 • ft, Low .................. 11:42 p.m. 6.!1 ft. I,'ridlty, ,lithe It) High ............... 4:40 a.m. 14.3 ft. Low .................. 12:04 p.m. -3.2 ft. High ................ 7:32 p.m. 14.9 ft. Saturday, June 11 Low ................. 0:36 a.m. 7.3- ft. Higll ................ 5:18 a.m. 13.9 ft. Low ................. 12:44 p.m. -3,3 ft. High ................ 8:20 p.m. 15.2 ft. Snnday, June 12 Low .................. 1:30 a,m. 7.5 t't. l-tigh ................ 5:59 a.m. 13.5 ft. Low ................... 1:27 p,m. -3.1 ft. High .............. 9:1)6 p.m. 15.2 ft, Mond,%y, ,Inne 1,*i Low ............... 2:24 a.m. 7.5 ft. High ............... 6:40 a.n. I3.0 ft. Low .................. 2:10 -2.5 ft. l-frith ............. 9:51 p.m. 15.1 ft;. TllP,tl;{ty, Jlllle 1.4 Low ........ . ..... :1 Lm. 7,3 t't. tilth .2 ............ 8:23 a,m. 12.2-I lt Low  ........... i ..... 2:53 -1.7 fI.I High .......... ...... 10:24, 12.9 ft. I Wedttesdty, June 15 Low .................. 4:16 a,nt, 7.0 ft., High ................ 8:14 a,m, 11.6 ft, Low .................. 3:37 p,m. -0.7 ft,, [ ] ] [ ] ' ] ..... Higll, ................ 11:17 l).m. 14.7 ft. , .A [ ,,-e3-INLTON-MAON COI JOURNAL VETS WIN FIRST FASTBALL TILT: ' • DAIRYMEN CONTINUE UNBEAIEN I ('lr$' I'AIBALL I,lC, A(IE Iedman itit a |Ionle. Hill ill the( IV I, rf ra fourth, but a singleton scored in, t Kitsap Dairy 10 0 107 1:1 the firsl on an e'iTor ]n(I singles I H, ayonier . ................... 4 5 57 73 by lill Iedman and Lowe wouhl American Legion .... 4 5 86 68 V,F.W. l'osl ............. 1 9 36 136 l,:t/et N('ore Dairy 9, Rayonier 0 V.F.W. 5, Legion 2 Dairy 1(I, V.F.%'. 0 1,egion 15, H.ayonier 5 (:ames Tonight V.F.W. vs ILayonier Dairy vs Legion Games Monday Legion vs V.F.W. layoniel' vs Dairy Games June 9 V.F.\\;¥. vs Rayonicr Dairy vs Legion , have I)cen sufficient the way Lowe was ntowing (town i)ulplnill swing- ors. The Legion spanked ].ayoniel', 15 to 5, Tlmrsday wHh a ten-run second inning settling the issue. George Valley and JilU MeComb slamned healers during the big inning ,'ind Valley hit four times (hu'ing the gante. Cimck Dale had a perfect three-for-three, also, in- chiding a doable and triple. Kelly Nutt's home lain gave Rayonier a three-run start in the first inn- ing and Danny Davidson smashed another circuit blow for the los- ors in the sixtlL I attacked me tinder similar circum- [ stances." [ Stewart Edward hite, who I has hunted widely in t)oth Africa t and America, reports: "The Afri- I' can lion will keep ch'trging to his last breath, no matter how many times you shoot hint. But I have never seen a grizzly cor0- plete his charge." There were never more titan two kinds of bears in the United States the black and the grizzly. The so-called brown bears, little cinnamon bears and big cinnamon bears are all v-(flattens or muta- tions of these two classes, All bears are omnivorous, but the grizzly is more inclined to be carnivorous. Early day cattlemen, coming across the partially de- VOllred cai'cass of a beef animal, jmnped .to the conclusion that a grizzly was the culprit. Actually the rel killer was tlsually a mountain lion and the grizzly came along late: in the role of a scavenger. Anything that can be caught, chewed and swallowed is bear food. But the bear--grizzly and black is ill-equipped to catch mosL otler animals unless they are disabled. Of necessity he is ntainly a vegetarian. Tim grizzly has been hunted so I persistently that he is almost ex- terminated, aLl only a compara- tively few bhtk bear remain in this country. And anyone who has been to Yellowstone or a northern resort knows what big, good-na- tured, and/ w0 .lmy as welltadmit it stnpid creAlPes they are. ONLY ONE "string" remains unscissored in the city fastball league now, the Veterans of For- eign Wars trading snipped the de- feat skein which ltatl run to nine straight. The Vets backed up Ray Phil- lip's flossy flinging with excellent defensive play Monday night to whip the American Legion, 5 to 2, for their first victory of the schedule. Phillips was sharp and blanked tim Legionnaires for the final six innings after Charlie Dale's home run had given the Legion a two- run start in the opening inning, The Vets calne.back with four in the second, Chub Nutt's homer climaxing the spree after three bases on balls and a single by Floyd Fuller. MEANWHILE, Kitsap Dairy continued its merry way, ringing up victories No. 9 and 10 during the week as Sonny Lowe shutout Rayonier, 9 to 0, Monday night, and gave the Vets only an un- earned tally while whipping them, 10 to 1, Thursday. Lowe ]tit a home run with one on ih the sixth to help his own cause against the Vets and also tripled with the bases full during a five-run spree in the seventh. A SIX-RUN outburst in the fifth was the milkmen's biggest salvo against Rayonier. four of the runs being walked across. Lot| AIRPORT CAFE' NOW OPEN DAILY Short Orders Lunches Pies - Cakes Soft Drinks Bet}ha Phillips, Prop. At Mason County Airport SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING OLYMPIC FURNITURE Walt Elllott, Owner AUTO TRUCK FIRE Farmers Insurance Group PHONE 654 Bill Pearson, Distriot Agent ELECTRICAL SALES AND SERVICE Wiring - Installations - Repair RAY L. DREBIS Phone 766.R-2 So. Olympic Highway RliDIB GlffRI| = Gay Taylor  Clint Wlllour AROWN BAKERY (Our Own) Loving Brothers Ira, Duane, William EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER Merritt "Eells George Valley Phone 25-J Power Line Construction Co. Jack Chisum, Mgr. Mt. Vlew WHITE SPOT Jim Bleemker CLIFF WlVELL'S TEXACO SERVICE 100% Veterans Use Journal Want Ads SICKS' SEATTLE BR'EWlNG'& MAtTiNG' CO, ITSS A CHAMPION IN STYLE AND LOW-COST M|LEAGE! Studebak at an all-time record rate mm 7 Studebaker's the stand-out in solid money's worth New decorator-fabric upholsteries • New body colors a Self-adjusting brakes • Vari- able ratio "extra-leverage" steering • Pan- oramic vision a eats centered between the =xles • Low center of gravity • Glare-proof "black light" instrument dials a Auto- matte hill holder--available on Champiorm at Might added cost, but standard on other models, a Automatic overdrive, Clima- ti=er heating and ventilating, white side. wall tires and wheel trim rings or disco are optional at extra cost on all models. UST a look at the streets and hi know a Studebaker buying wave't, s' the country. All America is thinking baker, buying Studebaker as never before 1949 is all-time-high year in Studebaker $ production. Take a proud place of your own in success parade. Get Studebaker style and Studebaker savings that count in Stop in and treat yourself to a close-¢P € 't9 Studebaker--it's far and away money in any new car. '1 ANDERSON MOTOR FIRST AND COTA STREETS, SHELTON, WASH. The Veterans" Corner Comple{e Men's Apparel And Shoes MILLER'S MEN'S SHOP Vern Miller, Owner Simpson Employees Federal Credit Union SAVINGS & LOANS For Simpson ]mployees Bill Pearson, Treas.-Mgr. FOR SHELTON'$ FRIENDLY STATION BILL MILLER'S SERVICE Richfield Products Bill Miller, Owner STOP-INN CAFE VET'S DOIN'S NATIONAL LEGION CONFAB PRECEDES STATE CONVENTION The forthcoming 1949 Legion State Convention at Seattle from September 8 to 10 will fall after the national American Legion convention in Philadelphia, Fred M. Fffecker, state adjutant, has announced. "This is the fire( time in the history of the Washington Legion that such a situation has come np," Fueeker sai d. According to the state adju- tant, normally, department con- ventions fall prior to national con- claves, in order that the state membership can prepare business of nation-wide interest for intro- duction at the national meeting• All business pertaining to national affairs and the election of delegates to the national con- vention is being done through the ten Legion District conferences currently underway throughout Florld Soil The soil of Florida is of coral formation. FIR DRUG STORE Ruas Hunter, Manager CALL 69? FOR Dick's City Delivery Dick Gardner, Opr, For Home Delivrfes Call 26 BOB KOLAR Distributor of Kltsap Dairy Products Milk - Cream - Butter UPHOLSTERING LITERAL TRIM SHOP Audra Literal Phone 145 GORDON'S MEATS ' L PHONE 52 Your Directory Of Veterans Doing Buness In Mason County Complete Automotive Repair MT. VIEW AUTO REPAIR (Opposite Skating Rink) Mt. View - Phone 838 BANNER & BURNETT SHELL SERVICE 1st & Cola - Phone 940 FOR FINE CAKES AND PASTRY SHAFER'S BAKERY Walt Sherr, Owner "Our Aim Is to Serve You" SERVICEMEN'S MERCANTILE 407 South 1st John Hunter, Manager DWIGHT MORRIS MEN'S WEAR 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 494 HOODSPORT Gordon Bayee, Owner DEN'S SPORT & CYCLE SHOP (Formerly Sleyster's) Don Woods, OWner Grocerlea- Meats UNION MARKET • Roy Watson, Owner UNION 242 Jack Wallace, Owner EATON AUTO! Vern and Chevro HIIlcrsst " I HAPPY Resort G rocerle$  SHO 320 Neal EXPERT RAY'8 Ray m t Cottages  Jack VFI Licensed, 207 Cots CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Quality Wiring K Street -Mountain View :P.O. Box 158, Shelton, Phone 788 WEE PAUSE CAFE, GordOn: ALLYN tOO0 Diok Valley, Prop. ' .. Dewey Danlels PACIFIC RADIO CLINIC Mt. View - Phone 842 RAY'S SERVICE RICHFIELD PRODUCTS USED CARS 100% Veterans PHONE 162 CITY CAB Mel Robertson BOB ERVIN MOTORS 100% Ex-Servicemen FOR FUEL OIL PHONE 326 Union Oil Products Glenn Roessel