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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page 11 - J I I I III III I I I III Hotpoint Automatic Clothes Washer Is Se"sation -- With Fluid Drive GIVES WOMEN ON WASH DAY !devote one whole day a week to laundry toil of the efficient new automatic washcrs day's gathering of soiled clothing and in, a control turned and then forgotten to toss in the next batch. It's as easy as i their complicated inner structure, these to operate a child can do the family's i , more errors than mixing uncongenial col- a modern home laundry you don't collect a week at a time. Merely toss them into i spin damp dry for ironing that day or them thoroughly and keep them clean! to sit down to the ironer. makes it sim- Swirlaway Water Action Swirlaway water action results I from three distinct washing phases that are part of every com- plete washing cycle of the new }lotpoint Automatic %Vasher. First, the Thriftivator phase--the gentle, positive washing action that 1949 Hotpoint Rinses Three, Times, Leaves Clothes Fresh and Clean Here's the "ultimate" ch)thes First rinse consists of 30 sac- washer at last! This new Auto- ends of warm spray.while tub is matic Washer with fluid drive spinning. The second rinse takes does all the family wash as effi- another 30 second while tub is eiently, as fast, am clean as twen- spinning but this time in a cold % Prevents Tangling With the new Hotpoint Thrifti- vator, clothes are swirled up . . . around . . . and down through the 3 zone cycle again and again. It flexes them gently, dislodging dirt, washing away soil. Made of smooth, polished, rustproof alumi- makes your clothes last longer tieth-century science can devise spray, num alloy, it's safe for the most while getting them cleaner. No with minimum hot water'. Finally, for six and a half gin- fragile.fabric.s .... thorough enough fabric wear no tumbling no tear- " " ' • imn v,t n t So amazmgly ....le, ,e_ - ute. the clothes are in a deep cold to remove dirt from heavy work ing, no shredding of garments. ] veasher that really gets clothes rinse with the Thriftivator in me- ] ch)thes. Second is the Overflow rinselclean There's no work for you;; • • • i • Cloth(s are kept mov ng t*on. Water constantly overflows phase. Rinse water is not filtered I no nore handling soapy, soaking . ! through the washmg cycle separ- b:tck through clothes to "re-de- clothes. All by itself, your Hot- into the dram to insure a corn-lately ' preventing them from whirl- posit" soap and dirt. D0int Automatic,, Washer flushes plate rinsing, ling into a tight ball or wrapping Third is the Sediment Removal out the wash water and rinses I A final sin for seven minutes I around each other. There's never a phase. Dirt solids washed out of three times, carrying away soil[ v • . ,, to remove water from clot h es need t Un!naenvgle :nWeaddte2rmar s clothes are collected in a specially and soap, leaving your c 1 o t h e s . ^r. .... I O cJo es ........ e p constructed "trap." T h e y a r e fresh and clean. There's. no work gives you to% greater water cX-lrip s caused by pulling during the ejected from the washer, for you! . I traction that the best wringer. !j washing action. LOAD IT! SET IT! FORGET IT! Controls ou this new Washing Wonder' of the automatic field do the work for you ouce you have filled the tub with clothing. Just one simple Master' Control is set for operating this new washer through the steps of washing, rinsing, and spin-drying. With a turn of this con- trol yctl can h:ve hot water, warm water, or cold water as desired. flcre's the complete, timed, cycle of operation for a normal load: First, fill the tub with w'ater.- -it takes about three minutes to fill tub for a full load. Add soap, and while tub is filling place soiled clothes in washer'. Vater heat and timing are dial set to determine the cycle of washing, and all you have to do is remove the fresh clean cot- tons, linens, arc., t(:) roll tot" ironing. Other pieces may be fluff-dried in your automatic drier. Simply "dial in" lengtl of time you want clothes to be washed--- just as you would dial a radio. The Wend-R-Dial may be met for one to twelve minutes' washing. Because of the new Thrifttvator design, which gives superior washing efficiency, long washing periods are not necessary. Your washing job is finished. The washer automatically waslles your clothes, rinses them thoroughly, spins them damp-dry and shuts off. opera- ITiO- aside an the process. devices the faun- your hat and clothes are around in a Will he clean, | by the time Your errands once of free- and the pro- buttons and to handling is the first easy way and avoiding a lot Spread table and sort to type and Way is to wash which have amount of soil, take the same • ame tempera- A common suggested dishcloths Wels, wash. ray- cotton rig. be on the stains which before pins, orna- trim- inside out and ac- of tobac- Stains. This down shirt cuffs. Close have more a good so they rest of a damp of soap until: then brush tti this i spots or on give good shlng. clothing they go a mending .equipment. wardrobe or wear extra- are they after a That is You buy Will stand found on of Washer to in one Get / ..... Deal CK B New Aaron,abe Washer by III II EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd Street WITH Phone 334 WATER ACT[Oi00 THRMS AS LOW AS $ 29" PER WEEK PRICE $299.9S Actual tests show that amazing Swirlaway Water Action with Hotpoint's proved agitator principle gives you cleaner, brighter washes--saves hot water--saves soap--saves dothesl Now you can enjoy cleaner, easier, lowest cost washing with the new top- loading Hotpoint Automatic Washer, which features sensational new Swirl- away Water Action! Come in and see this latest, greatest automatic washer-- packed with features home-makers everywhere want--perfected and proved by America's foremost home-laundry planners, You'll say no wonde everybody's pointing to HotpointI PERFECTED-Automatic Washer fea- tures that have been time.tested in years of service--newest features that thou- sands of women have asked for--are brought to perfection by Hotpoint's famous home-laundry planners in the new Hotpoint Automatic Washer with oxclusive Swirlaway Water Action. PROVED-Every feature in the new Hotpoint Automatic Washer has been pro.tested time and again, under con. ditions that imposed far more severe strains and stresses than will ever be encountered in actual home service. Hotpoint features meet cvery test re- quirement with am pie margins to spare! Has Everything Does Everything BETTER! fluid Drive='ands harmful vibration, prolongs washor lifo.Hotpoint' s newl:luid Drive cushions and minimizes motor vi. bration--dclivers a smooth, steady flow o power--saves wear and tear on moving parts-prolongs the lif© of the washer. No bolting down required. Adjustable leveling; Proved Agitator Action gets clothes cleaner, whiter, brighter. Years of devel- opment and application bring you Hot. point's famous "Thriftivator," based on the roved agitator principle. It's the most scientifically efficient method ever used in home washing appliances " Big Hot Water Savings with exdusive new Wond.R.Dial. A single, simple auto- matic coatrol--Wond.R.Dial--regulates the entire operation. Combined with flex. ible fill, it lets you control exactly the quantity and temperature of water you use--saves hot water and soap. Dirt expelled from Was'mr by Sediment Ejector and Ovarflow Rinse. Heavy dirt particles are trapped by the Sediment Ejector and dischargcd from washer dur- ing extraction of the wash water. Ovcrllow Rinse removes all soap curd aml scum, giving brighter, cleaner washes. Everybody's Pointing to