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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,t94.. • eat out in ood delicious food, It*s fun to choose variety of dishes. That&apos;s here. Start GO'TO CHURCH SUNDAY CIIATTERBOX CAFE HEINIE HILDERMAN'S Your Home- Build. It Shelton Students Receive Degrees At CPS Sunday Graduating with Bachelor of Arts degrees, five Shelton stu- dents participated in College of Puget Sonnd Commencement exer- [ cises which were held at 3 p.m. June 5 in tle Memorial FiehI I House in Tacoma• I Included in tile group were Miss Dixie Simmons, daughter of /Vh'. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons. Dix- ie's immediate plans include a trip to Hawaii, where she will gain experience for her work in occu- pational, theapy• Gaining necessary experience in occupational therapy work is also the plan of Laurel Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Nelson. James Johnson, son of Mrs. Lo- dema Johnson, plans to return to school next year to study for his master's degree. Another student returning to school for an additional degree next year will be James Evans, on of Mr. and Mrs. Berna Evans, who will work for his Bachelor of Education degree. Richard Levin, son of Mr• and Mrs. Oscar Levin has accepted a position in Eugene, Ore. Mrs. Binns Is Named SHELTON-MAON COI.TNT7 JOT_TRNAT I I S0CI00L I " (' di I'ght S " mpresslve Jan e I ervlce H U " H ' dM'El ere nares ansen ,in c roy Within Mount Olive Luther:m Sawyer of Sedro V/oolley and n qh- Clmr(..h, Mrs. Isabell Mt'lL'h'oy of Bcnjan|in Linn nf Ta- Sedro Woolley, became the bride] ors wore of Allie Hansen of Shelton, on Sat- / coma, brc)lher (ff lhe bride and %V:n'ren 1,epper .€ Scdvo Woolley. urday afternoon, Mty 28. Rever- / A reception followed in the emi William Albach read the dolt- [ clmrch l)arlors where the la.ce bit ring ceremony in the l)resenee [ covered bride's t ai)le was centered of many relatives and friends of the COUl)le. with a beautiful pale bhte tiered maltese cross wedding cake orna- Glowing pale blue taprs in mented with pale pink rosebuds. floor and altar candelabra and On either side of 1.he cake were b(mquets of pink rosebuds and lall blue tapers in trysted holders. After the bride ad In'idegroom cut the first I)iece el; wedding cake Mrs. Benjamin Linn, of Ta= emua, continued the serving• Mr,< A. 13. Anderson of East Stan- wood, sister of the bride, and Mrs. (,harles Hurst poured. In charge of the guest book was Miss Harriet Hansen, daughter of the bridegroom and Mrs. J. W. (h'aham presided over the gift ta- ble. Later a buffet supper for out of town guests was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McE1- | I I II Vernon Stuck and i Boston Bride Are I ttonored by Party Vbt'non lllcl(, son of NIL and Mrs. Fred Stuck of Shelion :trill €;hnia Anderson d' Uoshm, Ma:-'.a- chll.cll.'4 vcere nmried (m May '14 in lllo Congl'eUtiorlHI ('lllw('h in BOSI (H1. ' Fol hwin:f the cer,mmy tim newly nq|rried (!oHpl( flew It) Sll(!l- lf)n whet'e they were honored at a l dinner party at tlw home of the[ bridegroom's parent; Centering a lace c(>vcred was a lovely fom'-ti(q'ed wedding cake wbicil was toppe<l wikh inini- Httll'e Ji.[urcs ()l; bride ;+nd bri(lc- Froom. VeFnoll, who il;U; l)t'('ll with the United Stales Navy ;.dnce hi ra(l- mtion fronl [rerl(! ,':;. lteed .;chool in 19.10, will I.,e 'datbmed in Tncolna I'OF I\\;VO yoavs. '['he couple will bc at llleil' h<)l:m, 1021 }East 47th Street in Tat.ohm, after I .l line 24. Guests present during ihc eve- ning included Mrs. Laura Sluck and son, Kenneth; Mr. anql Mrs. Claz'once Stuc] aP.<l ,h:gly of Me- (;leary; Mrs. Rhoda fallet', Cor- vallis. Oregon; Mrs. Nina Mac Griffin and son, I)ennis. of Taco- ma; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck 'rod chihlren; 3Jr. and Mr Russell Stuck and chihlrcn; Mr. and Mrs. llleOrae. Scout Leader President [ Officers were elected by the Girl [ Scout leaders at a leader-council I meeting held June 1 at the Girl I Scout Little House. 1 ' Elected president of the eader / group was Mrs. Robert Binns. Other officers elected were Mrs. [ Jesse Tobler, vice president; and Mrs. Fred Snelgrove, secretary. New by-laws to be adopted were voted upon and accepted by the council luring the remainder of the meeting. JAYETTES TO ELECT TODAY Election of new officers for the Jayettes will be held today, June 9, at the home of Mrs. Richard Springgate. All members are urg- ed to attend. Nominations for the different of- ricers were presented at the last meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. Stan Parker. • ATCH - large bouquets of pink snapdra- gons and white stock decorated the altar while pale blue bows of maline were tied to the ends of lhe pews• The bride, given in nmrriagc by her sons, Lyle MeElroy and Car- rol McEh'oy, wore a :floor lengtta gown of pale blue sheer over taf- feta, fashioned with long slerves and a gathered skirt. She carried a white prayer book on which rested an orchid tied with narrow white satin streamers. Mrs. Henry Sawyer, of Seth'o Woolley, sister of the bride, serv- ed as matron of honor and was gowned in pink taffeta and car- ried a eohmial nosegay ot' pink and orctfid sweetpeas centered with pink rosebuds. Little Gertrude Linda McElroy, Ray's Jewelry wait any longer--we the construction of "home on a budget-fitted payment plan that will you to have just the home want and pay for it out 117 Cota Phone 633 --Ask About Our Home Loan Plan as junior bridesmaid, wore it floor length yellow taffeta frock anti carried a nosegay similar to the matron of honor. The candles were lighted by Miss Lynn McEh'oy and Miss Bar- bara McElroy who wore taffeta gowns which were styled alike. Serving as best man was Flenry @ roy. Large bouquets of pink flow- ers were use(l, throughout the home. Centering the table from which refreshments were served Bloomfield, Watters Wed In field, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bloomfield of Shelton, be- came the bride of Floyd D. Wat- ters, Jr., son of Mrs. Floyd 13. Charle. M('Cm h'y and ('hihh'en, aim the Ira.% and hoslcss and honol'c(l collple. l00rston County Federal & Loan Association ecurity Bldg., Olympia, Wa.slL DIRECTORS I. SEARS K.L. PARTLOW V. BRIDENSTINE FRED HOl. H. C. BRODIm DE LUXE STAKE* Max/mum G.V.W. 5800 lb. Other wheelbase and 16,000 lb. G.V.W. PICK-UP Mximum G.V.W. 4,600 lb. Other wheelbases Maximum G.V.W. Maximum G.V.W. 6s700 Ib. was a miniat,n'e white wedding Altar Society To IIold cake decorated with pink rose- 1 ,,,+ ,,+I,,,' &+  .... ! Inds. Mrs. James l]ansen Of I llV- € ....... " .... 'dim:' noured f Jr.. Mary's Altar Society will ' " i - I lnoet at llOOn lodav, ,]iiiio 9 at -J+ollow!n a slort wedding ' trip{ih e su,nmer home i' :M,'s. '. li:. Llle couple plan to reslue In Snel- Hill .... Ih)o  ('in tl . • . , _+/t:l ult tt ..t  , tou. t'or travehng Mr. tlansen I At lhi,' la,'- meelin,'  nl I Se  wine  dmk ]ey mt wtth black l' g '  i(HnbPr, 't potlucR h ncneon will be accessories and an orchid corsage. "(rveii ' Mils. • lobert t<iebm'tz is in Ihose taking car.4 shouht, call bey Informal Candlelight Ceremony Pretty, blonde LaWanda Bloom- earring set, a gift from the groom• F, leanor Carlson, a close friend of the bride was maid of honor. eharg•e of transportai ion, and at 712W to gct directions anti ar- range f,,n' I)assengers. Children arc W(,Ic(Jnle• FO]IMER SIII';I,TI)NIA NN RETU RN She was attractively ;owned in Mr. and Mrs. K. C. IIohnes and 't pink hrot'(tde taft't' drc's with , ........ .... ' - ]two ('.hfldren returned to Shelton bl mk t( ( essol it s H( t tlowm , , [ , I  ; ,FJ "'.LI. ? ' 'S I J'rf)n'l NehrHs],[{ "d, het'e thcy wcrc wine baby otchtds ( o . ' . '" "'" . I mgaged in farming for the past ',ervtng as hest ]nan was Cmt; m * " , "' ' J :'  ye ". Mr. }l lnles was :fornlerly' t;ammae. }employed as a prinler on Th'o Iot her daughter's wedding ' omn i ( ' ' ' " r ' " ,I J ' :,1, la;'ing hcrc to occupy Mrs, Bloomfield wore a navy blue land on his laniily's homcstead. print dress, and her a.ccc:;:;ories[ ............... were wtlite. Mrs. Watl:ers cllose  a a a,.  . ,  . ArlIllllg tilelll li, ecc lves an aqua dres: wii.h white ac,::es= ' -' series for the weddinK. Both of the mothers had yellow rose cor- sakes. Immediately following" the wed- ding, the newlyweds left for a short wedding trip to Sc'tttle. Titey are now at home on Hill- crest in Shelton. The bride was a member of this ym,r's Irene S. Reed graduating class. In school she was active as a school librarian, and a member of l,). E. Club. 'i, he groom attedt h'ene S. Heed and served three years in the mm'ines dnring the war. At ])rc:mnt he i.¢; emph)yer! at Ray- enter Incorporated. Former Sheltonite Leaves For Japan Lt. James Alhm Jotlnson, forlTl- er!y of Shelton, sailed l'ronl Seat- tle May 3 Tor Yokohomal Japan, where he will serve two and a half years. Lt. Johnson attended the College of Puget Sound, and he recently graduated from school at Fort Benning, Georgia. Mrs. Johnson and son Jimmie will join Lt. Jotmson in Japan in the near future. DE tUXE PANEL* 4,600 lb. model 3805--137-inch wheelbase, Watters, St., in an informal can- dlelight wedding at 5 p.m. May 27 at the Methodist ehm'eh. Rev. Wayne Wright read the double ring ceremony before many relatives and friends. The altar was beautifully decorated witlt colm'ful spring flowers. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a lovely aqua laffeta dress, with a white rained design, fashioned with a low neckline with a cape- like effect and short sleeves. The fitted bodice set off the billowy full street length skirt. She ac- cented this costume with white accessories and an orchid corsage. Her jewelry was a necklace and [- BUILDER OF THE NATION'S GREATEST TRUCK VALUES There's.a Chevrolet truck for every delivery or hauling lob- with capacities from 4,000 ibs. to 16,000 Ibs. Gross Vehicle Weight. If what you want is the truck that will deliver the most for the money--then what you want is a Chevrolet truck. If what you want is sterling qual- ity, outstanding load capacity and performance with power plus economy--then you're dead right in choosing a Chevrolet truck. And if you want all these advantages at lowest cost, you definitely want Chevrolet, for only Chevrolet trucks have 3- WAY THRIFT--lower cost operation and upkeep and the lowest list prices in the entire truck field! FORWARD-CONTROL O4ASfdS Model 3942-- 137.inCh heelbe, Maximum G.V.W. 10,000 lb. Also available in model 372-- 125 ¼. inch wheelbase, Maximum G.V.W. 7,000 lb. Pachage Delivery type bodie uHab/e foe mounting on tho Forward.Control Chass/ ore pp//ad by many reputable monufcdurers. Shelton Group Attends District Convention Via chartered bus, 34 V.F.W. and Auxiliary members from Shel- ton. attended the 5th District Con- vention which was held Saturday, June 4 in Aberdeen. '/'he next regular meeting of the V.F.W•. Auxiliary will be held at S p.m., Monday, June 13 at the Memorial ttall, All members are vrged to attend• MEDIUM-DUTY CAB AND CHASSIS WITR PLATFORM BODY Md 3808--137.inch whdba=o, Maximum G.V.W. 8,800 lb. Other *De luxe equipment optional at extra 4. mode& ava//ab/e up to 161.inch wheelbase and 16,000 lb. G.V.W, 00TRUCKS FOR TRAHSPORTATION UHLIMITED  J: L MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 777 or 778 GIRL BORN TO FISCHLERS A daughter was born to Mrs. Edward Fischlcr at 9:05 p.m. June 6 at Harrison Memorial Hospital, Bremerton. The parents live at ,Star Route, Union. LEAVING FOR ALASKA Mrs. Alexander H. McDonald is leaving June 8 by Northwestern plane for Anchorage, Alaska. Mr• and Mrs. McDonald have been spending the winter near Potlatch with a view of making a perma- nent home, having come down over the Alcan highway last autumn. Mrs. McDonald expects to be gone two months. Streets lie.or Award At EWCE Arthur Biehi. Shelt:on, was hon- (,red at the. annllal honor aw&t'ds convocation at Eastern Washing- ton Coltege ell Educntion t.iis week. Hc received the Lieutennnt Perry Van P::ttten plaque and pin, givel' by the former (:lienev mayor COMMITTEE TO MEET TODAY The ways and means commit- tee for the Ladies of the Moose will meet today, June 9, a.t Mrs. Josqphine English's at Agate. A picnic hmeh will be serwd at noon. ARCADIA CL[IB TO ME1Cr The Arcadia Economic Club will meet June 10 at the home of Mrs. A. E. Swearingen. JOINT INSTALLATION MONDAY The Eagles auxiliaries will hold a joint installation Monday, June 13, at the Eagles hall. VISITING FROM CAIJFOI{NIA A guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CIaud Havens this week was Mrs. I4. M. Tucker, of Santa Ro.3a, California. Mrs. TucRer is Mr. H'avens' anti :is return- ing to California today. MOVING TO llOQI!!AST Mr., and Mrs. Loren Sezzo and farnily are moving to Hoquiam, where they plan to make their lmme. Mr. Bezzo was formerly a member of the Shelton Junior High School faculty. I II II II II I IIIII Illll ............. : ............. ± = -* IIIIi I I -== and Mrs. L. O. Van Patten whose son was killed in action in the South Pacific. He and his wife, Mary Gall Biehl, were among the 14 mar- ried couples who received t.heir degrees at E.W.C.E. cemrnence- lnent cxm'cise-q JLlIle 5. One hlln- ,(h'ed fifty-four gra(!m:tted. VISITN PARENTS Mitchell Compton of Vancouver, %Vashingtt>n is vi.',iting at the home i= of his parents, Mr. :tnd Mrs. Wil- liam Cmnpton on Mt. View. ii i i i i i i iii I Well Drilling Water Wells-- Test Holes OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Bedell Drilling Co. LAURENCE BEDELL (formerly Davldson Drilling Co.) Route 3. Box 101, Shelton 5-% _Kenlucky Whiskey-A Blend i ii ii ii +: 6 IR00F • 65% 6RAIN N[UTRAL SPIRITS NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., N. Y. Shelton Lumber Company iii I I I I IIIIIIIII III IIIIII I ........................................................................ 2 ............................................................................................. FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT ,11 , IU III I I " I I , In Our Location on Mountain View ON TIEE OLYMPIC HIGHWAY MAILING ADDRESS  P.O. Box 598, 8helton Charles Weirauch ' '" PHONE 6S7 Don't forget Father-- TRU-SITE I ..... i llld LI.IA I Select hxs Greeting Card ] ?.v.. --.,w.b., | from our complete assortmentl Aviator A,. - , . , il€ | of FATHER S DAY j sry,e ....... e. ! CARDS ] - I I 2| SUN TAN LOTIONS t,, T,p m,e... LAY 0-00 SKOL ..................................... 29¢ - 49¢ - 89¢ GOLF BALLS JAN ............................................................... 79¢ !€ 3for EXPOSE ...................................................... 59¢ 1.55 GABY ................... , .................................... 49¢ 'Live', core. Revlon i{! ii :: !i!!ii!, Match Es T, P,., wia,.. POUR-CAP :! :,i, P¢N€ J=g S,u,dr SPORt STYLE i if! !! i::Z*!!ii!ii!!!i: Gallon size . --" Comfortable SUN VISOR Acetete 33' '.h,des.. Maker $1.85 Value $1.00 Pfrigerad CHOCOLATES Whitman '2.00 Sampler r WE CARR! THE COMPLETE LINE OF FAMOUG WALGREEN PRODUCTS Orugs with B CASTORI CHILDRE*S LAXATIV£ 31 ° V.oz. S;z Tincfur IODINE On 8ale at Only ::: 4-ol. Je Formula 20 ,,Lanolized" SHAMPOO e 01d Spice 10-ounce lize. Yardley 00aforth Lentheric PINt ORLIS" MOUTH WASH MEN'S SETS