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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.age 14 .................. , t t CLASSIF/ED ADVERTISING RATES 25 words or less (minimum charge,) 75e single insertion, $L25 two insartlons, $1.50 three inser- tions. Addltiona] inserthms 20c each. Larger aas at ratt of 10e for each 5 words above 25. Read,&apos;r notices 15e per line. 75c mlnlruum cb(n'ge oft each notiee, Card of Thanks, $i.00; original poetry 50c per inch; classified dis- play rates on request. Advertisements accted over the telephone from I)hone sub- scribers. C,h should accompany all other orders, or payntent made within five (5) days of the first FOR SALE: prieed for quirk sale. insertion to save expense of bill- Four bulldozed city lots, $500. WIll i%g An extra charge 0r 10c will sell s,,parately for $100 and up. To ' see plmne 823J or 605. P6-2-16 made when billing is neces- . ....................................... sary. PIIONE 100 qr qr  qF ql, v v,qr v,v , v ,qwvv qr ,qP v,,,g, ,qr ,qr  Classified Service PLOWING, BLADING. eo,,Im,g. exca- vating, harrowing wHh tt'at'tor. Call Philllp Hardle, Ioute 1, Box 137, ___phon.e.7§6. I: ............................... 3-10tin Title Insurance--Abstracts--Escrows SHELTOI'-BELL Abstract & Title Co., Inc. a19 S. 4th (Bell Bldg.) Shelton, Wn. PHONE 65 MaSon County agent for Puget Sound Title Insurance Com- pany of Seattle Member Washington Land Title Ass'n. American Title Ass'n. E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper Hang- ing, Spray Painting PHONE 100 or write me, Star Route, Allyn ,m BmMS'ITCHING: I0c yar, also but- tonholing. Mrs, Eills Wells, 40b Ar- ela Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary StreetaA 2--ttm CHIMNEYS CLEANEI) nnd rvrapped. Oil stoves and furnaeet¢ vttcutlltt cleaned. Free estlnmtcs. Phone 3'186 days, 70./d evenings. Olylnpia, V;sh. P3-2.1tfn. IW)R-SPNCER F()I)'NDATI()N unff upports, phone 799-J for apl,omt. meat or call at 1,t16 Suit,nil Delve. 9-26-46t ft. J£XPERT WORK. Reasonable charge. timatea made In your home by a eourteo L bonded employe, No o ilgation. L, eave calls at The Journal LID Bhelton I:one 100 SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 510 . 4t Ave. Olympil ' SHELTON-MASOI COUNTY JOURNAL i i 1 i  iu i i u n I n nn , % #tt Ot FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR NAILS, $12,50 keg. 13c lb. All you FOR SALE: One ttarley Davitlson. want at ltilh:vcst llardware. 5-12 Ft)R SALE OR good conditic, n. 7,i OIIV. One s(t _ golf clubs. 7 clubs and hag. One' JAC()BS()N I'OWER xnuwcrs at ltill-" d-door sedan, Ill) truck of sow hog, year old, All ,,oa.onabJe. cv¢.st }htrd',vavu, 5-J2 I)ickie, John "Wells, llt. I, Box 197-A. 5-26-6-9 GARDEN IiOSE remnants, 13e ft. All 968J3 .evenings. first grade itose with e,mnecto*' and IiSNET FLOOR cOVERINGS: tile or linoleum, gaskets. Hillcrest ltardwave. 5-12 sales, parts ..... " installed or lay It yourself. Easy (JAI4B.AGE- CANS. large Sizc s)ech'd tor,, 707 S. -v .............. ...'..'. .... vv.vwvvwvvwww...vwvww ----..A... .... . ..... .. ' ...... =m.= 'vr ..... terms, 3 years to pay, Lawton Lure- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE /AN'I*.D her, 420 S. 'irst St., phone 56. , $3.98customer.eaChHillcrestWhiic thplardware. 'y last, one 5-12Per 3-3tfn. ";tg" SAL: to Oly*np,c Moxore NAILS, 13e p,vfFV.4eV.U,.VVV.p.V.V.V.p-V,,p,v.,tO,,IrVV.u. gle.qp,Jq..q#..qp,..$'.''vqp-v'qwqP'P'ql' VIP'V'VV'VVV'V'VVV'VVv'qu'VV'VVV'v'V'V "'V"wIVV'V'VVVVVVVVVvv.q,vV'V-p"v want at NAILS, all you want, $12,50 l,er keg, for auto pa*'t aud accssomes. First FOB. SALE: 19 acres 3-room house. WILL TAKE CAR or trailer an part WANTED: Route man with car. 13e per lb. Hillcrcst ttardware. 5-12 and MIll Street,. ohone 595 7-4ttu 1,4. 3/8. , Three mlles out on Johns Creek road. down payment tm nice 2-bedroom Steady year-round. No layoffs. MERJiy TliI:ER'C(/LTiV-AT()i- -. 1,]7 ,2 Felt SALE: one h.p. Myers pump, galvanized lnquire evenings at O. J. Porter. modern home on 8 acres of land. Average $2 to $3 per hour. Write (:st priced ()ix market, $13.%50. See it also 80 gallon pl'cssore tank. 800 liiilcrest 4 miles out on Matlock Road. 6-2-9 First road to left off Delight Park J. R. Watkins Co.. 137 Dexter at lfi. A. Carr Electric, Titl.e Insur- feet outside wiring. Tom Sergeant, FOld. SALE: Mainland on salt water. FOR SALE: new six-room nmdern road. Dodge, Route 1. Box 15. Ave.. Scattle, Wash. W 5-26--6-2-9-16 ante Bldg. R6-ltfn. Capitol 14xll.. , l-6tfn sizes at Wet of Steamb,mt Island near Ar- home. Radiant heat, hardwood floor- 5-26--6-9 cadia. 600 ft. deptl to rl,ad, pretty lng throughout, fireplace, garage -OR--SALFJi-'e'/Ui[y--h.'f-()uiC.oom tl(l,{e %:q.ANTF[:; ":: w(;:-k-¢r":riiT/-delm-g IOI SALE:--CIi c.l¢cn-lcrt]llzer-"cow: CONVERSE SPORTSltEN'S hip boots, BAMBOO of all k ntis. Any odd job, large (' nanu', Skokomish top soil t'actor pceial $10.50 l,al,'. Ladtc; sizes One to a tr(,cs vi(,w, goodsoil. 108 ft. along attached. Located on 115 x 75' cr- on Hill,west. Phone 943W afler 4 mual]. Also re,eitHer l'luwing. (?all plowing. Phone 483-%V. O2-2tl'n $9.50. ]]ilhre.;t 5-26 ware. sh,,',:. Sph.ndid fiMflug. $1575, ner lot in Northcl|ff Schultz Addi- p.m. Ask for hit',. Edwards. 59-W. C3-31tfn "I,01t'-SALE' DrY "ifld-gi'ow'tJ(-t'it:''FOH.-shLId: Gen('ral Eleetric ]'at*ge'FOR SALE:' E5-26--6-16 ........ ternm including oyster land fronting Lion. Call 1000 during the day, 851- on Oyster Bay. Charles Somers, W evenings. SS-Stfn. i0R "- SALE:-- two--rootu-honw, in- WANTED: will pay cash for timber wood, not sial) wood, any length, with t'h)t'k. Lt,s,; than one year old. cash. See " I'AVE' $12,000.D0"¢qulty-ln-$19,5000 terior in knotty cedar, on ot ap- stumpage. Write Daniel and Flet- One load or a hundred. Prompt de- 119 E. Cedar. l'bone 951J. borough Grapeview. Phone $71-J-1 5-12 tfn Seattle North end Lake Washington proximately 90x200 feet. $1700. L.B. cher Logging Co., P.O. Box 35, Olal- livery. C. R. (Cliff) Borden. Fimnc M6-2-16 725- and JQUITY'i").W0:.'y]iat:.dd-mo,,n-{iar waterfront property (5 room house WlHte, Route 3, Box 13. phone 772M. la, Wash. 11-4tfn. 21G-J-3 or Dick Borden, 1028 Rail- "I0R--SALEi 5h.17.-J(dmsonoutboa'd eral kinds to ........................................ road. 5-26-tfn ,Ilotoi', l'et'(,nlly overhaob'd, fine me- crest bedroom home, completely furnished, 150 ft. frontage) to trade for Hood 6:2-16 WANTED: dead stock, prompt trso, "BowLS: MIXERS an.(lju-itr fob lix: chaaical c.n(lition. 1. L. Wilson. FOR SALE electric range and hot water heater. Canal house. Might consider water .................................... courteous qerviee. Phone us collect. • 6-2-16 garage, four blocks front high front or view property near Shelton. FOR SALE: 7-room house witi gar- Ehna 121-J. Grays Harbor Render- masters at Eells& Valley Appliance 1)tmne 160J evcninvs. Twin scho'ol. Write Box P, c-o Journal. Call Union 343. Fl-13tfn. age. Within walking distance of trig, Inc. -27tfn. Center. 6-2tfn. FOR SALE: large flat t-p office desk l:x¢'ellcnt P4-21tfn. 7(j-S.,-3-r())cicl-ome--wff town and mills. $q250. Terms if I V6-ff-XUi--6i-lqef'E-i--g=£'ra-g-7id wid chair. May be :c'en at 726 No. Kamilche. ................................................................. desired. Call 138-J for appoint- ' ] service station, new eoncr('te block First St. Phom 49LR. %'6-2 /"OR SALE: t,'t)I. SALE: tract ot land frontlng on large utility room neat. Union, 200 ment. R 5-26---6-2-9 ...................................... higl*way on Bayshore $400, $50 down, feet frontage on highway, beautiful bldg., 30x40 inside measurements, lb FOR SALE: nml'ooa dt,eno in g(,od and four $20 per month. Also choice lots on view, wired for range. R. C. Viger, FOR SALE OR LEASE: Service miles south PuyalLup ou Meridian condition. Will sell foe $40. Phone size oil Angleside. Phone 769-J-4. 4-28tfn phone Union 427. 6-2-16 station and grocery store. 6 ,tiles LOGS WANTED hiway. 4-room home witi, fireplace. 62M. . B6-2-9 627 Wyandotte full basement. 20 acres. 1)filled well., FOR SALE:registeved Nubian goats, out on Bayshore Road. Norman Three cabin. C. R. Ely, Rt. 1. Box ' Castle, Rt. 2, Box i0. Shelton. 6-2-6 buck and dec. Dell Adams, SLar FOIL SALE: NEW, 2 BEDROOM H O M E ? C5-26--6-2-9 Highest Cash Price Paid 197A, Graham, Wash. Road).R°ute 2, Box 76. Steel,on (Dayton6.2.16 spaniel, $10., F OR SALE: by owner, modern 6-room. home, utilLty, double garage, work ORSAL E-i-i-f,i eabm--l('a--w-itl PIANO HOME FO SALE Build It Yourself shop, four lots, all fenced, Arcadia COSELMAN MILL CO. 5 h.p. air-cooled motor. Photo" 8915. Must repossesS. Best materials and con- road Just outside city ILmits. Phone MILL WOOD L-,J-I cordion StudiOS, 763R1. after 4:30. V5-12tfn. RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road F()i-SALEi-mk-i]ining ro(mi-set, *$65. Scatlle. struction, 'insulated, tile 8 Lots in Olympic View -0 SALE: right in Hoodsport, turn- 2 Miles East of Hillcrest $10 a load wall ,,ir,'oi.. ,. Pbo,c '.". FO SALE: floors, knotty pine living Addition ished 3-bedroom house. Good condi- E6-9-]6 or crate. room and dinette, tion. Level 100 ft. lot. $5,000. tcrtns. TO the "Sign" "#C)ff--SALE:-fi<:di:Ui'iithi'e,--dl,cora: ,'aspbcrri(! Service room and laundry Reasonable Price See H. R. Dickinson. Phone floods- Delivered In Shelton tire windmills and bird houses. Mrs. Phone trays, electric hot water, Reasonable Terms port 2M. 6-9-16 AI Chase, Jefferson attd Lee. 405R. (Olympic Vii pressure w a t e r system. Sewers Installed and 0 SALE: waterfront home, two ,m Our Wood Is Always a Cord 6-9-23 F-OI SALE: Paid For. miles out on Bayshore. five rooms. FOR 'SALE: '35 (?hcvrolet s,,dan, equipped. Over 2 adres, located  Water to the Alley. fireplace. Phone 769J4. T6-9-23 ,,v,,,v,,-.-v or Better to the Load. White enamel oil range. Call 965R1. Angeles. R6-9 mile from Hillcrest on Ar- F'O-R-SAi.---2-b6d-rooh h'oc0n Mt. Miscellaneous cadia Road. Inquire at 1419 Mason St. View. Electric heat, fireplace, hard- -v ..... v ........ vvvvvvv Enitai Lumber Co. FOR SALE: good quality hay for sat0 FOR SALE: wood floors. Lots of closets. Corner in field. Phone 217R.L D6-9-23 used, $50. $8500- Reasonable Terms or Phone 58-M 10t with view of Olympics. 1()5 1st Minerva Park E-4-14-tfn P.5-12-tfn St. Phone 945J. 6-2-16 ALCOHOLIC, ANONYMOUS meets ,, , Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at We- Phone Hoodsport 38-%V-12 • nan's Club Bldg., 10th & Washing- 3-24-tfn LOOK FOLKS, IT'S 20,h°od'$50.$2" " tot*, Olympic, Wash. 3-17tfn. .................. vvv.vw ............. I.EASE:'-iabge--st,ck x',--;nch" foi  MILL WOOD FOR SALE or lease. Rivec bottom. All g,)od soil. , I Classified Service ZI1V£HEO'S VALUES WATERFRONT HOME FOR ens, ete, For infornmtion write Box B, Jour- Many prudent ones who lost wheels. Value • ,vv,.,.vvv.,vv--v.vvvvvvv 2 bedroom, modern, with fire- hal. B6-2-16 out last Fall, account mill .... St. DAY OR NIG/.1T guaranteed ervlce on FIVE ROOMS AND ATTIC in place, bulkhead, excellent san- ROTOTII)L1NG pover :praying-and closing down for the winter FOR pomp, used home or auto radio,. Free estimates this modern home on corner lot dy beach, two miles from city It,gardenjournal.Service" Phone 941-WHs.31tfn.Or Be. ,Business For Sale ter'sare nOWsupply.OrdcringQuicktheirdeliveryWin- goodrifh" shape,new' gladly gven It desh'zd. Reasonable on HiUcrest; cement basement, oil in good neighborhood. Price P:LOW]?J "AND---D-ISCIHenI') ' size 36. blUe prices. Free plckup and dslivery, burning furnace, laundry trays; $7,400, terms. Boysen. Phone 922. 3-17tfn. now, $11.00 load. About 2 in 1940 hardwood floors, fireplace; roo OPPORTUNITY for a man or woman: Doing exceptional volume, good cords, slabs, edgings, planer the hour. Mrs. Closed Friday evenings and Satur. days, or leave; work at Killmer Elee- for two cars. Only $8000, reason- JAMES B. TROVATO eelilng leading appliances line. Apply ends. No. 2. in person at Lumbcvmcn's Merean- business. Established 15 years. 1221tric" Franklin,BURGESONnearRADIOLoop Field.SERVICE'Note able terms, tile. 6-9-16 Centrally located. Unusual up- COSELMAN MILL CO. FORLawreaceSALE:., new phone No. 845-W. 5-20-tfD • . . REAL ESTATE and vvvvvvvvvvvvv portunity for buyer with mar- "DIESSMA'K'I¢G (l'esgni*ig andalters- 2 ACRES and 5-room house 3 ket experience. Arcadia Road East to the Sign fiths, four miles S.W. near Lake Isabella; Phone days 908, evenings 537R FOR SALE Phone 867-R-I North Shore. tions. Expert work. Machine nmde cy FOR button h.les, l0 a.m. to 5 p.m., good well and electric pump, $4200, v ...... . ........ .,-,. H. L. Olstead Agen with 408, Cola Street. S2-4tfn . * • FOR SALE: Golden Spaniel puppies, potty chair 40 ACRES, 5 cleared, 3-room house 80-ACRE FARM 8 weeks old, male and female. Phone Phone 30 nett 5*room and large porch, machine shop 885R. K6-2-16 usED FURNITURE portable 20X40 t., well and elec. pump; 5-room house with toilet, elec ....................................... FOR SALE: pure bred Collies. Cattle 587R. small saw mill; 100 M. ft. of tir tricity, gravity water, frame barn dogs. children's pets. L. L. Serasbek. 1 Daveno and chair . ....... $39.50 -- and cedar; creek bottom soil; 6 on concrete piers, store 50 tons Rt. 1, Box 185, Centralia. 6-2-16 miles N.E. of Shelton. All for hay, root house, garage, other SAW MILL 1---Swing Rocker. ............... $19.50 buildings. 4 miles ,rum store, 21 1--Swing Rocker . ............... $29.50 $3800 on terms. , miles from Shelton. Accredited CHICKS - CHICKS FOR SALE l--Daybed .............................. $24.50 • * * 1--Wood Range .................. $29.50 8-ROOM HOME at Union over- high school near, on milk, cream, Txail routes. 25 acres hay, balance ANY BREED - ANY QUANTITY This is the Airport Mill Co., lo- 1--Electric Range ................ $69.50 Universal looking Hood Canal; large fire- pasture,.ome timber. 8 cows, some U.S. Certified, U.S. Approved cated / mile east of Shelton Air- 1 Oil Range ........................ $89.50 $1 place; fruit trees, shrubs; corner young stock with or without. Open Pullorum free! pert'on Island Lake Road. Want (burns wood or oil) lot. range. Would consider trade in or Also ducklings, goslings, tur- $5,000.00 but will consider any of- 1--Mohair Davenport ........ $29.50 With clothes • * * near Shelton as part payment, key poults, ginea chicks, fer, cash or terms. For informa- 1 -Rocker, with matching domatic NEARLY NE 4-ROOM modern Home weekends, tion see: Occasional Chair ._. ea. $]4.95 FREE. on East Ellinor; hardwood floors, M.J. Dunkleburger FARMERS' SUPPLY 1--Washer ............................ $19.50 automatic electric tank; linen clos- Elliot B. Spring SHELTON et; large lot; a buy at $5650, very Matlock . Hlllcrest - Phone 812 easy terms. 5-12-tfn 2-24-tfn Shelton, Wash. Olsen Furniture Co. Govey Bldg, , , . 6-9-16-2t 321 Railroad Phone 96 CHEERFUL 2-BEDROOM home ..................................................... with view of mountains, city and FOR SALE bay; 24xt7' living-dining room; MISKELLA SUPPLY full basement; ell circulator In-NicehomeonBayshoreDrive, n Olympia Highway I U S E D o" ',,Y eluded, wired for range. $5,000, spacious grounds, well-built Your "BEST BET" for ' * * • house, good water system, REFRIGERATION,  '* Stoves and NEW MT. VIEW home, 2 bed- automatic oil heat, newly re- Garden-Tractors, Pumps, rooms; oil floor furnace, wired decorated, excellent location. Aluminum, Etc. Furnaces for range, automatic electric wa- 450 9-2-tfn ter heater; hardwood floors; gar- V A C U U M age. VeIT desirable.. • ,$S'00" H.L. Olstead Agency C L E A N E D FOUR-ROOM MODERN house on 116 No, 2nd Phone 30 large plot just outside city limits;, E L E C T R O L U X furnace in basement; good condi- SALES, SERVICE, Phone 576-W tion; fruit, berries and garden, vvvv.vv,vv,,. ...... vvvvv... 820 Cedar St, $6,000. LR RENT SUPPLIES [ . , . wvvvvvvvvvv'vvvvvv'-'vvvv F()R SALE: 1940 Deluxe Ford Tudor, FOR SALE: 1935 Chevrolet four-door FOR SALE excellent condition, cleau npholstery, sedan. Good tires and good running [ Inquire ' ' M.C. ZlNTHEO 157. [ ViYR-gi:fgi XP-iTiEN-i--iid Free Pickup and Delivery origlnaimow, w, natlonaliy°Wner' AlSOadvertised,one Monteideal condition, $I00. Inquire at Rainbow [l road. two bedroom nnits now available at for small lawns, one standard lawn- F_ountainJt_o.odsp?r.'t.. -- P.,6-9 (Army). PLUMBING HEATING Titl6 Insurance Bldg. Phone J Airway Court, Airport, phone 761R5. Phone Sheltou 650 ,.owe," and oue Taylor Tot stroller. FOR--SAL-E: l'93Paeka'd c--lub <:o--Upei[ excellent A5-26tfn. Phone 332M. R6-9 radio and heater good motor. $300. [ trailer for Sexauer System Repairing Shelton, Wash. F-OUR-'-'R'ffi--inodcrn ca%U'-Tl'iii 125 Cota  Shclton .............................................. David Seek, Route 1, Box 70 aft,,r[ 665M. Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and , Pines. Mountain View. L5-19tfn FOR SALE: by original owner, atu F'0RRENT-'ihi'ee-rooni {[od(:rn-h,us,'i 1946 moOel Ford cabriob't. Driven 4 pan, , 6-9-231 Plumbing Fixtures. Agate district, furnished or unfurn- Jack Manley less than 20,000 miles. Fnlly equip-: ped.. New tires. Call morning, 820, Licensed Master Plumber ished, on beach. Phone 760J2. 7-15tfn afternoons 530. G6-9-23  P6-2-9 Ernest Swearingen FOR SALE F0000-aEN*=a-ro0m apar,.0000nt: E',,c: , , , SALE'one ,'.,36 V:00c00'ul,e. OUR PRICES ARE tric range, refrigerator, bet water , Good paiut and tires, ;225. call r Phone 405-W heater. Partly furnished. Phone 766- 949M. J6-9-23 Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton Completely furnished two-bed- R-2. D6-2-9 NICE FAT -OR-- eight ¥Cise--b W O R M S ;o SkLz-i:CPi;i;,outl/,;,;rt: 1947 Frazer heater & overdrive 12-9tfl room modern home---centrally Junior high school. Pttone 615J2. B6-2-16 [ located--e x c e 11 e n t view of D6-2-9 FOR FISHING le. 853 Fairmont Street, phone 583- 6--R-NT_Tb)-n-a]bfi-.--R;/fiT: Any Quantity 1933---INT--ERI'A-T-I-O--NAL l,tL%--i 1946 DeSoto, R. & H., auto. drive town. Furnishings included, cotes required. No obJectiou to WE REPAIR electric range, refrigerator, el- child. Phone Olympia 5786 after 8 p,m. Shelton Worm Ranch bed trnck. $00. B.l Pearson, 20 E. Grove. 6-2tfn. 1941 Chrysler Sedan ,: B6-9-3 Ist & Harvard 1946 tiUDS(JN-"Supcr-Mx two-door  All makes of RADIOS, ectric hot water tank, laundry BOARD AND ROOM: 129 East Rai- Postpaid Anywhere tn U.S. dan. $1125. ill Pearson. 120 E. 1940 Ford Ttdor Deluxe WASHING MACHINES and trays, dining room set, living road Avenue. 06-9-23 3-10-tfn Grove. 6-ltfn. ' SMALL APPLIANCES room furniture, bedroom sets pets, no children, $35 per montii. 9 - -  SALE: 19'll ltudson four-door 1937 Buick, runs good Expertly and Reasonably and excellent floor coverings 420 Frsnklin St. G6-9 sedan, good condition throughout. throughout. This home rnust ':R--RN.-p-aFfi.--diild-cot[a'ges Radio. heater overdrive. Priced lo one mile north of I-Ioodsport, t;25 Twas Up San Juan That s0[l at $750. Pilone 427J. L6-2-23 1940 Hudson Coach be seen to be appreciated, per month. Inquire Dusty Rhodes ltcsorL Phone Hoodsport 15-W-11. Teddy did charge, ,,,er takes. See at George Depo,¢s, 1934 Chevrolet Coupe ..................... Priced at $8,500. 3-10tfn. Johns Prairie, Route 2, Box 312.. COLD sTba),G--BdxEs- fr rent: Light hearted, a whist- Sb01ton. 6-2-9 dge RftDtO B, lffRlt PHONE 427J Phone 99. Mt, View Lockers. Star ..... '" ........ " ............... :,- .... OLYMPIC MOTOR Route I, BOX 82-B. 3-24tfn tin' and gay; 01940 Mercury, four dot,," -WRITERS -n4( It's out our way the, radio, Imater, excellent eondi First & Mill Sts. L6-2-23 Journal Office. tion, Phoue 722J or inquire 919 E. .. ' wise do barge E,i,no,.. M5-26-e-9 I ,, , ' Because it's less money, FO'trucksS.F,''ingfor farts : On'c-fli/14[0°-w'in. 9 V- - : ..... Ford. One 1936 GMC tL'uck with 4 80-ACRE FARM APPLIANCES they say. yd. boxes and Iloist. two speed rear '. end. and robutlt 194, Cho,.roiet hlgh USED for 5,/, miles from city center. 40 FOR RENT Lumber prices are lower at orque. cnglne. Rodger Bros. Garage mi. Su, Olympic Highway. acres cleared, 2800 feet of Htlco Electric FIoor Sanders Coselman's because hc sells R5-26--6-2-9 TERMS AND highway frontage. Year ar- Johnson Electric FlooKPolish- direct. Fok--SAi- '34 Plymouth Coupe. IMMEDIATE ound creek. Eleven head of ers 2x4 $4S, good ................ $49.50 G.od transportation. $175.00 c,.h. stock which includes register- Sterling Electric portable hand 2x4 $4S ............................ $30.00 Phone IIoodsport 8. C 5-26 tfn 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan CASH LOANS cubed JerseYtractor.bUll.60,000NeWfeetFarmallsec. Sanders 2x6 $4S, good ................ $49.50 F-O-R"-XlLE---i93--Th-db¥---0lZd-Sbi-islx, eat be seen at Anderson Motor Overdrive, radio and heater, low end growth timber. Family or- eavj Duty Clark Electric 2" Dimension Shorts good $20 Co. Bids accepted. Shelton Branch 1942 Chevrolet Sedan .................... chard. Large garden plot all Floor Waxer. Selected knotty cedar panel- Seattle-First National Bank. 5-Stfn SEE planted. modern ing v jointed .............. 12t€ WI-NXNCg2 months to pay°n bankat BobtCrm-l'-' U-p"tO'Ervin Me- Motor, paint, upholstery good. : home with fruit cellar and one LAWTON LUMBER Surfaced lumber in all sizes tors 633 South First Street SItelton 1940 Ford Sedan ........................ "" and quality in fir and cedar. Phone 673. ' 5-5tf , E D D Y stove. Includes farm machin- 420 S. 1st Phone 56 Fir logs custom sawed. '-(iR-'S'AE:--Y'6--:Sfe .*'--. Radio and Heater. cry, one pig, I8 geese and 20 2-10-tfn Wood $11.00 load delivered, deluxe sedan. Will con, taler trade. 1941 Dodge Sedan ]  S ][  E S S chickens. This Is an excellent about 2 cords. Phone 759-J. G4-14tfn. New Paint  buy at $12,000, terms ................. ,i ............... , R.F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 miles East - a S E R V I C - Phone days 908, evenings of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road , 1936 Ford Sedan 537R. If no answer phone _ - ,,Tr,,,v,v, to the "sign." FOR PACKARD CARS Radio and Heater 4F.n. WANTED PONE 54o -"'"-''"'"'" .... " COSELMAN MILL CO. AND AL HUERBY 120 South Third Street, JAMES B. TROVATO , , SENIOR HIGH school girl wishes care Phone 867-R-1 Evenings Shelton. Wash. REAL ESTAT of chlldrcn or house work by the MARINE MOTORS PHONE 16 5TH hour or day. Phone ll0J. $6-2-9 , , change eattle of anykind. J'. Clark, ee Your Packard Dealee ..... " ' ' ' ]x 232, Elma. Wash. 2-17tfn. SEE OUR NEW HOMES eh,d,.c, day or night ia your Irate, Frank Thorp Motors or ml,. Phone S85-n. KS-I0tfn U S E D C A R S VYI-"-2 old orsea for "Jii Reg. Spee. t...d, Me aria ._o m Fa=, Packard Sales and" ON ANGLESIDE - 12TH AND TURNER .Ol,vmpia, Phone ..c?!___l-la 1 Universal Range $99.95 $79.95 19,l.t Chevrolet Coach, radio & heater ........ WNTEb-'iartfy f-u-rnished bachelor 1 Westinghouse roast- Service 1947 Plymouth Sedan, excellent th] quarters. Ileum or housekeeping er, slightly UScd 25.00 roonl. Non-drinker, A-1 references, " ......... 1947 Ford 4-door Super Deluxe Sddan ........ DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION CO, Wr,te, Bachelor C/o Journal Of- 1 Grill oven and PHONE 6558 flee. 6--2-9 plate combination ....... .]9.95[ We guarautcc honest representation as tO ANTEDi Carpentering and -t']-k 1 Deep Freeze ...... $199.95 :tz.00 [ ' 222 No. Capitol Way every used car we sell. PHONE 899 laying. Free estimates. Write Camp OLYMPIA Newatzel, Star Route 2, Sitelton, T b Buildel; of Shclton's Finest Homes C/o Richard oek. C-26-6-16 SHEL ON ELECTRIC [ ' ANDERS N MOTOR :dNTE-',-,-gp;Ta:,./i.T,,i: Gooey Bldg Phone I-W  Quality Used Cars 4-14-tfn phone 728. M6-9-23 " 6-2-1t ] . PHONE 52 "IL--L I)O IRONING In my honle Moll- [ ' day thru Friday, 75c per hour. Phone , i n 27R. L6-9.  . .... -- - FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: PRESCRIPTION SERVI on mU- New hardwood floors /nstalled. old cal contracts, old age aststtmce, or or new homes. J. A. Sehlange, Box direct With you on Your doctor's 28, Belfair, Phone Be]fair 5-931. order. ,lrepp's Drug IStora. 8eond 7-17-47tfn. and Railr;a&. ' lO'-M...f. EXPERT WELDING AND ARC With tl]e Latest Type Equipment FAST, EFFICIENT, REASONABLE SERVICE O BOAT. UTILITY, AND STOCK TRAILERS FOR RENT OR SALE O AL'S WELDING SHOP, MT. VIEW PHONE 826 2 Blocks Ninth of Needham Food Center Your Headquarters FOR EMERN)N Radio and Television 5-19-tfn u Pllable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Mason Cbunty Medical'Assn. Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store , Fad & Railroad Phone 89 Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES C0ntmlts 14auled Away Quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympia Phone 3486 .or 7026 1-15--tfn. II -- SIGNS -- Of All Kinds Neon Sales & SctTice MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shclton 21 3-17-tin I J ] I I KIMBEL OIL CO. ItICHY2ELD FUEL OIL New Fuel 'lnks (Any Capacity) Fat' Immediate Delivery - PHONE 465-W ...... i- i T] " Ir [I