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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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166 lfHfL ()F given provisions of 273, 78th 16 U.S Coopera- the Manage- Forest Cooper- entered the United -d the Strop- dated Dec- timber for cutting dead timber sev- (786) in Sec$ion 7 W. and t, 12, 13 4 orth, Range Big Cooper- Olym- Hal'- Log- Washing- in estimated stump- Approxi- Douglas- per M feet appraised approxi- silver fir, per M feet: :,000,000 feet and other $3.05 per to the ap- de- feet B. M. Service of slash dis- deposit to cover seed im- area cut of timber agreement requested by or by or by any a reason- sale, hearing office of the Post Office hearing unless re- the Forest Building, on or be- May 12, 9--4t. SCHOOL a special electors No. 54 will be House al from 1:00 p.m. CA00S Shelton t NOTICE [IF iIEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. thai a bearing will he held on June 27th. 19.19, at 2:00 o'clock ]),ill. to adol)l an Ordinan,.e regulating the handling ,d" food in hotels, restau|'ants, drink- ing l)iac,'s., grater'los, food markets. n,eat m:lrlqs, soda f(tlntains and all other ldaco wh!re foo(I is sorve(i or lmndied. This proposed Ordinance to be effec- tive in tile tlnincorporated urea of Mason Conniy. Copies of said proposed Ordinance ore on fih, in the office of the Audi- tin' of Mason County and will be fur- nished l, }F:t'S()lls roqnostin/4" same. i)ATED this :€lst day ,,f M.'ly, 19t9. I-IOARD OF cOUNTY CoMMIS- SIONERS (IF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Ry LYLE O'DELL, Chairman. 6-2-9- 2t. NO. 2@95 NOTICE TO CREI}ITOR$4 TO PRESENT AND FILl{ CLA|Ms IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter ,,f tile Estate ,if M;tt'- guet"ite }tutchinson. Dec,,:m'd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GUY Itutcllillson has been appointed ;|lid has qualified a. Executor of the Will and of the estate of Marguerite Hutchinson Deceased, and tlmt all persons having cla ms against the said Deceased or tile said estate are hereby required to serve the same, duly veri- lied with tile necessary vouchers at- tached upon the undersigned Executor or his attorney el rcoord at tile law office of Chas. B. Lewis, 119 South Fourth Street, Bell Building, Shelton.- Mason County, Washington. the same being designated as the place for the t|'ansaction of the business of the aid estate, and file such claims together with proof of service with the clerk of tile above entitled court within 6 |nonths afteJ" the datc of the first publicatiou of this notice, to-wit: Juno 9. 1949. or all clatms not s,) served and filed shall be forever' barred. GUY IIUTCHINSON, Executor CHAS, R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate Bell Building. 119 South Four'ill St. Sbelton. Mason County. Wttshington, 6-9-16-23-30--4t. NOTICE OF WARRANT CALl, Noth'e IS hereby given that the fol- lowing Mason County Warrants ar,, called for payment at the office ,f the Treasurer of said County, and that interest will cease on the dale of the publication of this notice: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND--War- rant Nos. 569 to 655 inclusive. (SEAL) S.E. SMITIt, Treasurer of Mason County, Washington. Dated at Shclton. Washington. June 9, 1949. 6-9---I t. NO. 2093 T-- N NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of W. C. Warren. deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Executor' of the above estate. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to serve same on said Executor or his attorneys at the address below stated. and file same with Clerk of said Court. together with proof (if service within six months after first publication of this notice. First publication: June 2. 1949. EARL R. WARREN, Executm. RALPH PURVIS. JAMES B, SANCHEZ, Attorneys for Estate, 245 Fourth Street Building, Bremerton, Washington 6--2-9-163t NO. 2@40 NOTICE OF HEAHINO FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR D4[STRIRUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Mar- I gret Martin, Deceased. • N.TICE I REBY GIVEN: tiat Mary rlgll.,.A!ninlst;'atrtx of the eslate Mart(artin' dtceased, had filed i} tile office gf the Clerk of above entitled court, her flnal report and petition for distribution, asking tile court to settle said report, to distribute the property to the persons thereunto entitled, and to discharge said Administratrix: and that said re- l)ort and petition will be heard on the 8ih day of July, 1949. at the hoqr of l0 o'clock a.m. on said day at the court house in Shelton. Washington. Dated this 3rd day of June, 1949. (SEAL) HARRY, DYETTE, Clerk of said Court. By DORISANN MOREHOUSE. Deputy. 6-9-16-23--3t. State of Washington Office ot upervlsor of Hydraulics Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGllT APPLICATION NO. 8757 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Charles E, Cat.wright of Bremerton, State of Washiflgton, under date of April 15, 1949, filed with the State SuperVisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washinqton, an application for a permit to lhvert the public waters of an unflamed spring tributary of final drainage, Un- ion River, In the amount of 0.05 sec- EICR end-foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each dg, year for the purpose of irrigation and v continuously for domestic supply; Di- ll version works: height of dam 2:2', )n length 8'4"; that the approxhnate poiat of diversion ts located wlthih SE of SE of Section 4, Township --=--'= 2 N., Range 1 W.W.M.. in Mason "--'--" County. A map showing the leatlob --. _... and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use Is on file ill the office of te State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia., Washington. to- gether with such other informatil#n as St, is required by law. " Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be Injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor' of Hydrau- lics. at Olympia. Washington. such objections or representations, in writ- LAW Bank !!IRING Phone 565 Go Ulldlng ing, as he may desire to nmke. witiflt thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is June 16. 1949. Witness my hand and official seal the, *h day nf May. A.D. 1.¢149. (SEAL). • CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. tate Supei'visor of Hydraulics. 8-9-18--2t. Classified Berries Wash. cause No. 5346 No'rI('F OF SHERIFF'S SAI, E OF ItFAL ESTATE I'nder (ieneral Execution ]N THE SIPERIOB. COURT OF THE STATE fiT,' WASIIINGTON FOR MASON (?()UNTY Abet(leon Federal Savings & Loan As:wciati(m, a c)rporation. Plaintiff ..... VS.-- Gay S. Stophcns and Daisy D. Step- hens, husband and wife, Defendants. Under qnd by virtue of a general (,x{!(!lltioll issued (rot of and under the seal of the Superior Conrt of ttm State of Washington. in and for said County, nn the 2.tth clay of May, 1949, upon a ju(lgmcnt renthwecl ill said Court on the 13tll day of May. 1949. Jn favor of Aberdeen Federal Savings and Loan Association and against Guy S. Step- hens and Daisy D. Stephens. husband and wife, judgment debtors, for' the suln of $3,046.76 Dollars. together with attorney's fees. Interest, costs and In- creased costs, and to me directed and delivered, I did ,m the 25th day nf May, 1949, levy upon all the right, title and interest of said judgment debtor's in and to the following de- sort)el1 prolrerty to satisfy said judg- ment. to-wit: The Soulheast Quarter (SE) of the Southeast Quarter (SEPAl of Sec- tion 31, Township 19 Nm'th. Range 6 West of the Willametie Meridian, excepting therefrom public road rights-of-way. NOW TI-IIgREFORE, NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN, That on Saturday tle nd day of July, 1949 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. I will sell the above (te.ribed property,, or so much tbereof, as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased cost, in all amounting to the sum of $3.851.01 Dollars. Said sale will take place at tile east door of the Court House at Shelton in said County and State. and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to tire highest and.bst, ))lddr. Dated at Shelton, Wash,, th s 25th day of May, 1949. ROY ROESSEL, Sherif of said CountY. ' 6-2-9-16-23--4t. NO. 050 NOTICE OF II EAR'ING ' ON" FINAL ACCOUNT REPORT AND PETI. TION OF ADMINISTRATOR FOR SFTTLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION ANI fllgc}lhlG | IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF bIASON, IN PROBAUP In the Matter of the Combined Es- tates of Horace Dunbar and Minnie L, Dunbar, both Ie(easd NOTICE IS HEREBY I'Vig1. that Alden C. Bayley Administrator of the above estate, ha filed herein his final account, report and. pctithn for set- tlement and distribution of the estate of the deceased, wherein the Court is asked to approve said account and report, and make distribution of the estate, and discharge the administra- tor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that in accordance with an order' of said Court made and entered on tile 27th day of May, 1949, a hearing will be had before the Court on said final account, report and petition on Fri- day, tile 1st clay of July, 1949, at 10 o'clock, a.m., on said date In the Court SITON-MASON C01rNTY_JOURNAL : ...... "" Ill I II I f136 Persons Killed [ ......... [In Traffic Mishaps wo,,00 killed during the first five months of 1949 as a result of state-wide traffic accidents in Washington. The summary of accidents is made by James A. Pryde, Washington State Patrol Chief. DURING JANUARY through May 101, or 74 per cent, of those killed were drivers and pedestrians. The greatest factor contributing to the increasing pedestrian fatal- ity rate is the failure to cross the streets at marked intersections, the State Patrol Chief said. "Youngsters show the . same; thoughtlessness. In areas where children are more prevalent, great- er caution and responsibility should be observed by the motorist. Children are thoughtless and spon- taneous, and adults are careless and deliberate," Pryde insists. ANOTHER KILLER, according to Pryde's records, is excessive speed. "Drivers should realize that injuries incurred while driv- ing above 60 miles an hour are two and one-half'times more like- ly to be fatal than driving at 40 miles an hour." During the past two week ends which brought thousands of vaca- tioners motoring into Mason coun- ty there have been no serious traf- fic accidents. FIRST MET!IODIST ('tll{('ll l{ev. Wayne Wright Divine worship SIln(hty, dlmc 12, s!arts at 1l a,m. wth :;peeiul llllt- ,'ic by the jlmio': choh'. Sunday s('ilod is 'tt !)>t5 o'chck with chtsses for every age U',lI). Come :tnd I)li'.u4' your children. Annual confe,:cnce of the l'aci- fic Northwest, llow &i., will end jext Sunday. Choir practice is 7:45 o'ch)ch Thn'sday, for Sl)CCial worl i on the I]XISIC [Of the Jlllle cI?.l(.!ert. Yout]l Caravan, consi:,ting of our young people anti COlmeilor, will be here re:' the wc, ek of July 2 to 8. Persons wihing to have them in their homes for a meal nlay contact Charhmc Hm'st or Mrs. Merritt Wingard. Ocean Park camp will take tim following groups on the following dates: Christian Adventure, junior high. July 11 to 16; Jtmior camp (4, 5, 6 grades), July :18 to 23; Junior camp, August 8 to 13; Sen- tar high institute, Augut 15 to 20; Young adttlL camp, Augu:[ 22 to 28, and Laynmn's Retreat, September 3 to 5. MANY GATHER IN ALLYN HOME TO HONOR BIRTHDAYS OF TWO By Esther Shepherd * Florence Larson sod Wayne Shelton Delegates Trefethen were pleasantly enter- tained at a buffet supper recently at the home of Albert Larson in honor of their birthdays. Present were Mr. and Mrs. George Milosevich, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trefethen and farily, Mr. and Mrs. Harokl Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Pierce of Shelton, Mike Servich, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whitlock and family of Port Orchard, Mrs. Tony Graham. Mrs. Anthony McCord and families and the honored guests and their families. $ * $ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleveland enjoyed a trip to Oak Harbor last weelc They visited their son, Jesse Room of said Court in the Court Cleveland and family. I[ouso at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 27th day of May, 1949. The Cub Scouts met last Friday HARRY DEYETTE, evening at Shepherd's with only Clerk nf the Serlnr Court tWO cubs present and their Cub fOrton, Mason County, Washing* ] Master, Mr, Wayne, The next reg- ular weekly meeting will be held ALDEN C, BAYLEY Atlorney for the Estate, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington, 6-2-9-16-23--4t. better turnout is expected. NO. 19$ NOTICE OF BEAING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBETION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtiE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Ernest L. Anerson. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Arthur Anderson. Administrator of the estate of Ernest L. Anderson. De- ceased, has filed with the clerk of the above entitled court Iils Final Report and Petition for Distribution asking the court to settle and approve the same, distribute the property to tbe persons thereto entitled and to discharge the said Administrator. NOT/CE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for Dls- lbUta*r will be heard on Friday. the y une, 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the i'arenoon at the Court Room In the Court House in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 13th day of May. 1949. (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE County Clerk CHAS. _ R, LE#IS, Attorney for said Estate. Bell Building, 119 South Fourth St. Shelton. Mason County. Washington 5-19----6.2-9--4t Friday evening, June 10. A much Mrs. Jerry Clark won third prize in the recent box-camera week of the Snapshot Contest sponsored by a Tacoma paper. Her entry was a beautiful snow scene taken on the Clark's Sher- wood Creek place. Mrs. Elton Cleveland entertain- ed a group of young people a week ago Tuesday in honor of Kirby Cleveland's 12th birthday. Guests were Betty an Ruth Weckhorst. Dean Cook, Anna ]Wae Tingling, Norman Brown, Jlmmie Grefethen. Jackie Shepherd, Lois and Jacqueline Baker, Ruth Grif- fey, Leilani Harthtll, Ray Smith, Tommy and Darryl Cleveland. The afternoon was spent play- ing games. Refreshments of cake and ice cream were served. There will be a shdrt children's day program during Sunday School next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Everyone is wel- come. Mrs. Harry Shellgren entertain- ed at a arty given at the home of Mrs. verry Valley. Mr, and Mrs, Bill Austin and children of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. William Austin, Mary and Freddy Lindsey, picnicked at Rocky Bay Sunday with Grandpa Campbell. NO, 081 NOTICE TO CR;DITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOR MASON cOUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Cody Attend Lumbering Safety Conference Five safety supervisors and man- agement representatives f r o m Shelton attended the Western For- cst Products Safety Conference in Seattle June 1 to 3. ATTENI)ING FROSI Sheiton wcre A. E. Gabrielson. Virgil Ad- ams, James L. Simmons and ,Paul F. Marsllall of Simpson Logging Company, and Ralph Paulson of H.ayonier Incorporated. On the convention agenda were topics that probde into safety methods in the mills and n the woods. The 130 delegates present also considered employec-elnploy- er relations, industrial insurance job training for safety.,' Represented at the essions were 86 logging, sawmill, plywood and pulp and paper operations, from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Mon- tana and British Columbia. OFFICERS EI.ECTED for the coming year include Byron Oy:.ter, Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, Tacoma, chairman; Boyd Wff:k- wire, Longview Fiber Company, • vice chairman; C. It. Rmtemcycr. Christian Science President Elected ST. I,:I)%VARD'S CATIlOIJC Ctl l: RCll I{ev. Mark %%'ieehuann Sunday is Trinity Stmday. First Mass is at 8 a.m.. and second High 'Aaas :dar:; lit 10:0 :t,m. EVC-' ning (tevotion and 1)enedict.ior is el. 7:30 o'ch)ck. Therc will he an inquiry class tie evening of Wednesday, June 15. ........... a ............................. I,'IRST BAPTIST CIIUIt(II Y'ifth and Cots Streei J, O. Bovee, Pastor %Van'ren little, Assistant Vacation Bible chool each l morning from 9:00 to 11:30. There are classes for all ages wiLh in- teresting lessons, lmndwork, chor- us singing and recreation. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Morning worship at .11 a.m. A service of inspiration where the word of God is taught and Christ is exhalted. Young People's services at 6:45 p.m. Evening service at 7:45 p.m. A service of evangclism. Come and enjoy the singing and the preach- ing of tile word of God. Prayer a n d praise service, Thursday at 7.30 A service of real help during the week. If you are withont a church home and looking for a place to worship God, we extend to you liars declared today. ; cordial invitation to attend tile Addressing' several thousand services 01" t!le B!ist ..... Ct!!u'ch. [Christian Sc.icntists attending the ' Cleats'r,AN SC1FNCE annual meeting of The Mother ". ........ t' ., , Chtu'ch, 'Phe First Church of "God the _ reserver of Man" iq Chri:t, Scientist, in Boston, Ma.;.% the subject of the Le::mn-Scrmontthe directors viewed with satis- which will be read next Sunday}faction the worldwide stir in ha- !in. all branches of The Mother man consciousness to discard the Clnwch, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. (]olden Text: Deuterc, nomy 3q: 27. "The eternal God is thy re- fuge, and underneath arethe ever- lasting arms." The following verse from Luke is inehlded in the Lesson-Sermon: "Seek not ye what yo sllall cat. or what ye shall drink, neither bc ye of doubtful mind. For all these thing: do tlae nations of the world seek fter: and your Father know- eth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God: and all Lhese things,shall be added unto you." From "Science an(t Health with Key Lo the Scriptures" bv Mary Baker Eddy is the following col relative statement: "Divine Love always has met and ahvays will meet every human need." MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Win. H. Albach, Pastor Highway and Cascade MISS EMMA C, SHIPMAN llrookline, Massachusetts' Inconlina" President of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Postwar World Breaks From Ancient Beliefs reaking through the crdst of ancient beliefs in nmterial l)ower, the postwar world is reaching out in an unprecendented effort for sometling better upon which t(, found a uniou t nations, the Christian Science Board of Direc- material for the spiritual. Tile direcLors' st,ttemcnt and the election uf Miss Emma C. Shipnntn. to the presidency of The Mother Chin ch for tte ensuing year sparked un ann/lal lllCeLinj2 filled with re.ports of marred pro- gress m the Christian Science movement tiwoughout the globe. ST. I)AVll)'S EIqS(OPAL (H[T lt(.lI i,'ourth and Cedar The Ih'v, I,'raneis II. BaH. in C|I'I rg'e ,hihiren's :4crvice 9:45 a.m. Holy (.;olfulunion Sernon 11 a.fll. Mt. View Alliance Chapel Roy. Thee. W. Chapmau, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday School I1 a.m. lIorning Service 7:30 p.m. Inspirational Servim Canadian Fm:est Products. Ltd., Tonight: The choir meets at %Vancouver. B.C.. secretary; and  8 p.m. Ed Crosby, Colm nbia Basin Log- Friday The Vacation Bible gers Assn., Portlarl. Lrca.mcr. School closhlg program will begin Executive boa'ci n'lOll'lbF:; a['c tit 8 p.nt, Jack ,Brande, Lelmnon, Ore.; Sunday: Sunday School begins Wt'ne Hamilton, Bend, Ore.; W. at 9,45 a.m. M.klhson, Vancouvm, .( .... G. A. } Wmshp smwce, begin at 8:30 Oakerlund. Bellingham. and 11 a.m. I Next year's conference will be CU2 will have a lawn party at' held in June of 190 in Longview. the Hanmmnd residence, Bound- ary and Bellevue. FAMED 0LI) DIVISION I GIVES HOMECOMING PARADE ON FRIDAY First formal retreat parade nf the newly re-activated 38th In- fantry, "The Rock of tile Marne," will be held at the North Fort Lewis parade ground at 4 p.m. Friday, June 10. LT. COL. JACK W. Rudolph, commander of the famous 38th. which returned to Fort Lewis la:t April for the third time in 27 years, announced today that old Monday-Thursday: Annual con- vention of the Northwest District of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod will be held in Portland. Pastor Albach and Mr. E. G. Rauscher will represent Mount Olive Congregation St: David's Episcopal Guild To Meet Monday The next meeting of St. Dav- id's Episcopal Guild will be hehl Monday, June 13. with Mrs. Get'- trade Hayes md Miss Bcth Oyer as hostesses at their Hood Canal A Hearty %Velcome to All St. David's Epiopal Church 4th & Cedar St. ,'torch S'hmt t  ,1,') 9 45 ;i.lll. ltItl|'llillg PldyOl' :tl;¢[ Sel'llli|r, I I:1, m. Ih, v. Fr:ln('ls II. II'tli, I{eetor UNITY TRUTH CENTER Mina Hockett, Leader 40S Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Healing Work - All Welcome BAPTIST CHURCH ,1. O. BOVEE, Pastor WARREN HALE, Assistant Preaching services: Bible School, 9:45 A.M. Morning Worshlp, 11 A.M. Young People's, 6:30 p.m. Evening V/orship, 7:30 p.m. We preach Christ Crucified, Risen and Coming Again. A cordial invitation is extended to all, ........ -_ , ,-,-- ,--'--'7-','77,.-'%;, ..................... TO ALL INTERESTED IN CHURCH 0F CHRIS00 Meetings Each Sunday A.M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R -- Or W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1 For Information Foursquare Churab 910 E. Oearborn Sunday School--9:4d$ Worship Service---11: Crusader Service6:4 Evangelistic Service7:45 REV. E. E, FITCH Pastor First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine --- Parsonage 920 N. lth -- Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 a,r. VAYNE WRIGHT, Minlster REVIVAL IN PROGRESS NOW THROUGH JUNE 5 Assembly of God Tabernacle 7:45 p.ln. Daily Except Monday 130 E, Pine- Evangelist Norman Gardner Shelton, WSahlngton B, FRANKLIN ItEUSTON Attorney for satd ]tate ' Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wa'h. 5-26---6-2-9-16--4t First Calendar The Egytian calendar was es- tablished in 4241 B,C., the ear- liest dated event in history. Classified Service Woollard, Deceased, • Mrs. John Austin gave a show- friends of the 38tt have been in- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that er at her home in Bremerton in vited to attend the parade. the undersigned, Nell Woollard has been appointed and has qualifd .as honor of C'Dale Harthill last Wed- The 38th Infantry Regiment Executrix of me Las Will and Testa, nesday afternoon. Guests included drew the title "Rock of the ment and of the estate, of Cod¥ Wool- Mrs. Harthill, Mrs. Lindsey and Marne" during World War I when lard, ueceasea; and that all persons having claims against the said estate LOis, Mrs. William Austin and their forces held back German or the ald deceased are hereby re- Mary, Mrs. Scherfenberg and Su- troops on three fronts during Ju- qulred to servweitte pame duly verified sy. Mrs. Austin served a lovely ly, 1918 near Chateau Thierry. in oupncat.e . toe necessary vou- chers attacnea Upon the undersigned luncheon. Stationed at Fort Lewis during Executmx or ner attorney of record The Allyn baseball team lost in 1921 and 1922, the 38th later at the law office of B. Franklin Heus- a game played with the Gorst fought through five campaigns in ton, Angle Bulldlng, Shelton, Wuh- Ington. and file such clalms together baseball team Sunday at, the An- Europe during World War II atvl with proof o serwce with the Clerk derson field, " returned to Fort Lewis in 1944, of the above entitled Court wlthln Mrs. Grace Michols of Laeonner, shortly before its deactivation. six (6) monms after the date ot the REACTIVATED last April as first publica2l  ot this notice, to. Wash., is visiting her daughter, wit: May , 1949, 0r all claims Mrs. Harry Wolcott. She expects part of the Second Infantry Divi- not so presented and ,filed will be to stay amonth, siGn, ,the 38th set the June 10 forever uarrea. NELL WOOLLARD Ex- _ ............ date to greet former nlembers and ecutrix of the Estate of friends from throughout the Paci- Cody Woollard, deoeased. First Temple fic Northwest. Address: In 1012 B. C. the first temple Invitations will be sent to Gov. Star Rt. 2. Box 94-B. built in Jerusalem was accom- Arthur Langlie and other promi- plished by Solomon. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Colllslon Coverage on Cars ae Old as 1937 For Qualified Appll0ante Rates, Service for Polidy Holders Transfers Now Available at 'vVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV NO, 0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Estate of Anna L. Sutherlahd. Deceased. Notice l hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the es- tat of Anna L. Butherland, Deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased ors hereby required to serve the same duly verified on Said Tress Rice o her attorneys of record at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such Service within Six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barrecl. Date of fh'st publication May 26. 1949. TRESS RICE. sent military and civilian leaders to attend the home.coming par- ade. OLD AGE INSURANCE BENEFITS INCREASE A 16 per cent increase in old- age and survivors insurance bene- fits in Mason County from June 30 1948 to April 30. 1.949 reflects the national growth of that in- surance system The amount of monthly pay- rnents to esidents of this county has risen from just over $4.700 to $5,500 during that period, Cort Skinner, manager of the Social Security Administration field of- rice in Olympia said. Simultan- eously, th number of persons to whom those payments are going jumped from 230 to 260. The fig. ares nationally show that 2.480.000 Executrix of said Estate el" --'; ^..^ . " p sons were a,d $49,750,000 in BOB ERVIN MOT(JRS aoress: m yo nsurance.- . P _ . Bldtt.. Seattle Wash. t I oenerit payments eacn montn. COSON, JOHNSON & WHEELON   At'present approximately 29 per " Attorneys for Estate ' e • ' ...... I c nt of the beneficmnes in Mason Pho.e 673 633 8outh First Street uu *nsurance mag., t coun t . . Seattle, Wash. | y are chiloren and mothers 5-26--8-2-9--3t [ with children in their care, ENGINEERED ELECTRICAL SERVICE  Shelton 'J I.O.O.F. I / HIGHEST QUAL]:TY WIRING I 00o,0, . III LOYAL ORDER OF Meets Every Wednesday Ill : MOOSE CRAIG P. ELIOT .ELo ..c. I.O,O.F. HALL | | I ............ Visiting Members will be I|| l==t =.=.1 R,¢I rlt==R=tra REGISTERED LICENSED and BONDED Cordially Welcomed II I =" u== =u..=..,u,j,=. THOMAS J. WATTS, Jr., .G. ]] | or ire MOnth , Engineer - Electrical" - Contractor RR CARLON, Secretary |] I'  '_m...--,fto']. -']| "• ...... : - =: ill op.m.--agmsnau ld K St Mouiltain View 1ti lbeklt LOdge No. "/5 I M r | P.U.D. Warehouse B g. - . • ,br ........ rt ..... a's I I  G...or ]EULAH HELSER, N.G. [ I 'W.D. Cob'urn, Seoretary P. O. BOX 158\\; - Shelton - Phone 788 Meem m  rou n rtu y , HELEN COLE, Secretary _]I ' ', home. Members are Lo bring their own sandwiches and swimming suits. The children are encouraged to come. A business meeting' will be held after luncheon. A report on the annnal meeting and gynod hehl "recently in Seattle will be read. In the event of inclement weather the meeting will be held in the chut'ch guild hall. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH John DeBoer, Pastor Services' are held in I.O.O.F. hall on Second street. SUnday school for all ages and adult Bible classes begin at 9:45 a.m. Divine worship starts at :ll a.m. Choir meets for rehearsal at 8 p.m. Thursday. There will be eight clays of Bi- ble study and recreation for all members of the family at "Luth- erland" front July 10 to 17. For in- formation call the pastor 417-M. Opporttnity-iS an=hlstoric word in the United States. CoVered wag- ons, the symbol of the U S. Treas- ury's 1949 Savings Bonds Drive carried men west 100 years ago to find it Today you can find it where you work. Buy U.S. Sav- ings Bonds every pay day through the payroll savings plan. Money earned by hospitalized veterans making Memorial poppies to be worn in honor el' their fallen comrades is used to help support their families'at home and to pro- vide themselves with necessities and comforts they need not sup- You don't need to rush west to- day in search of gold like the '49ers did. Just buy U.S. Savings Bonds. Watch for the covered wagon, symbol of the Opportunity Drive, May 16 - June 30, Sh¢lton Aerie No. 2079 Fraternal Order of Eagles Gordon S. Peterson, W,P, Rudolf J. Kraal, Seoretary ] eetihgs EVerjf Mnday, 8 p. Office Hours: Monday - 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday - 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. Saturday - 10 a,m. to 4 p.m. l Meetihgs EVery  Monday, 8 pan. First Church of Christ, Scientist SH ELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Chucch of Christl S¢lentlat Boston, Mass. Subject Next Sunday: "God, the Preserver of Man" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVIC AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING A.T 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. and Wednesdays fern 6:,15 to 745 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend tle services and visit the Reading 'Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister • JUNE%g, 1949 Iniquity is not sin, but a state of being oorrlptible. Sin,.how- ever, is ever an intelligent ovcr't act of transgression of the law of God, No one but God himself can rightly and fully teach man and angels concerning sin. Crime is the transgres- sion of man-made law; whereas sin ia the transgressl0n of Divine law. There is much crime which is not ain; as aleo there is much sin which is not crime. Now the record (Ezekiel 28:16) tells us that this ange sinned: that hls Iniquity took the form of violence, This was an intelligent overt act of trans- gression of the law of God, He meditated upon the planned VIOLENCE. When the sldlers inquired of John the Baptist, "What shall we do?" he said unto them. "Do violence to no man." Jesus also said, "The kingdom of heaven suffereth vio- lence' (Matthew 11:12). And it was from the beginning of violence that disintegration amon 0 angels and men was born, and, like the tares in the parable, will be permitted to grow side by side with the wheat until the hacvest. Then at the time of the harvest Jsus will send forth his angels to bind the tares in bundles (companies, assemhhes, eto.) TO BE BURNED. (Matthew 13:39-42.) Also, inasmucl as "all things were created by the. word of his mouth, for he spake and it was; in a mo- ment in the twinkling of an eye,' in llk manner will this change be (Revelation 19:11-21 and Corinthians 15:52J It is generally undorstood and admitted by mankind thdt the t* ,, bundles o'f the parablt are organized societies of all man- kind, INCORPORATED in civil .qovernmont, and thug under its control and protection. Until the first advent of Jesus Chrlet the people of God (Israel) wcre ashamed of such an alllanoe and degendence (Ezra 8:21-23), hut at that time the fierce monster of Daniel's vision (Daniel 7.19, 23,) had come into control of hte earth, and under him tile chastening of the Lord began to be visited upon man to/lead them to repentance. However, the testimony of today is that despite these chsstenings, "They Pe- pented oot," hut chose rathe!; to "blaspheme the name of Ged, which had power over theseplagues: and they repented not to give him glory" ,Revelation 16:8-9,). e Wearied at the stubbornne,,s of man, the'Lord plotuts say|hE, "Why should ye be stricken any more7 Ye will revolt mor and more. "Isaiah 1:2-6. (Continued from this point in thc next issue of The Journalo)! [ NK]