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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 " SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAT; -":' z '  ' '..m' I I I I IIII ii I i -- Msw + ares I L CATTO H,ARDWARE 315 RAILROAD PHONE 48 f \\; I and so areyou unless you see THE NEW featuring 1. EXCLUSIVE SXSLVADOR*' Tim°°+ wo,k sore, REFRIGERATOR 2, 7RHZIN-COLD COMPARTMENT 5 btODELS with hec:t.Holder 'r: CIIObI.E 4, MOIST-COLD COMPARTMENT 1 K,, Food Conditioner Section , m. Wn,DRv STOmA.IN 'd  see at today! for Extra Dry.Storage '4 .22-- ..... :i N • Kilhn,0000 00+Elect 207 COTA ST. PHONE 664 BELFAIR VETS AND FIREMEN PLAY BALL, VETS TAKE GAME IBy l)ollle M. l'arsons cult, 2b; Wardell, 3b; Crosswhite,- Tim Belfair Fire Department ss; Hannigan, cf; Beclc, lf; Nich- played the Mell Curtis Post 5372 ols, rf. m a game of soft ball Sunday, June 5. The vets won ]5 to :14. Tim lineup for the Fire Depart- mcnt was: Tworke, c; Forthsythe, p' Whetman, lb; Sabering, 2b; ])avis, 3b; Culbertson, ss; Hen- ningson, rf; Nelson, cf; Watkins, 11 Lineup for the vets included: Pope, c; Ribbe, p; Huson, lb; Of Lower Skokomish School May 31, 1949 To the Editor: One of the members in a neigh- boring community made the re- mark that the public is beginning to realize that the teachers are very important factors in molding tim character of our future gener- ation and are consequently more appreciated. The parents of the Lower Sko- komish school are at a loss to l know why their first and second grade, also art, teacher hasn't been invited to teach in this com- munity for another year. The children as well as the par- ents liked her and her work. They wrote her notes of appreciation. Is that sufficient pay, for a well qualified teacher, who has had many years experience and who puts her whole heart and personal interest in her worlc? It is poor policy to change teachers continu- ously against the will of the com- munity. She treated the Whites and Indians with equal considera- tion. She was an asset in this community. We speak for many parents and wish her well in her futuz work-- and also hope that she will be blessed for the work she lms ac- complished here. Signed:' Mrs. Vcrn Kenyon, Mrs. Emily Hawk, Mrs. Mabel Johns, Mrs. J. E. Vinzant Mrs. Geo. Wilson Dear Editor: As chairman of the recently formed Dental Health Council, I wish to correct an error noted in lhe letter sent to parents concern- inff the proposed dental health program for Mason county chool (.hildren. The let.tar stated that the Den- They plan to play again Aug- ust 14 at the V.F.W. annual pic- nic. Mrs. Marie Maynard, of Whidby Island, is assisting in the Stuyt's Dry Goods Store. She is the sis- ter of Mrs. John Stuyts. The Belfair Improvement Club has discontinued meetings for the summer months. Next meeting will be in September. Mr. and Mrs M. Petty have moved to Belfair from Olympia. He will be employed on the coun- ty road here. Nadine Rhodes of Forks, Yvonne Coltenoir and Bud Ward of Cas- tle Rock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Parsons Sunday. No- PRICES FOR JUNE 9, 10, 11 M.C.P. PECTIN INV£57"IN VS...vAVIN6$ BONDS Munoy piles up fast when you sail away a bit regularly in U.S. Savings Bonds. For example: Only $18.75 saved regtdarly each week grows to $10,828.74 in 10 short years. Start today buying bonds at this bank and soon this htmk of vhangc ca,n be yours. } ) r r I'uL nior'e OI.IOKrUNIrY in your future[ SHELTON BRANCH SI! EL'ION, WASIIINGTON Lawrci]c: A. Cil:'l/JiL .%l.llil'l" Chc:ster P. Wdtiams, A::;L. 51gr. lamber l;'cdcral Dcposit hlsurance Corporation dine anti Yvonne are Mrs. Par- :II son's nieces. Mr. Ward anti Miss Cottenoir will be married at Kelso " Local June 18.  , ' + f Cauliflower .... lb. 13 € Florence Paulson and Adclle California Cantaloupes ... lb. t0* Zuchinni Squash ......... lb. 10  Green Onions 3 bu. 10 € Beets ....... 3 bu. 10' Cabbage , lb 7  • • e • • * • • Lettuce .. 3 heads 10' Celery lb 9* , . • , . , • , • • a Tomatoes ..... ctn. 18  CHUM KING s,"°P VEGETABLES O,l. ,,c'm- 1B-oz. LYNDEN CHICKEN & NOODLES G,.. 29c SHURFINE SXORTENING ,-lb. 79c .............. can FiiSKIES DOG FOOD ............ 2 ::'o's 25c FRISKIES CUBES or MEAL *" ...... ,,k,. 65C ALMOND MEATS LOOKING 4-0=. ,. ............ l,,,. 23C Glo-eoat SELF- POLISH/NG WAX ........ t'r 98c SUNSHINE HI HO'S ............ lb. pkg. 27c SHURFINE BEANS ''" +v. co, ...... .s 23c KRUSTEAZ PIE CRUST MiX ,-o..,.,+ 33c SWEET PICKLES NA,.,s -o. M,,,,'., .......... ,,. 23C J:ISHER'S BISKIT MIX +o,. .... ,,,,g 39C 5,-oz. RICE KRISPIES,,el,o.s .... ,,,g. 14c RAISINS Loo.,G -,,,. .,.. .................... cello 27€ % PEACHES 2 __,TINS FLOTILLA .... Ilalves In SyruI) Cigarettes '" CARTON POPULAR BRANDS" Lunch Meat'::: OSCAR MAYER JUICE 2"-o, SHURFINE TOMATO Tins JAM .... + SUNNY JIM CONCORD GRAPE -- LB. CRAB MEAT Cafe. The new owners, Dick and Jewell Zelle, are putting out good meals. Jim Kennedy of Fort Lewis, Johnnie Pope and Glenn Stotz, of Belfair, ]oLored Monday to San Francisco and other parts of Cali- fornia to visit friends and z'ela- tires. They plan to be gone wto weeks. tal Health Council was formed un- der the auspices of the "Hoodsport Women's Club." There is no Hoodsport Women's Club. It should have said "District Health and Welfare Council," which is sponsored by the District Federa- tion of Women's Clubs, of which the Hood Canal Woman's Club (often mistakenly referred to as the "Hoodsport Women's Club") is just one of the member clubs. The other Federated elubs are the Belfair Woman's Club, the Hill- crest Homemaker's Club, the Lake Isabella Woman's Club and the Shelton Woman's Club. However, the Hood Canai Wo- man'g Chib is making its special project this year the backing of' the dental health program. The above correction is perhaps unimportant, except that we wish to clarify for the public the back- ground" of the school program, for which We are asking support of parents. Sincerely, Frances R. Hill. A Note to Allyn People: During the meeting held in the Allyn scimol on Tuesday, May 31, ; certain derogatory statements con- earning school personnel were mistakenly attributed to x Mr. and Mrs. Elton Cleveland by the un- dersigned while speaking for the school board. The undersigned deeply regrets the error and hereby exonerates Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland from all  blame for the said statements. ( Siged ) R. Shepherd. Dear Editor: Shall we have commercial fish- ing in Hood Canal? A recent editorial in your col- umn "Things As They Seem" was of special interest to every resort owner, businessman and sports- man alike located in the Puget Sound and Hood Canal area. In it you quoted Nels Preston, commercial fisherma of Brinnon, regarding a campaign to return a type of commercial shrimp fishing to Hood Canal wl]ich has been barred because of its detrimental affect on salmon feed, and also on the point that a salmon will not eat shrimp. An extensive study of shrimp trolls and their action on spawn- ing beds for herring and other salmon foods was reported to the \\;Vashington State Sports Council to be extremely damaging and detrimental and sportsmen feel it would be definitely a backward step in the endeavor to bring back good salmon and sports fishing to Hood Canal if the present ban on shrimp trawling is relaxed. To the layman, a trawl is haere- ly a net used in taking shrimp, but in reality a trawl is a very heavily-weighted net secured to iron bars with extending wings dragged along the bottom.' This method destroys seaweed and ma- rine vegetation upon which, her- ring, shrimp and other bottom fish spawn, Shrimp can be and are legally taken for commercial fishing pur- poses by mgans of a pot or trap at the present time in Hood Canal. This means of catching shrimp en- tails more work than trawling, but profitable and refutes Mr. Preston's claim that 200 men are deprived of livelihood through be- ing prohibited from trawling. The shrimp pot method does no damage to already existing beds. By comparison, shrimp trawling is like picking strawberries with a spring-tooth rake. During shortage of herring, san man feed upon shrimp. The theory that salmon cannot digest shrimp • is a falacy for Mother Nature has provided them with an acid which can even digest fish hooks. Like- wise, trout in Spencer Lake feed upon snails, shells and all, and grow fat doing so. Money spent by sports fisher- men far exceeds that taken in on commercial shrimp fishing. So wlielt is preferable, commercial sltrimp fishing and resultant loss m sahnon runs, or sports fishing whicla depends on large sahnon runs ? This should be of inLeresL Lo ev- cry businessman and resort owner alike in this community. Submitted by Ken Frank in behalf of Mason County Sports and Skeet Club Getty Gets Degree At Arizona University Gone IL Getty of Shclton has hccn graduated from the Univers- ity of Arizona with a degree of bachelor of science. A total of 834: degrees were conferred this Spring aL the Arizona University. 5,900,000 i,'arms There are 5,900,000 farms in the United States. PACIFIC PEARL -- . CAN TH ;l:OUPoN I$ Wo Can; o a UStomer -- real o en Used as Part o u• $;g, o ") • Cor. or one ea o,1 .d'o,e pr,,'e ,r na a and address a. d tails to -- acn. (LIMITt / YOU• grocer. dddr r .... "-.-. .............. ,... ..  [e *'elld only - "',n ¢irics oP ................. City tnttted C| Storne tnut pa- " rate tJ" """" " Not Good After June 2" "• socei -- nero offe r . - ...................... vr Jtala Jalc$ •._ ,S o/ /zS li-J ro DEA LE" - , 1949 " zn Jorca an"% ara per. I: ." : Thrau0h. /'J rapt. • ':°Shredenmobtov; ricer° °:in  nc W+Zl rttm .... senfot,ves R. O. McCob.. u. 1120cl • b.  YOu for 10c race Volue -,.o., $oaftle lrtRw+* ..... ' COUpon pl::-l-;'t;; BIG OR LITTLE pEAS ....... 2 WITH 303 WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 z'caas Speciall I,: Salel Use this Coupon! OgglOlilll Mr. Grocer: Your OCCIDENT ulenmaa will redeem th|l t aporl at your ar s e f price for one package of OCIDINT Devil, Food Cake Mix. providmg you snd the cuntomer have complied w th the terms of thai offer. Or you mey mail to Ru|teg-lvtiller Milling Co.. Minneapolis 1, Minnesota. This offer expires July 2. lg4g LIMITED SUPPLY BUY ONE PACKAGE FOR 35¢ GET ANOTHER FOR ONLY 1€ BOTH PACKAGES FOR 36 € FAB =:::, 28c CRYSTAL WHITE ............ Leakesl':for '+l* CASHMERE BOUQUET +" eakesC':for Lid/, REGULAR PALMOLIVE .......... for v, PALMOLIVE SIZE ................. L :for 23€ COLGATE'S VEL .................. ,,,,,, 27c PEET'S GRANULATED 33c ........ Pkg \\; * OUR MEATS ARE ALL SELECTED HIGHEST QUALITY OBTAINABLE-" ernment inspected and graded either go Your complete satisfaction is guara MEAT LOAF ..... , A Delicious Codbi'n;ti;; :f Beef. and BOLOGNA, large orsmall' LINK SAUSAGE Large or $ t'll FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE NOW CARRYING AN AMPLE SU DELICIOUS CHIP • COUNTRY STYLE PURE PORK SAUSAGE .............. : GRADED GOOD BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF ................... BY HE PIECE LEAN STREAKED BACON /:;i • L Established 1895