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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 9, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 9, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Journal photo by Rick Kennedy Sarah Donald performs with the Other Guys Theatre Company on Saturday in Shelton By RICK KENNEDY Bringing to mind the days of the American classic, Prairie Home Companion, Good Timber channeled the mood and texture of 1940s logging culture before two capacity crowds at the Shelton High School auditorium. Standing ovations in both an ai~rnoon and evening performance over the Forest Festival weekend showed the ensemble's musical revue, clearly resonated with the two audiences, both heavily populated by mature adults old enough to remember the [aardship and ro- manticism of the logging era. "Shelton has been an amazing place, and they get it. They have a deep understanding of the lumber and pioneer culture. They know what it is all about," Mary Desprez, the ensemble's company manager, said. The ensemble, known in Canada as Other Guys Theatre, was a group of six performers and musicians, headed by Ross Desprez. The show, Good Timber, was based on the logger poetry of Robert Swanson, who worked in British Columbia in the 1940s, and it consisted of 22 songs and poems performed in a brisk 90-minute performance. "It was a blend of folk music with ragtime and gos- pel influences paired with 1930s and 1940s era poetry," Desprez said. Authentic costumes and acoustic instruments as well as a background multimedia show of grainy black and white photography gave the show a credible pres- ence to match its content. One of the songs, Death of Rough House Pete, depict- ed a visit to nearby Aberdeen by Swanson in the 1930s. Outgoing Shelton School District Superintendent Joan Zook had seen a performance of Good Timber, while she was in Canada last summer. Mary Desprez recalled the phone conversation with Zoek that brought the show to Shelton. "I got a call from her in my office, and she had seen the show in British Columbia and she was very em- phatic. She said ~rou are coming to my town,' "Desprez said. "Shelton is a perfect place for this kind of show. Brit- ish Columbia and this area share a similar history and culture," she added. Creating fire in the By RICK KENNEDY The fireworks that resi- dents of Shelton saw a little after 10 o'clock Saturday night actually started a little after 10 o'clock that morn- ing as the crews of Olympia's Entertainment Fireworks, Inc. began the job of set- ting up the 1,500 or so firing points and electrlc wires to make it happen. For six years running, EFI Vice President Larry Mat- tingly and his crew have put in 14-hour days for 17 min- utes of showtime in Shelton. "We are glad to be back at the Forest Festival. Shelton is one of our smaller but al- ways exciting shows,~ Mat- tingly said. Loaded with two moving vans of equipment, the task of setting up a show, even a smaller one like Shelton's, takes many hours and much care, according to Mattingly. EFrs various firing points, four-inch cannons, and electrical wiring eas- ily span the length of Shel- ton High School's practice football field near Wallace Kneeland Road. Every fir- ing point is measurec~ ~or precision, and no detail was too small for Mattingly's team of 12 on Saturday morning. EFI's inventory included aerial shells from two to four-inches, and a wide va- riety of candles, fountains, multiple-shot items and other pyrotechnic materials, all of connected by hundreds of feet of wire. Once the apparatus is in place, the wiring is hooked to a designated =firing board,~ a panel device with buttons and switches that very much resembles a re- cording studio's sound mix- ing beard. =Our technicians fire in groups of three, with a Journal photo by Rick Kennedy Pamela Ryhearson an employee with Enter tainment Fireworks, Inc. places fuses for the ForestFest fireworks. shooter, an assistant, and a safety backup. The goal is always to keep light in the sky. That is what the people come to see," Mattingly said. The average four-inch shell, such as used in Shel- TOO LATE TO Cl Slff ONE BEDROOM duplex. GARAGE SALE, 2030 LaurelNICE 3 bedroom, 2 bath $595 deposit, $700 month. St. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday; 10 home in private location in Newer, 700 sq.ft., W/D hook- a.m-4 p.m. Saturday. Enter Hoodsport. Spacious bed- ups, carport. References, through alley.C6/9 rooms, living, family and non-smoking. 360-426-3322, LOST - ADULT female cat.dining rooms. DW and W/D. 360-790-7978. E6/9 White/orange, gray patches, $849. Richard Beckman Re- LAKELAND VILLAGE: 3 bed- shy, Euclid area. 360-432- alty Group, 360-432-9000 or room, 2 bath, newer, fairway 1311. C6/9 www.RichardBeckmanGroup. com. B6/9-30 home. Private lake, club- ANXIOUSLY LOOKING for house, no pets, no smoking, a cock-a-poo puppy to buy. $1,300, first/last, deposit. Prefer black. 360-426-0953. 360-710-8543. P 6/9-30 J6/9-16 Open Mon-Thur 6am.12am, Fd-Sat 6am.2m e Sun 6m-lltm ])rive-thin opeu SmTl~ 7an-9~, 1M-Sat 7m-101m 360-426-5254 Located at the I RECEIVE memo. I GASII DISCOU1W [ Pr~thiscoWmforpml;RGgYPChbQL,~L6oodfor [ L '~'I' RTt'0~ G~ PURCB3S~ at Lm~'be lh~g I%L -I ~on of Highwq 101 and 108, :Just minute8 aw~r from Ol~mldl and Sheltou Roll Your Own Tobacco "t ky is all day endeavor ton, travels 350 feet above "We pay a serious atten- ground. In bigger shows, tion to safety," Mattingly or lake shows, much larger said. "We have to get it shells are used, and are pro- right3 pelted as high as 600 feet After the last shell is up. fired, and the show ends, the A 24-volt self-contained EFI crew has to wait about battery system is connected 15 minutes, a cooling down to the firing board with com- period, before clean up and puter synchronized elec- packing begins. In a typical tronic ignition used to fire show, only one shell out of various explosives, every 1,000 may misfire, or Veteran =pyrotech" Gary even be a dud, according to Schuette and his wife, Terri, Mattingly. were operators for the Shel- The Shelton show runs ton performance. Schuette about 17 minutes, but even has a computer worksheet the larger shows average and graphic showing all the about 25 minutes, according firing points and cue num- to Mattingly. bers. "Again, you want to keep Before every fireshows a continuous flow of light up show, the trajectories and there. That is what the show timing are predetermined is all about," he said. Some three hours before After setting up for close Shelton's showtime, Gary to 10 hours, the close down Schuette is again walking takes just two hours. By the turf and double-check- 12:30 a.m., Mattinglf's team ing the grounds, although is ready to leave for the next by that time, the basic show June 25 in Umati]la, ground setup is completed. Ore. Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT/HOMELESS Date: June 8, 2011 Prepared by: Detecth.e William Adam Bulletin#: 11-25 The Mz~oe Courtly SheriWs Office is r~ k~si~ the Iblk+wins in feo'nadvn per~tt~ to RCW *~4.~dl aad the Washington State Sulz'eme Court decision ie which authom~ law cn~n.'~meee e.8~:las Iv thfon~ the polgic of a sea ofl~nd~ relc~c whe.; i. the discl~'m~ of Ibe ~¢n~T, the ~iv~¢ of thfm~al~ will en~e i~blk ~fety ~nd pa~cclion. The indiv~ml wdo appem on this ncaiF~tio~ has hecn convicted of a ~x ofl~ th~ rcqu~ r~eiswadon with tae Sh~4fi% Omce in the county of their rcs~knc=. Further, their p~vthm cnmirml hie~ory ple~"s th~n in a ciz~sif~adon level wh~h IVfle~LS the Ix~tial W r¢-ofl~nd. This sex olTcnde~ ~ served the ~entc'nt~ ~mpo~ on him ~ dw cc~m and has advised the Ma'am County Shed fFs OIT~e that he will be I~vi.g in the Ioc~ion t~l~v. HE IS bLO~ WA~ BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDgD TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER. IT IS OUR B£LIEF THAT AN INPORM~D Pueuc IS A ~'I~R PUBUC. the M~ Coun~ SherifFs oelce S~ no I~1 authority to direct wht~c a sex offender may ~ ma> not live. Units court o~l~d r.'stoctiom exisl, thla offrad¢~ is co~m~mt~ully I~-~ to live when~cr he chooses. Sex ofler~ have alw~s lived in m~r commun~.s. ~ it wam'r until pemq~ ol"the Communi~ ~r~d~nAt~nf~99~(whick~¢s~h~.r~glatrut~~)tha~t1wcnf~emc~t~v~w~y~ivin& In many ~e~-'s. Iz~ enfoe:emem ~ no~ able io sh~e I~t informafice wilh yo~. CRizen almse of thls informat~n to threaten, imimid~¢ o¢ hanm r~gist¢~ad sex offe~ will nol he tol~. Further. such a~ ~mld pc~.mhl~ end la'~ en forcemcnt's abili~. Io do communily no~ f.:~lions. We believe the only p¢'~,,o~ who wins if ~mmoeity nc~r~,ice ends is the sex offcndor, slv:c~ ~e~ otTeedcrs derive their po..,,cr IlU~,utm s~:r~y. Ir vu k~,e my Imf~r.--odM ,~eelrdta~e e=rrMt erlmiul zeflvav or mk or =my ~*der ,~Ye~tler. m call 91 I. For other sex offender int'o~ation, "' . . RONALD ALLEN LONG WHITE MALE - DOB: 1110411975 5'-10" - 100 LBS. - BROWN HAIR & BLUE EYES Roaakl Loag has recently moved into Mason Coonty as Tmnsi~t/ Homeless and is required to r¢gist~, as a sex offender for multiple sex crime convictions. On 0~0~/1~3, Long was found guilty of Child Molestation I~ Degr~. Thu~ton Count)' Superior Court cause #1-17422. This conviction stems ~m wh~m Long was 17 years old. he sexually mol~tnd a 9 year old little girl that was known to him. On 0~14/1995, Lea8 pied guilty to Child Mol~tation I~ D¢g~'¢, Thurston County Superior Cour~ cause #94-1-00953-6. This conviction sasns from when L~mg was between 15-19 years old, he sexually molested a little girl over the course of four ycar~, from the time tl~ girl was 4 throush 8 years old. Long estimated that he sexually mol~tnd the linl© girl 75-100 times. During a polygraph ex mmieation cenductnd in 1993, Long disckw~l that between the ag~ of 11 through 16, he $¢xeally mol~led at least 9 victims, ages of 2 through 30. as well ~s veering/poeping in on at least 4 victims. Based LanE's sex offense convictions against young children, his self disclosure of uumemas victims inside/outside known pa)ple including complete sh-angers, Long's history of sex offender thilur~ = well as criminal hi~,ovy Inoblems to inclnd¢ substaacc alm~ and failing to register, LONG is considered a Very Xil~ Risk. LONG is no longer on DOC Supervision and his (ely requbemem upon him is his duty to register as a sex offender. LONG is assessed by the Masou County Sheriff's Office as a Levd 3 ~ ~lgl~. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. He has ~TJven his location within Mason County as: Transient/Homeless in the area of Shelton. WA Sheriff - Casey Salisbury ,,11 SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN - PAGE 1 OF 2 VERY HIGH RISK LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS Date: June 8, 2011 ,Prepared by: D¢4ectlve WllUam Adam Bulktla#: 11-26 T~¢ Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing the following in formation pursu,~mt to RCW 4.24.f, g0 and the Washinglon State S ulax'me Court decision in ~t t g.Y~_~ll~ which aut horiz.¢s law entb~cnt agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the discretion of the agency, the release of information will enhance public saf¢ty and protection. The individual who appears on this notification has hecn cc~victcd of a sex ofl~ns¢ that requires Iegistration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their n=sidcnce. Furlher. their pr~'ious criminal histocy places tht,~n in a classification leA'el which effects the potential to t¢- offend. 'Thi~ ~, 0ff~.~l~ ~d I1~ ~l~ impo~d 0~ him by I1~ am~ mlha ad~i~ tht M~ C~ ~1~0", Olli~ ~ b, will he living in the location below. H E IS NOT WANTED BY THE FI)LICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION iS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC iS A SAFER PUBUC. The Ma.~n County Sheriff's Office has no It tel authority to direct where a sex offei~er may or may not live. Unless ect~ mdea'¢d reslrtctions exist, this oflbnder is constitutionally free to live whcrvvcr he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until presage of the Community Protection Act of t 990 (wh~ch ma*Matessexoffenderregistrcaion) thtaiswenforcemontevenknewwhemtheywemlivirq~ In ramay cases, isw enforcemeat is now able to share thai information with you_ Citiz£n abuse of this information to threaten, intimida~ or harass registered sex offendecs will ~ he tolerated. FurtheL such abt~ could pot~mtially end law cn for¢¢w,~t's abil0y to do o~untmity nc~ifi¢gtions. W~ b¢ficve the oaly p¢lso~ who wins if community notification cuds is the sex offender, since sex off©ndors derive their power through s¢cr~-'y. If yea have any iefer---tL.,~ mcardiee emmet ertmlmil att'ttvlh' ~f dailt ar My milker e41"m~ler, eleme ~di 911. For other sex offender information, "i . JAMES HENRY CHRISTY WHITE MALE - DOB: 10116/58 - 6'00" - 188 LBS. BROWN HAIR & BROWN EYES James CHRISTY has recently registered as a Transient sex offender because he lost his home. He is required to register as a sex offender due to numerous sex crime convictions. His most curvet conviction that he is juat being released from is due to pleading guilty to Felony Indccont Exposure on 05/03/2010, Kitaap County Superior Court cause #10-1-00367-1. This is due to CHRISTY at age 51 exposing himself to a 52 year old woman in a common area of an ~t complex. Other sex crimes are as follows: CHRISTY pied guilty to two counts of Indecent Liberties With Fo~ible Compulsion on 11/12/93, Mason County Superior Court cause #93-1-00098-7. This conviction stems from when CHRISTY was 38 years old, he was baby-smiling a friend of a relative's children. While he was alone with the two little girls, ages 5 & 6, he began the sexual abuse by grooming the little girls through playing sexually oriented games. Eventually. the sexual molestation escalated to rape. During the investigation of Starting at ,t~ these sexual assaults, CHRISTY solely placed all responsibility for 3 oz. packag , ,) the offenses upon the little girls. According to I:)~a~mont of C~ons file material, CHRISTY also admitted three more sexual ( Assorted 12 Packs fl, ,. /I CHRISTY admitted to exposing himself to a 14 year old girl that was unknown to him; and that he approached two / • l_. _ " kti ,.,, .lp~-1 --1 Jt ~thergir~sunkn~ntohim~agas~&~2~and~-toexpos~himse~f~them.CHR~S-~a1.~u~admiRedtha~he (O[]len I~ * provided alcoholic bBycrages tool4 or 15 year old girl where the girl became intoxicated and CHRISTY stated that I eck out teenage girls, 4 girls under the age o[" 7, and one l 0 year old boy. / Mountain Dew * Cnmb / / offi r _ :1 he "had his way with her". In all. CHRISTY persoually eatimates that he has had "20 or so victims" including 15 / Root :Beer. Sierra""m,t / l ,,~,,d, ( 18 Pack - 12 oz. Can potential victims ,'or CHRISTY include children and vulnerable adults. CHRISTY personally lists his victim age / / I / nu we er /I =,o as5 years old to l7y .... Id. CHRISTY also has a lengthy criminal conviction history which includes /-- ~ Raeg. $5.99 i- ~ J i-- ]Bud Light |Ill P .... ion of Marijuana, Minor ln P .... ion, DWI, Malicious Mischief 3~ Degree, DWLS, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Trespass, Simple Assault, Theft/Larceny and Indecent Exposure (Public Indecency). • 4 Slto~ I~ f~arned to take this threat ve~ scrious!y. The ~t of~u ~= ~ CHRISTY as an angry sex offender who is in denial ahout truing a sex offender. ~ tO~ ~ ~ ~'k us -- Pltces I~ject t° dl~ with°lit n°flce -uuxon Peg. $1 4.99 )] s VERY HIGH RISK: FACEBOOK * M~ ~l'e~ at ~ ~ ~ ~ft~, ~ fNOTE: CHRISTY is no Ionaer on Devanment of Corrections Sonervision and his only munirement is his duty to re " x e11d Extra Sm~ 10 oz .... I S ~0 Medima 16 oz" .......... $ ~99hl I CHRISTY i .... ssed by the Mason County Sheriffs Offi ..... ]&y.f,L~ due to his asseasment by 1Pwlhra ~,m~ail lfi n~ II~$9 .~t't~r M@Jt 16 ~ $5s9 I I I the WA State Departnmnt of Corrections as an "EXTREMELY HIGH RISK TO RE-OFFEND". This is the )e.x food SmaU 10 oz.............. ............. $"295 St~W ~11.t 0~ 0g-: ...... .... "$" "49 I ,,~ " []LJ II HIGHEST LEVEL given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the sobject is at a VERY HIGH RISK to re'offond- oi-. *=.= :.,:' ,,. ~:U'~..'~..e~l~.,.i,,:ijk~;.::,ltA~ .l~l.:.J'~. ::, : '. ~ CHRISTYhss~ivenhissmtuswitlldnMmmnC~m/v:": $ 19~ 9 • Medium 10~: :::':;':. 5 ....... ~im~/ I Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA d Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June. 9, 2011