June 9, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Masterworks Chorale Ensemble is sharing
the stage with Mason County Literacy
Masterworks Chorale Ensemble the concert composed when the craft presentation and have information
is sharing the stage with Mason of writing popular songs was at its available in the lobby before the
County Literacy at their June 18 peak. This includes the great tunes show and during intermission.
performance at the Washington of the war years. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m.,
Center in Olympia. You don't have to have lived in preceded by a pre-concert talk at 7
The concert borrows its title from that era to enjoy the brilliance of p.m. Heritage Bank sponsors this
"Your Hit Parade," a widely popular songs with this level of creativity and concert. Tickets are $25 for adults
American music program broadcast sincerity - the songs have endured and $15 for students and seniors.
from 1935 to 1959. The June concert on their own merits. The concert will You may purchase tickets online at
harkens back to that era when, each also include a performance by Youth Masterworks' website (www.MCE.
Saturday evening, "Your Hit Parade" Soloist award winner Alaina Peters, org). For more information about the
played the most popular, best selling on clarinet, adult literacy programs offered by
songs of the week. Masterworks Mason County LiteracyMason County Literacy contact the
have chosen enduring standards for representatives will make a brief Shelton office at 426-9733.
from West Coast Baptist College
Friday, June 17 • 7:00 p.m.
Agate Grange Hall
1631 Agate Loop Rd
Church sponsored Pot Luck at 6:00 p.m.
• Love offering will be taken after
the concert to defray the cost."
Mt. Moriah Masonic Lodge, a Shelten-based nonprofit
fraternal organization, is planning its first ever benefit golf
tournament on July 16 at Bayshore Golf Course off High-
way 3 north of Shelton.
Proceeds will be used to support the lodge's local con-
tribution to the Bikes for
Books program, a Masonic
charity. Through Bikes for
Books, school children are
oneourag0d to road with
the incentive of ~g
their very own, brand-new is open to
bicycle. Last year, Mr: Mo-
riah Lodge provided about
a dozen bicycles and hel-
the public
mets that were awarded to
Shelton-area students.
The lodge also donates cash to Head Start classes in
Shelton and has a scholarship program.
The tournament is open to the public. A maximum of 48
players can participate, and slots are filling fast. The $60
entry includes all course fees, lunch and the chance to com-
pete for prizes. (The contests: Closes to the pin on two par
3's and long drive on one hole. Format: four-man sczamble.)
Bayshore is assisting but the lodge also needs the help of
other local businesses to ensure the tournament's success
and make it an annual event. Donations of prizes, mon-
etary or merchant items and/or services would be greatly
To obtain entry forms or offer a donation, contact jack
Huggins at 427-9339. Entry forms are also available at
Bayshore Gold Course.
After 44 years of service to our customers
and the community Glen is retiring from ProBuild
We invite you to "Remember the Times"
with Glen and friends.
Date: Saturday, June 1 lth 2011
Time: 3:00 p.m. to ????
Place: 40 ET 8 Club
113 Cota St. Shelton
look forward to seeing you at this special event.
Everyone is welcome.
[ New Commum'ty
Mt. Olive Christ Lutheran Church , David's of Wales / Church of Union
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod 3701 NE N0rthsbore Road. Belfair, WA 98528-9434 EPISCOPAL CHURCH
206 East Wyandotte Avenue 275-3354 A place where all are welcome /~b Sunday Gatherings
June 12" (360) 324 W. Cedar St. Shelton /~ (An ..... l,:o,,'u'!)
Pentecost Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES WORSHn' SmgWCES
8:30 and 10:30
a.m. Fellomhip Time Childcare: 360-275-0499 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. atthe
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
I Office 426-6353 website: clcbelfiar@mac.com 9:15 Conversational Bible Study onion
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
I Daycare 4273165 ~l ' - Office phone: 426-8472380-898-7855 -
.... I SHELTON FIRST BAPTISTI www.sdow.o web site: www.then~u.org
Grace Bapmt Church
StmdaySehool ........................ X0a.nt I ttlntll/, 'co r I • I /
StmdayMomingWorship......ll m -., - . . • ..... ....
~,~.~o~.o~o ........ ~. ~ ~ ~- - ~1 I SmyN~h~ip,p.m. I I. --,.,-,.-- ---.. ~ I "~ ' "'~ -J
Ch~careCefltef (M.F) I
I 438-8531 ,J i -----------"
CrossPolnt Service Traditional Service ~ ,,.
/~, .~ "~ A ......... poraryservlce A .... tradltionalservke U}
I " ........ ~.-.-- "~ . Praise Band • Praise Team t OI46 AM
I - • Contemporary Message Choir ~ •"
I Oldldrqm ond &duit Irmnday 8olmol 9 &u. Cteldcareboth services
"~)~" 360-426-5089 -'~
ili~i:I !! i,
Page B,2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 9, 2011
P. O, h 222, tlood~o~, W~mlltm, ,ql~
Come ~s you are! All are wek'ome!
1/2 Mi. up Rt. 119 out of lhxxlslxm
Smlday Worslfip - 10:00am =
Sk=kon United Methodist Church