June 9, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 9, 2011 |
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6-7:30 p.m., Shelton
Timberland Library pres-
ents Schafer Bros. Log-
ging Company, 1895-1955
for adults and teens. At its
peak in the 1920s, Schafer
Bros., one of the largest
lumber businesses in the
Northwest, commissioned
several movies of their op-
erations. These films have
now been restored. Peter
Reid, a member of the
Schafer family, will show
the films and discuss the
history of the company.
For more information call
1:30 p.m., Retired Sci-
entists meeting at the
Shelton Timberland Li-
brary. Lunch bunch will
gather at Grove Street
Brewhouse at noon. Kar-
en and Ralph Norris have
created two collector books
titled: "Contemporary Art
on the Northwest Coast:
Salish, Nuu-chah-nulth,
Makah" and "Northwest
Carving Traditions." They
are both members of our
group, and I have asked
them to talk to us about
their studies and adven-
tures in producing these
works. Bring your friends
for this program which
will have broad inter-
est about our local Native
American art and history.
9:30 a.m., Mason Coun-
ty Rodeo Western games
series at the Mason Coun-
ty rodeo arena. Entry fees
$6 per class or $25 per
day. Approved helmets
are required for any rider
under the age of 19. For
additional information
call 432-0145.
9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., North
Olympic Peninsula Mod-
elers annual model show/
contest to be held at Bldg.
204 Fort Worden State
Park, Port Townsend.
For more information call
Noon-4 p.m., North
Mason Youth Soccer Club
is having registration for
youth soccer in North Ma-
son County at the Timber-
land Regional Library in
Belfair. You can register
on line at NMYSC.org.
3 p.m., free concert
benefiting Elizabeth
Shoemaker as she pre-
pares to attend the Lil-
ienfeld Summer Academy
in Vienna, Austria at St.
David's Episcopal Church,
324 W Cedar Street.
Unless otherwise noted, all
events take place at the Ma-
son County Senior Activities
Center at 826 W. Railroad
Ave. The senior center hours
are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-
day through Thursday and
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fri-
day. The centeFs telephone
desk (426-7374) is closed for
lunch from noon till 12:30
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga.
I p.m., MCSAA goes to the
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 a.m., begLrming line
10-11 a.m., intermediat~
advanced line dancing.
Noon lunch: Salisbury
12:30 p.m., game day.
1 p.m., watercolor class.
1 p.m., pinochle.
2 p.m., treats from Capital
11 a.m., Music by Evelyn
Noon lunch: BBQ chicken
12:30 p.m., bridge signup
day before.
12:30 p.m., double deck pi-
Foot care by appointment.
8 a.~d 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 a.m., Clearwater Casion
9 a.m.-4 p.m., joy of paint-
ing landscape class
9-11 a.m., intermediate/ 9a.m.,beginninglinedanc-
advanced line dancing, lhesday ing" [ .
9-12 a.m., EZ Cra~ers. Foot care by appointment. 10 am., ~ .t~rmediate/ad-
10:30=11:30 a.m., blood 8:05 a.m., gentle, rester- vanceoune~lncmg.
pressure checks ~, ...... Noon, lunch: kitchen choice
11 a.m., bridge-signup the a~'~_lJ~a.m.' intermediate/ I p.m., game day.
day before, advanced line dancing, i p.m., pinochle .
11 a.m., music Buttons and 9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing cir- pl:J.m., treats from Capital
Noon lunch: hamburger
1 p.m., bingo, km
2 p.m., treats from Fir Lane
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9-11 a.m., open line dance. Call for Parties, r~eeu~- :~:~,~ I
cle9 a.m.-1 p.m., sewing cir- *'~" ~"
Meetings, Receptions r con --* I
• s cial. SHELLFISH I
9:15 a.m., Friday walkers
Occasaon Lunches
Noon lunch: sponsored by w~Junn-T.l~V¢llff$~an i~st j
MCSAA: taco salad by Patti _(360) 427-8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday [
Kempten m Downtown Shelton -.iComer of 3rd and West Railroad Z
6 p.m., Mason Coun- meeting will be at the
ty Optimist Club. Meets Timberland Library in
second and fourth Men- Shelton. Caregivers, fam-
day, Taylor Town Station fly, support people wel-
Restaurant. 62 SE Lynch come. For additional in-
Road. formation contact Rebecca
7-9 p.m., Investment at426-6197.
and retirement classes 5:30 p.m., The joint
at the Matlock Grange. meeting of the Mason
Learn to prepare for a fi- County Transportation
nancially secure retire- Authority and Advisory
ment. Bring a lined tab- Boards is being held at
let, pencil and ruler. Mason Transit's Busi-
ness office located at 790
Tuesday E. Johns Prairie Road in
11:30 a.m., Mason
County Multiple SclerosisWednesday
Support Group monthly
meeting at Route 66 Grill,
506 W. Railroad Ave.,
Shelton. The meeting is
open to those that are in-
terested. To obtain addi-
tional information please
call Debby Zillmer at 877-
12:30 - 3 p.m., Par-
kinson's Support Group
9--11 a.m., Shelton
Timberland Library pres-
ents Computer Class-
es: Surfing the Net, for
adults. Learn to use sub-
ject directories and search
engines to search the In-
ternet more easily and
effectively. The library's
Computer Comfort class
Patient Appreciation Day
Please join us for our
Open House on Tuesday, June 14th, 3-6pm
Enjoy free "bites, sips
and gifts"
New patients always welcome
We thank you for
your continued supportl
The Optical Shop of WA
202S Obmplc Hwy. N, Suite 102
www lsho fvnkoem
is strongly recommended
before taking this class
if you are new to comput-
ers. This program begins
before the library is open.
Those registered will be
admitted for the class.
For more information call
1 -3 p.m., Support
Group for Chronic Pain
and Other Invisible dis-
abilities please call from
meeting schedule and fur-
ther information at 426-
0900. We offer something
every week, alternating
weeks we have regular
meetings at the hospital
or local coffee get together
on opposite weeks every
Come See Our 1st-Run
$tt[ll CINDtI$
!~Kung Fu Panda 2
Dally 4:45, 7:00pm
Additional Shows
Sat-Sun 2:45pm
Frl-Sal 8:50pm
Hangover II
Daily 4:35, 6:45pm
Additional Shows
Sat-Sun 2:35pm
FrI-Sat 8:45pm
-- NOW OPEN --
Tickets Available at: Grove Street Brewhouse @ First & Grove. Sage Book Store O 116 W.
Railroad Ave., Lynch Creek Floral @ 331 W. Railroad Ave., Cooper Studios @ 409
W. Railroad Ave., Bill Busacca DDS @ 1525 Olympic Highway North
Sponsored by McCarty & Assor. A Marketing Firm / Mike Olsen Construction I Bill Busacca DDS
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 9, 2011 - Page B-3