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• • • •
By Rick Kennedy
It seems almost appro-
priate that Shelton High
School's Kimberly Peterson
is the Journal's wrap-up
profile tbr Semor Spotlight
this school year. Graduat-
ing this week with a 3.30
GPA, Peterson also turns 18
today, making the transi-
tion to adulthood.
During her years at SHS,
Peterson competed in cross
country; she was an honor
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2°s Shelton exit off Hwy 101
society member, and for a
while, she parucipated in
the Skokomish mentor proj-
These days, Peterson is
focused and upbeat on her
"I have been taking both
high school and college
classes. It has been a busy
year and I am looking ahead
to getting my Associates
degree from South Puget
Sound Community College,"
she said.
"I love to draw and I love
computer technology. Not
sure where I am going with
that, but I want to work
with art and comput-
ers. I really want to
go into animation
and go into advertis-
ing," Peterson said.
"I like the indepen-
dence and creativity
in art. I like the idea Peterson
of animation. I think
it would be cool to create ad-
vertising, like the kind you
see in the Superbowl com-
mercials," she said.
After finishing her As-
sociates in Arts, Peterson's
next goal is the University
of Washington and a degree
in Digital Media Arts.
She has been passionate
about art since first
grade, when she ad-
mits to being more
interested in drawing
doodles than math or
other subjects. She
cites influences rang-
ing from Leonardo da
Vinci to Van Gogh to
Japanese anime to her own
Native American culture.
"I've always loved art,"
she said.
As a hobby, she does digi-
tal drawing on a computer
tablet, and then she experi-
ments on her works in Pho-
In a stark contrast to
both her passion for art and like other things I've done,"
her previous stint as a cross Peterson said.
country runner, Peterson A self-described "soft spo-
also has a love for EngliSh ken person," Peterson also
Rugby, and she currently enjoys writing. Like many
plays on the Washington young women, she is active
State Loggers, a club team. in Facebook, and she keeps
"I had never heard of it a blog on Tumblr.
(Rugby) before, but I was at- "I am always online, and I
tracted to the idea of some- am always writing. Writing
thing new, something I've for me is separate from my
never tried before," she said. drawing. I write whatever
"I started playing and fell is on my mind, be it personal
in love with it. It is a good issues or whatever comes my
way to vent. The aggression way," she said.
is fun, but then al~r every As fluid as her art and her
game, everyone gets togeth- writing, Peterson said "I am
er, eats and talks. There is always changing, trying new
a great sense of bonding un- things and experimenting."
Seventeen year-old Rachel
Smith of the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E.
High School was selected as Stu-
dent of the Month for April 2011.
She was recognized for her out-
standing accomplishments in her
school and was honored by the
Shelton Lions Club at their regu-
lar meeting on Tuesday, April 19.
Rachel's parents are Richard and
Carol Smith.
Smith loves sports and is ex-
tremely athletic. She has been
involved with various activities
of basketball, hockey, softball
and volleyball since she was in
the fifth grade.
Her senior project featured
her involvement with a young
girl basketball team.
Smith keeps involved with
community activities, by lending
• •q
a hand whenever she is asked
and continues to volunteer her
time whenever she can.
Her future educational plan
is to attend a college in the local
area and is leaning toward an
athletic major.
The collective efforts of the
staff and faculty of the Shelton
C.H.O.I.C.E. High School chose
Smith for her dedication to com-
munity service and high achieve-
ments within the high school.
The Student of the Month is a
program sponsored by the Shel-
ton Lions Club. It is designed to
recognize students that possess
qualities of exceptional com-
munity involvement and high
academic achievements while at-
tending the Shelton C.H.O.I.C.E.
High School.
College Bound Scholarship
deadline nears for eighth-graders
Lower-income Washington
families with students in the eighth
grade have until June 30 to sign up
for future college financial assistance
under the College Bound Scholarship
The program, which is
administered by the Higher
Education Coordinating Board
(HECB), promises college tuition and
a book allowance to eligible students
who graduate from high school,
enroll in college, and meet other
The College Bound Scholarship
pays college expenses not covered by
other financial aid programs. In order
to collect the scholarship, students
must continue to meet financial
eligibility requirements upon high
school graduation.
This year's seventh graders also
can sign up for the College Bound
Scholarship program, but they have
another year to complete the process.
Eligible eighth graders who don't
complete applications by June 30
will miss their opportunity to receive
financial help under this program.
To be eligible, a Washington
student must meet income
requirements for tl~e free and
reduced price lunch program, be
a foster youth, or be receiving
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) benefits.
As part of the sign up process,
students promise to graduate from
high school, demonstrate good
citizenship, and gain admission to
an approved two- or four-year college
or university, or an approved private
career school.
Students and parents who want
to sign up should contact their
local school counselor or the HECB
'at 1-888,535-0747, or by email at
Congratulations Jeffrey & Morgan
-- SHS Class of 2011 --
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J ihdergarten
to Iigk
School Senior.
ghis day has
finally come
and you ha e
worked so hard
to get there.
We are so proud of you
and lo e you9 much.
J-Iappy Graduation!
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 9, 2011