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Looking for a home
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes vaccine, wormi-
er, spay/neuter plus $10 city license.
New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503
or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs may
be viewed at shelton.petfinder.com.
The hours are Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed Saturday and Sunday.
Current listings:
Labrador retriever mix, male, three years old.
Shepherd mix, male, three years old.
Pit bull mix, female, two years old
Kitten Rescue
Re and La are young adult siblings needing a for-
ever home to share
together. Their own-
er sadly had to give
these loving girls up
due to medical situ-
ation. They need to
find a special fam-
ily that will share
love, and affection
that these loving la-
dies deserve. Re and
La will bring years of enjoyment, companionship, kit-
ty play and happy meows to the right home. For infor-
mation on Re and La, or other available indoor only
kitties call 584-0594 or leave a message at 426-2455.
Adopt-A-Pet Dog of the Week
Berry is a two year-old
very friendly and
would make a great
addition to any fam-
ily. He loves going
for car rides, having
his belly rubbed and
going for walks. He
enjoys the company
of children as well
as other dogs. If you
would like to meet
Berry please visit
our website adopta-
pet-wa.org or call 432-3091.
lab/cattle dog mix. He is
Buy I at Regular
Get 2nd at 1/2
(2nd basket at equal
or lesser value)
613 N. 3rd St. • Elma • 360-482-
T (Just a block & a half from Les Schwab)
The Mason Area Fair is shops will be held from 6 to 8 a pot full of edible herbs, tor is Jeanne Rehwaldt.
scheduled be held July 29, p.m. on June 16 at Memorial flowers, and vegetables - Cost is $10 for each bird-
30 and 31. Have you beenHall, 210 W. Franklin St., bring your own pot, filled house or pot made. This can
thinking about entering Shelton. with potting soft mix. Herbs, be a fun family event, bring
something in the open class Make A Birdhouse - you flowers, and vegetables will the kids and get ready for
departments? Superinten-will build a birdhouse and be provided at the workshop the Mason Area Fair.
dents from some of the open then take it home and deco- along with instructions on Pre-registration is re-
class departments are sched- rate it for entry into the fair how to plant and care for quired. Call Mason County
uling workshops for you to in open class crafts. All sup- your "pottable edible" which WSU Extension 427-9670
make something that can plies are provided. Instruc- can then be entered into the Ext. 680 to register. Pay-
then be entered into the fair tor is Nancy Dillon. Agriculture Department and ment will be accepted at the
in July. The first two work- "Pottable Edibles" - Plant compete for a prize. Instruc- door.
wins stat
The League of Women Voters Ma- cess; 2) Record meetings attended by viewed county officials; and requested
son County (LWVMC) was awarded two or more Commissioners; 3) Hold budget and management-related dec-
the statewide Citizen Award by the the first budget workshops in October uments through the public disclosure
League of Women Voters of Washing- as allowed by state law, to allow par- process.
ton at its annual convention on May ticipation by citizens and to make the The final report was published in
21. budget process transparent and un- April. Documents and PowerPoint
The Citizen Award is given for re- derstandable to the public, slides are available on the LWVMC
connecting citizens with government. The budget study addressed the website: lwvmasoncounty.org. Bud-
The award was given in recognition questions: Where does the money get information will be updated annu-
of the recently completed two-year come from to run the county? How is ally to keep citizens informed of the
study of the county's budget process, it spent? What is the process for mak- budget process.
The LWVMC Budget Study recom- ing budget decisions? What opportu- LWVMC will hold its annual busi-
mended changes to the budget pro- nities do citizens have for input into hess meeting and picnic at 11:30 a.m.
cess that were adopted by the Board the budget process? To answer these on June 21, at Harmony Hill. State
of County Commissioners: 1) Use the questions, the study group analyzed Representatives Kathy Haigh and
single set of budget documents pro- budget documents; attended weekly Fred Finn and Senator Tim Sheldon
duced by the Auditor, and maintain briefings and meetings of the Board of have been invited to attend and pro-
an audit trail of changes to ensure the County Commissioners, departmentvide an update on the recent legisla-
integrity and transparency of the pro- heads and elected officials; inter- tive session.
this boating season
A_Pcer a long cool spring, "If mechanical problems occur
boaters are starting to head
back out on Washington's far from shore, they can put a
rivers, lakes and marine ......
waters for another season.
Now is the time for boaters
to consider what they can do
to stay safe and protect our
The Washington Depart-
ment of Ecology (Ecology)
receives about 3,800 spill re-
ports a year. Many oil spills
occur at marinas and from
recreational boats. Even
small spills matter. A single
quart of motor oil can po-
tentially contaminate up to
100,000 gallons of water.
From September 2010
bo in jeopardy of sinking - ......
threatening lives and potentially
contaminating our waters."
ground. Safely recycle or dis-
pose of used oil and filters,
batteries, unused paint, sol-
vents, antifreeze and other
chemicals at the county haz-
ardous waste collection site.
Put a clean absorbent
pad in the bilge-pump area.
Do not pump contaminated
bilge water overboard. Use
approved shore-side facili-
spills at ports and marinas ronmental disaster.""
that were too thin to clean Jensen said beaters can
up from the water, protect their watercraft and ties.
"If mechanical problems the environment by taking Do not discharge treated
occur far from shore, they the following precautions: or untreated sewage in the
can put a boat in jeopardy of Tune up the boat motor, marina basin. Use shore-
sinking - threatening lives check for oil and fuel leaks, side sewage dump stations
and potentially contaminat- and fix them before launch- or mobile pumping services
Lug our waters," said Ecol- ing the boat. if available.
ogy Spills Program Manager Carefully replace the en- Do not overfill or top off
Dale Jensen. "We don't want gine's old gear oil and cool- fuel tanks. Allow for fuel
through April 2011, Ecology someone's perfect day on the ant, taking care not to spill
logged more than 100 small water turning into an envi- any in the water or on the
~.m. .... * : ;~i~,:,)..:~, : ~,i ~:i~~
(360) 426-5585 • www.gillisaut
expansion especially in
warmer weather. Use oil ab-
sorbents or other devices to
catch drips.
State and federal law re-
quires anyone who spills oil,
regardless of size, to immedi-
ately report it to Ecology at
800-OILS-911 and the U.S.
Coast Guard at 800-424-
8802. Acting quickly can
help minimize environmen-
tal damage caused by oil and
chemical products.
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 9, 2011
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