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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Women’s Chorus Makes Recordings at Meeting The Shelton Women’s Chorus met at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard W'iniecki last Monday for a party and to make rccoril- ing‘s of some, of the numbers used this year at the concert. The husbands were guests of the chor- us members. Mrs. Victor Palmason was co-hostcss with Mrs. Win- iecki. The lace covered table was cen- tered with a beautiful floral ar- rangement of spring flowers com- plimented with white tapers. Mrs, Donovan Palmer presided at the urns. V.I“.W. Auxiliary Holds Friday Meeting ' The V.F.W. Auxiliary held their regular meeting on Friday, June i at the Memorial hall with Mrs. Lucy Edmistoii being initiat— cd as a member. Hospital chairman, Mrs. Betty VVclch, gave a report on the Ain- erican Hospital and the cigarettes, magazines, candy, etc, the local unit has donated. She reported the hoSpital already has some. dis- abled veterans from World War N0. 2. Mrs. Eula Martin, Mrs. Betty VVelch and Mrs, Mabel Nelson are ‘ the delegates to the National con— We Keep Precious Woolens Dust—Free and Color Brightl' Smart spring suits will look .1 newer . . . longer, if you have them frequently dry cleaned. Our expert cleaning process puts the forces of dust and deteriorating perspiration to troutwithout harming the wear- ing-life of precious fabrics. Go|-’ 0rs too, retain their own true brightness . . so important now that you are wearing dye- cgise'rving pastels! MASON COUNTY ,l STEAM LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Phone 88 .gliisKESSilii’S Ainiuii , Chest Rub . for colds oz. size 02. size Ila-27¢ z?" n Abalone Liquid—mailers (iii (pintl' 69¢ . . . . . . 47¢ $1.09 79¢ 25¢ 69¢ 69¢ 43¢ 29¢ ' 20¢ 20¢ 49¢ 39¢ umx—Antacid cod Liver on u. s. P“. (iuii‘pini) citrated Carbonates (8 oz. size) Narap Inhalers .‘ . . . . . Brace—Hair Dressing (8 oz.) Tawu After Shave Lotion . . . Tawn‘l'alcnm . . . . . .r. Yodora Cream Deodorant (tube) Epsom Salts—USP. (full. pound) Sodium Munich! mind) Aqua min Nose Drops“ oz.) . SooUIeSkinLotion; . I. A. . . . vcntion held at V‘Venatchce Sun— day, hicndaytand Tuesday of this week. Sewing club will be, held this Friday at the Memorial hall so the ladies can sew for Cross. Each lady is to bring a' sack lunch. W.C.T.U. Holds State-County Institute The Women‘s Christian Temper- ance Union held a state-county institute at the Baptist Church on Friday, June 4. The morning session opened at.11 a. m. with Mrs. Harold Hunter, county vice- president presiding. Mrs. Victoria Burnett . charge of the devotions and then' there were reports from the coun- ty directors, followed by discus- sion led by Mrs. 123 Richardson, state vice-president, W.C.T.U. At noon a potluck luncheon was served. The afternoon session 0p- ened by singing led by Mrs. J. 0. Boveé.-Dcvotions were given by Mrs. Arvid Johnson of the Willard Union. Mrs. Richardson gave the main talk of the after- noon. : There was a good attendance from the Shelton Union and the W'illard Union. Week End Guest From Bremerton Mrs. Olive Johnson had as her guest last week end her nephew Elmer George Sl/c of Pearl Har- bor. He also visited his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gustofson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Killough. Sea- man George is stationed in Brem- erton. i373 BEXEL Poient, trustwortby ' EL’: VitaiiiiiiBComplex “W Capsules 40’: 98¢ 100’s $1.98 SPECIAL MILK (if MAGNESIA 33¢ Quality Tested Full Pint l1: IIIIIIIIIIIllllllIllllllllllllllllllflllIIIlIlllllllllllllIllllllllllllIlllllIllllIlllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllIlllllllillllllllllllllllll ‘I . m_,__—_.__._- the Red ‘ had‘ 3 LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor l l VleS : PHONE 100 i Lenise Rector W'cils in Oakland, Calif. Louise Rector, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rector~ and Robert Kimbel, son of Mrs. Viola Kimbel , and Roy Kimbel, all of Shelton” were married Wednesday, June at 5 high altar in the Church of St. lAntliony of Padua in Oakland, i Calif. ~ Coast Guard Chaplain Anthony Wallace performed the ceremony. The young couple Were. attend- ! ed by Mrs. Norman Coustier, cous- l in of the bride and Robert Young, U. S. Coast Guard. of soft grey worsted with purple accessories. Her corsage was single purple orchid. Her attend— ant also wore a grey suit and had a corsage of three dainty white orchids. I The Chaplain wasin uniform as were the groom and the host .of Coast Guard friends that at- i tended the wedding, giving a nul- iitary setting for the affair. The ,wedding cake was cut and wrap- :ped in individual packages with ipatriotic paper and ribbons and Mrs. Kimbel took moving pictures of the bride and groom as they were leaving the church through a shower of rice. , San Francisco was‘the place chosen for a short honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Entertain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Berna Evans en- tertained the members of their card club at their home Sunday with honors going to Mrs. Pearce, igucst of the club and George MC- 5 Creary. From Seattle ‘1 Charles Malm of Seattle visited at the Donovan Palmer home this past week end. ' Will Visit Los Angeles Mrs. Lawrence Burrell and two visit Mrs. Burrell’s mother, who is recuperating from a recent ac- cident. Mr. and Mrs. Palmason Visiting in Aberdeen ' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmason are visiting her parents in Aber- deen for several weeks, while Mr. Palmason plans his summer sched- ule. Music Study Club Slates Public Garden Party The Music Study Club has ex- :tendcd a cordial invitation to the ,West Birch Street, on the above the high school, on Wed- nesday, June 16 from ,2 to 4 o’clock. ' Mrs. John L. Dotson is in charge of the general arrange- ments and Mrs. Bernhard VVin- iecki is in charge of the musical program which will be presented. A silver offering will be taken during the afternoon. A short business meeting for Wednesday before the party. lVisitors at Scott’s l Houseguests this week end of er. and Mrs. Winston Scott are his sisters, Mrs. Harley Bryant and Mrs. Robert Johnson of Wen- atchee and Mrs. Archie Clark of lHavana, Cuba. They arrived Wed- }ncsday after visiting in Seattle. iMrs. Replingcr Will lVisit Parents n Mrs. John L. Replingcr and baby lieft Tuesday for Hamilton, Mont, where they will visit Mrs. Rep- linger’s parents. She expects to be gone about three weeks. Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W, IlllllllIllllllllllllflllllllllfilllmlllllfillllllllllIIIIIIIlIllIIIIlEIlilIllllllIlIIIIIIIIIIIllllllfillllllfllIIIlllIlil"Hm Now, Dad Has His Day DON’T FORGET TO REMEMBER We have tha F. E. GIFTS —- JEWELRY IIlflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllfllllllllllllllllllIlllillllllllillllllllIIIIllIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil llllilllilllllll: = a large selection of Gifts t will Delight Dad BECKWITH — I. II- — - — = 5 E .— n- - n— = nu u- u— .- _ .- — u- — — — .- — .- — — .- — — — n- — .- _ .- .- .— n.- l. .- — :5 n- n— .- n- — .- .- - .- — — i— .— — .- .- I— ‘ .- — - u- .- — .- u- .- .— — u- n— u — .- — — u- u- — .- p- .- — n- .- u- A. I— in i...- — .4 Ii: :30 in the evening before the. The bride wore a tailored suit. daughters will leave June the 10th , for Los Angeles where they will' public to attend their garden par- . ty and tea which will be held at; the Donovan Palmer home, 1005: hill i imcmbers will be held at 1:30 on2 i l a l l l l l ! l I l I. ‘ cipal speaker. Relief Society every ‘ following ,by the DeMolay mothers enter— ‘visiting her parents. i From Washougal l W'iison-Vi’aklee 'Wedding Ii Performed June, 3rd The altar of the Mount Olive, Lutheran Church was decorated with pink pennies and white. irisl and lighted with many burning tapers Thursday evening, June for the wedding of Edfth (Peggy) W'aklce, daughter of Mrs. Lena Isakson and Sergeant James J0- seph Wilson of Fort Lewis. The groom is the son of James Wilson, , Sr, of Chicago, Ill. The ceremony was solemnized at 7 o’clock in the evening by the Reverend R. C. Muhly before a host of friends. Mrs. Earl Jor- dan played the wedding music and sang “The Lord’s Prayer.” l The bride wore a lovely gown of torquoise blue mousseline de soie styled with a square neckline, puffed sleeves and a gathered fit- ted bodice, which flared into a full long skirt. With it she wore a matching flowered and veiledl calot and turquoise blue gloves. She carried a white bible and white orchid with a shower of, white streamers knotted with lil— lies of the valley. The bride‘s maid of honor, Miss Marie Kubik, wore a white sheer redingote with a Corsage of pink sweet peas and red rOSes. Ser- geant Joe Canuso was the best man. . A reception for a large group of friends was held immediately in the bride’s apart- ment and later in the evening al wedding dinner for 14 was given} at Rau’s. ' Mrs. Wilson is employed at Wil- son’s Cafe and Sgt. Wilson is sta- tioned at Fort Lewis with a Med- ical Corps. He attended North- western University at Chicago where he studied medicine and had only a year and a half interne- ship left to serve when he entered u, i the Army. ‘Rainbow Girls Give Party Monday Evening Following the regular meeting of the DeMolay Boys Monday eve- ning, the Rainbow Girls assisted tained with refreshments followed by dancing. Mrs. Roland Gerhardt Entertalns Club Members Mrs. Roland Gerhardt entertain- ed the members of her bridge club Monday evening with two tables‘ in play. Honors went to Mrs. John Cormier, Mrs. Charles Hurst and Mrs. W. E. Noblett. Mrs. Jack Gray was guest of the club. Refreshments will be served. i Will Attend Summer School Miss Helen Landers, daughter; of Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Landers will leave this Friday for Pull-l man to attend summer school. Seattleites Here Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Landers and Miss Betty Jean Smith of Seattle spent last week visiting Dr. and‘ Mrs: Glenn Landers. «Jean Mumen Will Graduate This Week I Miss Jean Murnen of Tacoma, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant C. Angle, is among the 1943 graduates at Mill’s College, Calif. Exercises will be held there this week. Guests on Canal Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davidson and children and M. C. Zintheo were the week end guests of Mrs. Lester Vallett at Hidden Cove on the Canal last week. ' Anne Simpson Is Visiting in Montana Anne Simpson and daughter Leslie left Tuesday for Montana to spend 10 days to two weeks visiting before returning to work Monday, June 21. Moose Women Slate Coming Bingo Party The Women of the Moose will hold a public Bingo party this Friday, June 11 at the Moose hall starting at 8 p. m. The party is to raise funds going to sponsor Leona Leonard at the Tacoma General Hospital. Oakland Bay Club l Slates Last Meeting The Oakland Bay Club will~ meet with Mrs. V. E. 'Paul on: Friday, June 11 at 1:30 p. m. for a. regular meeting, the last of i the seaSon. 0 To San Francisco . Miss Shirley Kelly left- lastl week for San Francisco where she I will spend the summer. Visit in Whites | Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rhodes and daughter Pat visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Davidson and daughter Phyllis at Whites on Sunday. Their daughter, Mrs. Mary David- son Lynch of Olympia was also av Mrs. Faubert Leaves For California Mrs. Ed Faubert and daughter Joann left Wednesday for San Francisco where they will visit friends a couple of days before going on to San Diego to spend 10 days or two weeks with Cap- tain Faubert. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Marble of Washougal arrived here last Fri- day for a week’s visit with their brother, W. L. Marble. Visits in Tacoma Carl Sundsten is visiting in Ta- coma with R. J. Stevenson. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST 0F LATTER-DAY SAINTS I.0.0.F. Hall June 13, 1943-Sunday School 10 a. m. Evening services 7:30 p. m. A High Conncilman of the Seattle Church will be the prin- Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. at 218 5th St. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to the citizens of SHELTCNJMASQWN: WJCUWA 'Peter Winter and son Dolin and , was the new grandson, John Peter, 'the University of Chicago in con- Shelton. A. L. Ferwerda, Branch President. ' lfair Scrbe Sends News Notes By Everetia Z. Baldwin Belfair, June 8» Mr. and Mrs. daughter Katherine of Portland, Ore, were visitors at the Harry Under-hill home over the week end. The prime cause of the Visit now nearly a month old. Mrs. Evelyn Beck and daughter Marjory have returned from a long visit to Donald Beck who is attending Signal Corps school at nection with his advancement in the Navy. Miss Dorothy Dines, who is in training at the Virginia Mason hospital, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dines, Sunday. David Crosswhite, who has been on active duty in the Navy for nearly two years without being_ home, has at last arrived home for a visit with his overjoyed parents. David is in fine health. Word has been received that Maurice Bickel, who has been in Iceland for the past few months is now in New York hospital with a nervous condition that may last for from six months to a year and may result in his re- lease from active duty. , Miss Dorothy Newkirk, who is attending the University of Wash- ington was home over the week end of Decoration Day. Miss Patsy Jo and Betty Ellen Michael are visiting their sister, Miss Mary Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Boad are Private Harvey, Horton learns first As a guest of Army chow comes from. farm family I—Ioodsport Man Hurt 0n Cat the proud parents of an 8-lb. daughter born Wednesday evening June 2nd. Mrs. Boad was Miss Jean Stephens. Both mother and daughter are fine. Mr. and Mrs. William Suaraze and a group of young children by Lois Pierce patriotic spirit of’American F important War Weapon—FOOD. MARRIAGE LICENSES l l Delbert {Wyoming, and Katherine H. Mc- Cann, Shelton; Elmer F. Mullen, Seattle, and Amelia M. Mietzner, Here’s Why We Have the "Best-ch”.Army -hand-where that good the N. C. Stiles , he eats a bountiful dinner, and praises the armors—forgets of that all- W. A large crowd from Hoodsport Port Orchard. attended the dance at Springwa- ter Saturday night. Boyd Blair was injured Friday while driving a “cat.” He was tak- en to the Shelton hospital forl attended Communion Services at 3 treatment. The accident happenedl the Presbyterian Church Sunday1 Eigth grade graduation exer- cises were held Friday evening, May 28th, with 26 young people receiving diplomas, after which presentation of the new building morning. I by state officials and acceptance by Belfair school board was held. Because of a tie in credits, two young ladies shared the honor of delivering the salutatory address, Miss Shirley Herrick and Miss Jolene Wells. The program for the evening was in the this order: Class Motto “Leaders of Tomor- row.” Processional, Bremerton Elks Band; Flag Salute, led by a Boy Scout; America, Elks band, Aud- ience; Invocation, Rev. A. R. W. Kettner; Welcome Sweet Spring, by the Girls Chorus (Brown Birt singing); Salutatory address, by Miss Shirley Herrick and Miss Jo- lene Wells; Introduction, by Pal- mer 0. Johnson, principal; pre- sentation of building, by C. J. Brady, arichtect; Acceptance, by Frank Klumb, for the school board; Greetings, by L. R. Dur- kee, State Dept. of Education; Selected Music, by Elks band, Jo- seph Pool, director; A Tree, trum- ipet solo ‘by Miss Estelle Bulduc, Elks band accompanying; Vale- dictory Address, Miss Jean Kil- lian; Savage, State Representative 2lst District; Presentation of Diplo- mas, C. C. Eddy; Open House New Building, Pal- mer O. Johnsen; Star Spangled Banner, Elks band, audience. The total cost of the building was $53,094.46 of Which was 10- cally borne $3,900.00, state $9,- 194.46, federal $40,000.00. Belfair, because of the influx of federal workers, was the only school district eligible for fed- eral funds and the new building is a very great relief for both pupils and teachers. Masonic Conventions Being'Held Next Week Masonic Conventions will be held next week in Wenatchee starting on Tuesday the 15th when the Masons will hold a two day convention. Don Clark, Ern-‘ est Dahlgren and John Catto plan to attend from here. The 18th and 19th the Order of Eastern Star will hold a Grand Chapter meeting with worthy ma- tron. Etna Eliason, worthy pa- tron, Edward Sutton, conductress, Vera Duffield, associate conduc- tress, Elsie Wilson and Petra Sut- ton representing Welcome Chap— ter No. 40 of Shelton. Rainbow Girls who plan to at tend the convention starting on June 21 are Ruth Rowe, Mavis Ross, Jane McKay, Marjorie Ann Valley, Mildred Daniels, Nadine Lauber and Florence Fentiman. 0.E.S. Cancel Meeting This Month Due to the Grand Chapter meeting at Wenatchee, Welcome Chapter No. 40 will hold no meet- ing this month. CALLED TO SEATTLE J. H. Middendorf, foreman for P.U.D. 3, was called to Seattle' last week by the sudden death of his father, and for the funeral service. MASON COUNTY M o T o R s OPEN ON SUNDAY. wadv. “It Takes Both” It takes an Isbell and a Hutson . . . a Sammy Baug‘n and a Dick Todd to form a forward pass combination, It takes both . . . War Bonds and Taxes to pI‘OVlde the necessary finances to win thzs war—a war for freedom and humanity. Are you doing your part? l U. .S‘. TYL‘GSIH‘)‘ Dc/‘nrlnzrizr J Guest Speaker, Charles R.’ Invitation to ‘ [back of Mr. Cox’s place. Friends of Sarg. Lowe and wife ,surprised them Friday evening at ltheir home at Millo‘s Grove with a charivari. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill and daughters Lola and Betty of Is- Iland Lake, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill. The date for the hanging of I the Memorial honoring the men in lservice, in the Church foyer at the Hood Canal Community Church, has been changed from June 13 to July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bowls of Oak Harbor visited relatives at Hoods- port Sunday. Mrs. Bowls is the former Helen Lockwood, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lock- wood. Mrs. Abby, Mrs. H. R. Dickin—I son, Mrs. W. Lunt, Mrs. Helen Swart, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ahl, and Mrs. J. H. Nance, attended Mrs. Matteson’s funeral at Lilli- waup Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Calv‘ln Wilson Welcomed a 71/2 lb. daughter Maryln Rose to their home Mon- lday evening. Maryln Rose also is welcomed by a brother How- .ard and grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. E. Lockwood. l Mrs. C. H. Palmer is slowly re- covering after an illness of sev- eral weeks. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wes Johnson are staying in Hoodsport while Mr. Johnson is working on the air- port. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cloflin and family arrived last week end. Mr. Cloflin is taking Mr. Goodpaster’s ,place at the Hoodsport school :next fall. I . l l l FIR DRUGSTORE Thursdgy, Jgne_',lu*' Carrots do best on sa and peat soil, but will amA almost any soil that is. g moist, loose and free fr0 .1. l and stones. Carrots can early and late, are goo, r l cooked, and are easily 5,. eggs? r1230; 1; winter use. _ .. this week l The inroads being made r: Of State . of ,timber capital of most 3 eAgrlcultu countries will inevitably are W’Ograr‘ reduced productivity for: ,. anfilvsélnc Eperiod after the war. if the rleg l‘fl e immediai l ‘ ' ' “lie either 9,111 the pro A H A armies, I 1:— téle ordei ...,, S THEATRE Ming 21518;] :‘ t0 purch: l L ‘ “inty War 1 . Friday Saturday c§?::rywi;l; ~ FQm‘the da‘ Charles Laughton I the Con: Maureen O’Hara eagffgr of een a "OWner f “THIS LAND ms to reg, MIN E” aria George Sanders ' i . Sunday - Monday '1‘. g A great story with on' the finest casts ever " SERV sembled. “FOREVER A‘ i“ one A DAY” h Brian Ahern, Robert mings, Charles Lou, . Ida Lupino, Herbert; shall, Ray Milland: Merle Oberon. Johnson, V Lovell, r l l l l l i l Hilliard “THE FALC . STRIKES BAG, It’s 0] Sponsor ghelton Pantorium Cleaners ,‘rday, " ission 501 - Tax ini : fling 9: 1. Sir Mo torium Office, which will be : Ehe] Has taken over the plant of the Quality Cleaners. All work should be taken to the Pan- theheadwoffice for both, con- cerns . J. c.Pl~Nl1 09.. “re. The retail stores of America are ddng their level best to supply es- sentials for the Home Front. In this sense the folks behind the counters are Soldiers All! Stocking .. Fashions! l l 'nAvou 86¢ . or service weights with flat- tering dull finish. Light sum no: shades! l I l l i ¢ .0. 39 For men! double panels. Stock up! . V4 They’re full-fashioned! Sheer Striped cotton shorts, extra long Swiss rib- bed Shirts, and Briefs with iiosmw Thrift Values! Shirts. SHORTS BRIEFS ./ StDIiDIERS Am. Presented by THERESA BASKERVILLE’ BERDINA BUCHMANN FRANCIS COLE l l (,4 i j/ i i PWWWMIMIWMW Perfect Fit Asaurld, CYNTHIA nub ‘ a; a] Rich rayon satin ' smooth rayon crepe. some lavish with la ,, others smartly tailo ,' «is. M . 4, Some straight out four gores, others bias " for perfect fit. Whitfi 1 Tea Rose. All sizes.