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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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*Page Six 9. , , V V ,9 V ‘_ SHELTON;MASON COUNTY EOURNAD W'Thursdayy'June 1 {10:99:99z99z99z99z9»:99:99:99:99:99:9 :99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:q9:99:»:99:99:99:99:9 9:99:»:99:99:99:99:99:9 99:99:9939Q9:99:99z99z99z99:99:99z99z99z99z99:»:«:99:99:99:99: :99:99:99:99: . WS . , p, 3&9 -‘ y S Ill 9:9 Sa 9 9? . m S 99 v a (dyntinued f 9:9 .these sm: 9.9 , you see a .O. , _02..f1ve ridi 3 .fsllow tro .9 9 Dad fmt .. to get som to? a Ger e a; souvenir 9. t “as shipper .0 ‘ £01“ a few -.and Whil 99 trkins anc acting th .3. Over the] 9.9 had a let 9? ’0’ :‘Vthat thll .0, are wait In the r 0:0 in a 1m .3. ghmy t1] C er. So .¢. ‘having Wt 929 If“? wn . {Du us .3. ; tunic glory 9.9 i have her( .2. r. the last .0. ad quit 1e of No 9.9 e had i. Oppers, o e sky 9.9 about blot nt lik around 1 9:9 Wired to 0 es 1n 3. re went 9.9 Coming 9:9 em up ... some . per ste g. Your 9:9 KELL‘ .0. NORTH le Kell ‘3’ 911, who 99 0 S/Sgt - bits of 9:9 .. Mothel , tter fr01 ’9’ °‘ Weeks. .z. > but Wt egula e 18 evlpi 99 ‘ you .3. I news ,|' Is ours 9.9 “‘1 broadc- .9. Wled us ‘ Can‘ or 9:9 63211 the b0 ,, that t] 4. do y01 O O O O O O O 0.00.... .96....09.0 O 9 99.99; a: el- CD '1 O 0 9.990 W? *5 O 'I O .0 O. O O 99 O O O O.” 9 9 .”....‘-.:O O O O.” 1 ’t O 0.0 O .0 ., ., ._ {nan envelope. ’7‘ pe ‘ “When our little girl’s great day comes—and it may doing more than saving money and making a good just as thousands of other hard-working people are If you aren’t in the Pay-Roll Savings Plan .- n s not be more than 10 years off—she’s going to have investment for the future. We’re buying the guns doing. sign up tomorrow! all the things a girl dreams about. and planes and tanks to defend our. home. If we ‘ . . vet I: d r a da —10 crcenf or more “Bright-floweer luncheon_ sets and fine Irish linen don’t help our country now to defend our little eve WHAT YOU SHOULD Do . . . satin-smooth percale sheets and soft fluffy girl’s future, she won’t have any future. Except a UHCIe Sam hopes that every Person 0113 Pay/"’11 If you are .1”. bath towels . . . and lovely lace-edged lingerie . . n short and terrible life of slavery to a Jap or Nazi Will be in the PaY'ROH saVings Plan' 1; Already setting aside to percent of your-pay for’War Bonds “A setting-out like that will cost~at least $400!! master,” And that we’ll top the 10 percent goal. Yes, top through the Pay-Roll Savings Plan—boost that 10 percent if it . . . because We know now it’s going to take You can-‘ more than 10 percent to win! 3- 0 99:99.99 0 O O O.“ n O O “.00.. 9 9 9”9 O O 9 9 9”9 «:4. u- ' 9 i . . . . - ' . ‘ ‘ W? u only pay $300' Because” you see’ we re T1115 hale guys father 15 Puumg every spare eel,“ Working in a plant where the Plan is installed, but haven’t buymg War Bonds for her- And for every 35 of cash into War Bonds, through the Pay-Roll Sav- signed up yet—sign up tomorrow. ' ' worth we buy we get 34 back 1n.10 years. ' ings plan” 50' are the great majority of Americans. Your comforts and your fun must wait. Your a. Working- in a plant when (he Pay_Rou savings Plan has“ “50 every single month we buy a $25 War Bond But there are still some Americans who ought to Bonds will buy them all some day . . . more Of been installed. talk to your union head, foreman, or plant which costs us only $18.75. be buying War Bonds through [heIPay-Ro‘ll Savings them than you can ever buy now. maHEEerl-lagd see if it caln’t be'insmlled right éwaY- The 10¢al ban wi e glad to be p. a . 99999 ,9 “.00.”.66.” 0 O ' lan . . '. and aren’t. ' ' ’ ' g freedom E g P ‘ you are ln’ be sure you re puulng [wt 6 percent 4. Unable to get in on the Pay-Roll Savings Plan for any reason, “And there’s something else you can’t help but Others are in, bUt haven’t hit their 10 Percent yet. or 7 percent or 8 percent! but at [cam 10 Percent go to see your local bank, or other issuing agent. They will ‘ think about when you buy War Bonds. We’re Some could stretch it to 12 percent or 15 percent, into War Bonds every pay day! ' the glad to help you start a plan of your own- ’ .00 “.99. O O O O .00 “NO.” O O . . . .' . . . . ‘. . . l A H FR‘ This page 1s one of a series sponsored by the 1nd1v1duals and firms hsted below who have pledged 100 per cent support of America’s Fight for Freedom . ' > O O O O fissSIer’s Super-Creamed H.141 Kennedy, M.D. Charles T. Wright Needham Food Store Weinel-Olstead Insurance Mason County Creamery Sleys‘ter’s Fix-It Shop g: 3537 1vell’s Texaco Service - Kimbel Oil‘ Co. -Al Dickinson Washington Service Co. Agency Association Hotel Shelton ' George A. LeCompte, M.D.- Olympia Feed Co. B. N. Collier, MD. Dr. M. C. Melcum Simpson Logging Company Shelton Auto Body Works Sanitary Market 3 . Hoot Ralph’s Grocery ’ J. W. Graham Rube Cohn Auto Parts Lumbermen’s Mercantile Co. Elliot B. Spring Hillcrest Hardware rFir, Drug Store » . - . Mac’s Corner Local 38, I.W.A., Sawmill Mason County Abstract & M& S Food Store Pigmon Motors Herbert G. Angle' Witsiers Funeral‘Home .. a Ivan Neuenschwander, & Timberworkers Union Title Co: M. C. (Neil) Zintheo Shelton Sporting Goods Charles R. Lewis . F. O. E. No. 2079 a ‘ ~ Jeweler DaVIScourt Bakery Gilbert Frisken, Rayonier Incorporated 20th Century Store 2 Mason County Savings & Shelton-Mason County “ Hilltop Tavern - Shelton Meat & Ice Co. Associated Oil Distributor Munro’s Men’s Store Al Huerby Motors Loan Ass’n. Journal ‘5 Werberger Winery j Markham’s Variety Store Hi-School Service Millo’s Market—Hoodsport Shelton Hardware Co, Wilson’s Cafe ' Lawton Lumber Co. City Market M. H. Needham Men’s Wear Andrew’s Photo Studio ' St, Charles Winery F, E. Beckwith Olsen Furniture Co. V Paramount Theatre. Shelton Electric Co. Grant Lumber Co. Western Supply Co. Olympic Plywood Co. McConkey Pharmacy Stretch Island Winery Prepp’s Rexall Store Shafer’s Bakery Shelton Gas Co. 9 Panto-ium Cleaners 0 O .90 O 09 O O 90 O O 99 9 ’9 O O O .90 O 09 O .9 O O Q 0 O O 9 .90 O. O O O 00.” This page is one ofa series prepared by- the Public Information Committee of the Mason County War Council - 9 ’9 09 O O O 09 9 9 99,99 0 O O O O O 90.06. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 t 9 9,»,99,99,99,99,99:09:99z99z99’99.99:”:99:«’99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99;“:99399299z99z99z99:99:99:«:99:99:99399’99z99z99:99:99z99ze9z99:99:99z99z99zo9. .99.”:99z99z99z99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99:99z99z99z99z99:99:99:¢ 9:99:99z99z99z99.99:09:e9:99:99