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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. day, June 10, 1943. I us About our” s ys In Uncle Sam’s Services quntinued from page, one) ‘ ‘ "1 those small asses and very -. You see a whole family of 01?.five riding along and the -f9_110W trotting right along. Ve Dad find out if it is pos— ‘ 4 get some ammunition and i " to? a German Luger, as I " Htsouvenir from this place. ‘ was shipped over to a hos- for a few days with a bad {and while there met Har— erkins and we had quite a 3hosting the 01d breeze while “‘OVer there. I imagine you had a letter from him by e. ' May 20th ign is ov— 9. are waiting a new assign- . the meantime, we are “‘In a little baseball—I am 8” my time between short gather. So far we are doing' waving won four and lost If'We win tomorrow night, but us in front and be- the glory we will get 48 eave here in town. 1'. the last three days wei had quite an interesting 918 of North Africa to wit- , “We had a migration of ' oIlpers, or locusts, and at .ithe sky was full of themV- ‘ about blotting out the 51111.! - Sten’t like the small ones; “fiaround home, but some of‘ 00ked to be about two or: IIIches in length. The ArabsA ere went wild when they! ,1, coming in they would! othem up and pickle them: some rare old feeds on] “° ,per stew. I Your son Milt ' KELLY WRITES NORTH AFRICA ,le Kelly, son of Mrs. Hazel 931. who was recently pro-l to S/Sgt. writes some in-; E bits of news from North I ow that this campa ‘1‘ Mother—Haven't receiv-, Votstter from you for a cou-I 4Weeks. I know you havel ibut we aren’t receiving] $911 I regularly. I, is everything there? ll ', p 3 you have already heard ,; ca; {1 news that all of North H V IS ours now. I heard a “11 broadcast last night and .Ealled us "The Flying Gang- , , lCan ‘you figure that out, . 6:1 the bombing of civilians 93- that they have done. “0‘91: do you. know . . . there flare K. P. for the fellows :_e sqd. has hired Arabs to’ .p‘i'léshes and etc. Send that _ha:dY.'because it’s the truth.l pineapple pie for supperI .iWater Systems l J. x or Shallow Well ifimfimfi ..‘.. .. a. _. NASH BROTHERS fie 334 123 So. 2nd I -w. a I ”,5 HOME I: * LOANS I l 1 ‘ Convenient Terms ] -_ _, ‘ Reasonable Rates . NO DELAY "1 5.011 County Savings iris g Loan Association Hf fl Tltle Insurance Bldg. 01 L in“ 3.: MILLO’S call x; AIITY MARKET GROCERIES ElHASH MEATS ‘ FRUITS FlNEST FOODS AT BEST pmces HOODSPORT _.___—___.._ Cliff Wivell’s EXAOO Representative in PRODUCTS P R O M PT lst and Franklin . getting plenty here. Chocolate and ' NO\V IN Iformerly of Shelton, has begun .Training Center at Camp Monti—l icello, Ark. I she was assigned to a Basic Train- 'SChOOl. She was formerly employ- » .a few .‘ 0| mpia on Wood I High Grade Fuel and Boise] Oils I last night. Sure was good. I “How is rationing there now! I suppose that coffee and sugar are the hardest to get. We are? stuff like that is pretty scarce." l I CHARLOTTE JAEGER { WAACS I Auxiliary CharlOtte I. Jacger, I training at Branch B of the, Fifth Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps Immediately after her arrival, ing Company and began the routine of Army “processing”: durilig which she was issued clothing and equipment, instruct— ed in rudiments of Infantry Drill, and given Army classificationi tests. For the next four weeks, she will have more detailed military training that will prepare her toi replace a man in a non-combat- ant Army job. Auxiliary Jaeger is a gradu- ate of the Shelton Senior high ed as a mechanic for the U. S. Navy at the Keyport ship yards prior to her enrollment in the WAAC. CLYDE HARRIMAN PAYS VISIT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman were very pleasantly surprised Saturday evening by their son Pvt. Clyde Harriman of Fairmont, Nbr., who came home on a seven day furlough. He was very pleas-l ed to get back to Washington and I Mason County if only for a visit, NEAL ROBINSON . IN COMMANDOS Word has been received from! Neal Everett Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Robinson“ Arcadia Road, that he is now. stationed at Moffett Field, Calif., where he is taking Commando training with the Marines. ALLEN JOHNSON AT PEARL HARBOR ’ Allen Johnson, Aviation Radio- man 3/c, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Johnson is attending a three months advance school in Pearl Harbor. ROY HALL IS HOME ON LEAVE Roy Hall, son of .Mrs. Mabell Hall, Cookson St., arrived home Saturday on furlough from Fort Dix, New Jersey. ANGUS McNEIL IN SOUTH PACIFIC Angus McNeil, son of Mrs. F. L. Chase, is now stationed some- where in the South Pacific. He says it is a beautiful sight to see Jap planes sink in the Pacific I a burning mass. JAMES CAMERON IN ENGLAND Mrs. Lily Cameron received word that her son James had ar- rived safely in England. He is with a service squadron in the Army Air Corps. GENE SMITHI VISITS HOME Eugene Smith visited his wife and baby daughter at the Cam- eron home last week when he had ours off dutywhile his 11) w s‘i‘n‘ port. TREVOR MADSEN VISITS PARENTS Pfc. Trev A. Madsen, who was recently transferred from Camp Beale, Calif, to Camp Abbot, Oregon, spent the week end in Shelton with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Madsen. SAM CAMERON BACK TO DUTY Samuel Cameron returned to ac- tive duty after six weeks leave of absence. He made the trip, home from Savanah, Ga., by train and spent most of his time at the home on Pickering. He was in Portland, Ore., a week and attended the launching of a new Victory Ship to which he was assigned as 2nd assistant engin- eer. CENSOR DIZZY. WHO CAN, BLAME HIM One of the most amusing letters the Servicemen’s Column reporter has seen is reprinted from the Raymond Herald. It was received by Mrs. Charles McKinney. 01" Chehalis, who received it from her brother, Lester Lovin, Seaman 1/c, serving in the navy. After suitable salutations it followsl (and readers will have to Shift for themselves): “After writing last week I read the news regula- tions regarding censorship, so I, now ,concede my letter to you has probably gone astray. I write now what may be called an “okay” letter. ‘ “After leaving Where we were before we left for here and not knowing we were coming here from there, we could not tell if we would arriVe here or not. Never- theless we are now here and not there. The weather here is just as it commonly is at this sea- son but of course quite unlike the weather where we were be- fore we came here. After leaving by what we came by, we had a. good trip. “The people here are just like they look, but they do not look to be like they were where we came from. I feel just like I should feel in this kind of weather here, but CERTIFIED SERVICE * ' Mason County for I COMPANY SERVICE Phone 397 of course I felt all right there for the kind of weather we had there. So there is nothing to be alarmed about. The way we came here is just like the way everyone comes from there to here. We had to bring everything with us, for here we wear what we would wear here which is not like we would wear there. The whole thing is quite a new experience here, because it’s not like what it is like Where We were before we left for here. Even the ground and houses where we were before we came here are not like the ground and houses here. The time, here, too, is just like the time. there, only different. “It is now time to stop this somewhat too newsy letter before I disclose too much valuable in- formation. With love, your brot‘h- cr."~—A(Editor’s note: The above letter was approved by naval cen- sors.) WASHINGTON NIGHT AT CAMP ROBERTS Washington soldiers stationed at the Infantry and Artillery Re- placement Training Center at Camp Roberts, Calif, will -be hon- ored Monday night, June 14 when Washington State Night will be celebrated at the USO clubhouse in the nearby town of Paso Robles. Relatives and friends of these soldiers are urged to help make the event a gala affair by send- ing gifts to the Paso Robles USO. Last fall, when the first Wash- ington State Night was held, Washington residents sent many crates of apples, “Aplets” and other good things to eat. Well over 1000 Washington men are in camp and it is hoped that contri- butions will be sufficient to pro- vide for all of them. Features of the evening will include a letter of greeting from Gov. Arthur B. Langlie of Wash- -ington, a door prize in the form of a free telephone call home, a message from Bing Crosby, an inter-city quiz program, motion pictures of Washington, a floor show and a dance. NEWS OF SERVICE MEN FROlVI KAMILCHE ' Justin Taylor, US. Navy Petty Officer 3rd class Fire Controlman on one of Uncle Sam’s biggest battleships, is home on his first furlough to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor. He has just completed six months of strenuous sea duty with plenty of action. James Waldrip Jr., Navy Air Corps Petty Officer 2nd class Avn. mm, stationed at Sand Point, Se- attle, obtained a 48-hour leave to visit his cousin Justin Taylor. Antone Ellison, U. S. Navy, stationed at Swan Lake, Port- land, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellison. Sgt. Norris Rau has been trans- ferred from North Carolina to Eg- lin Field, Florida. This is the proving ground of the Army Air Force where they experiment with planes. GEORGE HAMILTON IS GRADUATED Included in the group of 83 out of a class of 126 who received petty officer ratings of electri- cian’s mate, .third class“ graduating from the Naval Trainl ilig School for electricians at the University of Minnesota, Minne- apolis, Minn., was Bluejacket George W. Hamilton, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton, Route 2, Shelton, Washington. He received instruction in elec- trical theory, mathematics, wir-‘ ing, electrical methods and repair and maintenance of electrical ma- chinery and equipment found aboard a man-o-war. Soon he will 3 be assigned to active duty at sea, or at a naval shore station. Men are selected for’this spe- cialized training on the basis of results from a series of aptitude tests given them while in recruit training. Pickering News Items Received By Virtue E. Hanlon Mrs. W. G. Scofield's father, W. De. L. Freeman, aged 98 years and 9 months, passed away May 15th at his home, 5107 W. Charles- town St., Seattle. Surviving are a son, E. Sterling Freeman, Omaha, Nebr., three daughters, Mrs. Alice Knowlton and Mrs. Martha Bali- ning of Seattle and Mrs. ~Har- riette F. Scofield of Shelton; eight grandchildren and 6 great grand- children. Mr. and'Mrs. C. C. Dunlap and daughter Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Max 0. Hanlon and son Rodney, of Olympia, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. ClaUde Hanlon. Miss Rita Henrici, of Tacoma, spent the week end with Mrs.' Gene Smith. Bobby Wentz is spending his vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Judkins, at 'Mount Vernon, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. La Page, of Tilli- cum Beach, and Ed Larson, of Shelton, were dinner guests Fri- day at the E. B. Harriman home. Mary Ann and Jerry Craig Han- lon left Monday for their home in Olympia after spending a. week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hanldn. Mrs. Bob Cameron and chil- dren Dale and Marion are visit-‘ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grey, of Selah, Wash. Miss Donna Byrne, of Shelton, spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. Gene Smith. Mrs. J. M. Peterson and bro- ther, Jack Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harriman Sunday. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 309 OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, CALLING~ JULY 1. 1931, BONDS FOR PAYMENT Notice is hereby given that Con- solidated School District No. 309 of Mason County, Washington, call for payment and will on the lst day of July, .1943, pay bonds number 54-62 incluswe, of its school building bonds. series A dated (July 1, 1931) 4% D33“ able annually. issued in the original amount of $75,000.00. By Order of the Board of. Directors of Consolidated School District 309, Mason County. Washington. LAURA MURPHY, Clerk Consolidated School District No. 309. 6—10—1t. i LEGAL PUBLICATIONS i N O 'I‘ I C E The following described area is hereby declared A REGION OF EXTRA FIRE HAZARD Township 21 North. Range 2 West: All of sections 1.3 and 14 lying south of McLean's Cove county road. and all of sections 23 and 24 lying north of Pickering Passage. For protection of the above de- scribed arca against fire the followi— ins; rule will be enfbrcedz' Entry into this area is pro— liibted except as provided by law with reference to perm— anent residents and industrial operations. Violators of the. foregoing rule are subject to fine of $10.00 to $100.00 or 90 days ili jail. or both. Effective from June 15. 1943 to Oc- 1943. T. S. GOODYEAR, Asst. Director Department of Conservation aiid Develop- ment, State of Washington. 6-10Av-ll. Ioliei' 15. No. 4250 . SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY ()F MASON Ida Mae Luizke, Plaintiff ——vs.— I William A. Lutzke, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to the 'said WILLIAM A. LUTZKE, Defend— ant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty (60) days after the 27th day of May, 1943, and defend the above entitled action In the above entitled court, and an— swer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do. judgment Will be rendered against you according‘to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. That the cause. of action herein is for divorce on the grounds of aban— donment. H. H. SCI-ILEE, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: Harrison Building, Bremerton. Washington. Date of first publication, May 27, 1943. 5-27--6-3-fO—17-24--7-1—Gt NOTICE OF HEARING ON HERD DISTRICT PETITION. In the matter of the petition of Charles Wilkenson, et al for an order prohibiting livestock to ‘run at large in aocertain prescribed district. A petition having been presented to the Board of County Commissmners of Mason County signed _by. more than ten residents of the district ‘in- cluded in the said proposed district, lpraying that no livestock-be permit— ‘ted 'to run at large in said proposed district, it was duly ordered by the hearing on said petition; Now, Therefore, ORDERED that Monday, June 21st, 1943, at two o'clock p. m. at the Court House in Shelton, be fixed as Ithe time and place for hearing on said petition. ~ The land sought to be included in ‘said herd district is as follows: . Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13. Town- ship 21 North, Range 5 Dated this lst day of June, 1943. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Mason Coun- ty, Washington. 6-3—10~‘2t. \ NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON STATE FOREST BOARD LAND Application No. F-5l7 Notice is hereby given that Applica— tion No. F-517 has been filed in the office of the Secretary, of the State .Forest Board at Olympia, Washing- ‘ton. in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 66 of the Session Laws of 1933, for the purchase of timber on the following described land in Mason , County: , The old growth red fir the E14. of SE14 of section 9, town- shi 22 north, range 4 west, W, M., Old growth red fir only appraised at $137.50. Subject to existing rights of way. ’1 The purchaser of the above describ- edtimber will be required to com ly strictly with laws governing slash is- posal as found in Title 36. Chapter 1, iReniington's Compiled Statutes and laws amendatory thereto. Purchasers lof state timber are required to run out the lines and are responsible for trespass if timber is cut on adjacent , state-owned property. I The timber on the above described ‘land. will be sold June 21. 1943 to the lapplicant at the appraised value; pro- vided that no offer in' writing of at least 10% more than the appraised .value, accompanied by a sufficient de« 1 posit, is received by the Commissioner ,of Public Lands at least two days prior to the date of sale. Terms of Sale: Cash. The purchaser will have one year from the date of gsale to cut and remove the timber. Dated this 5th day of June, A._D. 1943. STATE —FOREST BOARD, JACK TAYLOR. Secretary. 6-10—1t. i t (SEAL) NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 1on Tuesday, the 6th day of July, 1943, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door of the County Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason. State of Washing- ton by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state ,tlde lands. together With the *provements situated thereon, will be ‘sold at public auction to the highest , bidder therefor, to wit: NOTEz—No one except citizens of {the United States. or persons who Lhave declared their intention to be- ,9ome such, can purchase state lands. ‘ APPLICATION NO. 10611 I, All tide lands of the second class owned by the State of Washington lying below the line'of mean low tide in front of lot 1 and part of lot 2, Jsection 10,. township 23 north, range :3 west, W. M., measured along the igovernment meander line as follows: Beginning at the meander corner on the north line of said section 10. {thence along said meander line S 49 degrees W 8.00 chains, S 28 degrees W 14.80 chains, S 34 degrees 30' W 4.00 chains and S 11 degrees 45' W 1.00 chain. to the terminal point of this Idescrlption, with a frontage of 27.80 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $139.00 Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stat- imp- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 Words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. l I I 750 minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 750; original poetry 50c per inch; clasSified display rates on request. - Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 l l p Wanted Q A ‘ ‘A‘AAMM M“. m A“ WANT TO BUY: large lawn mower in good condition. R. I). o Stockwell, old Clyde Jones ranch or inquire Journal. 6-10~—1t. WANTED: man and wife to ma age small grocery store and filling station. Livuig quarters partly furnished. Apply Rich— field Station, First and Pine. P6-10-17—2t. WANTED: women to work at Mason County Steam Laundry. L 6—10-24~3t. WANTED TO BUY: 50 it. of chicken wire. Phone 159-J after 5 p. m. S6-10—1t. WANTED: girl wishes general housework. Donna Riley, Gell- eral Delivery, Shelton. SG—lomlt. WANTED: small a p a r t m e n t, housekeeping room or room in private home with kitchen priv- ileges. References exchanged. Mrs. Massie, P. O. Box 345. 6-3-17—3t. [WANTED2 collapsible baby bug- said Board that a date be set for l gy, in good condition. George Wolf, Str. Route 1, Box 102, Shelton (Skokomish Valley). 6-3-10w2t. IT IS HEREBY WANTED: young New Zealand white buck, old enough for ser- vice. L. E. Bishop, Route 3, Box 210, Shelton. SPACE AVAILABLE at Shelton Hotel for beauty operator with own equipment. Splendid oppor- tunity for right party. Call us for details. 5-27--6-10——3t. WANT TO ADOPT CHILD under years. Write P. 0. Box 85, Shelton, Wash. Will put $5,000 in adopted child’s name. B5—27—-6-10-3t T R A I NED STENOGRAPHERS needed immediately. OLYMPIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOL. Phone 4074. 5-27--6-10—3t. l WANTED: man to work on oyster only, on . I icon iningx‘SO‘ acres,“ 'more1 or .33, according to the government survey ' thereof. ' ed and upon the terms and conditions- following: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements. ,must fortthth pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of ‘the appraised value of the improve- ments. as above_ stated. One-tenth of the urchase price must be paid an- nual y thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum per annum: Provided, [That any purchaser ma payment of principal. interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed._ The purchaser of land contain- , ing timber or other valuable materials Els prohibited by law from cutting or ,removing any such timber or mater— 3' ials Without .first obtaining consent. of the Commissmner of Public Lands. un- til_ the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils. gases, coal. ores. minerals and fossils of every name. kind and- description. and to the additional terms and con- ; dltions prescribed in section 3 of chap- Iter 256 of the Lawa of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter. 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of—way and the carryln of timber, stone, minerals and ot er products over the same. JACK TAYLOR. Commissioner of Public Lands. By FRANK YATES,~ Ass't. Com ' ' . , .6-310-17-24- 7-1-5t mlssmner make full- beds. Good wages. House to live ' in, free rent. J. J. Brenner Oys- , ter Co. Call long distance, Oys- .,,,,s_. WANTED: men to work in vital defense industry. Certificate of availability is necessary. Shelton COncrete Products. Seventh St. Bridge. 4-15tfn. lWANTED: cottonwood bolt cut- ters in the Skokomish Valley. Highest wages paid. Address: Washington Excelsior and Mfg. Co., 871 Othello St., Seattle. 4—1—tfn. ‘ ._ I No. 4244 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Hazel E. Boatright, Plaintiff, _Vs,__ Carl E. Boatright, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: The‘ said Carl E. Boatright, De- fendant. ‘ You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within 60 days after the date of first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within 60 days after the 6th day of May. 1943, and Defend the above entitled action in the above en-- titled Court and Answer the Com- plaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer or other plead- ing upon the undersigned Attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stat— ed, and‘ in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court. By this action Plaintiff seeks a Divorce from Defendant upon the grounds of non- support and failure to live together for more than 5 years. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and Post Office Address, Suite 1, Lumber- men’s Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. ‘ 5-6-13-20—27--6-3-10-17—7t. N0. 1444 I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE l In the Matter of the Estate of John A. Pecbles, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Chas. R. Lewis. Exe- cutor of the Estate of John A. Pecbles, Deceased, will on or after the 28th day of June, 1943, offer for sale at private sale all of the right, title, claim, equity, and interest of the said deceased, in and to the follow- 111g described real property situated in Mason County, Washington. to-wlt: Lots 1 to 5 in Block 8 together with vacated portions of Sherwood Avenue, adjoining the same, all m the town of Allyn, Mason County, Washington, excepting public roads, if any. _ All bids or offers must be in writ- ing; may be left at Suite 1. Lumber- men's Building, Shelton. Washington, delivered to the undersigned, pen sonally, or may be filed in the office of the clerk of- the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for Ma- son County at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. The above described premises will be sold for cash or for cash anc credit, subject to the ratification, ap— proval. and confirmation of the. above entitled cohrt and at least 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must ac— company Said bid, in cash or certified check. The undersigned hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 7th day of June, 1943. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Executor of the Estate of John A. Peebles,\Deceased, Suite 1, Lumbermen's Build- ing. Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 6-10-17-24—3t. There were 195,427 forest fires ——one every two and a half min- utes—in the United States in 1940. l l i l I . n_ , FOR SALE. I l l I gHOUSE FOR SALE in Bremer- 1 l l I l I I 6-3-10—2t. I ter Bay," eyenhigs. r’rrewfrfiudtfr v JOURNAL WANT ADS 'V‘V'VV'VV'V ". Real Estate l “MMAAMAAMAAMM FOR SALE: 10 acres on highway 4 miles south Shelton, 1 acre! cleared, 4 room house, barn, chicken house, good well, elec- tric pump. Garden in, berries, fruit. A dandy home site. See H. Parry Jones. 6-10-24—3t. -WANT TO TRADE 20 acres, well improved, near Shelton for trac— tor and equipment or truck. In- quire or write Box L., Journal. L6-10-24—3t. . FOR SALE: about 8 acres and practically new house 28 x 32, large rooms. Electricity, barn, chicken house. Good fertile ground with year around creek. 6 miles north of Shelton on: Bremerton highway. For fur- ther information inquire Tony Fonzo at Tony’s Place. B6—3-24—4t. 5 room modern house, large rooms, full base- ment. $3000.00. Inquire Mrs. Joe Cloutier, 420 Fairmont or phone 10R. -3-17—3t. FOR SALE: 5 acres with water-[ front, tidelands, timber and cabin. Spring, 1/2 acre cleared. Widow, must sell. See Walter A. Magoon, Shelton, Wash. 6-3-17—-3t. ton. Modern three rooms and bath. Full cement basement, five-minute walk to Navy Yard. $2950. Easy terms. Write Box 194, Shelton, Wash. H—5-27--6-10——9t MODERN 6-room home, 3 acres improved land. ,2 blocks from Canal for sale. Inquire after 7 p. m. William J. Conklin, Str. Route North, Box 8, Lilliwaup. 5-27--6-10—3t FOR SALE: 160 acre farm, about 60 acres cleared, large barn and other buildings, fine for dairy or stock farm. About 4 miles from town. Electricity. Will sell very reasonable. Chas. Cooke, or Cooke’s 'Feed Store: 5-27--6-10—-3t. WILL SELL OR TRADE for Shelton property, 80 acre ranch, new 5 room house, barn, wired, farm equipment, two horses, 25 acres cleared, open range, well and ‘spring, and high school. M. I J. Dunkelberger, Matlock. 5-15—6-17—1M FOR SALE: house to be moved, 3 rooms and bath, hot water plumbing system, electric wir- ing. $750.00. Phone 217R4. D—4-15tfn. FOR SALE: house, 4 rooms and bath with hot water plumbing and electric wiring. Good gar- .den space. $1,000. Located in Upper Skokomish Valley, phone 217R4. D—4-22tfn. ~. FOR. SALE . . 65 acres, about 41/2 miles from Shelton, osme timber, lots of wood, also 4 room house, good pole barn. Some cleared. $1575. Terms, $375 down. Plenty of wood for years. See Herb Angle today. price. WWW...— _._._.._ * * 131,4 acres of land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000 cash. II t * 4-room modern home with garage , attached with large unfinished upstairs. Nice yard and about an acre of ground. Plenty Of ground for garden, chickens and cow if you wish. $3400, some terms. This home is nearly new and is an excellent buy for a fine home. Located CIOSe in. it ‘ acre of good land with two room house, electric lights and city water. Excellent View prop- erty. $1,000, terms $200 down. * * HERBERT G. ANGLE Used Cars FOR SALE: ’33 Chev. coupe, per- fect condition $200. Also trailer house, 16 feet, good condition $200. T. J. Leiske, Upper Sko- I komish' Valley at Standard School place. 6-10-24—3t. No. 4247 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ida Dorothy Ortun, Plaintiff, —vs.—- Thomas Ortun, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TCiz The said Thomas Ortun, Defend- an . You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within 60 days after the date of first publication of this Summons. . to-wit: within 60 days after the 13th day of May, 1943, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court and answer the Com— plaint of the Plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stated and in case of your failure so to do. Judgment Will be rendered against you accprdmgfio the demands of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court. The object of this action is that Plaintiff attempts to seek a divorce from you upon the grounds of non-support, desertion and abandon- ment and to have adjudicated and decreed certain lands in Section 29, Township 20 North. Range 3 West, to be Plaintiff’s sole and sep- arate property. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Bldg., Shelton. Mason County, Washington. (Post office and office address.) 5-13-20—27-—6-3-10-17—24—7t. m Middle Skokomish School District No. 43 will receive bids for 100 ricks of 16-inch old growth fir wood, or would consider bids on seasoned sec- ond growth fir, maple or alder, to be delivered and stacked in the school {goodshed not later than .August 15, 43. Sealed bids will be accepted until July 1, 1943, at 8 p. m. at which time they will be opened at the school house. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. , R. B. SIMMONS, Clerk School District No. 43 5-27-—6-3-10—-3t Page Sevn _._ _.____‘ 'V V vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvnm For Sale “mAAMAwsAAAAAAAAM‘fl "WV V'w‘ Classified Service‘ ‘AAAAAAAMAA‘AA A AA A: AAAA I FOR SALE: 8-year old saddle Everything For horse. Cheap. Dewey Bennett, 6—10-24 a fit. Your Garden Shelton Valley. Seeds, Bedding Plants, Fertil- . . FOR SALE: one box carpenter ‘Zerr Vlgoro TabIEtsv Insect tools. $50. Lester Smith, Rte. POWderS' Sprays» etc- 2, Box 219. 6-10-24—-3t. Your Dog will like our Dog FOOd” FOR SALE: Encyclopedia Bri— tannica. Sacrifice. Entering ser— gggsR'EE'gigs vice. Write Box H C‘s-o Journal, Shelton. H6-10~<1t. SPEEDWRITING (the natura1| method of Shorthand) NO new FOR SALE: 53W logs and {IO-0d characters to learn! Just the Pilillg- Six miles WE‘St 0f Shf’l' system for those who have found ton 0n MathCR ROad- F~ symbol methods too hard or too Vogel- 6'10-24'v'3t- long to learn! Special WAR- A TIME course of 8 weeks begins June 7-14. Beginners learn to take dictation 90—100 wpm in this amazingly short time! ——w Phone 4074 OLYMPIA SECRE- FOR SALE: 1937 Model 45 Har- FOR SALE: kitchen table and four chairs. Practically new. Phone 581.1. Mac6—8-24———_~3t. TARIAL SCHOOL, 411 Capitol ley—Davis motorcycle. $350.00. Way, Olympia, Wash. J. C. Duffey, Isabella Valley, 5—27—6-10_3t_ Shelton. 6-3-17rrra3t. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE WHEN IN SHELTON visit the. Pianos, band instruments, rec- ords, sheet music, tuning and repairing. Messingale Music Co. 105 W. Heron~St., Aberdeen , Phone Ab. 3025 l 5-6-30—1M l Friendly Exchange where you can buy clothes and shoes for the family at prices you can afford to pay. Used clothing ‘ bought aiid sold. Second and Grove St., Shelton. Phone 344W. 6-3-17—13't. FOR SALE: pair mens calked shoes, size 10, worn 4 days. In— quire 918 Cascade. J6-10—1t. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER FOR SALE: 2 fresh heifers, also By Day or Hour some tie log stumpage. E. A. ' Loertscher, L. L. Route, Elma. J. L. CATTO 6-3—17—-3t. HARDWARE CHARIS FOUNDATIONS: girdles and brassieres. Call Mrs. Berli- ice Stewart. FOR APPOINT- MENT phone 372R. 6—3-17—.§t. FOR SALE: 16 flat bottom row- boats. 14 feet long. Built«i’to operate with outboard motors. J. C. McKiel, Hoodsport, W11. I 5-27--6—10~%3t WHEEL CHAIR for rent or sale. Ellen Lindsted, Allyn. V 5-27--6-10—.3t. FOR SALE: five dairy cows, all giving a good full pail of milk. Can See milked at 6 p. m. Elvin Hearing, near Matlock. ' 5-20--6-10—~.3t. FOR ALE: young Jersey and Guern ey cows. Just fresh and coming fresh. Dewey Bennett, Box 234, Route 1, Shelton Val— ley. 5-27tfn FOR SALE: black Swiss and yel- l low Jersey milk cows and Jer- sey heifer coming fresh this fall. Mrs. A. Grant, Lost Lake Road. 5—27-—6-10~3t. FOR SALE: Skokomish soil. Oliv- er E. Johnson, Star Rt. 1, Box 50. 4-29—7-29~3M FOR SALE: Fairbanks Morse 1%; hp. electric motor and booster pump .with starting equipment, switches, conduit, etc. Frank Nosworthy, Union. Phone Union 221. 5-13tfn a FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of stomach, ulcers, indi- gestion, heartburn, b e l c hing, bloating, nausea, gas pains, get free sample Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 3-11—6-18—15t. MAM“ For Rent FREE RENT: furnished house inl exchange for board and room couple, without children prefer- red. Phone 122R mornings be- fore 9:30 or write PO. BOX 37 for appointment. W. L. Marble. 6-10—24 3t. rnished modern 2 room cabins with hot and cold water connections, stove, shower, located Allyn, Wash. Will furnish if desired. Contact Kirk Company, Box 106 Allyn. 6-3-24—4t. FOR RENT: furnished modern du- plex, 2 rooms, hot and cold water connections, stove, show- er, located Allyn, Wash. Con- tact Kirk Company, Box 106, Allyn. 6-3-24—4t. TWO and FOUR ROOM houses for rent. $30 and $35 per mo. Bert Davis, Lilliwaup. ‘3' “576%. FOR RENT: furnished moderni FOR RENT: unfu cottages, 2 rms. and bath. Rent $40.00 month. Lights, water, gas cooking, oil heat, included. Lil- liwaup Motel, Lilliwaup, Wash. CARD 0F THANKS 5-27—6-27—L——1M May we extend in this way our sincere appreciation for the kind- nesses, sympathies and beautiful floral pieces offered us during our bereavement over the death of our beloved husband and father, Capt. C. P. Grindrod. Mrs. Alice Grindrod, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Grindrod, Mr. aiid Mrs. Ernie Crane, and families. ’ WWW ' mv v vvvv" Lost and Found AMAAmAm‘M “M” I WILL PA‘RTY, who picked up sack of men’s mended socks please leave same at L. M. Store or Forrests Floral Shop. 6—10—1t. FOUND: one 16 ft. flat bottomed WW" '1 errvvvvvvv l’fe boat on beach at my resi- , .222: Home a: 393%?” CARDS Dark maroon color. Owner may have same by proving owner- ship and paying all costs and maintenance. Peter N e l s o n, Star Route 2, Belfair, Wash. 6-'10-24—3t. LOST: pink and white hand knit V baby sweater. Will finder please I Charles T. Wright LAWYER .vx Phone 337 Angle Bldg: Shelton, Washington 1 , ’4 4 n return to Journal office. R6—10—1t. LOST: Sunday, May 30. Brown suitcase. Reward. Write Anita Bishop, 526 West Fifth, Port Angeles, Wash. 6-3-17—3t. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Having sold my right and title to the Quality Cleaners I will not be responsible for any bill con- rt... “a ALDEN c. BAYLEigij ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton tracted by anyone other than 1113’“ INSURANCE | self. * B. T. ELLIS. 6-10—1t. HERBERT G NOTICE ANGLE From this date on I shall not be responsible for any bills con- tracted by anyone other than my- self. Dated June 7, 1943. Office at Angle Building 6-10-17—2t. v. w.‘NELSON " ELLIOT B. SPRING? 0Fr§iiiii Orr vgiii;iiii‘il'i'soR A"‘=°""ti"‘9 Tax Services 1' or IginnlfAULICS Bookkeeping Systems 3' pm NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT 123 4th St' APPLICATION NO. '5839 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Charles J. Borst of Shelton. State of Wash- ington. under date of June 1. 1943. ftled with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia. Washington. an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Deer Creek, in the amount of 0.05 second—feet, sub- ject to eXistlng rights, continuously of each year for the purpose of domestidsupply; that the approxi- mate. pomt of diversion in located within NW% of NE% of Section 36. Township 21 N., Range 3 in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, together with such other information as is required by‘law. Any person, firm or corporation whose right will be injuriously af- fected by said application may file With the State Supervisor of Hy— draulics“ at Olympia. Washington, such. objections or representations, in writing, as he may desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is June 17, 1943. Witness my hand and official seal this 1st day of June, A.D., 1943. Phone 565 WITSIERS ' FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public I CHAS. J. BARTHOLET, ‘ . (SEAL) State Supervisor 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 6-10-17—2t. of Hydraulics.