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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 p- ;.'~ ? -o Peroy 60:]/t S,E, 86th AVe Pilbli, arhCd in "Ch, ristmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington : 24 Pages -- 3 Sections Entered :u; smx)nd ('lm~s n ~Ite' M lhe po~t off ion ai Slml on ~ra.~'hin,-ton 9~584 under ,~('i .ff M:t', I 8 .1S7f. Published w*,o~ y ~,t 2;27 ~rosi~'(:ot~' " 10 Cents Per Copy Perk To Be D.&euted ?4 . ::, .; The Shelton School Dist:rict Tuesday night: received bids from four firnls on the seven school busses it had advertised fo;'. Submitting bids were Frank Bu- chanan Sales Co., Kimbel Motors, Shelton Motor Co., and Jim Pau- ley. The bids covered tile two con- ventional and five transit-type busses for which the district had advertised with three different makes of bodies and with both gasoline and diesel motors. Also included were trade-ins on igation ,.m otller possihilities for renting extra class-ro()m space fo~ the coming school year. The super- tendent had recommended renting rooms in a h)cal clnu'ch to house the kindergarten classes. The distiicL will be short of class rooms in its elementary Luildings for the coming year. Put- recommendation to bring two of the classes of retarded children t fl'om Rogers School int:o tbe reg- five old b~mses. ,,- ~ . . . l ular school buildings, one at the m:;~elsc.~ol I~oara a2journed" its t Junior High and one at Evergreen n m " ~" ... ~scmy m~at .unt!t ,is i Elementat:y Scllool. .. . zune la to auow ¢ime to Study] THE B()ARD approved, on the and evaluate the bids ' ' ..... ~ recommendation of Supt. Robert Dr. Douglas Larson,chairman lQuiggle, six new teachers for the of tile schocd board lhe past threeeomtnff year Annabel Jefft!rson, years, resigned as chairman of the kindel:garten: Mrs Melba Dennis-- board effective July 13. oft,'e. jregi~t(ne(t nur~; Dr. Larson said he would re- Karen Crumlcy, business edncation kie, half-tilne, high sch(ml; George V!em, economics, Garret Heyns l-Iigi] School, and Dr. Thomas Row- land, school psych(llogist. The board approved a recom- mendation fronl tbe Superintend- ent on valary increases lor the coming year for non-certificated per:;onnel amounting h) an average of six pelcent. O11 a three-two vote, the board apploved a roconnnentiation to put ille librarians and one couytselor ]irl each c,f the junioi'-senior 'high i hchool on -~ 10..month basis add to put one of the guidance people and the coordinator ,o1' resomees on an ll-month contract. tIeuston and Mrs. I}etty MeCla- nahan voted against tile plop(real with Mrs. Vi-'ginia Martig, t,,,ster Spilscth ,tnd Larson voting ill faY- o1' of il. A :~eIlool ctllcndal'. Illltit'F \'.b!eh Siud(qlts w(/ul(l I'C[IIlII L,~ ,.qt,:,ses S,~pt. 8, 1.965 and wollld be dis- main an a member of the bo~trd in the high school: Patricia Llsos- mi;