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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mrs. Nordquist Dks 5'.cattle M,v >:ordquist, 79. died last SaCra'day i)l a Seattle hospi- lal St',., Ira', been a. resident of M:t:.~..i ...... y the past 35 years ILnd I'lL'Ill0 [IJr' home al l-~ollte l Box A/i ,%: ~,~,s born itl Jackson C(mnlv, N C. hme 26. 1885. Bi'~n()p lt~,be.rt Netlson conduct- ed Ihe l'um,r,ll service at 1 p.m. Wodn(,s;::,ay in the Batstone Funer- al Home. Burial was m Shelton Me,no, iM Park• f;~)rvi,,>.,~ are hal husband, Al- bert N~:) dauist. Shelton; three (ltuwhtcrs Mrs. Bretta Fischer. Eatonvil/e. Mrs. Tlene Jane Shig.. lay, Olympia, and Mrs. Ila M. Shutb,~. L)t)ertyville, Ill.; four bro- lhe)',< B:,.xter Guntm, Forks, Mit- ho!l (;ume)', Pocstella. Ida.. Rob- Graveside Rite For Wilbur Sheaf A gravcside service for former Sholton resident. Wilbur Sheaf, 73. wi}l be held in Shelton Memorial Park ut 2 p.m. Friday. Rev. Lam- bert will officiate. Mr'. Sheaf died at his home in Gr'tyland Monday. He was born May 21, 1892. in Valeen Ind. He was ~ vetman of World War I. Sm'vivors inelnde one danghter. Aileen Ht~rper. Grayland: one son Engene Shoaf. Grayland: one grandson, William Harp(,)', Gray- lena; two hrothers. ;~he)'man Sheaf. Paradise. Cal. and JacR Sheaf, Wyley, Colo.; ;)nd a .~:i~,',er. Mrs. Ruby Smith. Pocatc]lo, Idaho. Sarah Lanev Rites art L. Creater, Ashton, Ida., and • " William Gunter, Montesano; one Held Saturday sisi.e~. M~s. Zina Howell. Ashton, The funeral service for Sarah Ida ; 1:) grandchildren and 16 g r,.':~ t-grandchildren. For Experienced Grace Laser, 231] King street, was held at 11 a.m. last Saturday in the Batstone Funeral Home with Rev. Alex Motes officiating. Bt, rial was in Shelton Memorial Park. Mrs. Laney died June 1 in the Shelton General hospital at 39 years. She was born in Berry County, Me. Jan. 17, 1926 and had been a )esideni of Mason County tile past 20 years. She was a mem- ber of the Mt. View Alliance church. Sm'vivm's are her husband. Burl K. Laney, Shelton; three daugh- ters, Mrs. Linda Nichols, Mrs. Sharon Marcy and Miss Ruby Lan ey, all of Shelton; three sisters. Mrs. Eugene Crabb, Decatm', ILl., Mrs. Dorothy Folsom, Belmont. Cal. and Mrs. Jessie Stephens, South Carolina; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, Cassvilie, Me.; and two granddaughters. AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPOR~ Details of Mason County's gov- ernment fiscal affairs are tabulat- ed in the auditor's annual report printed on pages 20 and 21 of this Journal edition• Separate printed copies of the report are available also at the auditor's office for those interested in keeping these records. SEE Sl~ciallzing In RAZOR CUTTING 1925 Olym. tIwy. No. Next to Barber Shop 15 )r Fruit Next to Save Rite Foods Hours -- 9 Till 9 RANCH EGGS [Criminal Charges C7mstmastown, U.KA.', Shelton, Washington II LTON--NfA°oON COUNTV JOUT NAL--Publldled in '¢ ' ' ..... "- .................................... ":-- ............... :'-w. -----==-.' -',- ' ; , f*ur In Court On .0¢$11 RC Chapter Is lO William Morris. Shelton, enter.. ed a plea of not guilLy to a charge of second degree assault when he was arraigned ill Mason County Superior Court hefore Judge Hew- iLL l-tenry Friday. Mo,.ris is charged with assault- ing Kcnnetth la,% Ma, rch 13 Gel'aid M