June 10, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 10, 1965 |
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I AGE gHELTONiMA, 0N, COUNTY JOURNAL---PuNi .hed in "C, hr{sfmastown, U.g.A?' Shelton, Wasifin on
George X¥a,gner, Shelton, is one
of the first 24 young men selected
for work in the Youth Develop-
meat Conservation Corps, a pro-
gram of the State l~arks and H.ec-
)cation Con]mission. The boys will
work six weeks at ~J[,n'an State
f~i~r'k and Fort Flager State Park.
"Home Safe!" c.a.n be a snlalller-
time safe driving motlo, clailll:#
lhc State Safety Cmmcil.
iletfair Hi.Way
Gregory Peck
Diane Baker
~) ......... Co-Hit: ........
~.~ Alfred Hitchcock's ~
Tippi Hedron &
__ R od_._.~Ta ylo___.r __
~ Vincent Price, Tab Hunter
~,~ Susan Hart
"War Gods of the Deep"
................ Co-Hit ...... i~t
.Pendulum" ~
(~"Pit and the
. "- --g17 VWJ c.-;7---
lst Space Ship on Venus
The Phantom Planet
Assignment Outer Space
Combined for Hood Canal
Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and
50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft.
Friday, ,hnle I I
High ............ 3:17 a.m. 11.3fl
Low . ....... 10:26 a.nl. -0.8 fl
lIigh ............. 5:35 p.m. 10.7 fl
Low ............ 10:33 p.m. 6.3 ft.
Saturday, June 12
High ............. 3:49 a.m. l l..0 ft.
Low . ............. 11:01 a.m. -1.4 ft.
High' ............ 6:20 p.m. 11.3 ft.
Low . .......... 1J :2:1 p.m. 6.7 ft,
Snn(lay, June I 3
High ........... 4:18 a.m. 10.6 ft,
Low .............. 11:34 a.m. -1.7 ft.
High ................ 7:02 p.m. 11.7 ft.
Mond'.ly, June 14
Low ............. 0:09 a.m. 7.0 ft.
High ............. 4:46 a.m. 10.4 ft.
Low ............. 12:08 p.m -1.9 ft.
l'tigh ........ 7:41 p.m. 12.0 fl.
'l'u(.s(lay, ,hale 15
LOW .............. (.,),:) a.nl. 7.2 ft.
High ............ 5:17 a.m. 10.1 ft,
Low . ............. 12:43 p.m. -1.9 fl,
High .............. 8:18 p.m. 12.1 ft.
lVedllosd=ty, Juile 16
Low . ............. 1:37 a.m. 7.3 ft.
High ............. 5:59 ,q.nl. 9.9 ft.
Low . ........... 1:1.8 p.m. -1.7 ft.
High ............. 8:56 p.m. 12.1 ft.
Thur,~day, June 17
Low ........... 2:23 a.m. 7.2 ft.
High .............. 6:27 a.m. 9.6 ft.
1,ow ............... 1:56 p.m. -1.3 ft.
High ....... 9:33 p.ln. 12.1 ft
The p)'iee of wise and safe driv-
ling is et~.ernal vigilance, pare-
.'?A.I .......... phrases the State Safety Council.
........... 772~:LL;,:/,:.Z-,;2,~7._ .........................................
'ii: ........
BIGGEST BAG -- Mrs. Bill
Kingery of 1820 Adams street
could hide inside the huge sack
of groceries she won at Stew-
art's Foodliner last Saturday, but
she could never get her arms
around it or lift it. Store man-
Residents of the Mr. View area
will have the convenience of a
beauty parlor in their neighborhood
now with the opening next Tues-
day of Mildred Schneider's Beauty
Shop at 1925 Olympic Highway
Mrs. Schneider, an' experienced
beautician and hair-stylist, will
specialize in razor cutting.
When Jane and Harry Enochs
purchased Rose Millo's original
home on Finch Creek in Hoodsport
a year ago they figured on visiting
the place once-in-a-while and move
to Hood Canal in a few years.
The beauty of the canal, the
open-heartedness of the people of
Hoodsport, and the tranquility and
serenity of the creek and the woods
soon changed their minds, for
every single weekend during the
Adequate wiring will eliminate
blackouts, octopus outlets and other
household hazards. So, for a bright
ager Dan Carl declined totry to
estimate the weight of the food-
stuffs inside the sack and guess-
ed the value to be somewhere be-
tween $80 and $100. Inside the
huge Shop-Rite sack are items
of just about every kind of food
carried by the Fo0dliner.
past year they visited and worked
in their rockery and flowers.
About a month ago they moved to
H o o d s p o r t .permanently, Mr.
Enoehs commuting daily to his
teaching post at Bethel high school
near Tacoma.
. Now Mrs. Enoehs, to keep her-
self busy, will continue with her
painting aud open a beauty salon
in her new home, which she has
named the Enchanted Beauty Sa-
lon. She has had 18 years exper-
ience in 0eauty shop operation,
having started two in the South
Tacoma and ParMand communities
and later selling them.
Attesting h~er popularity in this
field, three carloads of friends
from Tacoma, previous patrons,
surprised her last week by driving
to Hoodsport and having their hair
Herb Boeck, Hoodsport contrac-
tor, is constructing the new beauty
shop quarters, which should be.
completed about June 15.
I Electrician's Mate Fireman Gary
L. Coml)s, USN, son of Mr. an~l
Mrs. Clifford M. Combs, Shelton,
is serving as a crewmember of
the guided missile frigate USS
Mahan, which operates out of San
Diego. Calif.
His ship's mission includes anti-
submarine warfare; operating with
a "hunter-killer" group whose mis-
sion is to detect and destroy en-
emy submarines.
Army Pvt. William M. Howard
of Mr. and' Mrs. Clifford L.
Howard, Shell.on, completed a re-
die operator course at Fort Ord,
Calif., Jnne 4. During the 10-wee]~
Too Late To Classify
MAGNAVOX ('olo," l,'h'vishm. Th,'(.(,
IllOnths old. (;()Ilst,h' lilodpl, l'h,,n('
.126-8078. S 6/17 11"11
I0 ACRFS IA)(IcED (Hal," hind. (; mih's
\V('s{. th,()(]. ]ev,q la,l(I. ~S()IIL,' h)la
ahlol'. (elIIil' lind +~llllllJ fil' b'f{. (]l'ow
Yul(,ll>eoN, bl'ush pllSlll"(!. ( )l' y *g
mih'sto new Wa:hing|o,, C.t',. Ihu'-
dpvs railway nl hi;dlwa.v. $1G20. wHh
$25{} down. 1)0voreux-lluider I{o,ql lqs-
tat('. 226 N.Fi)'sl Sh. ;Sl~,'li,,,,. C;III
426-851 I. (; / 10
ON THE FIAY - Tlu','(' I;,',t,'(;,;i(i-h;u;,;'.
firephlce. 1(}{)" beach, m'w well. gar-
gig(' all,l llHlny ('Xl'ciiclll l I';ll 11FO,~.
()11 V :~]:l.50(I on tUl'lllS. Call A. b)Y
I)ulln. i{('altol'. '12(J- 1tl7. li] vi',ll )lg.~
426-8(174. 6/I 0
1963 WI,LgTIN(IHOUSIi~ I)m'tal)h' J9"
Teh'visioll. Excel](!lll Colldition. N(.w
luhes, $75. JMol'ie Ch'~(!lalld. 2'2,'4 ',rill l)e ine!u~L,d
(llll'ing Ill,' Carl'( nl i >(q)ul~:( iorl
}'dli'Vcy C(>llf{ll('icl[ hi ll/iS ll.rl';i di!l'.-