June 10, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 10, 1965 |
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gttt LT01 --MAGON. COUNTY, 50URNA]5 Publlshed ' '
' --' !n /msflnastown U:KAY helton, WasMn on
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TO MARRY... Mr. and Mrs. Howard Owens of Tacoma announce
the marriage of their daughter, CharlOtte Troupe, to Kenneth L.
Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones of Whltley City, Ken-
tucky. Miss Troupe is a graduate of Stadium High school and
Tacoma Vocational Technical Institute and is presently employed
by Dr. Lynn R. White. The future benedict is a Simpson Timber
Co. enlploye. Wedding plans are being made for the end of July.
Photo by Dean's Studio
~vening in tie
North-S, v,,al,v, : , ,),,..,.;ivi;[ ~l'()ljlt)~'; re-
cording secretary, Darlene Wilson;
i ,,,; i~nt' inl~len-
tartan, Wands Schirmer; and ed-
ucational ehairnmn, Carol Mallory.
:Mrs. Holland also read the jewel
pin ritual and preacnte3, the jewe!
pins to
Jucly L{yl'lle l;l:,'.i l),•i'le,~.c
2xiiToF the cel'enlonlefl \vere e.onl-
)h.ted the members had dinner.
ack V¢ s r$o Dance
'pl;o e, ,It5 Sa~ha yers S(]llar(~
]v).Inee Clllb will dance this Satur-
;.,.t' l~qa::il.q co;lilly
i .,, ) .> ' ¢ 'Tt:'' ,'"i::?: x:i;1 bc
{l,,;ni,, }';~ r,'d: m~. oF ()!ymiih A
odd 1)othlei~
;qli)l)('r wilt be Scl'WL'd
l'(fllowilt,; I hc d 'm';'
Hosts fro' l.he evening will be
Mr. and M's, Clarence Grunert
and My, nqcl ]YI!'S. .~,:~vt ()')\+,dJ;~"
I:~ou]ld daln;o el;F',c~: have l)ecn
cancelled fo;' {11) !,"Hi tWO \.:,"~;~',,
Anyone inlere:dcd i,.l L:t :,n kffo:'-.
nlation rt~ga r(.lii3~ l't)tln(t (~Hnc,?
classes may ((} i#' ;t i')W i "e ,ber
of tile Salty L~:ls}l:iyei':~ Sqllare
Dance (., tl .
The Bu:-driess lin:l i:'voQ~:'.~:iu:,al
Women's Club will meet h" ........ -
luck dinner at 6:30 p.m. next Wed-
nesda,/ in the home of Mabel Burk.
The coining season's t))ans wi 1 be
In ade.
MISS JANICE MORFORD, daughter of Mrs. Elva Collins, Shelton,
and William J. Morford, Vashon Island, is engaged to Stanley
E. Linn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Linn of Shelton. Miss
Morf, ord will graduate from Shelton High school this week. Her
fiance, a 1964 graduate of SHS is attending a naval school in
San Francisco, Calif. No wedding date is set.
Lee Rhodes. one of the sixth
grade teachers at Bordeaux School.
was pleasantly surprised Friday
when his class gave hiln n sin'-
prose going-away party. They pre-
sented him with a Rhododendron
bush. Refreshments, brought by
many of the pupils, were served
by Mrs. Well. Mrs. Floyd Cole
and Mrs. Lewis Wysong, mothers
of some of the students. Mrs.
Rhodes and children were special
guests for the afternoon.
Rhodes is leaving Bordeaux
School to teach at the Washington
Correction Cen~er.
Piano and organ students of Mrs.
Lout Larson will be presented in t~
recital at 7 p.m, tonight iu th,
Methodist church. Friends and row
atives of these students are cordial-
ly invited to attend the re,~tai
and social hour to follow.
TWo students from Shelton have
gradnated from the University of
Puget Sound in Tacoma, Ronald
Arthur Lec with a BS degree, and
Donald Joel Wingard with a BA
THE ENGAGEMENT OF Miss Carol Ann Castle to James Dale
Swindall has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lau-
rence R. Castle. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Swindail. All
are of Shelton. Miss Castle will graduate fnom Shelton High school
this month. Hec fiance is presently employed in McCleary while
awaiting orders to report for duty in the United States Armed
Services. No wedding date has been set;
Photo by Dean's Studio
Today, Thurs., June 10
Rotary Club hmcheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club. 6:45 a.m..
Tin)bers restaurant.
Golden Age Club potluck lunch-
eon noon. Memorial hall.
Writers workshop, 1:30 p.m.,
home of ;~Irs. Herbert Boeck.
Shelton-Mason C~,uuty Chamber
of Commerce annu : election meet-
ins and honor students recognition
dinner. 7:00 p.m., Alderbrook Inn.
Friday, June 11
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF l]all.
Wwanoh Grange rummage sale
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., PUD auditorium.
Class of 1965. Shelton High
?theol. con]meneement exercises.
7:a0 p.m.. Si~elton gym.
Senior all-night party, 11:30
p.m., Tyee Inn (Olympia
Senior all-nightparty, 11:30
p.m., Pool Nuotare.
Saturday, June 12
Drivers license examiner. 10
~.m. - 5 p.m., l)olice station.
FOE card party, 8 p.m., airport
Twanoh Grango l'ummage sale,
3 a.m. - 5 p.m.. P[ID auditorium.
Salty Sashayers Square Dance
Club. 8:30 p.m.. Mason count y fair-
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Stet)hen Robert-
son, 715 Franklin street, a boy.
June 3.
1Vrr. and Mrs. Gordon Ragan,
Star Route 1 Box 51. a girl. June
l%Ir. anit Mrs. Leonard :FIetlper4.
Route 3 Box 637, a boy, June 7.
Mr. and Mrs. J. i,~. Core. 1022 E.
Ellinor street, a hey, June 8.
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriag? licenses
in the Mason county a.lii:or's of-
fice this past week we"e:
Tim Rose, 18, Shelton, and Joyce
Savage, 18, Shelton.
Ned Miller, 30, Shelton, and Lu-
rinds Charley, 25, Potlatch.
Donald Faull. 23, Spokane. and
Cheryl Butler. 21. Sh,,ql.cn.
Junior legion baseball, 6:30
p.m., Loop Field, Shelton vs. Va-
Sunday, June 13
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church Of your choice.
Monday, June 14
PUD No. 3 commission meet-
ing, 1 p.m., PUD commission room
County commission meeting-, 10
a.m., courthouse.
Shclton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m..
PUD audi torture.
Coin Club. 7:30 p.m., PUD com.-
nlission room.
Laured Court Amaranth Social
Club. 7 p.m.. home of Mrs. Lois
Tuesday, June 15
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon
Memorial hall
City commission meeting, 2 p.m,
city h'ill.
Fred B. Wivell Post 31, An)er-
lean Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall.
Lions Clnb dinner meeting, 7
xm.. Shelton hotel•
Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Ma-
sonic temple.
Wednesday, June 16
Drivers license exanliner, .10
a.m. - 5 p,m., police station.
BPW potluck dinner. 6:30 p.m.
borne of Mabel Burk.
Thursday, June 17
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Tllastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Music By The e hers
Is Theme For Nay Meet
4lie home of Mrs, Bernice Stewart
for the May meet, roll ~t "}.iusie
by tile Members" pro~'., Assist-
ing were Mrs. lsabeHa (;,)nldin and
i~D's, Roy Mingus.
Representing the Junto:' n)usic-
tans was a clariuet Lrin, Jeanne
Osborne, Sarah Krcger and Aleca
Ruddell, playing Alice Pahner's ,
"Morning Mist".
Organ solos by Mrs. Conklin.
Mrs. Mingus and Mrs. Slewart;
organ and pia,no duets }/5, Mrs
Bruce Kreger and Mrs. B. Wini.
ecki, and Mrs. Palmer ~l)ri Mrs
Kreger; vocal duets in N(nwcgian
by Mrs. Ralph H(>rton ,~tlld ]~Irs.
R. W. Norvold; voe:ll (iuets by
Mrs. Winiecki and Mrm Kreger;
vocal solo by Mrs. Palmer; read-
ins by Mrs. H. Smith; and a rhy=
thin band in which all pa','ticip~:~ted
made an enjoyable program. Mrs.
Beth Buzzard, guest of tbc club,
playe.-i piano for the rhythnt band.
' A special surprise of the eve-
ning was the presenting to the
hostess by Mrs. Nena Roberts of
a birthday cake made by Mrs.
Roberts' granddaughier, Terry
The next meeting will be a pot-
luck picnic supper in tDe y~trd of
Mrs. Donovan Palme" ?r ..~. H.
Hansmeier will tell of he" tvin to
National Federation of Music Chib
convention in Florida.
'64 Chev. Bel Air
'63 Falcon Wagon
'63 Ford 300
'63 Rambler American
'63 Volkswagen Bus
'61 Volkswagen
'60 Ford Sedan
'60 Volvo 4-dr. Sedan
'60 Mercury H.T.
'59 Ford H.T.
'59 Ford Sedan
'59 Chevrolet Sedan
'57 Ford Wagon
'57 Plyrrmuth Sedan
'57 Chevrolet Sedan
'55 Chevrolet Sedan
'62 Econoline Van
'56 International m/2-ton
'53 Ford m/'~-ton
'51 Ford ~-ton
Bill -- Bob -- Bus -- Dick
5th & Railroad 426-823'1
.............................................................. --="2:-=---" ........................................... ";
Over-Night Service on those hard-to-get parts
Cylinder Head valve gritlding - Cylinder Heads resurfaced
• Piston Pin Fitting . PlStorts Expanded
• Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed
• ,HI.Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment
• Crank Shaft Kits
229 So. First St.
Phone 4 6-3351
....... [l ". ......l.|l.:. t' 0 , ,r. II.] ,,'3 L,:~.v'. ] ,- ,
:'td I|~.A : 3"'fl 0 " "~l" 1 I.]1-~: i'J)!' ,-" ~,~'l.'l ;~. ,.VC.C
marrm:l:lay 29 in t'~e M, ciJn~:dn View AIIianoe chu,'ch.