June 10, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PA E, 10
Amaranth Slates
Final Meeting
Laurel C(mrt No. 26. Order of
Amalai~ill v~gular meeting will be
held ld 8 1Lnl. next Wednesday
in the Maychic Temple. Members
are urge:l to) attend as this will be
lhe last nwciing before vacation
in .lilly a l~l August.
Many out-of-town nlembers are
expected an honor night for all
line office:s, secretaries and treas-
urers v,'iP he observed as well as
the I~V)ute to the flag' and a spe-
('!;1! r, ,h~ ~atiou fer the fatt~.erq
p'o '.,,~' ~u honot of Father's Day.
Be't t)]l~l Lotli Larson, royal ma-
tron and royal patron invite all
to atLe;Id and enjoy ;i frsterntll
wn(l t~t)ei;i] eve!ling.
Mr:L Lois Davidson's home will
he the meeting place of the I,au-
tel Ccm% No. 26, Order of Ama-
ranth Social Club at 7 p.m. next
....: ....
Bordeaux PTA Honors ..... (Th,s q0,
ICS on
Supt. Robert Quiggle t°: L,p you
proper costa
At Last Meeting
Robert Quiggle, superintendent WHAT
of schools; was presented with a Q. I have
plaque~ by the Bordeaux PTA at
its last meeting of the year in rec- ~ouge should
ogniLion of his being at every stick. If this
meeting during the school year. do I select
Instal!ing the new slate of offi- will harmo
ccrs for I:he coming yc:.lI' \vei',
~r,. ,net Mrs Jim Nuti. Taking A. It is
office for joint presidency were
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Pierce; 1st
vice presiident, Mrs. Don .lohn- natural Io0
son; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Rob- rouge, on
ert Aitken; secretary. Mrs. l)on be so natU
Wermlinger; treasurer, Robert. noticeable,
A "This is your Life" program onAall
= of William Williams. in either
Girl--16 or i ver JOO~, SMITH, MELOOY MORGAN and Kathy, Catholic Church last Thursday~night. All three Refreshments were served by ..... =:~i;' : .... ,ngly and
• Flower' (from left) received special, awards at a girls are 1965 graduates of Shelton High school, the fifth grade mothers. Three
for eye banquet held in the parish hall in St'Edward's former Bordeaux teachers, Mrs. PUTTING IN 130 HOURS of volunteer time at the hospital as a so that th4
CAR HOSTESS at ' * * * , * ................................ Ruth Goodwin, Mrs. Virginia Mer- beCandYa nurse,StripershehaSplansn°t discouragedto begin" her PatschoolingParkeratfrOmyakimaWantingvalleytO demarcation"
Ihe CYO annual Award banquet A'~ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len ~Tl~I~7 A *1 • ifield and Mrs, Irene Tindall, as-Junior college tiffs fall then transfer to the University of Wash- TO $14AP~
w, as held last Thursday evenil:~ ]~'lower for her contribution to~ V~/ / HXIII:IrV sisted with the serving.
Must Be Neat, Clean and About 125 CYO members ,ninth CYO. Melody Morgan, daughter bf ; ............... ,] ington next "year where she will work for her Bachc/ar's degree in Q.
B ..............h-n-- ~raders, parents and guests filled Mr. and Mrs Melvin Morgan, was i M~z'a~ P l~n~ Ta wc'rv PLANS PICNIC nursing. ,
~u,~ tu ,,,=~,~ ,~ = u~ ' " ~" " presented the Teenagerof the i ~v~:l~ ~l~a~,.~ ~.v . * ,, * * to make
St. Edward s pamsh hall. ,he .Ira- AND RUMMAGE SALE Heading for a career in nursing An active student, P'~t is sec- or thinne
&..l~ I. Porson O"l*r her was catered by members of Year award for her outstanding h~ 1 ~ ~. The June meeting of the We- A. It ca.
"*l~V'J ........ j Our Lady. of Woods ali.ar guihl, ~,ork in CYO and her active par- j [tena onvenuon man's Christian Temperance Un- is this week's senior ill the spot- andrCtarYwas°f treasurerGerman ClUbfor Pepthis ClubYear upon the ~
to Spedial awards of l'ecog'~qtion ticipation in church and school / ion was held ill the llome of Mrs. light, Pat Parkcr. A nllFsing SCI101- last year. She is on tile ]=land coun. high, teasel
were presented to Judy S:~,itll, activities by Charleen Smith, ad' Margueriteegg was initiated John ganges with luncheon being'~ from tbe ShelL(hi General
arsh~, ill ' ' ell and has earned her letter all the face ap
A & W DRIVE-IN daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elme.r visor. All three girls are graduat- and welcomed into the ruadies ~ux- enJoye~ on the patio surlu)unde.d Hospital Auxiliary \v help her three years in GAA, She aso be- ner, while
......... Smith by George Hermes re'in- ink seniors this year. iliary of the VFW at the regular by marly beautiful flowers, when she begins her schooling in " ,, ,,
longs to Scarlet S . make the f~
helton cipal of the Shelton High Scho.,)l, Honored guests attending the meeting last Friday evening. During the business meeting it Yakima Valley Junior college inTo help make her decision broader. ~lei
"~ for her outstanding service to her banquet were Rev, Gerald Moffat, President Bernice Jansson an was decided to have a picnic in the fall. After tt~e first year she about nursing si~e has been a Can- ever, the bO
, .-hurch, and toKathy Flower, Arch-Diocesan Priest Director of " . . " Kneeland Park for the July meet- plans to transfer to the Univer- dy Striper the past four years and today,
....................... ........ nounced the ~adies Auxiliary to lug and hold a m~mmage sale in airy of V, rashinKt.on to earn her has put in 130 hours of volunteer
, , , CYO, Mr. and Mrs Moyd Caldwell
~. , 'of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Everettthe Veterans of Foreign Wars De-September. Bacllelors degree, time at the hospital. She is also i HOW TO
Yell Should Kllo~ . . . Quinlinen of Bremerton, Mr. and partment of Washington will hold active in the Methodist Youth
C L I N T W I t t 0 U Mrs Russ Jacobsen, Mz'. and Mrs. the 41st annual convention June Fellowship. Q. MYh
Ted Wittenbergand Mr. and Mrs. 15-19 in Everett. ||~ Pat, a 5' 11" blue-eyed brunette, curl, What
George Hermes. ~ h. sorn~
With today's high income taxes Gifts were presented to Mr. andRegistration will be held "lMes-' :, has lh,ed in Shelton 13 years. She
and low interest rates, can a man Mrs. Jim Connolly, Mr. and Mrs.day at the ]Y£onte Cristo hotel, Offi- I B was born October 6, 1946 in E will not hc
of average means save enough to Jim McComb an~l M:r. and Mrs, cial opening of the convention will a Dorado, Kansas and is the daugh- uroblem,
guarantee himself a comfortable old Melvin Morgan for assisting with be at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday in the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parkercan do:
Elks Club with business meetings. ~ • ~ She has an older sister who is 1. YoU
age by any other method than various activities during the year. Thursday and Friday. Closing cer- O O 1 n @ married and one brother, Tom, 12. created
through Life Insurance?
Charleen Smith, eye advisor emonies and joint installation will Her hobbies include tennis, bike: hair
116 North 2nd St.
was presented an engraved charmbe held in ~theElks Clubat 2 riding, reading and swimming, ing body"'
bracelet and a yellow rose corsage p.m. Saturday. ,, Advanced English, third year Ask your h!
from all the members. 2. You
After the meeting hmeheon was German, Algebra, civics and band
W NA*r|o~a~ Entertainment was by Diauo served by Arlene Smith, Emma (she plays the flute) have been so that you
Ph. 426-8139 Lg~ ~n,I)~ ~ ~ Frank. Grassl, Marleen Pierce and Helen her subjects this year. straight.
' ' Bloomfield. Marian Johnson furn-
......... tshed the gift. •
The next regular meeting will
HAIR DRESSER be held July 16.
A District No. 5 meeting was
STYLIST held ill Hoquiam Saturday evening
with new officers being elected and
installed. Elected from Shelton Take
formerly of Tacoma were Colleen Gephart as guard;
ANNOUNCE PENING NEW Arlene Smith as assistant conduc.
,S" ' THE 0 OF HER trees; and osophine Sp.rks
, ~ musician. Esther Kollstrom, of Se-)
..... .................... .......... , .. '::', ~ ,:~', ............. attle, president of"the Dei~artment ',
ENCi A,, UTY ,,fA l ON .... : of Washington, was inSt~l~ng, .~i- , ....... "
' .......... cell "" ';?' ': ~ ..... .~:
Colleen Gephart, district Ameri- ' along
canism chairman, presented Sue
AT H00DSPORT WASHINGTON Weaver an award for the work on all your
she has done the past year ill
Americanism. Of the nine' auxili- Summer
SPECIALIZING IN PERMANENTS, HAIR CUTTING, aries in the district she had the
B ~ best reports m~d did the most
TINTS, LEACHES work. ' *
Monday evening the auditing
TELEPHONE 877-5759 (H~odsport) 9. LOC~TI~D AT FINCH CREEK committee met in ~ne home of Vi
' Laugen to audit the books.
i, THE SPOTLIGHT is on Sara Warmlinger's recipe for F¢ing-A-
tings this week. Ring-A-tings are orange flavored sweet rolls
you will find delicious for breakfast ,or coffer breaks. With her in
the above Journal photo are Sara's two youngest children, Beth
and Robert.
:!t ~= * :h
A. wonderful roll for breakfastREMOVE from baking sheet ira- enjoy cool 'n' carefree
)r to serve with coffee anytime mediately.
was chosen by Sara Wermlinger * * * •
for this week's recipe. Ring-A- NUT FILLING
Lings are orange flavored sweetCrcsm ~ cup butter or mar-
........ rolls made with a raised dough. A garine. Blend in 1 cup sifted con-
nut filling makes them extra fectione~ sugar. Add 1 cup nuts WASHINGTON DAIRY PROPU~T$ GOMMi
scrumptious, ground or chopped fine. •
Sara and Dqn Wermlinger have ~:- ....................... =::- .........................................................
lived in Sheltofl about three years.
He is a resource assistant with the
Forest Service. They haw~ three EVERGt EEN DRUG'S
youngster's, Lynne, seven, Robcrt,
five, and Beth, two.
Eye-catching Chevelle
Malibu Sport Coupe.
A good 16 inches shorter than the full-
size Chevrolet outside, so it's very easy to
handle and park. Plenty of room inside.
You get it with our spirited, smooth run-
ning l O-hp Hi-Thrift Six or you can
order from a family of powerful V8's.
That Malibu has a vacation-size trunk plus
plenty of luxury--foam-cushioned! seats, full
carpeting, rear ashtrays and more. Some great
options and accessories available for it. And
our trade will make your payments as com-
SEE THE U.S.A. fortable as its ride. So size it up. Try it with
America's most popular 6-cylinder engine ia
1 WAY its most popular intermediate-Size car.
Red Hot and Rolling! See your Chevrolet dealer for a new CHEVROLET. CHEVELLE • CH£VY • CORVAIR
......................................................................... ;;,- ................................................... -- .......... ,- ............................ ......
,t 6-'~ 865
1st & Grove Shelton
Sara is one of the many young
housewives and mothers who find
there just aren't enough hours in
the day to accomplish all of the
things she Would like to. She en-
joys painting and finds the hours
fly when she picks up sketch p~td
or paints, She also likes to sew
and knit and she and Don work ©=~w.~.~
together refinishing furniture.
The thrce-year-olds at the
Methodist church have Sara for 6 Pa=k Gooler S.
their Sunday school teacher. She Ghe's! ;iihi i e'
is also secretary of Bordeaux
Foam Gooler a n I . ,
RING-A.LINGS ~A~. ~ = \
cakes compressed ZU~|I uoomr . . . . . . . . . . .
(or two pkgs. dry yeast) in ~/~
CUP l~kewarm water.
COMBINE 1/3 cup butter or
margarine and 3/4 cup scalded
milk in large bowl. Stir until but-
ter melts. Cool to lukewarm. Add
dissolved yeast.
AOD: 1/3 cup sugar, 2 tsp. salt,
2 tsp. grated orange rind and 2
unbeaten 'eggs. '
GRADUALLY STIR in 4 to 4~,/~
cups sifted flour to form a stiff
dough. Mix thoroughly. Cover.
LET STAND 30 minutes. Mean- GIFT SETS OF
while prepare nunt filling.
ROLL OUT DOUGH to a 22" x
12" rectange on floured board. Old Spice, Russian Leather, London Leather
Spread half of dough along 22" St. John's & Yardley
side with filling. Fold uncov(~'red
dough over fil:ing'. Shoe Shine Kits • Electric Shoe
CUT INTO l-inch strips c.ros;;-
wise. Twist each strip 4 or' 5 times. e%V Assortment of Amity Travel Kits and
Then hold one end down on greas-
ed baking sheet for center of roll,
Curl strip around center, tuckin~
other end under. Cover with wax-
ed paper or towel,
LET RISE in wnrm I)laee (85 to
90 degree,; F.) until light and d,:;t,-
bled in size 45-60 minutes.
EAKE IN 375 degree oven for
151nimlt,:.S until light Kol0en brown.
cup ormlge Juice with 3 Tbs. su-
gar for glaze,
BRUSH TOPS of rolls and bake
5 minutes longer until deep golden