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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 50URNAE--Published in "Christmas(own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE II 'i !: FR[E Pl[S T TR&D / NQUET BE m \ AA LARGE DOZ. Any Customer in Gheokstand when Bell Rings and who has one of the ten foods listed elsewhere in this ad, Ires a Regular or Cream pie of their choice... FREE! TRADEWELL 10 LB. ARDENS CHOICE OF FLAVORS ½ GAL. Reg. or Cream YOUR CltOICE BAflQUE HEA' 6 OZ. • • ::~i~:~:ili:i:~i;!!i:ili:iii:;::~;:!::.i:~¸ ~i!;: :!/; :i~i:i!! :~¸) :: ...... :4 F@r • • • • • • T..a 3 Wh|e, el ~:ood Su|ce :2 • • • • • • 3 • • • • • • Whole Red Ripe Sweet Q, HOURLY 0RFUL Prices effective thru Sat., June 12, 1965 Reserve Right to Lirnit Quantity. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. C Wash. G rown mmmmmmmnmn TRADEwELL ............................. 6 OZ. PKGS. .......................................... LB. ......................................................... LB. ......................................................................................... LB, By DORA IIEAI{ING MATLOCK -- Six members of Matlock Grange went to Pasco Satnrday and Sunday to "~Lten(t the state Grange convention. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Lad Rossmaier and David Valley will take part in the bowl- ing contest Sunday. Ca]l Portman went as Matlock Grange delegate and will attend all this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sell of Se- dro Wooley spent, the weekend with their son and family here, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell. Mary M. Knight held its 34th commencement exercises last week Wednesday with E. C. Timpani giving the commencement address. The following seniors graduated: Dennis DeFoer (valedictorian), Nancy Stodden (salutatorian), Mac Cockburn, Clovis Creamer, Jane Derick, Kristine Graham, Barbara Spalding, Leroy Valley, Gloria Dundas, Gall Brewer and Patricia Mathcws. Eighth grade graduates were: Judith Springer (honor student and speaker), Larry Harkens, Kenneth Howard, Jeffery Brown, Frances Trimble, L y n n Watson, Daniel Chappell, Patricia Massey, Jerry Emery, Sandra Perkins, Kenneth Stodden, David Haddock, Cathy West, Cynthia Iverson, Alan Span ding and Thomas Casey. MR. AND MRS. LUD Rossmaier returned Friday from a three week visit' in North Dakota and Minne- sota with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing', ac- companied by Mr. and :Mrs. Grover Hearing of Snoquahnie, spent, a couple of days in Spokane at "l family reunion, returning on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. James ],'ink of East Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. George Fink of Tacoma spent Sun- day afternoon at the Elvin Hear- ing home. The James Finks were fomner Matlock residents and hadn't been back for 35 years. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimb'Ie and family attended the golden wed- cling reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Isbell at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Richcy of Shelton on Sunday afternoon. Miss Zehna Cowan spent a few days last week in Portlmld. MR. AND MRS, ]EI)$VARI) Val- ley called at the Clarence Cream- e)' home Sunday night. We are sol'- ry to report Geraht Creamer acei- tremen By BETTY DEAN UNION--Fire Chief Otto Wo- jahn and firemen Curt Grout, Steve Morris, A1 Cowan, ~)ld; 1Ka, l'l O'Berry attended a fire fighting scho()l at Kitsap Lake Smlday. The lllornillg VCHS spent viewing movies on liquid petroleum fires. Aftcr hmch they went to the Armory in West Bremerton where they don- lied t h c i r tin,a-out, clothes and practiced extingafishing liquid pet- rolemn fires. Bill and Helen Timm spent last Friday, Saturday and Smldsy in Victoria. They went up on the Princess Margarite from Scat.tie. Their tour of tile famous Burt- chart Gardens was one of the high- lights of the trip. Tile trip was Bill's aniversary gift to Helen. The H o o d s p o r L comnlunity church will hold its annual Bible school June 14-18. All boys and girls from llm first grade (as of Sept. 1) are invited to attend. There will be a, bus througl Union around 8:15 a.m. with Bible school starting at 9 a.m. Bring a sack hmch. Soft drink may bc pur- chased at the church. Bob Gwin came llome from the Clinic hospital Friday afternoon and had a relapse and re(re,ned to the hospital Satu.rday. His wife, Clara, said they don't have any idea when he will be able to come home. John and Ellen Rebmm~ retun:- ed home Sunday evening" from a trip that took them through 13 states. They left May 29 for Illi- nois Lo visit John's sister and fmn- ily and other friends and relatives. They viewed many sights on their trip such as the Yellowstone Na- tional Park in Wyoming. They also went through a snowstornl on Big" Itorn Mountain. ;Congratulations i~) the ninth graders who graduated from Hood Calm l Junior ltigh school Wed- nesday evening. Those front Union were Larry Deemer, Cheryl Co- wan, Mike Fanning, Charlie HelL, Robert Johnson, Leslie LaBisson- iere, Colin Morris, George Morse, Pat Maloney, Terri Simmons, Tom Williams and John Slettedahl. This is the largest class ever to grad- uate from this district. Union residents extend their sympathy Lo Tom Ball whose mo- ther, Rose Ball, passed away Tues- clay, June 1. Vera Bishop was hostess to the Union pinochle club ill her lmme 'ftlesctay. Those present were Hcq. en Timm, Betty, Dean, Edith Wal- ter, Helen Cottrell, Ghtdys Sher- man and Lil Updyke. Lil was sur- pvisc(I wllcn a birthday cake wns brought ill (her birthday was on Thm'sday) tile ('ake was made and decorated by Gladyce. It seemed to have been Lil's day as she lind high score. Mt's. C. L. Atkinson arrived last week from Portage, Wis, to pick up her mother, Mrs, ~ralLer Bul- nlar who stays with her daughter and husband Lueille and Otto Wo- jahn. Mrs. Bulmar will ,~;tay a few months before returning to the canal. Wands Ntlson, lJnion, Faith Evm~s, Lllliwaup, Betty Goodpas- Lor, Hoodsport, and BeLLe Strine, Potlatch, attended the district meeting of National Association of postmasters at the Viking at Paulsbo. They enjoyed a delicious smorgasbord followed by a bus- dentally shot himself Friday while shooting crows and in tile Mc- Cleary hospital and is out of dan- ger the last report. Mr. and Mrs. John McGa.rvie visited Mr. ~md Mrs. Edward Val- ley Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry attended a buffet hmcheon and a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe ill Shelton Sunday as lheir son, Chuck Rowe and wife will soon be leaving for California. Mrs. Earl Walker and Mrs. Ken- neth Howard and son Kevin were hmeheon guests of Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montcsano Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Elhs and Mrs. Eli Bradshaw of Tacoma spent Lira weekend aL the Earl Walker lmme. Mrs. Bradshaw remained for a longer visit with her daughter and son-in-law. MR. AND NS. ]{MI, RY Rick- err of Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. Doug May and son of Seattle were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard. We are sorry to .report Kevin Howard was burned with a. cup of hot tea at his home Sunday. They had to take him to tile hospital for treatment. David and ~hrade Boot.he of South Bend spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Sunday afternoon they visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford of Lake Nahwatzel. :Mr. and 1Vh's. I. C. Ford went clam diggin aL Kallalock Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford, Mrs. J. R. Singleton and David and Wade Boothe spent Sunday evening at the Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. honm. AIRMAN SE()ON]) CI,ASN Nell Miklethmn from Edwards Aic F'oree Base arrived hmne Sunday with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Da.wson. Nell has a 20-day fm'- lough. Mr. and Mrs. Craig of Tacoma called at tlm Andrew McGarvin home Sunday. Miss Ma.rgaret McGarvio left for Wenatchee Lake a week ago. She will be working there this summer. Gone Brown and boys visited at Aubm'n with Gene's mother }~tlll- day and then to Seattle to visit• hi~ father at tile Veterans Hospital. Mrs. Augusta Portnmn is spend- ink this week with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. l.~ortman of Shelton. Mrs. l=tarold Clift spent Friday aftel~:oon with Mrs. F. E. Hew- son of Lake Nahwatzel. School llleSS and c(hlcational nleetiilg. Wnnda, also attended tile dedica- tion in Seatlle Tuesday of the Post Office I)epartments new regional office and Queen Anne station. Speakers were Sell. Warren Mag- nuson, Sea(tic Mayor J. D. Bra- man, and regional director James Symbel. \Vhile riding his Honda Wed- ]ms(lay evening Danny Pierce had a na.'~ty fall. He had a bad cut on his knee which required medi- cal attention. We are happy to report Marg- aret Buechel wasn't hurt too bad- ly when she was involved in a one-car accident on tilt] Union truck trail while coming home item a drive-in movie Saturday eve]ling. Hamy and Bessie Mawson cele- brated their 56th wed(ling anni- versary Thursaay evening by din- ing at Lee's Steak House in Olympia. Sunday their daughter J]lld son -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keys of Olympia had them over for dinner. David Ma- chler of San Francisco, Calif., was also a gnmst. Mr. and Mrs. George Vold were pleasantly surprised Saturday when their granddaughters, Mrs. Raymond Thompson and Mrs. Al- ice Skogstad held open house at the Union Hall for their 50th wed- ding anniversary. About 50 friends and relatives attended. Thcir son, Ralph Vold, crone from Eauclarc, Wis,, for the affair. MI{. AND MRS. TEl) Keith and family of Belfair were Sunday Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Morris and Mr. and Mrs. St;eve Morris at- ten(led the funeral of Mrs. (]t]y Morris's brother-in-law, Ed Bil- lingsly in I~,ent.on Saturday. Randall and Lil lTpdyke c(?Ie,- braled heF birlhday Th]u'sday eve- ]ling by dining aL Ahterbrook Inn. The Union Ladies Civic Chlb is happy to announce that Frankie Ghranlln was the boy whose name was drawn Lo attend Camp Bishop for a week. Lil Updyke, Vera Bi- shop and Bonnie Slcttedahl wer¢~ on the committee. Prankie will go Aug. 15-22. Frank and Ocie Dean and l?er- ry add Gladys Dilworth nlotorcd to Olympia Sm~day to visit Mrs. Roy Cope. On their retm'n they dined aL M.illo's Diner in I.'oLlateh, A bi|'(}lday ]llnehe(/n \vas hel(t re(,ently ill tactile Wojahn's home, honoring Eh,anor 1-1uechcl. Ehm- inor received many lovely gifts from her friends, Nell A~lderscn, Bernice ()'Berry, Lillian Hough, Mrs. Waller Buhnar, Mrs. Law- rence Carlsen and Lucil]e Welsh. Herb and l)ollie Allen and Ron. 1lie and Bonnie hooked on tlleir trailer lmuse and headed for tho Hannna Ilanl, n~a to camp for the weekend. It. turned out to be quite a, fanlily l'ellnion with their son, Bob Allen, and his family tenting" fronl Nordland, anotller st)n, Ray Allen, and his family from Port Townsend, their daughter Betty Dean and her family of here. An- ether son, DiCk Allen, mid £amily came up Sunday. Journal Waft Ads Pay ?i !: i= i/ /: