June 10, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELT0 T--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohrlstmastown, U.S.A.*', Shelton, Washington
• PAGE 15
s Graduate
In ¢0mmeneeme ! hfl PJeek
BELF2;;'; B'tt~'T~l:+"~STes[ of Z°';::tlA;x :;l:::st°l~hN(:;:"C~l:gi:(:t:
Leadershit)" was tlle theme of the i Arlene I)ahl, Patsy Bixenman ant,
Class of 1965, when Commence- .~ ,,
lll(,nt \VaS lleld his] Tllnrsdav eve- ~Jal'Oi I nonlpson.
ning m thc high selmol gy'm. Scholalships awarded as fol-
Salutatorian, Arlene Dalfl, spokelows: \V.S.U. Room Rent Waiver
on "The l~e:q)onsil)ilities of Lead-lid Peter Merrill. Mr. Robert's
e]ship", Valedictorian, N'ed Coke- Beautv School in Tacoma to Mi-
ler, spoke on "\Vhere Slblll We chaelc' Medeiros. Mr. Lee's Beau-
Lead"; and student body presi, ty School in Bremerton to Cheryl
Wishes dent, Tim Wing, spoke on "The 15dad and Heather White. Eve'l'-
]$ Qualities of Leadershii)". green (;arden Club $75 Scholar-
State Rep. Paul Conner fr(nn .~:hil) to Ned Cokelet. Beacho)mber
the 24th DistricL, was theguest (]arden Club $75 Scllolarship to
speaker, l)nvid Kowalczyk,class Jeffr,~y Fortner. Panlona Grange
~ . president, announced tilattile No. 75 Scholarship to Katie Wil-
class presentation to the scllool bin'. NM Education Association
would be landscaping and a school $100 award to Patsy ,Bixenman:
• sign at the main entrance to theMark S. Reed Scno£arsnip to Neu
1;101"1 campus. Cokelct.
S Princi al Robert Larson an- Norman Sanders, Su erintend-
:nouncedPawards as f, fllows: ent, presented the classPfor gr~d-
Belfsir Fire De,~'trtment and nation and the diplomas were giv-
Careenough - :,;,,:, r~+¢;, .... ~:[,~ -,,nd~ +,~ en out by Board Chaiz~an, Rich-
C beSC Ned Coleelet and Arlene Dahl. NMard Rasmussen. Invocation was
+' Kiwanis Club Activity Awards to by the Rev. l~ooe+[t G. Havens and
Patsy Bixewnan an¢{ Tinl Wing. B.enedicLi~.~l ,y,_Lne Rev. F.ather
:i:: Fire Protection District Valedic- Snilley. l~lffs~;c? scnool dana pro-
torian and Salutatorian awards to vided the • After the recep-
Ned Cokelet and Arlene Dahl. Lion in the gym the class held its
Bausch & Lomb, Inc. Science after-graduation party at the Shel-
Award to Ned Cokelet. National ton Pool.
Bank of Mason County Savings BEGINNING JUNE 13 through
August 29, there will be two Wor-
ship Sel,¢ices at the Belfair Bap-
tist Community church, the regu-
[? 'f
lar one at 11 a.m. and the early
one at 8:30 a.m. The BYF groups
Savon Extraordinaire de Faberg6
exqu!sitely perfumed
French-milled bal;h ovals
to give or get
3.00 the set of four..,
precious beauty oils
blended to lather lavishly
leave your skin
deep-down clean
soft and smooth
subtly scented with
your favorite fashion fragrance
Aphrodisia (moss green)
Woodhue (soft beige)
Tigress (tawny amber)
Flambeau (pastelie pink)
'Y of P.N. Hirsch & Co.
3rd & Railroad
Shop Miller's of Shelton First"
also go on a summer schedule be-
ginning June 14 when they will
meet Monday evenings at 5:30
p.m. for a picnic hmch and end
their meetings around 8 p.m.
June 6, after the Worship Service,
a potluck dinner was held in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rose,
who are moving to Poulsbo the
first of June.
At the recent Mother-Daughter
banquet held at the Community
church, Azalea plants were award-
ed to Mrs. Dorothy Spangler,
chosen Grandmother of the Year,
and to Mrs. Rebecca Macomber as
Mother of the Year. A pin was
given to Miss Debbie Rose, chosen
Daughter of the Year.
North Mason schools closed to-
day for the summer vacation with
an Elementary Awards Assembly
at I p.nL at the Grade School.
Graduating eighth graders were
honored Wednesday morning at
the Junior-Senior High School at
an as,+embly. Speaker was County
Superintendent of Scllools J. W.
Goodspaster. Elementary Playday
Was held on Tuesday. Providing
enough nlembers of the Band,
Drill team, Rally Squad and Ms-
By Mahel Kidd
DAYTOI~ : Shelley Brown is
the proud owner of a half Arab-
rd Bred .,ca
inn and Sianda 3 +,rling
stallion. He seems to live np to
his appropriate name of StoP.my.
A group of relatives gathered
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Chapman June 2 to honor Alvia
on his birthday. Hosting the oc-
casion and bringing cakes and ice
cream were Mr. and Mrs.
Chapman of Lake Isabelle. Guesis
were Mr. and 1Vh's. Chester Chap:
man and children of Agate and
'her grandfather,~William Crabtree
of Priest River, Ida., Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Chapnlan and dn:ughter of
Shelton, Mrs. Lucille VanderWal
of Arcadia. Lee Chapman of Agate
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kidd and
Visiting Monday with Mrs. John
And£rson were her m)tl er, Mrs.
George Chapin of Lilliwaup, an
aunt, Mrs. Naomi Harris and
daughter, Mrs. Viola Kronegae of
Tatum, N.M., and Mrs. Start Dy-
son, Shelton.
Ladies' Ch|b met June 1 with
Dee Nichols as hostess. The birth-
days of Donna Anderson and Jtlne
McQuilkin were observed. The next
meeting will be July 13 with Dor-
othy Roberts as hostess.
Elizabeth Hickson celebrated
her 14th birthday June 6. She was
well pleased with thc cake baked
by her dad.
SATURDAY, Brownie Troop
195 visited the Hoodsport Aquar-
ium and then picnicked at Twanoh
State Park. Girls eiljoyh~g this
outing were. Janica Brown, Susan
Ruddell, Shelley Brown and from
town were Liana Ford, Jill Him-
lie, Linda Darden, Deanne David-
son, Kim Rodgers, Donna Herrick
and mothers, Mrs. Bill Bro~n and
Mrs. Don Herrick.
Visiting Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ~]d Pearson were
Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGinis of
Seattle. The group enjoyed wate~
skiing at Lake Nahwatzel.
Saturday overnight guests of
the Pearsons were Mr. and Mrs.
Reginal Pearson of Sequim.
Satm'day callers in the James
Hickson home were Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Kirk of Tacoma and Bill
Bezley of Oregon and a friend ot
Mr. anti Mrs. Frederick Hi~es
were recent dinner guests of the
James Hickson family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lament
jorettes can participate, the group celebrated their thirty-seventh
will" ,natch in the University Dis- wedding anniversary June 6. May
trict Seattle Seafair Parade Aug- you have. many more happy anni-
ust 5 at 9:30 a.m.H.ehearsals will versarms. +
tie"" neJ(] ...... ilve n~ol nin'g's ,a week be- Bcvcrly. . Brown w'~s,., happy. ~o be-.
• • " ............. he-, .conte a teenager June 6 Guests
glnnlllg JElly ll:l in Lne evenL L % I " * ' ' '
~o " " "j of the family enjoying care and
t, • M , ..... ~(ice cream were Mr Vearl Bennet:
The Bear Creek,+fiunday ~cnool ~ " I' +
• . ~ . ,. of Seattle and Mrs. A tha
Vac.ation Bible School will be nero
Another young lady who at-
June 21-25 from 9 a.m. to noon rained the tcenage stains June 13
with the theme "Our Redeemer--- was Susan Bloomfield. Thc Pete
Strsngftihe a~oP~'e~u'mChi~i[e~ Bloomfield family and the J(,rry
g * ' ~ ' g " ' g ~toomfield fami'iy picnicked at
are invited to attend. Belfair Full Twanoh Saturday to observe thin
Gospel Church Bible Camp will be
held at F0~'t" I/'lagier July 19-31. event.
The Clayton Lanlonts spent tim
Boys and girls age 9-12 will at-weekend in Seattle with her me-
tend lhe firsL week and those age Ihcr, Mrs. Maude Scbriock.
]3-18 the second. The Comnum- Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sclmffen-
ity Churcll Bible School will be
bold June 14-18 with the theme hauer motored to Centralia Sun-
day for a family reunion picnic
God and His Word". Classes will held at Forest Pa~'k. Thez~e wel'e
be 9 a.m. to noon for ages three 159 present. On the way home the
through Junior High. Schnffemhaue|'s called on Mr. and
Back from their winter's so- Mrs. Al Zahn in Olympia to see
iourn in the, southland to their
Helen Lynn, daugllter of Mr. and
week- i the Zahn's first granddaughter,
,~{.nd ate Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peters. Mrs. Wiiliam Howe.
'we're not braggin'-we're dealtTt' ]
Mrs. L. A. Todd and Mrs. Alvin
l-lulbert atteQded a bridal shower
for Donna Hulbert Friday cvening
held in the home of Mrs. George
Valley of Island Lake. Co-hostes-
ses were Mrs. Chester Valley and
Mrs. Ida Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. PoLe Bloomfield
~o°tOred to Bellingham Tuesday
Pick up Dona at college and
}~l'ing her homc. On the way back,
~ney stopped in Tacoma for Pete
to Play ball.
Mrs. L. A. Todd was grandson,
By I,il (~lal'i¢ I)avid bas no definite plans for Visiting witb Mr. aud Mrs. Jack N()l ris's si,,+ter and he)' husband,
, .... . . . -~ ,, , )
LOST LAKE - TWO Shelton the smnmer, but does plan to en- Bar!,cs, ,Mem()rml .D..,y, were h,q' ~1~:. :wd M, ~. I, t,,),l. (..t.+,)[k+y:. t,
-r ........ , • • +t(+' the lhlivc)siiv of \Vgshin,+t nlaunI" all(i llllClo Nil' all('l Mrs AI Salcnl, t)l+C, to \J.~4 I \vii lnel'
~,alley 15cnl0rs %%,11 O( gl':t(lll,rtlCfl +,. , , ,++ '. + ';=~ .~' (~-l-.in ~i,~ -,,~ q~'.~¢,w ,a,~i,,,,~.t .a ~)i¢, [. )l.~ti-+~s J~l- l (I M '.~ I ~( Cl'a\v
• . ....... " . .. 111 S I:l]l ;ll](I nl /Jo]' In J~uslneHs ~.,~., , [~lul,.. ,,-. ) ,.,J.,bt.o ,~ 1---.- ........... :, , . < • , • ' . "
fronl ShelLoll l-llgll bcnot)t at IAICAdmilfistration. uic dinner. I ley. 'Ph?, N,)riis' returned Slln(llly.
Commencement exercises in tile A Ill~il)ll sbow+-u forMiss Sue[ MRS DON I,lSl('S l)areni~ Mr I I'd ike to make a (.()rrection
High Scilool Gymnnsiun~ Junc 11 Harvey was held in the lmme of and Mrs. Hchns, nlade tt trip Ul) on a name last \vccl¢. 1L:dph ant
...... : " " "~ol ~s and M'~ s "(" \V" McI~vin list l¢lidaLlfrom Oregon lasl Thm'sday it, see IMargie Bariekmal~ h vt. foiu' chil-
aL "i::~O p.nl, l$,lCll:ll'CI I-1 nlc,; + J .... : ' i, ' y . " : , .... .
• evenino' Thc hostesscs for th'0 [thcn" granddaught ,r Cin(h Ill 1]le](il'¢n but none ) Ill( /l ll':~ nalned
David MiltenDerger. • ~, ......... • , • ' ~ ' , .... ........ .,
...... s "" so of ~'dmwer were Mrs. Pat Johnson/dancing ~cmtal at Lve~g~een } Stanley. My ear pla,ed n IA~( k
vdcna "a ri(mnes ~. tne ,' n and Mrs lady %Vilson Main dec()-] school, ~'~nd then lhcy look B]'iantl plays, which the full skirt. A wisp )f net made Lake Friday evening Ot ler guests 1)av weekend.
were "Tile Diary of Ann~ Frank," up the veil. After games wel'eattending' 'thc picnic Were the " __-~_
and "Tile Mnn 1,Vho C~ rne to Din- and then refreshn;lenlswere Morrows' daughLer and family, Mr. [ 41
ner." served, and Mrs. Jerry Riley and "child- II _ __ |
ThrOugh the summcr lie plans Those atte,di,,g the sho,,,e,' l,e-!,'en, And v ,,rid Kclly. f, om +lma. ]i h Ii M P I
to work at Simpson Timber Co. sides the honored guest, the hos-[ Speuding Sunday ill Olympia | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ |
Richard llasn't decided yet what tesses, and Mrs. MeIrvin were I with Mrs. Helen " Morrow " were [ | -- -- -- | i
college Y,e will attend "{his fall. the mesdanles Lcla Clark hnd Mrs. Clyde Norris, Tenna Stock-I| ~|~|,TI'~" VALLEY II
He plans eventually to g') into daughters l-)onnl and LindL Max- well Mary T,'otter, and Mariel| .... "r- ........... . |
ComnlunicatioI~.s. " ine Bloomfieht and daughLers SHe Lyles. " II g~t~ I~tt I
and I e L~Wanda Watte]s an
Oh yes. Rioh,,'d says he also g, , . • M,.. and M,.s. Norm B,'own a,,d ,I |
was school campaign manager in daughter Debbm, N.tncy :t~too!n- children, who have been here vis- |~ I | d ~[~
the eleeLions for next year's pres- field, Alice Bariekman, Jt)a~ t.~|o- iting with her parents, Mr. and I| ~J~' B|~]D~[~ ]~ "~ |
ident but 1]mt his side lost, ver, Marcella Harvey, ~.;SUlOI' Mrs. Rllfus Cuzick, have roll|riled I| ~il~ I~ ~ ~
r~vid Miltenber~er in the son Lund, Dorothy Lurid, (]erLruae to their home in \Valnut Creek, ~| I~
+¢~ ...... • ~A,~ %/.~ + Mi,+;~.. Westcott, Rt th Boiling, Ltth| Coch- Calif I .., )~,t, mv -ru=
t;J. IV.l.l. ~£1tl a~*J~, ox~t= 4.#. ~.~z~l- • " ' " e • " i iVlV,~l%~ L.II ii,i_
berger David has been active in ~adnwandds di~i~gah~ea~eLin~i~'dI~etlt~.'~ LAST WEEKEND Mr. and M~.I| TUNE TOPPERS |
+,~,,u T~. ; ..... ~,~,~h,.,, of th,~ ~ " r., . " "g'" . g 7Clyde Norris and Randall t)( ~ | |
~;~/,~'7 '~ -ch';7" b'asketha" l ter Kathy. BcLty Schuffenhauertheir guests of the past two weeks, '~
.................... lC
and daughters Chris and Nal y ....................................................................................................................
team, which won the church league
this" year. 'He was an alternate:, Mabelle Bishop, Ruth Critchfield
for the $300 scholarship of the
Washington Banker's Association
from the State 4-H office.
Allyn Woman Honored
Ai Baby Shower
ALLYN---Mrs. Judy Von Osten
was honored with a belated baby
shower last Tuesday for three-
week-old Julie Ann. Hostesses
were Margie;- Beeson and Cl~ffrlotte
Van Slyke with g~aests Madelon
Shellgren, Lois Terrcll, Dorothy
Baker, Dorothy Griffey, Frances
Peterson, Barbara Stormo, Susie
Von Osten, Beverly Wang, Echo
Matson, Joyee Duttman, Virginia
Greenfield, Lfllian Hemphill. •
A good time was had by all and
lots of pink goodies were received
by Judy.
and Miss Debbie Nagel.
Dell Weastad's family doesn't
know how to conhtct personally
,all the members of the Silver Stars
Riding CP~b so they'd like to send
through this column their many
thanks to the Silver Stars for the
lovely flowers they sent to Dell's
funeral last week.
Cub Scout Don Goodwin J,'., and
his father, Don Goodwin Sr., Shel-
ter Valley, went to the father-
son Cub Scout (from pack 110)
camp-out at Callanan Park Sat-
urday and Sunday.
Mrs. Joe L: Mlltenberger, Shel-
ton Valley, spent Memorial Day
weekend in Walla Walla vis;ting
;her sister and family, :Mr. andI
Mrs. Gerald Harter, and in Pendle-[
i ton visiting another-- sister and!
family, Mr. and Mrs. Walde Mark- I
graf, and a brother, Jim Whittak-I
Home ownership is closer than
ever now with a Low-Down Pay-
ment FHA Home Loan. Contact
"The Store That Confidence Built"
125 Railroad---Shelton
ml I II
After weeks of preparation, we have completed arrangements
~ith The Internatm~al Silver C0ml~any to' bring you this
value packed event in carefree American Made Stainless
Steel Tableware.
Beautiful... and Durable produds of
service for 8
Including beautiful
Wood storag~ Chest
Smart designs in quality
stainless.., set includes:
i6 tdaspoons~ 8 each dinner
l Todd Jr. who is home on forks, hollow handle serratecl
eave from Florida and Sarah Hu- dimmer knives, soup spoons,
ston. After his month's leave he
salad forks, and 2 sezwing
will go to Japan. spoons. Nice to own or give!
SUnday visitors in the home of
Mr. and' Mrs. Allen Tibbits were
~ar. and Mrs Erman Tibbits of
The Rickards family visited Sat-
urday evening with Mt's. Annie
\Vhitener of I