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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 10, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 10, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i/i¸ PAGE 20 SREL 0N--MASON JOUR A --- Pub!i hed irr f'Chvi ma, town, U.S.Tt.'.', Shelton, Waslfin on I uai FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1964 Officers of Mason County 1964 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS First District ............................................................................... Martin Auseth Second District .......................................................................... Harry Elmlund Third District ................................................. Iohn E. Bariekman, Chairman COUNTY OFFICIALS Assessor ................................................................................ Willis E. Barnett Auditor. .................................................. : .................................. C. Nolan Mason Clerk .................................................................................... Laura M. Waganer Prosecuting Attorney & Coroner ............................ Byron E. McClanahan Sheriff .................................................................................... David Sam Clarh Superintendent of Scbools .............................................. J. W. Goodpaster Treasurer ........................................................... ~ .......................... John B. Cole SUPERIOR COURT Judge ...................................................................................... Charles T. Wright Judge ................................................................................ Raymond W. Clifford Judge .................................................................. 11/24/64 ........ Hewitt Henry JUSTICE OF THE ,PEACE Ro]la W. Halbert ............................ : ........................................... City Precincts Harry H. Stillwell---(appointed) ............................ Belfair Precinct No. 1 APPOINTIVE OFFICERS Agricultural Agent ...................................................... Harold J. Van De Riot Home Extension Agent .............................................................. Jane Windsor Health Officer ...................................................................... Dr. J. V. DeShaye Nurse ................................................................................ : .......... Geraldine Watt Sanitarian ...................................................................................... Gerhard Ness Welfare Administrator ............................................................ Irvin McArthur Engineer ................................................................................ John Cash Bridger STATE SENATOR 24th DISTRICT Gordon T. Sandison ...................................................................... Port Angeles STATE REPRESENTATIVES Wm. "Bill" Traylor ....................................................................... Port Angeles" Charles Savage ........................................................................................ Shelton Paul Conner ...................................................... ; ............................. Port Angeles COUNTY OF THE FIFTH CLASS Population U. S. Census 1960 ....................... r .......................................... 16,251 Number of Acres Assessed 1964 .................................................... 363,246.75 Taxable Valuation 1964 ............................................................ $25,971,145.00 Board of County Commissioners meet in regular session on the first Monday of each month and adjourn to Monday of each week thereafter Shelton - 1964 Population .......................................................................... 5,85~ County Seat - Only Incorporated City Commission Form of Government ....... Meeting Every Tuesday RESOURCES & LIABILITIES December 31, 1964 RESOURCES Cash Dalances" ::~ ....... , ,,, Detail Current Expons0 ................. ............... ,I;~ ..... :...,.$ 64,395.38 Harbor /mprovemeut Investment ...................... 8,941.51 Cumulative Reserve Investment ........................ 41,310.67 Veteran's Relief ...................................................... 1,052.17 County Law Library .............................................. 1,182.30 County Institute ....................................................... 656.87 County Road ............................................................ 24,980.38 Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund ................ 25,908.36 County River Improvement Fund ........................ 59.99 County Fair .............................................................. 1,370.04 County Fair Investment .......................................... 79.78 Tax Refund .............................................................. 590.82 Forest Yield Trust -- 50% of 1914.96 ................ 957.48 Treasurer's Operation & Maintenance ................ 198.63 T. B. Hospitalization .............................................. 3,143.50 Civil Defense ............................................................ 1,075.42 7Fax Foreclosure Trust ............................................ 1,747.12 County School Supt. Special Services ................ 1,497.40 Total County Cash .................................................. Delinquent Taxes - Real & Personal .................... $ 37,029.23 Inventories ................................................................. $753,142.67 Revolving Funds: Auditor .................... $500.00 Clerk ........................ 50.00 Jail .................................. Road ........................ 50.00 Total $179,147.82 $ 87,029.23 8753,142.67 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Deferred Credits: Advance -- County Portion 1/3 of 1225.64 ........ $ 4.08.54 $ 408.54 Total Resources ................................................ LIABILITIES ' $970,428.26 Warrants Outstanding: Current Expense ...................................................... $ 22,960.84 Veteran's Relief ........................................................ 162.00 County Law Library .............................................. 60.00 County Road ............................................................ 12,518.47 Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund ................ 7,354.28 County Fair .............................................................. 508.62 T. B. Hospitalizat!on .............................................. 3,989.16 Civil Defense ............................................................ 569.23 County School Supt. Special Services ................ 84.55 ' Total Warrant Indebtedness ........................ $ 48,157.15 ~,coounts Payable: Net Resources .......................................................... Total .................................................................... 922,271.11 $970,428.26 RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS Detail Treasurer's Cash Balance 1 - 1 - 64 .......... $ 1,439,828.60 Receipts: Taxation .. .......................... $ 1,263,173.41 Miscellaneous Sources ........................ 4,505,970.70 Transfers .............................................. 2,951,541.34 Total Total Revenue ............................ $ 10,160,514.05 DISBURSEMENTS: Warrants issued .................................... $ 5,191,881.79 Remittances to State .......................... 116,119.33 Remittances to Cities .......................... 146,036.69 Remittances to Current Expense ...... 1.00 Remittances to Inter-County Health 11,693.00 Remittances to Inter-County Library34,774.01 Remittances to Advance Tax ............ 1,558.19 Remittances to Tax Refund .............. 366.19 Remittances to Auditor's Trust ........ 62,868.48 Remittances to Forest Yield Trust .... 279.90 Remittances to County Fair .............. 53.25 Remittances to School ........................ 3,064.48 Warrant Interest .......................................... 19.56 Bonds Redeemed .......................................... 221,381.36 Bond Interest ................................................ 96,393.53 Transfers ........................................................ 2,951.~41.34 Warants outstanding January 1, 1964 .... 107,559.88 Total Disbursements .......................... Auditor's Balance ......................................... Warrants Outstanding 12 - 31 - 64 (Total All Funds) ........................ Treasurer's Cash Balance 12 - 31 - 64 .... DETAIL OF MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS Sources Fund Credited Detail Total AUDITOR'S OFFICE Recording ........................ Current Expense $ 10,979.60 Filing .................................. Current Expense 3,606.45 Satisfactions CM/C S .... Current Expense 1,447.00 Satisfactions - Marg. Rel. Current Expense 187.00 Marriage Licenses .......... Current Expense 1,059.00 Photo Copies .................... Current Expense 252,75 Certified Copies .............. Current Expense 112.00 Record Search ................... Current Expense 115.00 Certificates ........................ Current Expense 44.00 Posting Notices ................ Current Expense 21.00 Sale of Maps ...................... Current Expense 11.50 Service on Elections ........ Current Expense 74..47 Punch Board License ...... Current Expense 25.00 Circus & Auction Permits Current Expense 10.00 Declaration of Candidacy Current Expense 502.00 Motor Vehicle Fees .......... Current Expense 8,299.50 Auto Lists .......................... Current Expense 25.00 Total .................................................................... . $ 26,762.27 Sources Fund Credited To. tal Detail State Reforestation .................... Connty Road $ 4,848.97 Ferry Receipts .............................. County Road 10,924.51 Motor Vehicle Fund .................... County Road 242,894.35 Refunds ................ . ....................... CQunty Road 70.35 Reimbursables . ........................... County Road 47,96?.53 Checking an Plats ........... ~ ........ County Road 6.00 Overload Penalties .................. ..... County Road 317.04 Sale of County Land .................. County Road 83,1.52 Sale af Maps & Prints ................ CaUnt¥ Road 457.02 Sale of Ferry Tickets ................ C01inty Road 76.00 Sale of Timber .............................. County Road 8.49 Sale of Tax Title Property ........ County Road 17.10 Forfeiture on Bid Bond .............. County Road 204.55 Total .................................................................... RENTAL ON EQUIPMENT Rental on Equipment .,.Equip. Rental & Rev. Sale of Materials .......... Equip. Rental & Rev. Sale of Scrap ................ Equip. Rental & Rev. Reimbursables ................ Equip. Rental~& Rev. Sale of Gas .................... Equip. Rental & Rev. Equipment Earnings .... Equip. Rental & Rev. Misc. Refunds ............ Equip. Recta! & Rev. Gas Tax Refund .......... Equip. "Rental & Roy. Total .................................................................... 8163,435.65 95,589.91 379.79 3,553.24 997.01 847.00 10.08 514.54 $308,623.43 $265,327.22 Real Estate Excise Tax .......... County School 8111~888.49|111,888.49 State Auditor ................................ Equalization 8 57,688,28$ 57,633.23 State Auditor .............. Supt. Special ServiCe $ 3,580.2~}. $ 3,530.2990.00 Teachers Certif!cate~ ................ : ...... Ins~tute¢ 90:OO i 1,638.33 Advance Taxing • New Plats .... AdvanceTax8 !,6~8.S3 $ State Auditor ...................... ' .......... County Fair $ 9,500,00 County Auditor .............................. County Fair 4,000.00 Contributions ................................ County Fair 45,0¢ Rent ................................................ County Fair 81.00 Concessions .................................. County Fair .342.75 Exhibit Space ................................ County Fair 78~,~ Gate Receipts ................................ County Fair 1,688.45 Miscellaneous ................................ County Fair ~.94 Total .................................................................... $ 16,442.14 Interest ...................... County Fair Investment $ 18i'.90 $ 131.90 Sale of County Land ........ Treasurer's M & Q $ 24.00 $ 24.00 Social Security ........................ Auditor's Trust $ 60,404.67 Medical Aid .............................. Auditm"s Trust 2,463.81 Total .................................................................... $ 62,868.48 Yield Tax ............................ Forest Yield Trust $ 22,012.28 $ 22,012.28 Foreclosure Tax Sale..,Tax Fore.closure T~ust $ 1,657.67$ ~,657,67 State Auditor .................................... Suspense $138,184.81 8138,18&81 Interest ........ Cumulative Reserve Investment $ 1'8~4.r/9 8 1,604R9 State AUditor .... Harbor Improv. Investment$ 664.67 Interest .............. Harbor Improv. Investment352.15 Total .................................................................... Local NIisc. Receipts .............. School General Remit. Grays Harbor Co ....... School General State Reforestation ................ School General Miscellaneous ............................ School Gdneral Handicapped ............................ School General Drivers Education .................... School General Federal M & O .......................... School General Other -- iDEA .................... School General $105,337.66 5,0~4.22 4,337.66 982.97 33,706.70 3,480.00 53,505.30 11,311.80 $ 1,016.82 Total .................................................................... $217,706.18 Sources Fund. Credited Detail CLERK'S OFFICE Civil Earnings .................. Current Expense$ 1,686.00 Civil Miscellaneous .......... Current Expense295.35 Probate Fees Earned ...... Current Expense1,215.50 Probate Miscellaneous .... Current Expense597.00 Court Reporters Fees ...... Current Expense7{)8.00 Notarial Certificates ........ Current Expense54.00 Criminal Earnings .......... Current Expense157.50 Transcripts ........................ Current Expense203.29 Naturalization .................. Cun'ent Expense20.00 Library Fees ...................... Law Library 828.00 Total .................................................................... Total $ 1764.64 SHERIFF'S OFFICE Mileage ............................... Current :Expense Fee~ .................................... Current Expense Meals .................................. Current Expense $ 589.50 1,4@.80 712.6! Total .................................................................... $ 2,745,9~ MISCELLANEOUS REC]~IPTS Interest on Delinquent Tax .......................... Current Expense Admission Tax .................. Current Expense Advance Expend iture~ .... Current Expense Building Permits .: ............ ~rren~ Ex~e~e Reforestation .................... Current EXpense Concessions ....................... Current Expense Sale of qotm.ty Lan s .... Q' rr nt~xpepss Annex Rental ~. ........... ' ........ Current ~Xpehse Apportionment - Liquor Profits ...... Current Expense City of Tacoma ................ Current Expense Treasurer Ownership List Current Expense Interest on I~3veat~e~ts. Ctwre;;t l~geIl~e Juvenile Matching Fund .. Curremt Expense Tax Search ........................ Current Expense .C|rc~s P~rmtts .................. Q~u~trep~ .,~.9.e.p~e ~Dance Licenses ................ Current Expense Miscellaneous Refunds .... Current Expense Pro-rated Filing Fees Current Expense Sale C~ristmaa Tree-- County I~nd ,. ................. Current ~p.~t~ Sale of Tax Title Property Current Expense Junk & 2nd Hand Licenses ................ Current Expense Total .................................................................... $ 11,856.68 599.07 2,430.40 332.00 6,545.81 2!.63 1,137.90 3,222.oo 28,975.36 52,50¢.OO 51.S0 36.78 $107,487.74 J. P. Fines .................................... State Schools $ J. P. Fines ............................ Current Expense J. P. Fines ............................ Driver Education J. P. Fines ................................. : .... State Game J. P. Fines ................................ State Fisheries J. P. Fines .......................... Parks & Parkways jJ. P. Fines .............................. Highway Safety . P. Fines ......................... ; ........ tV~otor Vehicles J. P. Fines .................................... County Road J. P. Fines ................................ City of Sl~elton J. P. Fees ...................................... Law Library J. P. Fees .............................. Current Expense Total .................................................................. 404.05 3,073.26 2,545.{}0 2,536.12 283.37 '4,02~,97 4,059.72 528.00 7,217.04 1,885.77 I8.5o 1,587.75 Reconciliation of Budget Expenditures with Warrants Issued ,, ]964 Budget Less 1964 Plt$~ 196~Warrants Ex3penditure Bills Pd. Bill~ paidIssued $ 8,945,591.98 (Issued) in 1~5 i~t 19~4, 1964 ..... County .......................... 1326,596.38 90,594.37 50,800.60 286,802.62 $ ~,2~4.922.07 Ftr¢ Qistricts .............. $1~9~,99 5,@27,76 4~,7~t.76~8.98 ~ort Districts .............. 7fl,73~,99 t/57.~ ~D.12 70,4~7~ Cemetery Dis t, ~o. I 31,00 37,00 187,049.62 School~ . ........ i .............. .. 2166,293.79 ..... : ....... : ....... ......... ;""';'" ~i66,298.79 $-1,401,071.69 PUD's ............................ 15~};,~,(~2 ..... ~ ............. . ..... , ......... ~ .... :~591,~26.62 TOTALS .................. 5286,984.77 96,7~0.45 51,676.47 ~1i91,~81,7~ STATEMENT OF 1964 TAX ROLLS Legal Publications STATE Valuation Levy Mills State Public Assistance ...................... $25,971,145.00 3.50 $ 90,900.89 lit,,, of the Olympic ilighwny right of way to the east line ,if IHock 3 of ........................................... ('allaniln'~ Addition Io the City or" Shelh,n, I~'uP;llillgioll, ily ill(" ('olls|rn('- (!!TY (iF ,~llEI/I'ON, ~VASUlN(;TON of the impr Tax OIII)INANCI,; NO. 735 AN ORI)INANCIC or(lemng tile im- l)l'()V('lil(=ll{ of "l~," ~tr('Pt ~'|'Oln ~he east evl'ing Depa COUNTY GENERAL Current Expense .................................. $ 25,971,145.00 6.90 $179,204.51 Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief ............... 05 1,298.64 Tuberculosis Hospitalization .............. .60 15,583.03 Public Health ........................................ .45 11,687.]2 Total County General .................. 8.00 $207,773.30 COUNTY ROAD District No. 1 ........................................ $ 5,466,031.00 10.00$.54,661.75 District No. 2 ........................................ 7,997,348.00 10.0079,975,53 District No. 3 ........................................ 3,911,890.00 10.0039,119.68 Total County Road ........................ $173,756.96 CITY OF SHELTON ............................ $ 8,595,876.00 16.00$137,535.54 LIBRARY .............................................. $17,375,269.00 2.00 $ 34,751.40 DISTRICTS PORT OF ALLYN .............................. $ 3,053,075.002.00 $ 6,106.32 PORT OF DEWATTO ........................ 393,140.00 2.00 786.29 PORT OF HOODSPORT .................... 727,102.00 2.00 1,454.24 PORT OF SHELTON .............................. 11,838,273 2.00 23,676.90 Total ................................................ $ 32,023.75 Fire Protection District No. 1 .......... $ 1,014,874.00 4.00 8 4,059.59 Fire Protection District No. 2 .......... 2,612,384.00 4.00 10,449.84: Fire Protection District No. 3 .......... 833,601.00 4.00 3,334.49 Fire Protection District No. 4 ........... 1,199,350.00 4.00 4,797.51 Fire Protection District No. 5 .......... 1,292,355.00 4.00 5,i69.57 Fire Protection District No. 6 .......... 1,177,731.00 12.4514,663.16 $ 42,474.16 $ 26,686.73 11,920.77 22,640.07 2,792.34 8,814.70 236,401.73 18,500.62 7,853.76 27,832.35 76,914.95 83,940.95 $14,308.29 ~chool District No. 20 ........................ $ 1,404,527.00 19.00 School District No. 42 ........................ 644,351.00 18.50 School District No. 54 ........................ 1,617,101.00 14.00 School District No. 137 ........................ 126,922.00 22.00 School District No. 302 ........................ 629,604.00 14.00 Scnool District No. 309 ........................ 11,257,071.00 21.00 School District No. 311 ...................... 862,484.00 21.45 School District No. 401 523,575.00 15.00 ~chool District No. 402 ........................ '1,554.840.00 17.90 School District No. 403 ........................ 3,344,034.0023.00 School District No. 404 ........................ 4,006,636.0020.95 Forest Fire Patrol Tax ............ 158,981 acres .09 per acre DETAIL OF DISBURSEMENTS Remittances by Treasurer Detail STATE REMITTANCES: $ General - Public Assistance .......................... $ 87,635.00 School - Remitted to State ............................ 414.05 Highway Safety .............................................. 3,943.71 Parks & Parkways .......................................... 3,910.96 Motor Vehicle .................................................. 523.00 Driver Education ............................................ 2,505.00 $524,298.97 G~-ne .... . ............................................................. 2,269.99 Forest Patrol .................................................... 14,468.63 Fisheries ......................................... _..: .............. 448.99 Amount Total ............................................................ CITIES AND TOWNS: City of Shelton ................... i~.i. ........................ $146,036.69 Inter-County Health ........... ............................. 11,693.00 Inter-County Library ...................................... 34,774.01 Advance Tax .................................................... 1,558.19 Tax Refund ............................ " ......................... 366.19 Auditor's Trust ................................................ 62,868.48 Forest Yield Trust ........................................ 279.90 Current Expense .............................................. 1.00 County Fair ...................................................... 53.25 $116,119.33 Totai ............................................................ SCHOOLS: School District General .................................. $ 2,018.76 School District Bond 1,045.72 $257,630.71 $ 3,064.48 Total COUNTY TREASURER'S CASH ON HAND Treas. Net December 31, 1964 Depositary Balance ' Shelton Branch, $376,814.52 ! Seattle-First National Bank .................... $741,748.14 Cash in Vault ........................................................ 10,571.56 !~'.i~cal Account PUD No. 3, 1 Chase Manhattan Bank, N. Y...: ............. 110,880.00 !Savings Banks ...................................................... 274,130.51 !U. S. Treasury Bills ............................................ 148,633.,38 Bonds ...................................................................... 121,825.00 Transit: I~D No. 1 Water Bond Account ...... 497.14 ~otal ................................................................ Less tax collected and held ........................ Total Collateral $ 1,408,285.73 6,314.04 lillli O1' a~illhllltie COllCrl.le I)aV('l|]Pnt wiih ('ellll'lli concreh, ('Ill'l, lllld g|lt- ler, cllrll tll clirl, widlh (if tl feet, |'ilil'h llli~ills llli(I siorol sewl.l% terlo- inllihlg" iil 11 tl.llrilloriiry II1'.%' wcll, aiid dl'il'l'wiiy~i ulid sidewalks lif.i aathoriled iii wrlllnK lly Slil.chil r|.qlleSt of illllivi- |hllll llrl,llerly |iv,'n|.l'S on fornis llro- vhh,d lherl.for, all ill a(!cordaneP with llesohllhlo No. 2(11 |if the Cily Coln- llllssillli of the ('ily of ~ileltoII, %Vlish- inglon ; I.~hl I,li~hiog Loclll Improve- ilienl I)ish'h.t No. 19; prlividlat~ lhe Ilielhod li[ llS~eSSml.nt ill sliill ltistrh'l; provhlilig iiliii for I~llili inl- llrovenlellt lilL liilide in part lly special list~est41Ol.lits IIpOII Ihe liroperty in sllid lli~lricl, llayalde ILV ilie nllllh, |)f "lniy- liielll lly llonds"; ao|l llrovi|lilig for ihe it4f~llliliC|~ llllll siile of h,cal inllirol'l~Incat Ilislrict warriulis rl,lh.t!lllill,le in ciish lind hlcill hlillrovenlelil Ilistrict bandsi WHEREAS, I)y Resolution No. 204, :idol)ted Oel, ober 6, 1964. the City Coin* lllJssi(in ¢,1' the! City of Shelton de- C]al'e(1 ils intentiou to order the Jnl- l,roveliient of "](" Streel l'l'Olil tile ~,ast line (,f the Olympic Highway right of way to the east lint; of Block 3 of Callanan's Addition to the City of Sh.lh)n. Washington, by the cl,nstl'uc- lion of aspilaltic colR:rete pavenient with Cl~lllent concFete curb and gntter. curb t(, curl) width of 44 feet, catch basins and stOl'lil se~,ors tcl'nlinating at a tel|lporary dry well, and drive- ways and sidewalks as authorized in writing I)y special request of individ- ulll p|'ol)erty ownel's ()n l'l)l'|ns pro- vided therefor, all in accordance witK Res()h|tion No. 204 of the CRy Conl- mission of the City (ff Shclton, Wash- ington and fixed the 27th day of Oc- tober, 1964, at 8:15 o'clock (PST) in the Conunissh)n Chainbers of the City Hnll in the CRy of Shelton, Wash- ington, as lhe tinle aad place for hear- ing all |natters relating to said pro- posed ilal)rOVel|l(!n|s and all objections the.ret(~ and f-l' deterniining the moth- and/or lid of payinent f(~l' said inll)rovenlents; bonds, and said WHEREAS, P. J. Byrne, P.E., the hereafter City Engineer, has caused an estimate rants." to be niade of the costs and expenses at a rate of the proposed ilnproven|ent and has ordinance certified said estimate to the Cify shall be P~ Comn|ission togellmr witl~ all papers (12) years and information in his possession, h)uching the proposed hnl)rovement, ! a description of the boundaries of the District, a statement of what portion of the cost and expense of the ira-, warrants provcn|ent should be borne by the i redeemed property wiihin the proposed district, not to a statement in detail of the local publication in|provement assessments ontstanding notice that or unpaid against the property in the Local InlPl proposed district, and a statement of in her the aggregate actual valuation of the shall be real estate, including 25% of the ac- lual vahlation of the iml)rovenlcnts in the proposed dist|'iet, according to the valuaUon last placed upon it for the purl)ass of general taxation; and WHEREAS, said estimate is ac- coral)anted by a diagram of the pro- posed iinl)roven|ent showing thereon tlle lees, tracts, parcels of land, and other property which will be specially" benefited by the proposed improve- ment, and the estimated a|nom~t of lhe cost and expense fhereof to be borne by each h)l, tract and parcel not to of land or other property; and WHEREAS, due notice of the hear- ing upon said Resolution No. 204 was date, given in the manner provided by law of said and said hearing was held by the hereafter City Commission on October 27, 1964, and all written l)rotests filed with t e City Conunissiou on or bcfors the City saiddate were duly considered and determine. overruled and all 1)('l's()lls al)Poaring at said bearing were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Conimission has deternlined it to be in the best in- terests of the City that said improvc- nient as her(~inafter deseribcd be car- tied out and that a h)cal in|provement district be created in connection there- with, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY co~MtsSTON OF TI-IE CITY OF SHELTON. WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN ;is follows: Seclian 1. It is herel)y ordered that 19." "K" Street from the east line of the Olympic Highway right-of-way to tl)e east line of Block 3 of Callanan's Ad- dition to t]|e City ol" Shelton, Washing- ton, be improved by the eonstructhm of asphaltic concrete paven|ent with Celll(~llt eoncl'ete curb and gutte, r, c|n'~) to curb width of d4 feet, catch basins and stornl sewers ternlinating at a,to be C011 temporary dry well, and driveways and sidewalks as authorized in writing by special request of l*i~lividual prop- erty owners on forms provided there- for, all ili ace.ordance with Resolu- ti(m No. 204 of the City Commission (,I" the City of Shelton, Washington. All of lhe foregoing shall be ac- contractor eordance with the plans and specifica- tions ttlerefor prepared by P. J. Byrne. P.E., the City Engineer, as delineated ~,n Drawing No. 1(I19. sheets Nos. 1 and 2, on file in the office of the City Eligineer. Section 2. There is hereby created and established a local improvement district to be called "Local Improve- ment District No. 19 of the City ot Shelton, Washington." which Distrtct is described as follows and inchldes the following properties. Bounded on the north hy a l|ne 60 feet north of the north line of "K" Street, on the sonth by a line 60 feet south of the south line of "K" Streel from the east line of the Olynlp|e Highway right-of-Way to the east Ihle of Block 3 of Callan- art's Addition to Shelton, ~asli- ington. Seetlan 3. The total estimated cost and expense of the improvenlent is hereby declared to be $67,500.00. Not to exceed $46,050,00 of the cost and expense uf snch improvement shall be. paid from the allocation to the City of motor fuel taxes and use fuel taxes for the construction, improvement and repair of arterial highways in accord- ance with the provlsions of Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session, 1961 Legislature of the State of Washington. Not to exceed $5,000.00 of the cost and Cash Balance ........................................ hi,Fein may be, the limits as Set!lion 4. p],oven]cnt lhat the up(in the pl'ovelnent llOt of the sesslnent 1)3" a ~lll llr(q)erty al)nls on the (~ld'dflnce W Sevthln No. 198 on the g ment to of at $4.50 nent sllall n work done walks as nl~ prol)~q,ty oW therefor. Section warrants be ..... :i ) STATEMENT OF BOND & DEBIT SERVICE Issued By Date~ Final Outl~tanding Issued Maturity 1.1-1964 Issued Redeemed P.U.D." 1~o. 1 .......... 4/10/35 1965 R.~.A; Si~ecial No. 1 R.E.A. Special No. 2 R.E.A, Special No 3 R.E.A. Special No. 4 R,E,A. ~pecial No. R.E,A, Special No. P.U.D. No 3 ............ 1/1/45 1969 P.U.D. iNo. 3 ............ 1/1/47 1969 P.U.D. No. 3 ............ 1/1/54 1970 P.U.D. No. 3 ............ 1/1/57 1973 160.00 ........................................ 42,177.33 .................... 29,254.66 .................... 45,164.90 .................... 53,531.96 .................... 248,140.86 .................... 165,139.61 .................... 114,000.00 .................... 32,000.00 .................... 1,970.78 1,291.01 2,000.19 1,607.22 6,106.04 3,806.12 18,000.00 5,000.00 325,000.00 .................... 49,000.00 105,000.00 ........................................ 105,000.00 Debt. PHncip~ Outstanding ~ayment 12-31-196t Date Prlnclp~ 160.00 Called for payment 1946 40,206.55 ........................................ 27,963.65 .................................................... 43,164.71 ........................................ 51,924.74 ................................................... 'i 242,034.82 ........................................ 161,333.49 ........................................ 96,000.00 Jan. 1 18,000.00 27,000.00 Jan. 1 5,000.09 276,000.00 Jan. 1 51,000.00 Jan. 1 P.U.D. No. 3 ............ 1/1/63 1972 300,000.00 ........................................ 300,000.00 Jan. 1 25,000.00 Fire Dist. No.i ...... 1/1/58 1968 12,000.00 .... 25:005:50 12,000.00 .... 25:000:05 .... Nov:"I" .... :::::::::::::::::::: ...... 1: Fire Dist No. 1,/1/64 1974 ........................................ Fire Dist. No. 5 ...... 6/1/64 1969 .................... 20,000.00 20,000.00 July 1 .................... l, School Dist. 20 ...... 1/1/62 1972 School Dist. 42 ...... 7/1/53 1973 School Dist. 42 ...... 5/1/58 1978 School Dist. 309 ...... 4/1/46 1969 School Dist. 309 ...... 4/1/46 1969 School Dist. 309 .... 9/15/52 1972 School Dist. 309 ...... 2/1/56 1976 School IJtst. 309 3/1/57 1972 School Dist. 309 .... 11/1/61 1976 School Dist. 309 .... 10/1/6~ 1977 School Dist. 311 ...... 1/1/63 1982 School Dist. 401 ...... 4/1/5~ 1967 58,009.00 .................... 5,000.00 15,500.00 .................... 1,000.00 13,000.00 .................... 500.00 33,000.00 .................... 5,000.00 11,000.00 ...................... 1,500.00 90,000.00 .................... 10,000.00 202,000.00 .................... 13,000.00 315,000.00 .................... 30,000.00 95,000.00 .................... 6,000.00 50,000.00 .................... 3,000.00 130,000.00 .................... 5,000.00 4,000.00 .................... 1,000.00 20,000.00 .................... £.000.00 School Dist. 402 .. 10/15/53 1973 School Dist. 402 .... 10/1/57 1977 29,000.00 .................... 2,000.00 School Dist. 403 ...... 4/1/5~ 1974 22,000.00 .................... 2,000.00 School Dist. 403 ...... 2/1/5'[ i977 70,000.00 4,Q00.00 School Dist. 403 .... 5/12/6~ 1972 126,000.00 14,000.00 School Dist. 404 .... 9/15/56 i976 10,400.00 800.00 ~hool D~at, 404 ...... 4/1/4~ ib6~ 4,000.00 800.00 S~l~0ol ~ist. 40~ .... 12/1/59 i9~'9262,000.00 12,000.00 Sc..~l ~)|i~i 404 .... 3/10/6~ ~981. ~5,000.00 i,000.00 Fire Dist. 5 .............. 5/1/59 1965 ...... ~.:555:55 ...... 1:555:50 Flrt Dist. 5 .............. 1/1/64 ]:970 .... 16:000:55 53,000.00 Jan. 1 6,000.00 14,500.00 July i 1,000.00 12,500.00 May I 500.00 28,000.00 April 1 5,000.00 9,500.00 April1 1,500.00 80,000.00 Sept. 15 10,000.00 ].89,000.00 Feb. 1 14,000.00 285,000.00Mar. 1 31,000.00 89,000.00 Nov. 1 6,000.00 47,000.00 Oct. 1 3,000.00 125,000.00Dec. 1 5,000.00 3,000.00 April1 1,000.00 18,000.00 Oet. 15 2,000.00 27,000.00 Oct. 1 2,000,00 20,000.00 April 1 2,000.00 66,000.00 Feb. 1 4,000.00 112,000.00June I 14,000.00 9,600.00 Sept. 15 800.00 3,200.00 Aprill 800.00 250,000.00Dec. 1 12,000.00 ~4,000.00 April 1 ~,OQO,O0 100,000.00May 1 ............... ,... 1,500.00 July 1 1,500.00 16,000.00 Jan. 1 .................... li