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Fqnd Credited Detail Total NO'rl('l.: OF SALE OF VAI,UARI, I¢~1in(nlunl ai,eo.plahl.e.bid: $5.802.50. ' mcre or lev,~, oomprising" approxim=lte- , NO. 3565 address below stated, and in ease ofCleared acreage I(.'at,,,i appr.xim-
School Building $ 800.00 MATI",ItlAL (IN NTh'rl:; I,AND Timcov will ce solo (m a ,'ash or ly 80().000 hd. ft..f l)(,nglas fi,.; 104,- NIl'lICE OF llEAItlNG FINAl, your lailure it) at) do. judgment will ately ,I ndlcs southwest ,f Moth)ok.
instalhuenl l)lan basis. Timber llUlst I000 bd ft of heinhwl¢ and white fit'; I{I,iI=I)I{']P AND PETITION FOitI,e rendered again,~t you 'aeeording to Terms of sale: Cash ,)t" Io 3',,at' con-
School Building" 104,800.00 STATE O1a WASHINGTON, DFPAIiT- 19(' ronlov,~d prior to Jtne 30 1 166. ]54.000 I)d. ft. of cedar' and 242 00(1 DISTltllIUTION the demands of tile Comphtint, whichtract.
• School Building 22,639.07 MENT OF NATURAL RES()URCES On ,r before June 29. 1965. al 10:00 )d. ft. t f "11 b,r or s lot'.'ll of 1,200'000 1N TIIE SU1 EI~II(.)R COURT OF THEhas boon flied with the Clerk of the
.... School Building 1,262.62 Rei.l L. Cole, Col ,missioner .f l'nblie No deposit reqntred p,.inv to I.,i,h:tinlr.
a.m. ,,ach bidder nulst nmko a Inin - [ bd. ft.' '~TATE OF WASHINGTON FOR said Court ;thatthisis an action To be sold at Shelton. County Seal,
Lands "n}umdeposit of $580.25 in th.e form q f I Minimum at'eel)faille bid: $33 38-1.00. MASt~N COUNTY IN PR()P, ATE for divorce, on Tuesday, June 29, 1965. :it 10 ,b'clot'k
................ School ]3uilding" 572.37 Notice is hereby gives tilat oll Tues- ca~h.,n(mey order or eertif,od chock. I Timber will be sold on a t.ash or Io IIw Mllli,'r of the Estate of PARR AND BAKER a
ents ...... School l~uildiug 2,457..10 day lho 29111 de', of JI.ulo, 1965. (.,) 1.. St id ,.,posft 41 all ecnstitule an open-]tnstnllnwnt l)ian basis. Timber must MAI¢.(]AItET SIIULZ, Deceased. Atltwlleys for Plaintiff Any sale which has been o ffe,'cd.
...................... School Building 270.50 m,m,.ing at tea e;elook in the forcm)on ing hid at the apprsised price. Upon I be removed prior h) Det.Oltlber 31, 1966• NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that 301 Sevurity Buih:llng
of said daY, al the Port Orolmrd, Din- award of this solo, the respective de- I On or bvl'o,.o Jnno 28, 1965 at 10:00 IVhu.y 1~,'|13", Executrix of the Estate OlynH)ia. Washington 98502 and for which no hid,'are r ,('oiv(,d
shall not be reoffered uciil il has
.................... School Bnilding 4,000.00 tri,.t l-Iea(lquarters, h,eated at Port posits shall l)e returned to the nn-[a,m., each bidder nmst nmke a lnlal- q*l' Margarol Shulz. deceased, has filed 5/18-20-27 6/_3-10-176t been readvertised. If :111 :~ah,s cnnnot
............... Orchard County of Kitsap,Stale ofsuo(.essful bidders. On the day of sale ] mum dep,mit of $3.338.40 in the form of in the office of tile Clerk of said .......
, "': ........................................... $1,26,801.96W,i..-..hinzlon ...... by th~. D stri('t~ .Adminia-,- the l,urcilaser Inustpay the balance ]cash, money order or certified check. C,,urla Final Report and Pelt,tonNOTICE (IF NALE OF STATI~tl it, ANDSbeen the°fferedadvertlsodwithin date,the s|)e~:ffh.dthe :~ale shall'line
~ernlt ........... School Bond $ 3,598.30 trnt.r of said Distrwt. th, llnll)er on full
the following described slate land will fe~{ t STATE O~~ WASHINGTON, DEPART- eQlltlnue on tile following day i)(.tw(,(,11
...................... School Bond 2,939.40 be sold at public aucli(m to the higtl- MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCI~3S tile hours of ten o'clock a.}n. :lad four
School Bond 789.98 est bidder, to-wit: Bert L. Cole. Conunissioner of Public ()'clock p.m.
............ Application No. 'i0138 cruiseestimate,providedthat such ~lmd¢~q~ T~ -r~= ............. Said lands will be sold for not loss
..vx..~.,. .o ,.,u=~x tlxvl,~r~, ".,'nat than tile appraised value above stated
,""2,"2 ......................................... " $ 7,327.68 W.oion Lake located aPPr¢)ximalely on Tuesday. the 291h day of June,and upon ,he terms and (',n(litit,ns for
' ~ChO01 Building Invest.$ 1,265.89 $ 1,265.89 11 ,nih,s west cf Belfatr. The sal(:, is bid price plus n $5.00 bill of sale fee, folenoo-¢ ~,,m ,~,,, ,~1 as ace- ~1, ,'e 1965 o)nuueneing at ten o'clock in the lowing•
composed of all timhor, ox,'epl reserved deposit shall not be leas titan $2.000.00. at• amy. if the purchaser so elects at I after as tile matter can he heard at !i?~eno~. at s*.ud day, at th_e County Not less than one-tenth of the pur..
• " ......................... :Non High $ 1 8,15.46 s,.od trees marked with yi.lh,w I)aint, T i s Iml n~e m ~y be paid t13' personal tim time of sale. Im.V an additional] • Court rtouse in lee city el t,3neltons • .e ) ' time
the c~n,.t room at the above-entitled . . . .." ;~;.- ......... ": , chine pxic. must be lind at the
"~'"": ......................... Non High 388.69 within dale area boundary tags an~J ehe(.k. Purchaser lnust also htrnlsh, amount, lo'bring the total an,aunt Otlcourt, in the Courthouse in Slwlton, c'oun3~ ~ mason., ~t.ate o~ w.n..qnmgton, of sale. The purchaser, if he be net
property lines on SE)=SE:I of Section within 30 days of date of sale a surety the deposit exclusive of fees lo equal Mason County Washington at which oy tile L:o~.]nty AUUlt.or.o~san9 county, the owner of the improvements, must
,. i'"'"'~i'"-.,c ...................................... $ 2 23,1.15 19. Township 28 North, Range 2 West, bond of .~1 000 00 to guarani;co earn- 25% of tiu~ full bid I)rica b:m,,d en ] tin,e and l)laco any person interested tee. t,)uowInk~ o.escr[Dou ~tate flanas, forthwith pay to the officer stoking
W M. containing 40 acr~s, more or pliance with all terms of the bill of the cruise estimate. This Imlanoe raay I iu ~aid Estate nmy appear and file togetu~ ~ !'i" ~ w~tn tee.., nnplovements. • (e 7 :,.-sit the sale the full anlount ,if th.e n]'~-
" .... re Dis, No I Expensc $ 1 000 00 $ 1 0()0 00 I less. con,prising apl)roxinmtoly 151,006 sale. All chocks money orders, etc. he paid by personal clm(~k. Pur,.has,w ~ • ~ • .t on~ th ,role and (artiest lhe ua~9 u~ere(.,n, .wl.n ~e. sg~u at pu~nc praised value of the imp •ov~ i ent~ as
......... Fire Dist' No 2 Expense $ 15.00 bd. fl. of Douglas fir; 76.006 bd. ft. ,'u'e to be nmde payable to the COn:- must also fnrnisil, within 30 davs ........ suet ( n to tee Jll.12.'no~l Di 1(1('I" tnere~or .., ...... ,-,--I ,a... ,....,~. o,' ,~- .)--.
S/II,10. , ' ' ' allure.,,~,tutt:U. Ullt~'Lt'$1Lli 1 till~ | u/"
-~"... Fire Dist'No' 2 Expense 255 00 t,f h(nfloek; and 22,000 bd. ft. of pine missioner of Public Lands. of date of sah,, a .~uvety bond "of/ DATED this 14th day of May. 1965. t o-wlt:.~. ~ ....... ahase price must be paid annually
~ele-.-INo on( excepl Cltlgens el tna ~ t ,
,v....... Fire Dis, No" 2 Expense 47.50 or a total of 249,000 bd. ft. ' Accessibility: Via Depm'tmentof $5.000.00 to guarante~ ,'onq.~liam,e wilh ~, By Teckla Vermillion, DepuDy Uni'ted "t "e" ":] )er ' ' "" ha~e thereafttr with interest on all dff'rred
Minimtnn acceptable bid: $3 565 50 Natural Rese'urces access, all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, I Glenn E Corroa . . ~ at ,s, o" •l ..sons .wn9'- payments at the rate of six )or con-
Timber will be sahi on a cash c'r in- n:oney orders, etc. are t. be nmde I Mtorney for Estate oecmreu teen', intemlon .to oecome turn per annmn: Provided, That any
";"': ............. - $ 317.50sialh,mnt plan ba.qis. Timber must be Complete contract and specifications payable to the C, nunissh)ner of Public ] I~,,ll Building suen, can i?m'c~ase ~tate,~aanas.purchaser nmy make full Imymonl of
;:"~',, Fire Dist"N'o"3"Expense'"$ 25 080 56 removed prior to June 30, 1966. may be examin,,I at Porl Orchard Lande. t21 South Fourth Street -...'~pflt,elld.on .NO. ?,%,%. "''a" principal interest nnd statutory fees
.......... Fire Dis,' No';] Expense 126.10 On or before June 29 1965, at 10.00 District IIeadquarters, County Audi-Accessibility: Via pri'¢alo access. ~Shelt, n Washington 98584. .Teat poruono:~tlle u~J~ok]ae~¢~,at any 'time and obtain deed" The
a.m., each" bidder must nmke a rain- toffs office and office of Commissioner Purchaser must ~.nter into road use I "' b,'20-27 6/3-10 4t on ~ec~.non z~, -~:ownsn.=p zv r~grm, purchaser of land containing tlntber or
of Public Lands Olympia.
i; imunl deposit of $356.55 in the form agreement with Nell McDonald. ~ ~al)ge ~ west, w..m., lying .westerly other valuable nmterials is prohli,ited
To be sold at Port Orchard District Complete contract and specifications ' , ....~ Ol ~ne county roao.K.nown as tee ~.at- by law fr0m cutting pr removing sny
i ..................................................... - .... $ 25,206.66 of cash, money order or o.ertified cheek. Headquarters. oll Tuesday, June 29 may be examtned at Sheltou District NO. 8a~w~ mcK-~rauy Ease, oelng more paruc-such timber or materlala without first
Said deposit shall constitute an open- 1965. at l0 o',.loek d.m. Headquarters,' County Auditor's office, SUMMONS BY 1 ! I|LICATION ularly descrtbeu as follows: ,,btainlnt" consent of the Conanissioncr
ing bid ,it the appraised price. Upon
t~""~Fi.re Dist. No. 5 Expense $ 15 200 00 award of thts sam, the respective Ally sale whioil has h0en offered, and offio.e of Connnissi(,m,v .of Public IN THE SUPEROR COURT OF THE Beginning at a point on the westof PubliC. t,~-ds until tile full ai'l:(,11111
deposits shall be returned to the an- an,] for which no bid.~ are receqved Lands, Olynqpia. STATE el," WASHINGTON IN line of said SE~:iNEU~ which bears -e ~,e ,,,,t~: m.t,,e has b~,c t i, a
) ......................
........ -lreDist No 5Expense19662.60 ,,, '.lbiddet). ,. , . , ................
f!!i:~U~'~l~e'bl; I shall' not be reef feted until it lms T,, be, sold at Shelton Disirict Head- AND FOR THE COUNTY OF S 0° Off 27" E a d,atance of ,58.83 .~. h,,.~l is.ued
........ Fire Dist'No" 5 Expense 262.04 ttl ~t ..... all ~ales c
been readvoruse~. ~, • • an-quarters, on Monday, Jtnle 28196b, MASON f~.t fr¢ m the northwest corner th~reo ; .... ......
not he offered withinihe specified at 10 o'clock a,nl. MILDRED MOORE, Plaintiff, thence S 0° Off 27" E along said west 2~1 ~ale~ at state ..lan~s ..are ma~e
bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee, time cn the advertised date. the sale An)" sale wilieh has beeu offered, vs. l,ne. a distance of 430.47 i%et" thence suaject to tee reservauon.~ ot ons: g:!s-
........................................................... $ 35,124.64 or amy, if the purchaser so electsshall cent nue on the following (lay. and for which no bids are received BERNARD JOSEPH MOORE, S 61° 56' 12" E, a distance (~f i'08.20 sos. coal, ores, nflnerais and !ossds
~"]~l~e hist. 1~'o 5 Coupon Wts$ 942 22 $ 942 22at the time of sale. pay an additional between ilia liours of ten o'clock a.ni. shall not be reoffered until it has Defendant.feet, more or less, to the westerly or .ex:er:~:. name,..g.ma, ant1 ~o, orlptll)n.
amount, to bring the total amount of and four o'clock p.m. been readvortised. If all sales cannot THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, to:right of way line of saideounty road; a,n.a, to me a.~uluonai tel,re...en~ [,o!l-
":~:'"~., Fire Di'st No 5 Bond~$ 414 28 $ 414.28 the deposit, exchlsive of fees, to equal Said timber on said land will bebe offered within the specified time BERNARD JOSEPH MOORE, Defend- thence N 17° 0f 48" E, along said ~ltmnsu ~ m) otln'escrl~e°tm 1 awsmo~'~ec~t'[~2naw/ 3 t,~ vnap-
~i.................... Port of Shelton $ 1281272 25% of the full bid price based on sold for not loss than the aPpralsed on the advertised date, the sale shall ant: right of way, a distance of 376.56 feet ~"" ~ ....
the cruise estimate, Provided that such value., as all)praised hy 'the Conm~issh,n- eoat inue oll the following (lay beiween YOU ARE HEREBy SUMMONED to to a point of curve to the rigilt thor:e- Said land will be sold stQ)jeet to the
:. ' ................... Port of Sheltol. 2 843.15 deposit shall not I)~ less than $2,000.00. er of Public Lands ill tlm nmrlner pro- the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four Spl)oar within sixty (60) days after ill: tbcnee along said curve to the terms, conditions and resevvatt.ns of
~.i ..................... Port of Shelton 900 00 This balance amy tie paid by personal vided by law, a no,tee of which iso'clock p.m. the date of the first publication of this right, having a radius of 289L79 feet, chapter 812 of the Session lmw:~ at
chock. Purchaser must also furnish, m,w on "f le in the office of the Audi- Said timber on said land will be Sunmnms, to-wit: within sixty (60)a distance of ~4.84 ft~et; thence N 81" 1927, relating to easements ft,,' vi~h~s-
i "" .................. Port of Shelton 1,244.64 within 30 da~S of date ,11' sale, a surety tar of Mason C~unty, and. Districtsold for not less than the appraised days from the 13th day of May 1965, 36' 12" W, a distance of 123,61 feet of-way and tile carrying .f limb,w,
~.,. ._ ...... bond of $1,000.00 to guarantee compli- Administralor of said district, value, as appraised by the Commis-and defend the above-entitled action thence N 48° 47' 50" W, a 01st~.pce stone minerals and other pr~ducls own'
stoner of Pi.ibllc Lands in ,be roannor n the above-entitled Coart ana answer of 120.76 feet, more or less to tbe the same:
~ ..................................................... $ 17,800.51ante with all terlns of the. bill of sale. Terms of dale are: etish or Install- provided hy law, a notice ot whir'Is ih the Complaint of the plaintiff andpohit of beginning, containing an areaBERT L. COLE,
All checks, money orders, etc. are to meat plan basis• now on file in the office of lhe Audi- serve a copy ,if your answer upon of 1.45 acres, more er less.. Commissioner of Pllbli~ Land~
,, ~d ................ Port of Allyn $ 3 05$ 3 05 be nmde payable to ti~e Commissioner BERT L. COLE tar of said county, and Disfrict Ad- tile attorneys for the plaintiff at thcir Appraiscid at $750.00. " 6/3-1|)-17-21 It
.................. Port of Hoodsp()rt $ 10.80 $ 10.80of Public Lands. Commissioner of Public Lands ministrator of said district ..........
............. Port of Dewatto Inv $ 107 05 $ 107.05 Accessibility: Via private access. ! 6/3-1.(N17-24, 4t Terms of sale ~'e: cash or install- ItvlO O W ]~R A~t.~ ,t.ag'~C"%)TTNTS
ii';........ ";4......... Port of Tahuya $ 13 50 $ 13 50Purchaser must enter into road use NOTICE OF RALE OF ~ALUABLE ment pl~n basis.
agreement with G. Kidrtck. BERT L COL , OPE AT! N OF A ANT
,'~e~u:,'emetery District No. 1 $ 175:00 ,{ 175:00 Complete eon.tra~:t and specifications Commissioner of Public Lands
~. using ........ Civil Defense $ 4,149.21 may be examined at Port Orchard MATERIAL ON STA~PE I,AND 6/3-10-17-24 4t Warrant~ . Warrants
""i ................... Civil Defense $ 5,000.00 District Heaaquarters County Audit- STATE Ol~~ WASHINGTON, DEPART- ~._ -- _ Outata~aing Outstanding
or's office, and office of Commissioner MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCE.q ~'unds 1-1-1964 Issued Redeemed Cancelled 1~-31-19~4
of Public Lands. Olympia. Bert L. Cole, Comndssioner of Public NO. 3636
NOTICE TO CISEDITORS Current Expense ................................ 18,852.42334,549.69 330 441.27 .................... 22 960.84
.... " .................................................... $ 9,149.21 To be sold at Port orchard Dlstrlet , ,
Headquarters, on Tuesda:y, June 29,Notice is hereby given that o9 Men- IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Vete, an s Relief .................................................... 1,051.36 889.36 .................... 162.00
........................ State School $1,255,719.67 $1,255,719.67 1905, at 10 o'caock a.m. ' day, the 28th day of'June, 19~ cam-STATE OF WASHINGTON :~OR
Imenctng at ton o'clock in the fore- MASON COUNTY tiN PROBATE) County Law Library ............................................ 997.82 937.82 .................... 60.00
Application No. 30198 noon 0£ said day. at the Shelton. Did- In the Matter of the Estate Og County Road . ..................................... 9,078.93 608,757.76 605,318.22 .................... 12,518.47
ii ................................. General $285,068.95 Twln Lakes No. 2 located approxt- trier Headquarters, located at Shelton LEOTA B. WHINERY, Deceased. Equip. Rental & Revolving ............ 73.58 287,~02.50 280,121.80 .................... 7,354.28
:,:=": ................ L.U.D. No. 1 379.72 mately 9 mites northwest of Belfair. County of Mason, State of Washing- NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN tbat ,
• _ Union Water System Rev. 3,797 73 The sale is composed of all timber ton by the District Administrator of the undersigned, Donald Whinery, has County Fair ............................................................ 17,254.82 16,746.20 .................... 508.62
witifin sale area boundary tags on said District. the timber on the fol- been appointed and has qualified as Tuberculosis Hospitalization .......... 1,446.66 23,969.84 21,477.34 .................... 3,939.1(;
~ion Water System C~nstr 26 500 00 parts of the following: Unit No. 1, lowing described state land will be Administrator of the estate of Leota Civil Defense ...................... ~. ............. 514.00 9,297.56 9,242.33 .................... 569.23
B. Whincry, deceased; and that all
........... Union :l~ater System NE.~_N.E~._ N~SE~.NE~ ; Unit No. 2, sold at public auction to the highest persons having claims against the said County School Supt. Spec. Ser..... 404.82 3,471.26 3,79:]..53 .................... 84.55
-- Bond & Int Sinking 77.29 sVzsia~A~,4: Unit No. 8, SE~SWV~ bidder, to-wit:
• REA Ren & Repl Invest 265.04 NE~£. SWl, ISEV4NE%; Unit No. 4, Application No. 80148 deceased or the said estate are hereby Institute .................................................................. 50.00 50.00 ........................................
E~SW~NE16; plus all trees nmrked Kennedy Creek No. 1 located ap- r~.qulred to serve the same, dnly veri- TOTAL COUNTY FUNDS ........ 30,370.41 1286,802.61 1269,015.87 .................... 48,157.15
with blue paint On W~E~NE~,~, all in proximately 9 miles south of Sheiton, fled with the necessary vouchers at-
Section 16, Township 23 North, Range The sale is composed of all timber tached upon the undersigned Adminls- Public Utility District ....................26,113.21 1591,326.62 1592,270.66 .................... 25,169.17
......... P.U.D. No?3"'R'eve'ntle'$1,314.947.03 $:3316104881732 West, W.M., containing 85 acres, within sale area bolmdary tags andtrator ur ills attorney of record at thePort Districts .................................... 632.19 70,432.79 69,688.09 .................... 1,376.89
more or less, comprising approxi- property lines in Unit ~N'o. 1 on part law office of B. Franklin Heuston, Fire Protection Districts ................ 921.71 76,988.98 61,752.21 .................... 16,158.48
mately 319,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir; Ex&SWVaNW~A; in Unit No. 9. and Angle Building Shelton, Washington,
...................................................... $~ 8,000 bd. ft. of hemlock; and 8,000 Unit No. 3 on part N~NW~6, all inand file such clainm together wltl~ School Districts ................................ 49,522.36 2166,293.79 2119,628.22 .................... 96 187.93
bd. ft. of l)ine, or a total of 330.000 Sec'tion 36. T~wnship :19 North, Range proof of service with the Clerk of the Cemetery Districts ................................................ 37.00 37.00 ........................................
hd. ft. 4 West. W.M., containing 37 acres, above entitled Court within six (6) TOTAL ALL FUNDS .................. 107,559.88 5191,681.79 5112 392.05 .i .................. 187,049.62
n,ontlm after the date of the first ~v~b-
lleation of this notice, to-wit: 27 ay
Road Port School Other Forest Fire
State County City Districts DistrictsDistricts Districts Non-High Total Patrol
.................... 239.56 ........................................ 239.56 ....................
.................... " ........ 4~'8:i7 ......... "6"95:2i ......... 740:4"4" ....... -i46:'(}7 2.962.79 483.14 589.23 5,802.94 ] 67.26
.................... 1,079.08 3.847.50 .................... 253.82 4,048.09 591.78 619.00 10,439.27 263.80
.................... 4,919.20 1,436.21 2,391.51 515.67 8,430.14 1,115.63 929.53 19.737.89 389.05
.................... 9,41.2.30 2,567.~6 5,925.05 1,004.90 13.967.42 3,655.34 1,791.23 38,323.50 776.83
.................... 21,1~0.48 4,915.58 13,041.98 1,869.27 29.242.04 3,517.18 3,327.08 77,053.61 1,450.85
.................... 37,029.23 13,617.72 22,158.15 3,497.59 58,883.75 9,363.07 7,350.23 151,899.74 3,047.79
1965, or all claims not so presented
and filed will be forever harred.
Administrator, Estate of Leota B.
VChlnery, deceased.
Address: Rt. 1, Box 110,
Shelton Washington
B. Franklin Houston,
Attorney for Raid Estate,
Angle Bldg., Sholton. Wash.
5/27 6/3-10/17 4t
Original Budget Amount Expended
Raia~.& Operation & Capital Salaries &Operation & Capital Total Defleit *
Wag'cs Maintenance Outlay Emergene|es Total ~rages Maintenance Outlay Expenditarvs Surplus
7,340.00 2.135.00 60.00 .................... 9,535.00 7,340.00 2,086.92 59.66
900.00 1,110•00 ........................................ 2,010.00 900.00 910.96 ...................
38,040.00 4,300.00 ........................................ 42,340.00 30,289.80 4,291.88 ....................
26,720.00 6,775.00 875.00 200.00 34,570.00 26,759.35 6,744.27 821.65
360.00 195.00 ........................................ 555.00 270.00 63.86 ....................
9,920.00 1,669.70 400.00 444.60 12,434.30 9,785.36 1,607.54 820.26
13,700.00 2,400.87 ........................................ 16,100.87 13,200.00 1,478.39 ....................
400.00 13,717.00 500.00 1,434,28 16,051.28 752.95 15,285.37 ....................
9,840.00 13,475.00 2,875.00 .................... 26,190.00 9,624.90 12,558.03 2,469.05
6,~90.00 2,375.00 ........................................ 8,665.00 6,285.00 2,168.~8 ....................
2,400.00 1,160.00 ........................................ 3,560.06 2.400.00
7,860.00 1,285.00 .................... 627.39 9N72.39 8,260.00
• o . ...................
3,000.00 ........................................
300.00 ........................................
500.00 ........................................
5,000.00 ........................................
260.32 ........................................
4.000.00 ........................................
900.00 ........................................
7,000.00 .................... 300.00
3,000.00 ....................
300.00 ....................
500.00 ....................
5,000.00 ....................
260.32 ....................
4,000.00 ....................
900.00 ....................
7.300.00 ....................
9,486.58 48.42
1,810.96 199.04
34,581.68 7.758.32
34,325.27 244,73
333.86 221.14
12,213.16 221.14
14,678.39 1,422.48
16,038.32 12.96
24,651.98 1,538,02
8,453.78 211.22
633.67 .................... 3,033.67 526.33
ii!i!iiiii!!iiiiiii! 10000 ........................................ 100.00 .......... 10000
4,800.00 4,800.00 .......... :::::::::: ...... 4:0~3:i0 .......................... i:023:40 776.60
"" 3,000.00 8,000.00 .................... P~,277.5[~ 2,277.55 722;45
500.00 500.00 .................... 484.08 484.08 15.92
NO. 3633
In the Matter oI the Estate of
CLARA I, PIPER. Deceased.
the undersigned ires been appointed
and has qualified ns the Administrat-
*ix With Will Annexed of tim Estate
,,f Clara I. Piper. deceased: thaf all
persons having claims against said d1~-
ceased arc hereby requh'ed to serve
the salne duly verified, on the un-
dersigned Administratrix or her at-
torney of record at the address below
stated and file the same ~lth the Clerk
of the said court, together w|til p~oof
of suei~ service within six (6) months
after the date of first pul)llcation of
Ibis notice or the same will be barred.
D~te oi' first publication: May 9.7,
Administratrix Wltll Will
Glenn E. Correa
Attorney for Estate
Bell Building
121 South Fourth Street
Shelton. Washington
5/27 6/3..10-17 4t
1,502.25 .................... 9,762.25 10.14 NO. 363S RS
2,716.19 2,7i6.19 283.81 NOTICE TO CREDITO
276.81 276.81 23.19 IN TH~ SUPERIOR COURT OF THI~
500.00 500.00 .................... STATE O;~ WASHINGTON FOR
5,000.00 .................... 5,000.Q0 In the Mattei" of the Estate of
2i5,98 215.98 ........... 44:8i CLARA HEINOLD. Deceased.
4,000.00 4,000.00 the undersigned has been
470.28 ........................................
470.28 429.72 the
7,103.70 .................... 7,103.70 196,30
ceased; that
against said
quired to s'erva dul
Reason For Transfcr Transfer From Fund
Apportionment .......................................... State School
Apportionment ...................................... County School
Apportionment ........................................ Equalization
1% Excise Tax ...................................... County School
Order Co. Commissioners .............................. Suspense
Order Co. Commissioners ............ Forest Yield Trust
Uncollected Tax .................... Tax Foreclosure Trust
Order County Fair Board....County Fair Investment
Order County Fair Board ........................ County FeW'
Order Co. Commissioners ............ Forest Yield Trust
Order Co. Commissioners ............ Current Expense
Order Co. Commissioners ............................ Suspense
Order Co. Commissioners ............ Forest Yield Trust
Order Co. Commissioners .................. School Genes:el
Order Co. Commissioners ........................ School Bond
Order Co. Commissioners .......................... Non High
Order Co. Commissioners ............................ Suspense
Order Oo. Commissioners ............ Forest Yield Trust
Order Co. Commissioners ............................ Suspense
Order School Board ........ School Gen. Reserve Inv.
Order Co. Commissioners Forest Yield Trust
Order Co. Commissioners ............................ Non High
Order School Board .................... School Gem Invest.
Order Co. Commissioners ............................ Suspense
Order Co. Commissioners .......... Forest Yield Trust
Order School Board .... Scimol Building Investment
Order Co. Commissioners ............ Forest Yield Trust
Order School Board ............................ School Building
Order School Board ............................ School General
Order School Board ............................ School General
Order State Examiner .................... Current Expense
Order State Examiner .............................. State Game
Refunds -
1 9 ................................................ Fire Patrol
9 .................................... Current Expense
1 9 ............................................ County Road
9 ........................................ School General
Refunds 1 - 9 ...................................... School Building
Refunds I - 9 ............................................ School Bonds
Refunds -
Refunds { 99 .................................................. Non High
............................ :: .............. Port of All~'n
Refunds 1 - 9 ...................................... Petit of Dewatto
Refunds 1 - 9 ................ Fire District No. 2 Expense
Refunds 1 - 9 .................. Fire District No. 2 Reserve
Refunds 1 - 9 .................... Fire District No. 2 Bonds
.................... 12,500.00 ........................................ 12,500.00 .................... 9,970.23 ....................
800,00 800.00 800.00 9,970.23 2,529.77 of the ,htlrt logetheF Rose, No. 106 ........................ , ............. Port of Dewatto
... 300.00 ' with proof of s~c|~ service With-in si~ Order Fire Dist. Compels ..... Fire District No. 2 Res.
2,500.00 2,500.00 1,125.98 1~125.98 ...... 1"1374102 (6) month~ after th~ date of first pub; Order Fire Diet. Commis ..... Fire District ~No. 3 Res.
.... ~'~:~:~ 326.00 326.00 3.64 3.64 322,~6belicati°nbarred.°f this notice, or the ~ame will7 TaReso.C°rrectNo. 28.Error ..... Fire .......... D!st.I~ireN~).Distriet5 ExpenseN0" 8 ExpenSeinvest,
3,$82.50 ......... 4~0:00 :::::::::::::::::::: 16,852.50 .... 12:00~:20 2,47~2 ......... 450:00 14,928.42 1,884.08 Date of first publication: May ~, Reso. No. 25 .................... Fire District No. 5 Expense
"'45:840:00400.00 400.00 $94.71 394.7i 5.291965 D
11,605.00 ...... 5:9-55:05 ...... 1:500[~ 64,145.00 .... 46:07~:38 12,694.62 ...... 4:~43128 ' HERMAN H~INOL To Correct Error, ........................ .... Current Expense
63,210.28 934172 Administrator Reso, No. 335 ............................ pUD No. 1 General
9N80.00 1,615.00 11,395.00 9,~28.62 1,184.08 10,658.50 736.50 Glenn E.' C0rrea
8,546.00 6,775.00 15,321.00 8,491.85 4,229.62 12,721.47 2,599~53 Attorney for Estate Reso. No. 335 ............................ PUD No. 1 General
20,760.00 5,020.00 25,780.00 20,401.97 4,992.84 25,394.81 385.~9121BellsouthBuii¢~lnl~Fourth Street" Reso. No. 335 ............................ ~UD No. 1 General
221,876.0012~681.39 .... i5:365:05 :""'i:5~:27 361,423.66212,358.28114,223.75 ...... 9:063:96335,645.98 25,777.73 Shelton. Washington Reso. No. 335 ............................ PIID No. 1 General
5/=? 6/8-10-17 4t Reso. No, 335 ............................ pUD No. 1 General
.... Reso. No. 357 ................................ PUD No. 1 General
STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS & DISBUI EMENTS Reso. No. 365 .... PUD No. 1 Union Water Systent
Bond. Int. & Sinking
Receipts Disl, ursements (101 (13) Reso. No. 366 ............ PUD No. 1 LUD No. 1 General
Cash ....................................... Cash
Ralsnee Total %Varrants %Varrant lh)ntls IIond Remi//anees To/el Balnnee Reso. No. 365 PUD No. 1 Union Water Sys. Rcv.
1-1-1964 Taxes Misc. Transfers Credlt~ Redeemed Interest Redeemed Interest By Treasurer Transfers Debits 12-31-1t~4 ....
Transfer To Fund Amount
School General .......................................... $1,255,719.67
School General ............................................ 109,572.81
School General .......................................... 57,63"L23
Current Expense ........................................
Current Expense ........................................
Current Expense ........................................
Cun'ent Expense ........................................
County Fair ................................................
County Fair Investment ............................
Soldiers Relief ............................................
County Road ..............................................
County Road ..............................................
County Road ..............................................
County Road ..............................................
County Road ..............................................
County Road ..............................................
City of Shelton ..........................................
Non High ....................................................
SCh0ol General ............................................
School General Reserve Investment ......
State Fisheries ............................................
State Fisheries ............................................
Tax Refunds ...............................................
Tax Refunds ................................................
Tax Refunds ................................................
Tax Refunds ................................................
1 118.90
General ............................................
Ge]t~F~l ............................................
General ............................................
General ............................................
Building ..........................................
Building ..........................................
Building .......................................... 277,867.60
Bond ................................................ 3,713.51
Building Investment .................... 404,000.98
General Reserve ............................ 11,525.00
Tax Refunds ................................................ 4.51
Tax Refu,nds ................................................ 58.10
T.ax Reft~d~ ................................................ 1.35
Tax Refunds ................................................ 13.21
Tax Refunds ................................................. 18
Tax Refunds ................................................ 16.87
Tax l:t. eft~n.d.s ................................................ 8.06
Tax Refunds ................................................ 3.20
Port of Dewatto Invest ............................. 750.00
Fire District No, 2 ~opd .......................... 569.83
Fire District No. 3 Expe1~e ................ 9,129.16
Fire District No. 3 Bond .......................... 1,090..56
Fire District No. 5 Expense .................... 15,200.00
Fire District No. 5 Expense Invest... 15,200.00
Port of Shelton ........................................ 75.00
PUD No. i REA Special No. 1 .............. 3,024.00
PUD No. 1 REA Special No. 2 .......... 2.016.00
PUD No. 1 REA Special No. 3 .............. 3,360.00
PUD No. 1 REA Special No, 4 .............. 2,880.00
PUD No. 1 REA Special :No. 5 .............. 11,040.00
PUD No. 1 REA Special No. 6 .............. 14,184.00
PUD No. 1 Fiscal Acct ............................. 993.75
PUD No. I Union Water Sys. Rev ......... 4.26
PUD No. I Union Water System
Bond Int. & Sinking ........................ 1,450.00
..... 710.21 102,069.13 1270,097.90 165.62 1373,042.86 ............................................................................. 116,119.33 1255,795.39 1371,914.72 1,128.14 Reso. No. 159 .............................. PUD No. 8 Revenue PUD
~" 183,899.29146,573.57 21,483.11 396,16~.01330,441.27 ......................... ................................... 1,00 1,326.36331,768.63 64,395.38 .............................. PUD No. 3 Revenue PUD
°'. .........................................................
34,774.01 34,774.01 .................... 34,774.01 ............ ~ ....... 34,774.01 Reso. No. 159 .............................. PuD No. 3 Revenue PUD
.... ~:~:~ Reso. No. 159 .............................. pUD No. 3 Revenue PUD
11,693.00 .................... 11,693.00 .................... n,693.00 .... Reso. No. 159 .............................. PUD No. 3 Revenne PUD
[llV: 11,693.00 ...... i:604:79 :::::::::::::::::::: 41,310.67
~": 1,233.62604'80 .................... ...... i:303:65 ......... ~:~ ......... 33:08 1,941.53 ....... 889:36 :[::::::: .............................. :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ......... 889:36 1,052,17 Rose. No. 159 .............................. PUD No. 3 Revemte PUD
2,120.12 937.82 .................................................................................................... 937.82 1,182.30 Reso. No. 374 ...... PUD No. 3 1945 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
616.87 90.00 706.87 50.00 ............................................................................... 50,00 656,87 Reso. No. 374 ...... PUD No. 31947 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
75,986.68 "'1"7i:982:72 315,840,47 .... 66:55;I:53 "": ....... 68:30 605,386.52 24,980.38 Reso. No. 374
630,366.90605,318.22 PUD No. 1954 Bond Int. Red. PUD
40,702.94 .................... 265,327.22 306,030.16280,121.80 .................... 280,121.80 25,908.36Reso. No. 374 PUD No. 3 1963 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
59.99 59.99 ............................................................................................................................................ 59.99 Reso. No. 374 ...... PTJD No. 3 1945 Bond Int. & Red.PUD
........ 1,627.35 :::::::::::::::::::: .... 1"6:442:i4 ...... 8::l'00:iJ0 26,169.49 16,746.20 ............................................................ 53.25 8,000.00 24,799.45 1,370.04 Reso. No. 374 ...... PUD No. 3 1947 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
47.88 .................... 131.90 8,000.00 8,179.78 ..................................................................................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 79.78 Rose. No. 374 PUD No. 1954 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
1,145.50 .................... 1,638.33 .................... 2,783.83 ............................................................ 1,558.19 .................... 1,558.19 1,225.64 t Reso, No. 374 PUD No. 33 1957 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
36.6. 19 957.01 ............................................................ 366.19 ................... 366.19 590,82Reso. No. 374 PUD No. 1963 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
590.82 ............................... 24"00 . : • 198.63 198,63Reso. No. 374 PUD No. 1945 Bond. Int. & Red. PUD
iii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiii iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!! !iiiiiiiii!i!iiiiiii iii!!!!ii!i!!ii!i!
9'009.29 .... i5:61"1":55 ............... : .... ::::::::.: .......... 24,620.84 .... 2i:477:3i .... 2i':i77:3i 3,143.50 Reso. No. 374 PUD No. 1947 Bond Int. & Red, PUD
1,164.19 4.35 9,149.21 .................... 10,817.75 9,242.33 9,242.33 1,075.42 Reso. No. 374 PUD No. 3 1954 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
328.07 .................... 1,657.67 .................... 1,985.74 ................................................................................ 238.62 238.62 1,747.12 Reso. No. 374 ...... PUD No. 3 1957 Bond Int. & Red.PUD
1,758.64 .................... 3,530.29 5,288.93 ...... 31791155 ........................................................... i 3,791.53 1,497.40 Reso .No. 374 ...... PUD No. 3 1963 Bond Int. & Red. PUD
5,138.91 .................. 111,888.49 117,027.40 .................... " ....................................... 110 691.71110,691.71 6,335.69
1~'19~'33 a9,502.57 2,~84.15 ...... i:326:ifl66,2,8.21 ........................................ 47,893.56 47,893.56 18,364.65 Discount Purchase of
~,399.24 .................... 22,012.28 30,411.52 .................... 279.90 28,216.66 28,496.56 1,914:96 4% Treasury Bond....PUD No. 31954 Bond Inv.
7,924.69 .................... 1,016.82 8,941.51 ........... 8,945:51 4% Treasury Bond....PUD No. 3 1957 Bond Inv.
638.48 139,686.54 1,885.77 ...... 3:971":22 146,182.01 ........... ::::::::: "'1"46:536:6~ :::::::::::::::::::: "'146:036:69 145.32 4% Treasury Bond....PUD No. 3 1963 Bond Inv.
:::::::::::::::::::: :::i:::::::::::::::: 57,633.23 57,633.23 ....................................... : 57,633.23 57,633.23 .................... Rose. NO, 374 .... PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Princ. Invest.
62.868.48 62,868.48 ................... 62,868.48 .................... 62,868.48 Rcso. No, 374 .... PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Princ, Invest.
.................... 138,184.81 .................... 138,184.81 ............................................................. • " ....................................... 138,184.81 138,184.81 ....................
.84608,457.68 1160.620.12 109,836.79 2133,176.43 1269,015.8'/' ........................ 88:781":36 .... ~:~9:~ 257.630.71400,353.251926,999.83 206,176.60
.79 .................... 1631,035.76554,081.97 2814,821,52 1592.270.66 .................... . ................... 554,081,97 2272,41.3.02 542,408.50
32,070.78 17,934.91 825.00 97,10367 69,68809 " " ~':-"
..............3000 ^^ " .................. 76339 70,451.48 26,652.19
" . ...... , ,Vt) 8 .................
42,110.65 63,005..3.0 41,189.55 194,117.2961,752.21 ........... "9 56 119,600 00 .^ 75.00 .................... 41,217.66 116,844.8977,27~.40
478,465.14363,101.71 2245,442.41 3547,162.5~' 2119 628.22 " • • o~,z39.50 3,064.48 699,8~).66 ~}99,88!A.~ 547,28.1.!~
Reso. No. 374 .... PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Princ. Invest.
Res0. No. 374 .... PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Prinm lnvest.
Rose. No. 374 ............ PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest.
Reso. No. 374 ............ PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest.
Reso. No. 374 ............ PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest.
Rose. No. 374 ............ PUD No. 3 Bd. ~d. Int. Invest.
Rose. No. 374 ............ PUD No. 3 Bd. Fd Int. Invest.
Reso. No. 381 ................ PUD No. 3 Revenue Invest,
No. 31945 Bond Int. & Red ........... 20,160.00
No. 3 1947 Bond Int. & Red ........... 5,742~50
No. 3 1954 Bond Int. & Red ........... 59,280.00
No. 3 1957 Bond Int. & Red ......... =. 4,462.50
No. 3 1968 Bond Int. & Red ........... 33,025,00
No. 3 1963 Bond Invest ................. 10,000.00
No. 3 Bond Fd. Prine. Invest ......... 12,000.00
No. 3 Bond Fd. Princ. Inve~t ......... 3,333.33
No. 3 Bond Fd, Print. Invest ......... 34,000.00
No. 3 Bond Fd. Princ. Invest ........ 16,666.66
No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest ............. 1,260.00
No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest ............. 433.12
No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest ............. 4,830.00
No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest ............. 2,603.12
No. 3 Bd. Fd. Int. Invest ............. 4,681.25
No. 3 1945 Fiscal Acct ................. 20,160.00
No. 3 1947 Fiscal Acct ................. 5,742.50
No. 3 1954 Fiscal Acct ................. 59,280.00
No. 3 1957 Fiscal Acct ................. 4,462.50
No. 3 1963 Fiscal Acct ................. 33,025.00
PUD No. 3 Bond Reserve ........................ 131,24
PUD No. 3 Bond Reserve ........................ 21.88
PUD No. 3 Bond Reserve ........................ 21.88
PIYD No. 3 1945 Bond Int. & Red ......... 12,000.00
PIID No. 3 1947 Bond Int. & Red ......... 3,333.33
PUD No. 3 1954 Bond Int. & Red ......... 34,000.00
PUD No. 3 1963 Bond Int. & Red ......... 16,666.66
PUD No. 3 1945 Bond Int. & Red ......... 1,260.00
PUD No. 3 1947 Bond Int. & Red ......... 433.12
PUD No. 3 1954 Bond Int. & Red ......... 4,830,00
PUD No. 31957 Bond Int. & Red ......... 2603.12
:~UD No. 31963 Bond Int. & Red ......... 4,681.25
PUD No. 3 Revenue .................................. 100,000.00