June 11, 1940 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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e Two
Maryliill use...
Gets Area Much
National Notice
The Mal'yhill Museum of Fine
Arts, located on a promentory i
high above the Columbia river,'
near C-oldendale. is taking its‘
place this year as a premier tour-i
ist attraction. Washington Vis-
itors from all over the country
are planning their routes to in-i
elude this interesting edifice,l
erected by the late Samuel Hill.
Closed for more than a quarter
century, the stately hall_s,.of
half-million dollar mansion, cram-
med with art treasures of three
continents, were first opened to
the public last month. Robes,
thrones, crowns and jewelry of
royalty, gifts of Queen Victoria to
her granddaughter Queen Marie]
of Rumania, personal possessionsl
of the late King Albert of Bel—
gium, personal relics of Napoleon
Bonaparte, and of the late Pope]
Pius XI, exhibits from’t‘he"May«"
flower, Mr. Hill'srare collection
of books and manuscripts treas-
ured at more than $90,000—these
and other museum and art ob-
jects are attracting wide atten-
One section is devoted to early
Indian artifacts and presents his-
tory of natives of the Northwest.
A bronze plaque, unveiled at the
formal opening, commemorates
the dedication of the huge con-
crete “castle,” by Queen Marie
during her visit to the State of
Washington in 1926.
The museum, on the Evergreen
highway 100 miles uporiver from
Vancouver, is open daily
10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p., m., and
Sundays from 10:00 a. m. to 7:00
p.‘ m. It is but 63 miles from
Bonneville dam, and many Wash-
ington residents. are ineluding'the
beautiful Columbia. Rchl‘ drive,
and inspection of the mammoth
power project, in their trip to the
lNearby stands of the pictures—
que Stonehenge, also erected by
Hill, a monument to those who
gave their lives in World War 1.
The Stonehenge and museum are
receiving nationwide publicity, in
a booklet distributed throughout
the country by the State Progress;
Commission, to tourists who may
be visiting Washington this sum—
Judge John M. Wilson, in Sil—
perior court Saturday, admitted
the will of the late George Beres-
ford Roberts, Union City resident,
to probate,
body Wright as executrix to SETVe
without bond as provided, in the
will, and appointed J. E. Martin.
F_ H. Dichl, and Phil C. Bayley
as appraisers.
'i ’l
i C Convenient Terms
:0 Reasonable Rates
Mason County Savings
'8: Loan Association
Title Insurance Bldg.
"the Kamilche "
from .
"Avis, Miss Violet Olund, Mr. and
appointed Lois Pea--
Ladies Meeting
Slated July 10'
Kamilche, June 10—The Kamil-
ehe Valley Ladies Club met Wed-
nesday in the Grange hall. It
was decided to change the date
of the next meeting to July 10.
Members present were Mrs. Bar-g
Sliiuiiiisiiiii ” ‘iilialiiiN—iiiiis
Olympia Takes 10-5 Victory Toe
ConSc’idated with The Shelton independent
lilnlcrvd as second—class matter at the postot‘i'ice at Shelton,
, . . . Subscription Rates:
L0 BY MAIL: in Mason County (outside of Shelton city mail carrier
' $2 per yi'ai'; 6: months. $1.23: 1} months, 752‘. Foreign
$3.50 per your. Postal
irirg‘uliilions forbid residents or Shelton served by cin mail carrier
'i-ceiiing their Journal by miiil.
BY JOURNAL CARRIER: ill Shelton. 25¢ per month (collected by carrier)
i‘ $4.00 per year in advance.
Published every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
Push Olympics Within Half
Game of Basement I
COR {HOT l..i'lBEI.
Us sports scribblers have
wont to tab muscular
Waters the “one-man
"y! p i
as tlacl. .
14.1314) ofller times he scored double
bcen‘wins and added third place per-
F r 11 n l: l f01‘mil.‘.lCCS for 12-point totals.
Masons from man
, lodges, including She
l ~‘<’~"Clnk,‘l'l.()l'], ‘i‘ort Ult ‘1
i dale, etc, joined W} I)
Masons in ccle
anniversary of the
lodge l'lst 'I‘hursflflynr
An excellent dinn“
tertaivling programovg‘".
up; those three years of
ron Mrs. Erma Roessel and son, 1 ' l .. , v ,. , . . . q , ,.. ~- , 1 -
.hlcc yearn,,competltlon under the H gncllm
Gene' Mrs' Grace Petty and! W L “F “A Editor Manager ‘What
vith his weekly personaller banner Water:i took 30 first by a gal-111011118
daughter Mary Lou’ . Mrs~ 17101“ Olympia. ................ .. 7 3 61
51i scoring totals almost always reg—jpiaces. Yes, that “one—mail
track ‘30“? 05 t9? 19dg"'fl'0f- 'i
ence Taylor’ Mrs' Mxldred scott Bileada 6 3 53 40 Mumb‘m 0f
W‘Wl‘ingl‘m NWISI‘HJW‘ ""h‘JS’l‘TS'
ASSOCiaUO“ ‘isterine in two figures. and a‘team” label we scribes
hung on Mt- MOMr 1 LOGS.” “63
find... children, Bobby and 'Mary, Yell,“ ____ __ _ 5 4 48 .55
alldNatlonal Editorial Association ,manceoat. thh Highchmber Star’s Frank
“yaters appears to have fer-red the thlrd
Mrs‘ Elma” casey' Mrs‘ Anme El' SHELTON . 4 (i 55 68
il'ccord shows how nearly righ’tibccn well earned. ,' Um
llso-n' Mrs: Helen Keyzersi Mts' Toledo ..... .. .. 3 6 74. '67
BE Elliat label really is, —— 7931311: SCVVCfalnlCigy‘,
Esther 30109 and daugflte“ AV‘S'I Jmtralia .............. .. :3 6
35 45 ' The Sidelincr browsed timi 1m THIS CORNER ,Memh find
335‘MXEraMgff‘;rgriioggaitc'ugé Scores Sunday l the records for
the past three i .“till in the record-rummaging: lllf‘iCi-
ton/Ill" tio iodgai.
Or a 01 m ia 10, Shelton 5 - ' . ' ‘ ' ' .' , . ._ .
years and found out that Wa- lmood. the Sideliner’s diggings' 1‘
mil ~ {7150" CM ‘ .
Mrs‘ Pearl conner’ Buycodii. 13, Yelm 3 Whlle thls beetlon ls
.ant1011)at,lng Wlth plcaéule tors personally accounted fo r lturn from
track to baseball. wherre 5011‘ “mlwer'fl'n” /
nose graduating I-‘om Time the Completion and opening of the Narrows
bridge the amazing total of 2m points -; two other Highclimbcr athletes “
Reed high school Tuesday even-
ing from this vicinity were Rich-,
ard Dunbar, Jim VValdrip, Jack;
Edwards, Dorothy Mitchell, Jean;
Nelson and Bruce Nelson. ,
Mrs. Helen Barron McPhersoni
of San Francisco, is visiting for
a couple of weeks with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Bar—
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Petty attend,
ed the Olympia high school grad—l
nation Friday evening to see theiri
daughter, Mrs. Nellie Browers,l
receive her diploma. Mr. N. L.’
Brewers, of Fort Lewis, and Mrs.
Nellie Brewers, of Olympia, visit-
ed Saturday and Sunday at the‘
Petty home, 1
Bruce Nelson accompanied Rees.
Powell to his home in Summer-I
land, B. C., for a fortnight’s vis-
Mrs. Phoebe Young is spendingi
la few days with her daughter,
iMrs. George Adams at Delphi.
Mr. and Mrs. George Critcll-‘
ifield, Delmar Brownfield and Mr.
'and Mrs. H, Nelson fished at Fox.
Ilsland Sunday. i,
i There Will be no Grange meet.-
[ing.Thiirsday evening on account
yet State Grange in Olympia.
L The Kamilche Cougar ball teami
iwalloped McLane Sunday 16 1.
The game was played at Schneid-
er's Prairie. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield John-i
son and sons of Tacoma spent the
week end at the Robert Scott
home. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Scott and children, BobbyI
and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. G. John-
‘son and 'szms, Mrs. Wm. Boice
and children, Eloise, Kenneth and!
Mrs. LeGarde, oi" Matlock, Marg-
erie and Johnny Keyzers and Buzz.
Frazier picnicked at the beach
and dug clams.
$19,166 Bid For i
State Tide And ,
Timber Land Here
Sale at public auction of state-
lowned timber and tide lands in
{Mason County, brought $19,166.60
into the public treasury of the
' state in a. sale held at the county
courthouse last week.
' Of the total, $18,611.25 was
for seven tracts of timberland, an
iadditional $555.35 coming on two
'tideland areas sold. One section
-.of timberland received no bids, :1
g40-acre tract on which an ap-'
ipraisal of $1054.75 had been plac-
' ed
The purchasers included Pope
the De'watto vicinity, $1062.75; F.
3E. Langer, Port Orchard, 120
lacres inthe Dcwatto area, $2286;
J. M. Ryan, Seattle, 158 acres
- lbetween Eldon and Lilliwaup, $3,-
161950; D. McFadon of Seattle,
160vacres near Tahuya, $8050.25,
l40 acres near Dewatto, $1654.50,
“Best Buy’s Buick
Bob, Erviiisays:
BUICK! It‘s a fact that
Buick'value and Buick eco~
nemy is millin a hit . . _ .
evcr'ywhere. Cogme' in and iOrchard: and Virginia Miner,
17..T“:y‘°r ‘0 Lew“ t0 Comm: Tay- '3'
get acquainted with the "' Shelton. at Shelton. June 8.- ‘9‘
.9) Levett' umpire * we" % '
' things Buick offers with ; EROY L- Adairi 28v and 13 I'm 4*
bcmumg‘ l : . . 't’ .7 .
the sWell deal I can give y‘o’ii.‘ l “gland. .23. both of Port
Orchard, ; Shelton AB . ‘ .
, . _ at Sh,” -' . . H 10 A E llass of 1929 To Hold 1 _, . ,
{.35'1§:§.,3°btt§« “9 1110335970?» “fig—June ELML‘
R-Comllgl'. SS 0 1 1 0 Reunion June 15 ' ~ ' . .. .. .
i ‘1“ “WV "1"95- . WEEKEND AT OFFUT LAKE lycvett. 2b .. 6 0
1 2 5 o The class of 1929 of the Irene ' .
I. ' *' ‘:j and Mrs.,A. L. Cheney and, rougrii' 3b 5 1 2 1 2
S. Reed high school will hold i ._. ,
E11130“ Motors Mr. and Mrs. Myron Klink of shel.11}rmm‘ong. r1 .. 4 4 o
o o reunion Saturday, June 15 at 7 ~ ;, .. . .-
5th andR '11- d 't‘m- CIIJOYEG 8 Sunday Visit with:(".’lei
1b ---------- -- 6 13 U 0 p.m. at Alderbrook Inn. Those ,
' ,ai 02; iMr,. and Mrs. Peter Vemm athion. If .. . 6 0 1 1 0 0
planning to attend are asked to Cl filling new name for the
itheir Offut Lake home, JP:an -Cf' 4 ’3 3 0 0 '0 call Fred
Snelgrove' at 7-W or v 1...
“r '* W“ ~~--:*"--*~-~ isyésaiz.~l~~ i i, i l 3 1.33.1211
' be“ Premium gasoline
' i " r E TOMS-y ----- "715.12 19. 27 12 4 Mr and Mrs.
Frank Willard we have'éver’m de
. i ' 1 It 11"!” Orchard AB R HiPO E will lcaye Friday for
~‘ i , . ,W’SChmfm‘i 55 -- 3 2 2 1‘ b 1 where she will spend the
. . . .._ . , iBuri‘clli 1b .4 0 2 8 1 1 with hCI‘ parents. Mr.
I ‘i “' ‘ . [Jorsmd' Pi 2b~-- 4 0 0 1 2 0 will attend
summer school at w.-
. . . . ',Allderson, 3b 4 0 4 ’0 0 s_ c_
. i r ,- : ‘ iO’Neil, 2b, p 4 0 0 3 1 0 '
‘. .-.:.. . ,Hestcr,c ........ ..4 0 1 2 0 ', .
,ilMoran, cf 3 0 0 1 1 0 Returns To California
: . ‘ Fairbanks 1f 4 1 1 Mrs. Oliver Meamber returned
‘ WITH coon DELIVERY IN SHELTON lee, ,f’ 1 0 0 0 3 gm San Francisco
last week where
Seattle Freight should be rented‘viarstr. Capitol, Ferry Dock.
‘Bclknap, 11f 2 .0 0 0 0 0 l she was called by the death of
~ Tacoma 'l'i‘nu‘ght via so. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, i
Totals .'. .... .. 32 3 7 27 14 3| her husband's i‘iSW- Mrs.
2’ _No. 2 lsnclmn 020-010 252_12 1 Ser is a. sister of Mrs_ S. A.
Hatch- i
.,. , , _ hits... 38-1 0 1 252—19 “-
. ’iimeScheduleasfollovis. . 11.0,, 0mm“, 100 0%,, 0n_ 3i .M l
l . g . Leaves Tacoma. daily. except Sunday. at 5 p.m. for . hits .011 020
012— 7 i -—Cormier 4, Jorsetad 5, O’Neil 1.|
. Olympia and Shelton summary: 3-b‘as’e hits — Arm-1 Hit
batters—Tough by Jorstad,
Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday 1 strong, Rail, R. Cormier. 2-ba‘se
. Moran by Cormier. Wild pitch —
Huts—Snyder, D. Cormier, Fair-l Jorstad. Runs responsible for. ——
. ..Char1cy Roloff, 42, Shelton, and
{and 80 acres near DcWatto,
1 The tidelandti
iby V‘Rebccca Hawthorne, Seattle,
4.06 lineal chains at $30.45, and
John Bustrack, Olympia; 39.99
llineal chains at $524.90, both in
the Pickering Pass vicinity.
Judge John M. Wilsonawarded
Jerry Hill, .9, Mason Lake lad,
$250 damages in a suit brought
for 'himby his parents. Mr. and
view school district in a superior
suit'claimed the youth suffered
finger injuries as the result Of a.
faulty door in a schoolbus operat-
‘tby the Grapeview school dis-
rlc . '
Minnie Crawford,
.at scuttle. June 8.
legal, Seattle,
Haney, 23, both of Tenino,
Shelton, June 8,
. gErnest A. Dahman.
base hits kicked up dust on all
parts of Loop Field Sunday as!
the Olympia Tigers clung to their
slim Evergreen League leadership
pair of lefties, failed to fool the:
hitters very effectively, but Leon-i
ard had the edge chiefly because
order swings lefthanded and he
and-Talbot Company, 10 acres in.
were purchased 1
Centralia 6, Toledo 5
Wednesda' . l *' 4 .r . i ' L'.‘ -. v; iii his three.
years of varsity i
Yclm at Olympia i" i thefllst of July, some of the Joy 01 life is
taken out, “mention. Tm, (WW, m" i
Finlay i by the Toll Bridge Authority tolls set at on cents, gm tin his
D3133" retlali; cop- livers-
n ' A ' - ' . ‘ v .‘r .~, '2 . 10 T" 's
“‘1‘” 4‘ 1 g per car and 15 cents per passenger, which is about
h;;;,;,§‘j,m,§f ,,,,,‘,f,,.,,,,,u;.' ‘ ‘ “
Shelton at Bucoda l the ’CO'St Of present ferry SQI‘VlCC,
See‘l'egating those 215 pointslfielder.
Toledo at Yelm, 2 games
With the emphasis on distance.
by planting a. kayo wallop oni
Shelton’s chin whiskers, 10 to 5.
1 . C ’I m
Wes Rail and Pat Leonard, al 01 pubhc UVCIS dneCt'
the power of Shelton's batting-
stopped that part of the lineupi
Knot It Up Once
After spotting the visiting Tig—
ers three runs in the opening can-
to. on three successive triples by
Watkins. Ottinger and Dimmick,
Shelton battled back to knot the
count at 5-5 in the fifth.
Danny Cormier opened Shelton‘s
scoring with a four—ply blow ill.
the third which hit the school—
house. Rau tripled to account for
turn more in the fourth, and a
walk to Elmer Matson and sin~
g‘lcs by Jim Tough and Rail tied,
it up in the fifth after the Tigers; tiled to be neutral.
h.d. d -" th f th ' ' . ' 'm
oi: rolicifniilngileslm m 0 our -. Now this country is running around in
Olympia sewed it up in the scv—,
cnth when Pinehhitter Sienko tri-
pled as a starter and big Cy
Dimmick as a. finisher. Dimmick
smacked one within a couple of
feet of hitting the centerficlil
scoreboard on the fly. TWO sin-
gles, a walk and an error allowed
two sup’erflous Tiger runs in the
Long Range Guns
Rail and Tough each hit
times for the Olympics while
Dimmick had four, Ottinger three
for the Tigers_ Five triples, a
home run and a double markedlbe made to the end that none
the hitting parade. Matson’s de-I -
fensive work at third was outsI1
in part on the building up of the district.
enemies working within, and
need for haste but. so fal'refusing .
efficiency and politics and replace it With busines
If this country is to
universal draft of capital, industry and labor .
standing, along with a pair of penalized.
twin l‘llin s e d b T -' _ i .
lor {mill waif“??? Eifeltonl ay ' If young men are to be drafted into
serum at
Saturday at Port Orchard a‘a‘ dollar a day
pitched up Olympic lineup had too
much punch for the Kitsap county lndn
to 3 verdict behind Danny Corm-;
ier’s seven-hit pitching and a 19-;
hit attack of their own. Stan,011
gArmstrong hit four safeties with:
icormier and Wes Rau helpingl ' _,
With three each- icountry IS at last waking up to its dangers.
The box score: ' ‘
Of course, we were looking for something for
nothing, for a free ferry on this state highway, and
this will be brought about in a year or two of pub-
lic protest; but the fact remains that the huge cost
of the bridge must be paid for either by taxpayers,
i thoroughfare while the Narrows span must depend
The Situation in war-torn Europe is not only;
disturbing but alarming to this country in its un-
1‘il‘epal'e'dnes's against agression from without and
' a repetition of the hid—
den causes which slaughtered the countries which
much as it did before the World War, Congress is! GOES Over The TOD
pouring out it’s billions on top of past wasted bil-l
lions making up its national debet, just realizing the l poppy am...
conducted by the wt.
to cast out its in-|
go through another suchl
’ 1.
n,er orgy its weak spots should be cleaned up right nov;
shall make undue p1‘0"- icounty council and district in
t and that graft and slacking in any form shall be
so should the service of every other
and dollar be drafted by this country in its timevl
center town team. winning—a 12,‘of need; eVery able-bodied citizen
should have his
“place in the plan-0f defense, and those who refuse
,show alien sympathies should be put where they
can do so harm. It begins to look as though this
lit is discovered that \Vaters’
in behalf of llighciimber track:
and cinder doing... This past sea-i
son, his senior year, Vilatcrs Licoer
71 points, but it must. be remem—l
bored that this year he was lim—l
ited to competition in only thrcci
on his endurance and he frequent-l
events besides the relay. I
scored 51 points. Three times
, in his junior season, the. 200-
: pound star, topped the 20—point
1 mark, twice getting 21 and
I once 24, thattime in a quad—
rangiilar session at Hoquiam
with Monte and Elma complet-
ing the field.
Another time in
' his junior he gathered
18 tallies.
This year,
Ilimited to competition in
V:F:W.-P_oppy Sale
Q i
Assuring success of the annual
ierans of foreign wars, over 2,000
,poppys were sold and $209.76 tak-
Sion in, it was announced at- the
lregular meeting of Mason county
lthe local drive.
The annual of
polities-and third-terms must be forgotten, and a ipost records and
meetings was
should iconducted by D.
L. Westover,
icommander of the Grays
iment at Walla Walla June 19 to
Auxiliary members voted to
write letters to senators urging
their support of House Bill 9900,
widows and orphans pension bill.
which has already passed the
They also Voted $5 for war relief
and decided to hold only one meet=
ing during the months of July and
Several Sheltonites attended a
meeting of the Grays Harbor coun-
have compiled exceptional records
icovering their three-year prep car-
lthe piano-legged, bespectacled out-l
bestiStan set up a three-year batting";
.seascn wan his junior year, dur—‘averagc of .379. By years it looks
ing which he hung up 93 scores like this:
AB H RBI AVE lalilespoolifuls No “me!
1938 .......... .. 52 l3 17 13 .327 WlIllll‘fil.d'4S ll(lJlli'3
—- 0mm?
' o s rcsuis arc .
122‘; ---------- ~- 22 ll; E2 ii as last
' ' ' 1 CH , . u-ux V i
Totals .... .174 54 66 50 .3791 1:; as ii a. sold iiy 19“}
In- his sophomore year Stan Wan
. . . ‘, invents, whereas the previous sea-jsecond only to Alec Matsnn in
some complalnt ls made Ovel the SOmE\Vhdt if.'.')rl there was no
such restrictirnfldriving in runs while in his junior
lower charges set for the Lake washington bridge;
to be opened to travel at the same time, but the vol- 1
nine of travel will be much greater over the latteri in Waters sophomore
year he 1
o for
Now for Jack Cole, the Willowy
southpaw pitcher. In his three ,
iseaeons in Highclimber regiment-
lals he won 11 games ,
jfive, whi'éh takes in a sophomore
lyear in Which he had little chancel
lto pitch with such aces ahead of i
'llim as Wilbur Flint and Norm.
ididn‘t win any that season, but
iin 1939 he won five without a (ie-
of course, he wasfeat and this year won six and
only lost three, one of which he enter-
;three events, so his chance to pile ed as a relief pitcher and
{up points was materially reduced. charged with the loss when the
iTwice he scored triple victories, only run scored off him- was bot-h
‘ — — ,unearned and the one that won
3the game.
.ord looks like this:
1933 o 2 24 2/3 9 20 12 THE ATLANT' ,. .
i1939 o 40 2 49 16 8Ariington’5"
i940 3‘ 68 2/311 95 27
Totals 11 5 133 1/3 22164 55
Those are a grand pair of rcc-
senior years he topped the
1y took part ill as many as fivelteam in that important detail both
l l
'leiiiiiii Juice Re?
i ‘ r. ,. .
' Rheumatic Paill
If you
or llClll-lll) pain,
.sivc lionie rcrlpc t
(let a package of R
Mix it with .
‘ juice of 4 lemons.
at all. and plensanl...
t there's Stan Armstrong,
li'y ih
liai 1",
The records Show that
an allmlutc money—inc
Compound is for sale I
and lost?
AKE the most a: V_
itlg' hours. B“. '
the wisdom. the :30
the charm that '1 .
five years, .
quoted and
magamne. , _,
‘ Offer to NEW .
Send $1 onentio‘“ V' .
to V
He lost two games and
Jack’s three-year rec- ,
mates, and give a pretty;
fair picture of the important part“ I
‘post No. 1694, Monday evening. “5593 Of “10‘ Highclimbcr dio-
Fmd Hickson was Chairman of mond forces ourmg that three-_
. year
Harbor might be cause for considerable
Spec.ivlamcntlltion over the 1.9411pros- i .
He also spoke for local at- ‘ Wet-“i Were it not for the fact that
tendance at the annual encamp-lBW‘Lher 30" 0016 is coming “I?
las Jack to replace his older 'bro-
ther on the hurling corps while a,
couple of sophomore Sluggers like
1 Ken
leave the loss, of husky St an‘
‘Armstrong less serious than it
house and is now in the senate.imight 0th'31‘WiSG be. , ,
l Father or TworShelto‘n i‘
Residents Passes Away "
Mrs. Clarence Gruncrt and Art
They'll ‘be missed mightily by I
the fans who have seen—them play
'Mrs. J. H. Hill. against the Grape-.
. , c batted for Mur h fin 9t
court, order signed Saturday. The! P y h
.ilCEllSES l
J Melvii T. Moore, 37, and Mary,
Port l
1 banks.
iOIympia AB I: H 0 A . lcil meeting last Saturday. Among Barkley 0f
Shelton Were saddehed‘ _ r . -
iSIoppy. >6 .0 2 1 1 3i WHERE’S OUR SCRAP IRON? ithem were Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. last week by the death of their PAY “'TE .
iCOntes, 2b ...... .. 5 1 1 1 o; ‘ __ i'Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Pigg. father- L- S. Barkley. 61. in Scab. “MA HE’S
lKanda, 1f ...... .. 5 0 1 3 0 0i _ . ‘ . iMr. and Mrs. 13in Compton and
tlefiThursday night. l _ ' i
g g $1: 3 (O)? This is a question that may soon become llll"Mrs.
Fred Hickson. “finneri‘iilsfivicesdwgc ham Siit-V EYES M
. ’i ., -v i, . , , , - , ~~—" _.————.— rte W1 1 r.
'_ ‘ ' ,. . . e g ‘
Dimmick, c 5 3 4 7 1 1 portant when this administlation. leally starts
its, , 1.1,, 39nd Mrs. ggfm filings, Wm. Conotflgfr’o.
£33,393” ---- 3 ‘1’ 2 i g gvast program of building battleships and
munit10ns,;RE_PUBL‘lCAN GROUP Mtg.1V1Laavgenc<eldElwin-rill],2am?I
Mr”? 1
i , ........ ._ .1 i . , m . an rs. ' ero f - It
'Legnarg, p 5 0 O 0 4 0 and finds thaRt under 1:? §ralde $9313
501' Same yea-15' FIGHT-attending, While $1533.10 otsfeginzrii
i‘a.‘ien 0, cf 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 Past , apan ussia an ta ave een v uying
1“) m}; S ,h "t—‘F‘g; ubfi an mu were sent by several other
Shel- i.
i Totals 43 10 16 27 10 5 ‘ . ’ . - - , :-' -‘ - ‘3
.Ou‘,,W.";S ‘;p .‘C g ppzton residents who knew Mr. Bark-l“
‘1 ~~ all r
Shelton AB R H ‘0 A E all avallable 'SQI'aP “1 thls
countl'y and Shlljpmg 1t , gg‘nfsisngl‘igt‘gigt Sad
Emihéfimgle‘: ley thru numerous visits he paid? . TnulSELfiT
‘Taylm‘v ‘35 ------ 5 0 '1 2 4 l‘overseas to build the ships
and guns which mayn,nn ‘9, oivmm Mend“ .v'emg, herein the past
several years. He“: BARGA'N Each".
Levett, 2b ...... .. 5 0 1 5 2 2 1 d . I k t I d.;,ttendpd by
néarly‘one hundred was well known to members of‘: ' 15¢ w.
D. Cormier, 1b 4 1 1 2 0 some ay come ac. o p ag‘ue us. le our goo .mn
mild WWW mm “1 me“ ,1 Mt. Mamh Mammc Lodge here A.“ Two Big Fe, ..
.ggrssggong “~- 2 ‘1’ 0 0 0 money has been gomg into ratholes so far
as lie-lamina. They had some pep talks andyes '3 member of 2334310le ,
VMcCom’bfe .121 5 o (i 3 3 tion’al defense is concerned. 781-931
thgafig: iggfieggewigv‘fige caricié‘LC’déchfffi‘flfiw ,’
lfgrét'fi (ff ---- v- E g 3 i 3 3, At least, it has been urged for
several yearsgégtagfgd acfiveiy campaigningpfor Wilgfgnflgggfiguégigra
em I with 660'
, ...... ._.. , , V, . ._, V .. . . , ,
Rau. p ............ .. 4 1 a 2 1 01 fcnat no more scrap metal be shipped to
Japanto use .thgvy,‘;m,lg;:§°n,,§§,ot§;,ngggfi,c,_ ployl of the
Simpson tagging semis IS.
b Murphy. 1f 1 0 0 0 0 0 in slaughtering the Chinese, but until now
nothingImam ms present as we“ as a companyg was admit-ted to Shel- Wm,
c pole ____________ ,_ 1 o o 0 0 o _ . _ . ; i f Na 011.com“ .m_ ton
hospital for treatment Satur—I ,
Totals 42 ,5 10 27 17 3 has been done about it, nor about the shipments of
.nl‘1'3‘901 Hm?) 13,31 , R Mina.“ (my. . . i V ,
‘* batted f” 30’" "1 7th 'war-making materials to
Russia, Germany, and ev— 0'” mg ar y mg' eg '-
—————i——-_M::~.~,-.T r
b batted for martin 17th
Sc‘oi‘eby innings
' hith-
Rohr, Contest Sienllo,
iCormier, Levett, Tough.
Taylor, Tough. Double
I Sacrifice
, Runs batted
.Olympia ............ .. 300 200 302—10
.. 400 _-20 312—16
. 001 '- 20 000— 5
hits ............ .. 021 320 110—10
Summary: home run—Cormier.
3-base hits —~..¢Dimmick, Watkins,
Ottinger, Sienko, Rau. 2-base hit
—;Dlm_mick. Ruins—batted in—Dim-
mick 4, Rau 2,». Watkins, O'ttinger,
out—Leonard 7, Ball 2. Walks—
Leonard 3, Rau 3. Runs.respon-
Siblc for—Rail 7, Leonard 5. Pass-
ed ball—Dimmick. Stolen base—
pla'ys — ,
hit B'ur’rell.‘ O’Neil 5, Jorstad 6, Cormier 0.
in—D. Cormier 4,
lR. Cormier 2, Snyder 2, Cole, Rau, Snyder, Wischoffe’r, Belknap. Dou-
lDion, Anderson. Stuck out—Cor- ! ble plays -— Levett unassisted: .
miei' 7, .lorstnd 5, O'Neil 3. VVfill 5i Snyder to Tough.
[en in this year Italy, another enemy of the allies,
has purchased ten times the normal amount 'of scrap.
This cOuntry has too long delayed building up its
mind planes, ships and guns, and is beginning to wor-
ry about its supply of metal as well as of machine
tools which potential enemies have been draining
from us. .
" The million persons on federal payroll might
take the lead in practical patriotism by accepting
cuts in the high-salaried groups, including the presi-
Sykes, Walt Elliott, Alden Bay-
ley, G. 'C. Angle, Hugh L. Ham:
ilton, Chas. Runacres, Mr. and
,alimlnistratrix to serve
:3500 for
'Ch'arl‘es Carlson in a
.court order signed Saturday.
John Benes, Route, 2. Simpson
lLogging company employe, was
admitted to Shelton Saturday for
dent, and help the poor taxpayer finance the war.
Mrs. Hal Briggs. l
Julia Wafldrin Kerr was appoint- ,_
*cd by Judge John M. Wilson as V
the estate of the late
Stolen bases—Cole 2, Armstrong, , w
, “murmur”
two lads played in the suc—
l'tj 1‘
their prep Careers, and
every bit as much promise 1
Fredson and Warren Woods
mystery Dove
the screen.
393" film {Casi-l
ill) :1 Hillier!
.Gct Markct~PrICes Right Here at H011"?~
LEW WILEY, -M‘anager
,g.’ '““
Now it? ionising [utterance-
we invite you lo’eili‘o'y ilieilirlll of
«1 fuel solar superior to lordliiai'y
Ethyl giisiiliim we ‘llulle named it
Shaded": . g -‘
You (in e'x'p’oitlzit to do‘lliingsji‘ir
your tar—mulls it definitely more
responsive, livelier} ’Sfiibwherl' On
stile. nt'ptilgi'lis displaying it: new
emblem - Siondiml‘s' :"Siiprem‘e "!