June 11, 1940 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 11, 1940 |
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' ' i:Illlll'ch
site, d
0‘ Mr
‘ of Bel
Sunday. June
Miss Adeline
of Mrs. Ellen
fore a group
t,‘ relatives at'
W3" afternoon in a
3‘19” y spring flowers
m REV. Forrest
3- performed the
,gestparty included
‘1 {Wm man and Mrs.
an“: 91‘ Merna Rowe
_, cii‘l‘Of-honor, both
ha he bride was
:: Mthllght blue wool
a Whlte accessor-
'«. Ingardenia corsagc.
.i Lur’l‘aa-I‘I‘iage by her
.hono Of Shelton.
lam: Was dressed
ie crepe with
IOWS alld wore a
10588 and‘frcs-
‘ mPia sang “0h
was. accompan-
T‘Vlning Lloyd,
who played the
L Id m
. Md
V i, Eel
11g. a recep-
the parsonage
groom. and after
bridethe first piece
‘ g as aunt assisted
' etnd Ivas assisted
V311 of Seattle
6 owe of Shelton.
of Shelton, was
guest book.
11am. mother of
w. rose colored
. ‘th 8. corsage of
' and the groom's
Vy blue suit with
colored cama-
it Of Vt
i , WERS
V "9 Comfort
f "e. anytime.
.f“"“‘~aro Bldg.
Pad FI‘anklin
. til
glyceremony, Miss .
loiiNTs l
MAXINE BRIGGS, society Edltor
Phone 274.!
Following the reception, the
.. ibridc and groom left in a shower
“Wices at the Trim I of rice for a week
l around" the
‘s honeymoon.
state. They will be
at home to their many friends ati
412 Vthitcom street. Mr. Sten-,
and Arnoldlgcr is employed as mail carrier
and Mrs, U.‘
at the Bellingham postoffice and
Mrs.- Stenger was formerly of.
Shelton and for the past two
years has been employed in the
iLicense department in Olympia. ,
Out-of—town guests for the wed-
iding included those from Shelton,
Olympia, Seattle and Bellingham,
and those from Shelton in at-
tendance were Mrs. Donna. Mur<
iphy, Mrs. Ellen Putnam, Mr. and,
Mrs. Myron Lund, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Rowe and Miss Ruth and
Miss Vera Rowe,
F.0.E. Auxiliary Install
.Officers Monday Evening
Monday evening, with about 100
in attendance, the auxiliary of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles install-
ed their officers at the I. O . O. F.
hall. The officers included Louella
Andrews, president; Audrey Aus-
tin, junior past president; Ada
bassett, vice-president; Marguerite.
Sett, conductress; Grace Driskel,
secretary; Agnes Alexander, trea-
surer: Grace Collins, inside guard;
Thelma Carlon, outside guard;
Hulda Botts, pianist: and Gladys
Clark, three-year trustee. Sister
Olympia auxiliary was installing’
officer and Katherine Haynes of
Olympia was installing conduc-I
tress. The new officers Were pre-I
lsented corsages and then escortedi
‘of the Shelton group. Mrs. An-
drews presented Mrs. Austin a
gift for her work during the past
year as president of the auxiliary
and Katherine Abel, past president,
past presidents pin.
presented Sisters Stuck and Allen
a gift for their work during the
past three years, and Mother Ditt-I
man was presented a gift.
Drill Captain Alice Herzog call—
ed on and presented each of her,
drill team with a gift for their.
splendid work during the year?
The drill team includes Winnifred‘
Morkert, Cecelia Bare, Irene Jack-
son, Katherine Abel, Myrtle Bas-
sett, Bertha Bellinghausen, Doro-
er Shop l
Cliff WiVell’s CERTIFIED
pretientatwe in Mason County for
Ilia Oil Wood
“Grade Fuel and Deisel Oil
thy Lamb and Lucy Pierce. Mrs.
Laznb then presented Mrs. Herzog
with a gift. Mrs. Andrews then
Icalled Brother Lamb, president of
Ithe Aerie, and as he had com-
‘mented on the lovely dresses of
’the women, they presented him
with a corsage, as they did Bro-
ther Coons, president of the Olym-
Ipia Eagles.
.monies, refreshments were servedI
lin the dining room which was
Ibeautifully decorated with rose-
buds and summer flowers. The
' hall for the installation was also
beautifully decorated with flow-
ers and the committee in charge
of the decorations included Lucy
I Pierce, Dorothy Lamb, Bertha Bel-
Ilinghausen, and Hulda Botts. The
,kitchen committee included Myr—
'tle Glenn, Opal Frederickson, Su-
lsan Griggs and Cassie Coble. The
committee for making the cor-
sages included Louella Andrews.
Charlotte Gardner, Myrtle and
Vearl Bassett and brothers Paul
Frederickson, Frank Skerbini, Bill
‘Pierson and Charles Savage wash-
ed the dishes.
i Engagement Of Barbara Ann
'King And Arthur Walton Is Made
Mrs, Stoddard King, formerly
of Spokane, announces the en-
gagement of her daughter Bar-
.bara Ann to Arthur Thomas Wal-
iton, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Walton of Shelton. The an-
nouncement was made Saturday
.morning at a “brunch” Mrs. King!
,gave at the Hotel Edmund
1‘ Meany, following University of
Washington commencement cx-
;ercises. During the dessert, Bct-'
.ty Walton, 5-year-old sister ofl
the bridegroom-elect, gave each
guest a corsage to which was at-
tached a miniature diploma read-
ing: “Barbara and Arthur an-
:nouncc their commencement for
.late summer;"
Miss King was graduated Sat-
‘urday with a bachelor of arts
degree and Mr. Walton with a
bachelor of science in chemical
engineering. He has accepted a
chemists position with the Ray-
onier, Inc, plant here.
The bride-elect's late father,
Stoddard King, was a nationally
known writer and newspaper man
of Spokane.
V.F.W. Auxiliary Hold
Regular Meeting Friday
The V.F'.W. held their regular
meeting Friday night. It was vot-
led to donate $5.00 for the
voted to hold one meeting during
the months of July and August.
At the next meeting in two
weeks, national delegates will be
The sewing club will meet Fri-
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Emmett Smith with Mrs
Ralph Pigg assisting hostess_
Coons of Olympia, president of the;
Following the cere- I
Red I
Cross War Relief, and it was also;
- . (iron Lavon and Walter,
:thc VF.W. Auxiliary was held in"
Lcmkc, chaplain; Miss Vearl Basg , ,
son of White Salmon,
announced her engagement
flectcd Officer of the Day. I
. Temple,
, refreshments
' ‘the services.
I-‘ilih Bi, riot ('oni'm'r‘ncr‘.
0f V.ll‘.r3W. Auxiliary Meets I
The Fifth District conference of".
Olympia Saturday evening. At?
the same time the Grays Hai'borI
Council of the "J.F.\V. met iiti
til-3 Labor Temple. The men elect-
ed officers and F, Martin was5
I During the meeting of the aux-I
.llinry, also held at the Labor'
The conference closed with
and dancing. The
,next meeting of the Conference
lwill be. at Long Beach, Wash, in
lScptember. Those from Shelton
{who attended the meetings in-
Icludcd Mr. and lrs. Ralph Pigg,
er. and Mrs. Wm, Compton, Mr.
{and Mrs. Harry Hall, Mr. and
IMrs. E. F. Martin, and Mrs. Fred
IKupkil-(Jamcron “leading is
lllelzl Friday Night
Miss Beulah Cameron and Merle
Kupka both of Hood Canal were
lmarried Friday evening, June 7,
Iat the Methodist parsonage, with
1131". Robert Brumblay performing
Miss Alice Lewis
:and Bruce Pagal were their at—
‘tendants and the wedding was
I performed before relatives and
iciosc friends of the couple. Mrs.
Kupka was dressed in a turquoise
,bluc alft‘rnoon dress with coa
L’,‘V.’l"i wore ll. navy blue suit and
.both corsages were of pink rose
‘and accessories of navy blue. MissI
Nchring—Northlicss “leading
15 Helil Ii‘ridii'y, Juno 7
Miss Mildred Nehriilg, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nehring ofI
Shelton and Don Northncss, son'
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nortlincss
riagc Friday, June 7 at o’clockI
at the home of the bride‘s pan.
0 I
the Methodist church, performed,
the ceremony before close friends}
of Kalama, were united in mar:
cnts. Dr. Robert Brilmblay '
were given byIand relatives of the couple. I
lthc officers and there was a roll;
The bride was attractively gown- I
Ied in White chiffon with a lach
Ibolcro, and she carried a shower3
ibouquct of pink rosebuds. Mrs.
iGordon Russell was matron~of—I
{honor and she wore blue chiffon
land carried a. bouquet of pan
'rosebuds. Gordon Nehrlng, oro»
ther of the bride, was best man.
The ceremony was pcrformcd
under an archwin of roses.
I Mrs. Mary Gregg played “I
Schultz who sang, “Oh,
Me." Following the ceremony, a
reception was held at the house.
Guests present for the wedding
included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Rhinos, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bell
and sons Herbert and Albert, Mr.
and. Mrs. Robert Bell, Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Richards, Mr. and Mrs.
IOrvillc Smith, Mr. and Mrs,
Ibcn Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Bud \Vcnz,
er. and Mrs. Gordon Russell, Mr.
land Mrs. Robinson Bell,
.Mary Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
.(lon Nehiing, Miss Nollie Muller,
Love You Truly,” and “Beaucscfh
and also accompanied Miss Signs,
Promise. 1
Ru- 1
Mrs. ,
Smitllc Visitors Hero
Mr. and Mrs. William Mcston“
and son of Seattle arrived last‘
Wednesday at the Bayshore home
of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Randall to
spend their two weeks‘ vacation.
highlights of. their visit will be
a trip to one of the ocean beach-
es and the celebration of Mrs.
Meshm‘s lil.:l‘li'lay later this
Other guests at the Randall
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. l
K. W. lvchunkin and daughter
Nancy Ann of Shelton.
iVisitors Return To B. (2.
Mr. and Mrs. T. K, Nee-(Ilium
iof New Vv’c:~;tminstcr, B. 0., left
,Friday following a three-weeks
ivisit with their son and daugh-
ltor—inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. James
V Ncerlham, and son—in—Iaw and
Idaughtcr, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan and
i’i‘om and Rosemary Kidwcll ac—
companied them to New West-
:niiiinmr, remaining there for a
:short visit at Harrison Hot
Springs. Mr.
Tom and
Leave For California
Mrs. A. G. Nehrlng, Mrs, Ur- '
ville Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Vern
5 Hansen .Elli’i daughter Sondra, left
3 Friday night for an indefinite trip
1 to San Francisco, San Diego, Val-
‘ lejo and nib. points of interest,
on a business and pleasure trip
‘ of cards.
and Mrs. Jordan be married in the late sum
Rosemary Kidwell 3
Monday g
Page Three
Mrs. Paul. Dittmnn ~Ir., is
Hostess Friday Night
Mrs. Paul Dittman .Ir., enter-v
taincd the members of her bridge
club Friday night with two tablc::= 3
Mrs. Wm. Noblctt. Mrs.
Harold Meade and Mrs. Harry‘
Dittman won honors. At the close
‘rcfrcshments were scrvcd.
Royal Neighbors Hold
Last Meeting
The Royal Neighbors met on
Thursday evening at the Odd Fei-
lows hall for a short business
meeting. before closing for the
summer months.
I Daughters Of Pioneers
lTo Meet Friday
I The Mason County Chapter No.
l14, Daughters of Pioneers, will
Ihold a potluck picnic at Bayshorc
Friday, June 14. Any member
iwishing transportation is asked
Ito call 461).]. ‘
,Leaves For Tacoma
Miss Delores Bader left this
:wcek for Tacoma where she will
‘ mer.
That are correct and distinctive
for all occasions
All kinds of bedding plants.
perrenials and annuals
Ihurls. Mr. and .Mrs. Kupka. Willi
lmake their home at Minerva;
.lnvitT—tl To Olympia
The members of the Shelton'
Vv'omen's Chorus have been in-
vited to Olympia Thursday for a
1:00 o’clock dessert luncheon at
state publicity chairman of the
Miss Eloise Meiningcr, Miss Sig-I
na Schultz, and Mr,
139.“ I Nehring. . 3 I, M th».
I ml' __ I Mrs. Northnes: graduated from‘1 or éumr'n l 1 (:1 ,
f .
Shelton W'omon’s Chorus {the Irene S. Reed high school in M’S‘
H‘wm‘ nr‘SL‘a“ 0 I
ithc class of 1938.
short wedding trip they Will make
their home in Kaiama.
IGadabouts Meet Thursday
ithe home of Mrs. Albert Smith,‘w
Miss Joyce Peterson, daughter identified with printing and news-7
-to their places by the arm team of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Peter— paper
and M. Si. A.
Texas Guest Herc"
‘Miirklcy, Texas. is visiting withl
her brother—in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Orval Anderson and with
Ilicr brother and sister-in-law, Dr.
'alid Mrs. B. N. Collier. This is
the first visit the sisters and bro-
thcr have had in five years,
Following a
ith Mrs. Barney Morgan
The Gadabouts met at the home
l concerns 1101'0. Federation of Music clubs. The 0f Mrs' Barney
Morgan lam Thuffls'l r: 4- w x ‘
Wash” has now is in Olympim No date 50H members; of the Olympia m u S i c
I day and drove to Olympia. fOI-‘dln_‘; .35.. “knit;
.tilEIqlmElzlfil AV” and I
to the wedding has been set. The . group and the Céntmlia groupjncr at the
Cthlel‘lefl). lhosc,‘ V it. “a v{FLAL‘FM B L I dyH I :
. Those who making the trip included Mrs.1 3*" V“ 0“" 9t y
‘m C en 5
L l
George Warren, son of Mrs. Falk- ‘ engagement was announced at a
land F_ Warren of Route 1, Shel-’party in Olympia last Thursday
Mr. Warren is a graduate evening given
presented Mrs, Austin with herzof Irene S. Reed high school with Johnson.
Mrs, Austin the class of 1932, formerly was Olympian.)
will also be gucsts.
Engagement of Miss Peterson
and George Warren Announced
Last Thursday evening, at an.
evening party at the home of‘
Mrs. Selma Johnson, Olympia, the
engagement of Miss Joyce E. Pet-l
erson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Dwight Peterson of White Sai-‘
mon, Wash, to F. George War-
ren, son of the late Capt. Falkland
Warren and Mrs. Warren of Shel-r
ton. The engagement was reveal-
ed by miniature news stories
tucked in pakins. Miss Harvey
Jean Smith and Miss Joy Ashwill
were hostesses for the party. No-
date has been set for the wedding.
Miss ‘Petlerson attended schools.
in White Salmon and the Univer-
sity of Washington where she
was affiliated with Sigma Kappa
social sorority. She is now em~
ployed in the state license de-
partment. Mr. Warren is a gradu-
ate of the Irene S_ Reed high
school. The engagement was first
made known at the sorority house.
in Seattle when Miss Peterson
candy and ran around the table at
the senior breakfast.
Family Reunion Honors Geo.
Roessel’s 74th Anniversary
Sunday, George Roessel was
honored with a family reunion
and birthday party honoring his
74th anniversary, at Twanoh
State Park, There were 37 pres-‘
cut and following a, pincic din-
ner, svxfimming and other games
were enjoyed. It was also the
birthday anniversary of a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Jack Collins of Enum—'
claw. Those present included the
following: sons, Ted and Bill, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Roessel and «laugh—i
ter Maxine of Belfair; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Roessel and son Glenn;
of Shelton; daughters, Mr. land‘
Mrs. Oscar Mickleson and son
Gene and daughter Betty Lou,
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Mickleson
and daughter Doris Mae, Mr. and]
of Bclfair, Mrs. Jack Collins andl
sons Jack and George of Enum—
claw, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper
and son Milton of Seattle; grand-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Dahlc Roe’sscl
and son Gene of Kamllche, grand-
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ren-
gli of Seattle and their son; Mr,‘
and Mrs. Joe Dunkinson of Ta-
coma, sister of Mrs. Geo. Roessel,
in addition to the honor guest
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George
Roessel. Their son Jack Rocsscl
of Belfair was the only one ab-
sent from the party on account
of illness.
Group pictures were taken dur~
ing the afternoon.
. Enjoy Cruise 0n “Nomad”
Sunday Afternoon
A group of people enjoyed a fine
cruise on board the “Nomad”
Sunday. They went to the Nar-
rows Bridge and to Point De-
lflancc Park where they enjoyed
a picnic dinner. Those making
the trip included Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan Moser and son, Douglas of
Warrenton, Ora; Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Johnson of Olympia;- Miss
*Bea Woodworth of Potlatch; Mr.
and. Mrs. Lowell McGinnis and
daughter Judith Anne, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Owen, Mrs. Cliff Hud~
speth, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roush
and son Gene, Miss Bonnie Roush,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chase, Mr. and
Mrs. Sherman Soule and chil-
Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Chase and sons Bill and
Dick, Alice Attwood, Dorothy
Chase, all of Shelton.
Mrs. Glenn Edgoley is
Hostess Tuesday
Tuesday evening, Mrs. Glenn
Edgeley entertained the members.
of her bridge club with have tables. 1
Mrs. Lawrence Munson, Mrs. Har-I
ry Christopherson an d Mrs.
Charles Borst won the honors. At
the close, delicious refreshments
were served. '
Weekend in Seattle
Miss Georgie Valentin-c spent
Phone 397
, tionalities,
Imillion dollars in buildings.
ltheir friends and the junior aux«I
liliaries are invited to attend the;
I the program
.ior Women‘s club last Thursdayl
.presented her traditional box Orin”-
‘King—VVolpert Nuptials
,ried Saturday afternoon, June 8th l Gas “I?” as s.chng on the
at 3 o’clock at the First Methodist l I’ Dunc '
church in Bremerton, with Rev. ! Altar Society of Catholic
iM. Wood performing 'the cei'c- Church Meets Thursday
mony. Mi. and Mrs. Victor king The Altar Society of St. Ed_
Mrs. Garlon Brown and daughters . Canada,
Janet, Sally and son Reggie, ail”will reside in Seattle.
Iilton, and its the three-year course
i ter
, Taylor, vice-president;
.prcscnt for the dessert
vacr and the skipper, Frank ,James Simmons, Mrs. Duncan Wil-
Icon and Miss Dorothy Weston en-
twcen 12 and 12:15 Thursday and
transportation will
Braver—Twit \Vedding Is
Held Saturday, June 1
The wedding of Kari
Tvcit, (laughter of Mr.
Women's Home Mlssionary
0f M. E. Church Meets
Wednesday, the regular meet—
ing of the M. E. Women‘s Home
Missionary will commemorate the.
60th anniversary of the organiza—i
tion. From a beginning in behalf
of Negro women and children, it
has now grown to include all na-
with 182 centers of
work and investments of over 10.
organization, ‘
and Mrs.
John Harold Beaver, Jr., son of
‘Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beaver of
Port Angeles, were married in,
Portland, Ore, Saturday, June 1.|
Rev. Oswald Taylor performed the
ceremony at the Grace Memorial
Episcopal church. On their re-
turn, the young couple will make
their home at 535 N. E, 2nd at
Camas, Wash. The bride is a
graduate of the Roosevelt high
school of. the class of 1939 and
of the
1:00 o’clock luncheon and enjoy;
Junior Women’s Club
Meots ThUI‘SdaV Aftermm” ‘ attended the Shelton o“radc schools v-
. I, h,r.ll : s ' .
Mrs. Glenn Gardner was hostesSl for three years Beaver 15 C aEld
‘ézltlgghfgslinjoymg a.
at the Closed meetmg the Jun“ the graduate of “19 Rooseve" visit
this week with her mother
high school with the class of 1938
(afternoon- ThOSC Present were} and he also attended the Shelton
Mrs. Harold Bruce, Mrs. Ralph: high school for a time. I
Yohn, Mrs. Lee Carlson, Mrs. I
Harry McGoughy, Mrs. Elmer. Councilman Kimbel, ‘Bridc
Imus, and the hostess, Mrs. Gard-
Guests of the club werci
Miss Ann Smiley and Mrs. H. A.
On Alaska Honeymoon Trip
Councilman Roy J. Kimbel and
‘ his bride of last April, the former,
Gardn?“ Mr5« HGDFY Boysen was. Sally Hubbard, left Seattle todayI
voted in as a member. If the wca— l by boat for a. honeymoon cruise
ther permits, the club has planned. to A1351“, part of which will mI
a picnic at Walker Park, June 20 elude an airmanc trip into the
and husbands of the members will ‘
be guests. ,
interior to Fairbanks and Mayo
in the Yukon Territory
Mr. and Mrs. Kimbel were mar-
ried at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, last
. , . April. Mr. Kimbel conducts lov-
M‘SS M‘Lrgaret ng’ daughter ging and heavy construction bushi—
of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King of, .
the Matlock district and Mr. Char- l mosses hem and 15 Mason confity
ms Wolpert of Seattle, were mar- l agent for the Richfield Oil com-
Held In Bremerton Church I
were the only attendants. , . .. ,
Mrs Wolpert was attractively flaws PaUSh met Thumday at-
dressed in navy blue with whitcntfgngon 31th ,Mlhs' ,A’ glfiadelg
accessories. Hcr corsagc was " u‘ne usmbss st 1“°us‘c‘e
H, l
.- . .. .z.i .l the meeting closed for the
beautiful orcnid. Mi lung’s .11! I
corsagc’ was of pink rosebuds. ’ K'summer months’
After a, twr) wccks’ trip in I ,. . , ,
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Wolpcrt ’Rav‘ghwrs 0‘ Wondcrd“
, meet» Thursda)
I The Neighbors o: Woodcraft.
‘Delphians Meet Monday ‘meL Thursday Wlth Mrs' car“
_Hcllman. There were 17 present
land during the afternoon Mrs.
.(jaroline Tallent was honored withl
a surprise handkerchief shower asI
Ia farewell for her. She plans to
of study for the Beta Tau Chap— I make her home in Bremerton'
is completed, the group (Jr-'I , I . i ., H
ganizod into the Women's Club of gigngsmggzgshs
Shelton, which "YOU will i — . .
b p comm l Mrs. Frank Pierce entertained
uc to operate as a study group.
The officers and committees elect- ‘thc members Of hffsobnfiifchilgs
. i'l‘hursda for a
ed Monday are as follows: Mrs. . y ‘
Hamilton’ presment; Mrs‘ Homer lgdlmfiiifgldbzvogarfgfst 01:5:
Mrs. Cliff
Wiveny secretary; Mrs. R N. Cob Mrs. Glen Storey second. “311:5:
lier, treasurer; and Mrs. Robert,present incmded Mrs' .
C. Johnson, parlimcntarian. Stand— “AbeL Mrs‘ walter Austm’
'1' '~ 1” CY. I'S. . Almadcn' ' . A ' ' M
i i
and Mrs Taylor; Pubncityy Mrs‘ John King and the hostess, Mrs.
W. A. McKenzie, Mrs. G. c..ljierce'
Brewster, and Mrs. _E, F. Martin; Double H Club—'fiégts “ii”, I
Program: MYS~ Grlsdale Crosby. Mrs. Hugh Clark Thursday
Mrs. I... Burrell and Mrs. Collier; Mm. Hugh Clark was hostessI
To Organize New Group
The Delphians mcl; Monday af-
ternoon for n. 1.00 o'clock dessert
luncheon with Mrs. Hugh Ham—
lDelphians are allowed to bring-
,one new member to the Women's
lclub, and the first meeting of
the group will be the third Mon-
day in September, the
Mrs. C. M. Danielson and Mrs luncheon for the Double H club,I
rcncc Burrell won honors at cards.I
and Mrs. Clark and his mother
meeting dates as the for Iowa‘
Hospitality. MFS- C- RUWICI’CS. Thursday with a 1:00 o’clock]
George L€C0mpte. after which cards were cnjoved.
All Charter members “I “1C Mrs. Leo Martin and Mrs. Haw-
Ml-s. Clark was also surprisedl
With a handkerchief shower. Mr.
SWIMS- plan to leave .Monday I
Dellflllc’mh where they will spend the summer. I
had before, the fir-“at and third Mr. Clark’s mother has been vis-
Mondays- w- Iiting here for several weeks.
Mrs. Alfred Miohaelsoil 'rrpd m.“ h H 'm I
‘ .. . .. .onorcd
Is Honored Wednesday 0,, Birthday Sunday
Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. ' ' I
Fer Bell was honored Sunday
at their summer home near Hoods-
port, the occasion being his birth-
day anniversary. Those present
inciillicd Mrs. Anna Vogtlln and
son Syd of Puyallup, Mr.’ and
Mrs. A. L. Bell, Mrs, Frank
,Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Angle
‘and twin sons and Mr. and Mrs.
IFred Bell.
tertained with a shower for Mrs.
Alfred Michaelson at the Len
Weston home, in the garden. Those
included Mrs, M. S_ Michaelson,
Mrs. Merritt Johnson, Mrs. Har-
old Lawson, Mrs. A. E. Cole, Mrs.
Theodore Carlson, Mrs. W. T. Fur—
long, Mrs. S. M. Anderson, Mrs.
Henry Hadsell, Mrs. Bob Day, Meet Today
Mrs. Chet Hillman, Mrs. Leni The postponed meeting of the
Weston, Mrs. Alfred Killmer, Mrs. ITuesday Reviewers. met this at-
Len Walton, Mrs. Viola Kimbelw‘ternoon at the home of Mrs. Or-I
the honor guest Mrs. Alfred Mich- ival Anderson. Two book reviews
!. Tuesday Reviewers To
last weekend in Seattle visitingImons
friends and relatives.
aelson and the hostesses Mrs. Sini- lwerc given, one by Mrs. R. H.
, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Wes- Williams and the other by Mrs.
ton MIII'CIIS Rodgers.
Wilfred White, Mrs. John swollen “MW
(cut by COUN-QSY Daily be present are asked to meet at thur MCLaughlm‘
Mrs" WIImOt’h-MHI'IW r' very Spen ‘
the home (31—. 'Mrs J ,L Dotson be_ Barger, Mrs. Donald Grahain,I
‘5 9‘“ y “*3 5'
. Neimi,
be furnished. i Virgil
Mrs. Barney Morgan.
. day
Mame on Bayshorc Drive.
P. W. Tvoit of Port Angeles, and Rainbow Mother’s Ch”, T”
Saturday morning for
rs. Charles S tsma, Paul
Mrs. ugyd Fosdick’ Mrs. l Mrs. W. R. Collier is Hostess
Mor an Em] thx h stcsfi for VV.C.T.U. Friday
‘ t 0 ” The worn. met Friday with
IMrs. W. R. Collier for a pot-luck
{luncheon It was voted to donate: .
$5.00 for the Red Cross fund, sev-l
eral new members were reported?
The next meeting will be Thurs—
at the home of MI'LV, White
lPlans were started for an organ-1
Meet Tuesda‘,’ June 18 IlZEithl‘l meeting of‘ the Youtb's!
The Rainbow Mother‘s club will ‘, Temperance? Gourde”. The “ex”
meet Tuesday, June 18 at the: meeting Will be in two weeksI
Masonic Temple at
[their regular meeting.
Visit Coulee Over Weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cannon andf
visited Coulcc dam last weekend;
Mrs. Della Jarvis and her niece,
IMiss Hope Baldwin, bot
welah, Wash.
Ellan Helps Fighlw'
InIeiniiaI Poisoning!
poisoning from harmful bacteria in your
colon may be the cause. Come in today and
P. m. for; with Mrs. Lou Willey,
Now doing business at our
Greenhouse at 80. 10th
Call 112-W We Deliver
i a lot of energy!
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell,
and Mrs, Frank Stinchficlil
And since energy comes from
food, the smi'rt thing to do is to
feed them things with a high
energy content... 4-E ..Milk is
such a food . . . and it not only
supplies energy, but also nonr-
ishment ..and ..vitamins... Give
children a quart a. day to drink!
h of Che-1
i213"! Frequent headaches? Intestinal
get a generous FREE trial pack-
age of odorless DEARBORN
Garlic Tablets. See how you
feel in a couple of days!
Men and productsfimay vie fol-1'“
leadership, but it is» the public that
confers, it. .p._-."'. And .qgain in 1940,
I ferrite; ninth time in‘lh‘e- last ten
Years,‘p,eopleqre more Chev-
;; rolefS“fha‘nl any other make 61‘ car!
Mell Chevrolet Company
I 151: & Grove
Phone 114