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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 11, 1940     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 11, 1940
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PUBLICATIONS l “he \0 w ItollI It. i. S'I‘I‘IHJIZAKIIII, 10 l’i't,isi-<-titiiig Attorney, and At l’lttt‘ toriin i‘o‘r l'laintiff III‘I'CIII iii Ct-i’— Offici- and I'ostot’iicr Address ‘01" Attornvy for l’letiiitil'f: Roll Mason County Courthouse. lip Shelton. \\’ashiiigtoi‘i. \. ) -, , o— , u Yeatli‘i} (mmh Junl. i. ll, 18, -1). Jul_\ -, 9, 31m, unit, "‘M Wm, 113' Ni). ism) . ",1 _\- NOTICE TO CREDITORS T0 ”' ‘7‘"1'" PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS , H In the superior Court of the State '- W I of Washington for Mason County. "‘1 , 'L“, In Probate. y,“"‘-“<il'.“t‘l> ’I‘III‘: liA'i‘Tici: til“ 'I‘IIIII HS- lmf‘d’vcfl} 'I.\’I‘I‘l til" J‘IMII. i-.\t'i.soi\', 1).»— " ‘ ' t:t~zt=«'v~d. v PO“ Nti'l‘it‘l'l IS rill‘liii‘lllY t'llVlllN. w‘l‘l‘t z'I'liiit tht- t'lltil'l'fs'lgllt'ti. ilonrilrl I’itul— "é,.1f",stiii. IILIS hl‘tll uppointml and hats . I. m of)! “.ié‘luy‘fiqualified as Administratou of the ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 135121.10 of “Hill I’aulsoii. Docenst-(t. 4”] PU“ Lllld_ that all nus: s hn‘t'iiig inis I A'sgogq‘pd‘Ioiagmi t tilv‘ said I 'ult- or tilt' said 1\vm.“'.’00'd'‘0.“V l‘llvco.tss~rl ziiu- lit-lib), l't’tIllII't‘Ii to it Y . , - St"l'\'|: such claims, duly Verified,i 0a.: in Ltitl i . . :66. l\‘-’ltil tht- Ill't'i'Hriill‘y _\‘otlv'.livi's :‘II- no” tut-hm]. on tho llitiIt-rsigiit-d .\(illllll- “)IIFII‘JlttIl'. or his Alloriil-y of lil-t'ortl. .litl thur littw t'lffiu- of (Thus. It. linw— is. Suitv l. Iiiinihornivn's Building, ISIirlton. Allison t‘uunty. \‘i’:tsliiii;:- fton. tln- sonic bt'illti' designated as i-“HItlit- plat-t» for tilt‘ transaction of the ‘\S-‘“"“"d tn.busiiii-ss of thw said J‘:Ktél.t", \‘v’ltilill III" (into Hit: it publication of this Notice, to— \\i.: May let. 1010. or said Claims will l)¢- lot-ever buri'v-(l. months :ii’ti-i- llolll to‘ in Ct'l‘llfictttt' ton. Mason County, “'ttshington. _ 4m ,0”; 5-21-28. IJ-Il‘ll‘4t. in dAgSt‘Sso-d to‘ on e on] C '-. Shelton. liot ‘i'i.' NO' 1372 flcate 19:13, C"I'- CLAIMS l floatn v ilN 'i‘iir: Sl'l‘ldltltfl: COURT OF ,.30.‘\(i'«12:i-dn(tni THE STATE or \\'.\SII Ntl’l‘UN iImOn,]:,i”,“' . IN AND FUI‘. ’I'lllt) CUI‘N’I‘Y OI“ to SI .( and (Oi~ I AIASUN‘ V ex,tii‘filclrlttoli.’Illi‘ot ‘15.; IN PROBATE “0 1”“ L“'1 I.‘\’ THE .ViA'iTuii OI" 'l‘lllll IC‘S- ‘I‘A'I‘IC (Ilv‘ GEORGE “E {ICSFUItD toll I Ittllll-llt’l‘s, ih‘t't‘aSt‘d. to I NOTICE IS H ISIUCBY GIVEN, .‘lllti‘tililt Letters ’I‘cstanicntltry on tilt}- Lr;l"iIbU\'t- illllltit'd «'sliitc W‘t'l't‘ granttti 1933.!111 the undersigned on the 8th day !of June. 1910, by :tttitl Superior A . 413. Roll Court. 1”? NOTICE IS IFl'ItTIllCIt HAVEN. . 1:“ that all persons hilvilll: claims ‘f‘jllr‘ym against sziid estate are required to fatten. scrv:~ the szti'nc, with “11‘ necessary 41'” R“HW'ouclit-rs. upon I’llt,‘ at the Law of— S50“ {,0 I'it'“ of Alden t‘. llHyIt-y, 'i‘itit‘ In- Mr . "‘~\_d_d,‘_‘ suranci- Building, SIig~ttoiL \Vashinu- , ‘§.,.m (1"“1'1' ton. that being doslgniitvd as tho § I ipIHt't- tor tilt' transaction of the 11“;l';lhllf<Inl'SS of the estate. \Vlliliil s... 4 ‘3‘“ ; months aftt-r the (lite of the first AT‘Flf'S'dP Add? publicution of this notion towit: “I “1 CCI‘Ufl',\\'itliiii six months lifter the 11th ) Inlay of Julio. 1040. and file Hit: “9- Lo“‘snniv with the Cit‘lk of this Court, Q F. (“together with proof of such serv- -(:. 'Y", "‘51 "(191' lCt‘. or they will bt- Iorew-r burn-(l. tried,“ In Ccltl- Dated this lltli day of June. 1940, ' ‘ ).v “ . .. eat. . 5 Lots li.Ai.ooY “nit-Hi. h» ‘- -\°‘ l‘ixccutrix of the Lust Will and Testament of «loot-Li'- lh-rcst'ord IltlbL‘I‘IS. Deceased. L'. IIAYIiI‘IY. 420. Roll “(1 to Addi— I . lfl-I'tl- , .\ Li JEN ., I.\ttnriioy for EX<-(‘IIIIIX. L0” ; ’I‘itlv Iiisuraiim» Building, LO Slit lton. \Vushing‘ton. lion. U-l1—_l8—25-7-2~-It. Iflc. .— 4237.. Itoll i i I l l l . , No. 1368 Assessed ml women we cmznr'rons ridicule Ali-ELY Till“. SUPERIOR COI‘R'I‘: OI“ lt-ar ’III‘I‘} STATIC 014‘ IN .\.\'IJ FUR (‘t'lL'N’l‘Y iii the matter Ii. DEDMAN, Notice is .North, and the duly totucting ll of the above addresses arc: 1-1. lllI (,l RAYS HARUU it to, 'on )I. of the Estate Deceasod. .givvn thth Esther Marcus ll. Dt-dnian are _a1)pointcd, qualified and JOIHI executor and +~xvc-uti'..\t and that their 301 E. 40th St... St;- ’itttit‘. \Vashingtnii. and htar ILt, box 502. Minimum, \l'zlshington, respect- ‘ii'ely: that 14). S. Atwy. I‘iIniu, Wash- 0 f estate: ingtoli. is attornt-y for said estate. I That till persons having claims against said t-stntr, or said (lott' 3‘ Ied uiust St-rve tln- sum“ upon ' ASSI-sst-d to ext-(tutor or rxvcutrix, or attornt-v. ,l‘avfl I‘Iat lit iind file the same. with proof (11' ‘ “11 'll‘étCiN».s=-r\'icc. with the Clark of aboVI: cm“ :1 NuwR-jcourt. within six months after (into llicute leLIoI lilt‘ first publication of this no- , tit'e. which is June 11, 1040, or tile ‘17 Noggin]. tIRCIH 3 some will be barred. :- A. Chi-ssh V o ISS’I‘I‘I Eli N )R' . prrdod Plat ol'i L Eftgutrix. Eliot M AIICI'S B. DEDIUAN. .. E.’ i ' '. In Certificate | 1‘), S. AV’EY “Hum . I u ’ P n i Attorney for Estate a. ,1' u‘.. LU ‘ Elmo. “'a'sliington. it} Rgé)f\SSD "d it?! First publication June 11. 1040 . W (“led Plat of I Last, publication July 2. 1940 tfil'froiit Tracts, v, Two. 21 N.. C.-rtificat.<- . 433. Rolli Assessed to Flirt-- , Passagez ’ . 772 t'X.| - 33-31.. Twp.“ 0-] l -18-25-7—2-‘lt NOTICE The following described area is hereby declared A REGION (IF EXTRA FIRE HAZARD .‘IURS'I'ICD (‘RICEK AREA: in Cortl-iroud. I)t*i\|.'i't-n Lake (Tushmau-Hani— $.41. lnm Iliiinniri t‘t‘t‘, road and National 4. Roll JI‘UI‘USI boundary; including all of 0d In Sections ih’, I0. ":0, 30 and armis‘ ‘la’t OI" west. of '("(‘.I‘ road iii Sections III. il7.‘ (jzirdcllizl. 2!). ill and 32, Township 211. ‘1. :I'Wl) [North Range 3 West, Mason County. ' in (.Ul‘ll'I For protrrtioii of the above (ll.— mw‘ffltnr 11‘ Isci-i-betl :iri-zi. {against fire the fol- “ [Bonn-.7 o h-iit)\\lllg rule “'1” bl:- eniorccd: and hi-rvln- Entry into this area is pro— irilIftVing bet-Viv Iltbitt’ti' “Xt'é‘PI :is til'o\'idvd~ by igl'ra I.‘ of IN”. law \iitli i‘tkt't-rt‘iitzn- to pernia~ I 80-13 d to Mgr; Ilwlit .t't‘sltit‘lliS and industrial 'ent subject to, operations. , -.9$S(‘S‘SUII‘I‘IIS Violators of the foregoing rule ‘rrlgittion, or are subject to fine of'MOIOO to- 01‘ 1008) im- $100.00 or 00 days in jail. or both, lawfully are I‘lft'ovtiyv from Jililc 1?). 1040 to October 1.3, 1040. amountsI .I. ll. FINK. Director I. {lie screruil 'lh'liui'tnii-tit (if CUIISL‘I'VHIIOHI I PealDdI‘tlcuIHl‘ 1111.1 gian I‘lvvclopniciit, State ot _. [fate property heart Washington. G—ll-lt. twelve pcr- ,' from and r . ill-Ill. l marit- 1 NOTICE School District 11 is calling for ricks of pm of In“ Old growth wood or second growth ’H'mmons dry fir wood, to be piled in the 1x13» dtiys school shed not later than August sixty 14‘3- 15 or 20. Bids will be opened by th,j"abm‘,,, the board July the sixth (6) at a, cpr of 7:30 P. M. The board reserves the e “lain-(inn: right to reject any or all bids. mm, -,,,° ,3, v ANNIE VVHITENER, ICcrk of Board. “IROVO set t'ul‘t “N or pal-eols' 'llich you HI‘OI ,RiDGELY FORCE ..0Wncr. or in . 0" any right, together ' penalties “liar sYour mum, ,0 Death of Ridgcly Clinton Force, (lufcll action and brother-in-law of the late Mark E. on such lot.‘' 1.9 n - fl assesspd to Re (1 and formerly secretary g an in,‘,.,_Itrea*surer of the Simpson Logging 00- judgmo-m I company and the Simpson Invest— amlinst “act. 3'0" and, i ment company, occurred in Coron- Iy t}, 'OI‘ parcel oi r1 ,1 oerpon “1,, “m ado, Calif” Tuesday. A “8 certificate! Surviving are his wife, Ethel G Includes Hti fit and costs 0 f tracts. or SEMI including “id Certificate Force in Coronado; two son:- jGarrard and Ridgcly Jr., both f IEugenc, and three sisters. Ml." IRosamond Rinker, Mrs. R. 1 Neumann and Miss Louise Force, :“ appearance. all of Seattle. Votl upon the ’ Y‘ the plain- a his office ' 099v thereof , “.01 the above Work Accident Deaths Deaths from work accidents on {arms numbered 4,800 in 1938, the greatest total for any single indul- v try. , _, L. Dated this 21st day of May. 1040, ‘ “',i‘..,T,'--"f‘,”:i DONALD I‘AI’LSON, *1 I K“ I Administrator of tilt‘ Estate or 'v - , Emil l’aulson. Deer-ast]. x”fi3“,'§4flj“’,‘gi CHAS. it. LEWIS, 21",,“ ‘Trqdq I Attorney for said Estate, Suitc- ‘ ‘ l. liutnbormcu's Building. Silvi- NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE. \\'.\S.HIN(}T()1\7.' Ill. . , Lands» I , , , litll‘lil or .lm'str-d await to Elk liakoiticular us to soil and care than mind in 11130 cultum I QIES IN ‘SOUTHI vv’vw‘rvv‘ ‘ ’vvv' vvvvvvvvvvvvv Real Estate FOR SALE ‘12 acres waterfront .............. .. $25 I10 acres waterfront, house, barn, garage, in strawberries. A dandy home .................................. .. $3,000 In Hoodsport. 4 lots, house, gar- age. Terms ................... $600 Waterfront tracts Acreage Homes — Farms — Large and small SHICK and GEORGE 120 R.R. Ave. l l I l l i l l l l I I l i l l 5—room modern home completely furnished, with unfinished up- stairs tincludes radio, washing machine, electric refrigerator, gas range, dining room set, bed room set, etc). Has fireplace, hardwood floors and basement. Also nice yard with lots of flowers. Inspect it and you will like it. Why pay rent when you can own your own home. Terms. HEFBERT G. ANGLE I I I l l New 5—room modern home under construction, garage, utility room, fireplace, hardwood floors, built—ins and automatic oil heat. F.H.A. terms, same as rent with i 10 per cent down payment. Yard will be landscaped when com- pleted, ready to move in. Pay- ment will be under $30.00 in- cluding interest, taxes and in- surance. Why pay rent when the normal rent payments will purchase you a fine home. See it: today. Herbert G. Angle i l l l l LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS 56: Each or 55¢ per dozen l t l IWe also take orders for all kinds of special-— PRINTED SALES BOOKS Our prices are as low or lower than outside salesmen can quote you. THE JOURNAL General Carpentering ALTERATIONS, REPAIR WORK Free estimates on building costs, any size, new or old. Information on F.H.A. loans. Phone 62—W References Ancestor of Modern Football Every year in'Ja’nuary for the last 600 years they have played at Haxey in England an ancient ball game which was the ancestor of modern football. T SWEET CHERRIES The sweet cherry, as now grown covers most of the temper- ate regions of the world, but even yet it is not fully appreciated as an all—purpose tree—flowering, fruit, and shade. Few trees are more beautiful during the flowering season and one or two in the yard give a spring beauty and freshness that cannot be surpassed. They I. read,- ily provide shade so desireable in the hot summer months and lhave the added advantage of pro- .viding fruit. Sweet cherries are more par- ithc sour cherry, preferring a IgraNel or sandy earth. Even in dry conditions but ,with' clean cultivation exoellent 'r‘eSults are obtained. In planting cherries, either for orchard purposes or merely for decorative and shade ’puvr‘poscs with sufficient fruit for home consumption, one must remember Ithat some varieties of sweet cher- ry are sterile to their own males. 'Thc Bing, comparativer com- Imon and one of the finest black cherries grown in the Pacific ,Northwcst is of this type. In or- der to overcome this difficulty it is necessary to plant another variety as a pollenizer. Many or- chardists use the Black Republi- can for this purpose with Bings. I The sweet cherries most com- ‘monly grown in the state of Washington are the Bing, Lam- bert, Royal Ann, Black Tartarian and Windsor, with a few scatter- ed orchards and Single trees of various other varieties. There iarc a few of the type Belle dc IChoisy, but this variety is not I grown as extensively as the types which produce larger fruit. While ithc fruit of the Belle dc Choisy Iis small, it has the distinction of :producing two cherries to each stem so that its total output probably is as great as the larger varieties. It is well to remember that whether cherries are grown for commercial purposes or merely for home use that a clean or- chard is desiréable, not only to lid in the production of fruit and ‘ree growth but to 'aid in keeping town pests. Production of sweet cherries in he State of Washington has ;l'own to be gin important induu- try, furnishing employmIent to hundreds of persons in season in the care of the orchards, harvest: ing oft and preserving the fruit in various forms. This fruit 'also is becoming Widely recognized as valuable in a diversified agricul- ture progiam, supplementing otli- t l _; _ ou AfiUYER USE WANT-ADS HOME GARDENER, by Herbert Pruvey U. of W. Abo‘retum Gardener sum tron—MASON COUNT JOURNAL 'vmmkuv‘vvvvvv‘vvvv Classified Servite i AMAAAM‘AAA‘AAAAAAAM I “AAMA‘AAA‘A‘AAAAAA‘ «.4. ”° I All Steel I Porch and Lawn Chair-s l i Enameled in bright color combinations $3.49 and $21.95 Lumbermen’s Mere. Co. I in l SPECIAL 10% ALLOWANCE On any combination purchase ofI I Oil Heating and Gas Cooking Equipment SHELTON GAS CO. DON’T FORGET Grade, Jr. High and High School group pictures# 25¢ Andrews Photo Studio SPECIAL PRICES on New and Used SEWING MACHINES I a: a: a: JOIN Our Sewing Class Starting April 26th H. R. OLSON 125 So. 4th HE. er orc I farms. ..._ hard and field crops LILACS In a. previous article, difficulties of growing the lilac successfully .Were pointed out. Home garden— ers should not be discouraged, however, because with reasonable icarc and a small amount of labor ‘bcautiful plants can be cultivated. The lilacs are among otir most satisfying ornamental shrubs and it is easy to appreciate why a city like Spokane would select the Iflower as the official city blossom. There are several things which the home gardener should keep in Give the plants as much sunshine as pos- sible~a light open positionl~and ,do not be afraid to expose them ‘to winter cold—they like it. ‘thh buying plants, it is well to obtain those grown on own roots from a reliable nursery- man. They may cost more than grafted plants, but they will gen— erally be more satisfactory. Lilacs enjoy a rather: heavy, clay soil and, if your soil tends to be acid or sour, be sure to use lime around each plant. The lilac often is attacked sev- erely by scale insects and by a. mildew fungus which appears. on the leaves late in summer. For the scale use a. dormanttwinter) Ispray—any of the popular oil emulsions. For mildew, start early in the summer to dust the plants with finely ground dusting sulphur and continue dusting .ev— cry two or three weeks through- out thc summer. If you want a lilac that is truly different you Should try the variety called Meyeri. It moderately low, small—leaf variety ,that‘. covers itself with masses of [flowers each spring. It is a hardy ,type and will not require any more tcare than would be given to an [ordinary variety. I I$1,637.19 Received I ._ From Liquor Profits Shelton and Mason County to- gether received $1,637.19 from the May 25 distribution of liquor pro- fits by the Liquor Control Board, it' was announced by the board today. The City of Shelton 5795, Ma- son County $842.'9. Other distri- butions were made during 1940 on January '9, January 26, March 2, April 1 and then May 25. I l Electric Hotbeds Electrically heated hotbeds are and for growing farm and garden I plums for; transplanting. JOURN I ' ,. Cook with Gas»-—»I-Ieut with Oil”i Lumbelmen S M910. CO- I out their is old W“ rvvv v v v vvvvvv vvvvvvvvm i For Sale l AAAAAAAAAAAAA‘AA‘Q‘AAAM i ”-”--“--“W-”---- WWW“ .vvwwvv 0 av"- Classified. Servic For Rent I “ALMA” \‘AAAAAAA‘AAA o“--” m UNTIL JUNE 20th ONLY: every FOR SALE: corn and milk fed} tenth permanent wave given FURNISHED APARTMENTS f0“ fryers. Alive or dressed. Salmi rent (2 and3rooms). Good lo- cation. Very reasonable. Golds- borough Apts, Second and Knee- frce. Elvira Jacobs, 404 Frank- place, Capitol Hill. Phone 13-F—‘ lin. Phone 563. 6-4—6-11-13-41; :13. 13—.6—4-6-11—3t3 Good Used land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-1:..R6R' SALE: strawberries $1 cratei I _——‘— *—k**rr'u“;‘_mf . Bring containers, pick your own; FOR. RENT' 3'r00m apa‘““"’“”" August Carlson, Harstinc Is)" private bath, gas range andI land. 6,4_11_3t_ FOR SALE washing machine. Phone 259-M. ‘ Wm v-11.-. A 1.1.1,. 1,_.__._. ‘ C~28——lf. lFOR SALE. St. Bernard and. Shcpcrd pups, $5 male, $2.50 {8“ male. Pearl Conner, Route 1. ‘ Cw6-4-11-3t. FOR RENT: modern ' with large living room and pri- vate bath. Hot water furnished, .LAWN MOWER Mrs. w. C. Mallows, 717 NoHW’ANTWTO TRADEMOR SELL: 6th- 5-130-th 10 x 20 Z—l‘oom float house for. 9 or 4 horsepower Johnson out- board motor. Inquire Journal. M———6-4—11-°t I -11. iFOR Stil‘iawbel'rieus—El cwratc, bring container, pick your own. Phone 14—F—41 J. S. Carman. HEADQUARTERS SHARPENED and REPAIRED Trade in your old mower on :1 FOR RENT: Summer cottage on Oakland Bay. Modern conven- iences. Mrs. C. E. Runacrcs, Phone 11-J. 6—4—6-11-3t FOR RENT; 3-robm modern house. George Cooper, Sixth and l ._ Laurel Streets. Phone 487-W. ' 6-4-tf. New Pennsylvania Mower. USED MOWERS $2.50 and up Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop gelding, work Single or double. Two yearling colts. good condition. Nat Holman, Rt. 1, Shelton, Phone 7—F—11. 6—6-18-4t y, one mile I .__‘ .__ IFOR RENT: 5-room house oni Hillcrest. Furnished if desirch Inquire at 643 Dearborn. ‘ M—6—11-13—2t. ____.‘._‘ ._.. LAAWL e i .FOR SALE: wood, dr FOR RENT: 3-room house. Pete LAWNMOWERS FOR work team, more and: _ ,1938 FORD 4-dr. ‘1937 OLDS 6 COUPE Mower in‘ .1937 BUICK 11939 PONTIAC 6 SE- P2 on Five.- . . NT ADS RATES On Classified Advertisements 10 cents a line (5 words) first insertion, 5c 9. line each subse- quent insertion. Mini mum charge 30c. Classified advertisements ac- cepted over the telephone from phone subscribers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made before the first: of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 13c will be made when billing is necessary. Card of thanks 500. Classified Display Rates on Request. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘v 1939 OLDS 70 SE- Used Cars AAAAA‘AAAAAAAAAAA -A‘--A‘ .A425 .5555 $595 $725 $795 (Not reconditioned) . Dc- LUXE Many extras SEDAN ...................... ., DAN Radio and heater DAN QMANY OTHERS H ALL MAKES i Verot Blacksmith Sho Southi down C016 Road' A" A. Ever- SHARP EN ED Second Street. 6134-6-11-3tI _,Sf_’f‘;3j§;_1; .HEZTE'TEIO’EF Wasmllgd machine's "FOR S‘kzgfofiomiglggq‘ W£I?Agn3:£‘ Lock an key repair. m s ,Crary. Phone 285-W. 6-11-13-2tn Smng trailer 16.. wheels and exp of fine mechanical work. The Handy Man Shop 319 First: TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $3 per month FOR RENT: sniEiii house $15.06: month. Call 604 Franklin. Mrs.‘ Ed Elliott. E-6-11-tf. , FOR RENT: two sleeping roomsI close in. Mrs. W. E. Brodt, 121 East Cedar, Phone 372-J. B—-6-11—13~2t FOR RENT: furnished house on‘. Hillcrest, 629 Fairmont, $25.00! month. Inquire Omer Dion, 610 Pine. 6-11—13-2t. Y! v. W. Nelson, c-o Waterwhcel Grocery, Union. Nfi6-6-tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE: young registered Guernsey bull. Write B. M. Ripley, Tellino. Phone 680. P—G-‘6—13t I boat and 41/2 h.p. outboard mo- tor. $120.00. Inquire Robin Hood Tavern, Union. 6—11-1t Standard models—Underwood and Remington typewriters. (First _ months rental applies on purchase I FOR R of machine). __ . _-. ._I , ENT: modern 2—1‘00m fur—11‘ ._ I nishcd apartment, oil heat, rc-I M‘Xture peasl oats' Whedt' 010‘ vcr, grass, 30c shock. J. Jacoby, frigerator, electric range. Kcy‘ , , JOURNAL OFFICE Dee Apts" phone 485_J_ l Rt. 2, (Agate) Shelton. P—G-ll-tf. FOR :‘7 2-room apartment, FRESHLY DECORATED apart}. ment furnished or unfurnished, Also bachelor apartment. Call 56-J daytime, 36—J evenings; L-6-11-18-3t' WILL PAY $15.00 REWARD for information leading to return of Vaughn drag saw, practically new. Leave information at; The Journal office. $85 Olsen Furniture Co. NEW LOW PRICES FOR RENT: 6-room modem-5 home furnished or unfurnished: claim by identifying and paying USED water. lights $15.00, private en- ""“"”“’°"‘(“m REFRIGERATOR trance. 711 Pine. Phone 36-J. I Lost and Pound Cu. ft. V—6-11-18-3t. Ivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv . tension tongue, complete $160.‘ , l NEW 14-h ROUNDer BOTTOM ' l i All cars reconditioned and Guaranteed. ELLISON MOTORS Buick Sales and Service Phone 94 Bob Ervln RS'R—‘éxmi‘mwei‘.Rama; and Vaughn drag saw. L. Full- er, Rt. 2, Shelton. 6-11-13—2t u“ ‘u‘fi ‘nu‘m‘ “ A‘- Wanted ,‘ “AAAAAAAAA‘L AAMAAA‘ A“ l I l l I l l t i l on garden tract, fruit trees, her“ for ad and feed. J. W. Garrisonp »/ WESTINGHOUSE ries. Close in. $20 unfurnished, Skokomish Valley. Phone 216-l MAZDA LAMPS $25 furnished. Anna. Blomquist. J—5, 6-11—13-2t I Buy them by the carton and Phone 13-F-13. fill up those empty sockets " 6—11-13l-2t, I CARI) 6E THANKS i I now. , We wish to express our sincere; r . r [gratitude to the many friends for} r Shelton 'Electric CO. the beautiful floral offerings for' St. our beloved son and brother. Death Of Young Dayton Events Man In Car Wreck- and family. I In News Report (Crowded Out Last Week) ii 1 By Mrs. Gladys Irving ! (Crowded out Last week) Belfair, June 5. w Burnell Hud—I I SHELTON’ WASH, l By Mrs- A_ E. Lemke son of Belfalr and William Henry“ By us, Dept. of Commerce l Dayton, June 5. Mr‘ and Mrs. Lewis of Port; Orchard, were kill-VI ICha‘rIeS Diesen and daughter, ed on the Gig Harbor highwuyI [Eleanor of Kirkland, were week- sundab’ mommg When the” earl LOW 6200 a-m- 4-1 ft end visitors at the home of Mr. OYBPtumed' Double funeral SGI‘Ich High 11:00 am 11-1 ft and Mrs. A. Buechel. V1995 were held WedneSday atlJunc 12 Low 5:17 p.m. 1.3 ft Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Folms- Gig Harbor. 23nd Interment wasI bee and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander "1, Port OFChard» Burne" HUT, High 12:11 a.m. 15.0 ft; of Quilcene, were busineSS callers 5011,15 SUFVlved bY_h15 father andl'I‘hUYS LOW 7:04 a.m. 2.9 ft ,at’ Dayton Saturday. mother and two Sisters Mrs. chIJune 13 High 12:28 p.m. 10.9 ft ‘ Bill Dining and Kenneth TozierIGeorge and Grace Hudson; The: Low 6:17 pm. 2.7 ft left Tuesday for Seattle, where sympathy of the community. 18 they will leave for Alaska, to do extended to the bereaved family. High 12:55 21.111. 14.9 ft Isomc fishing. I Miss June Hyde, from Head offififii‘ig’i a-m' I Mr. and Mrs. George RebmunIBaryy was ViSiting MISS AlliSI Logw 732311;: 4'0 ft and family attended the gram-Harris OVCI‘ theiwcekend- I ' p’ ‘ ' uation exercises at the Graham MPS- Chas. Il‘VIY‘g and 5011 Chas-I Hioh 1.41 am 147 ft Theatre Tuesday evening. Their Jr., were in Shelton Saturday laxstiS t Lb 8',_6 0'4 ft daughter Jessie, was (me of the to the Democratic meeting at tliei‘ ’1 PW 3;) a-m' Igmd-uatcs. courthouse. IJuiic lo I-Ihgh p.m. Friends will be glad to hear Mr. and Mm. Glen Harris and 0W p'm' ' that Mrs. Charles Ogg is recov- Mr. and Mrs. A1 'Orie. and chii— High 2:28 a..m. 14.6 ft cring nicely from a recent opera- dren, were on a 11161110 to the Sun Low 9:47 a..m. -0.7 ft I ion. Staircase Sunday. . IJunc 16 High 4:41 p.m. 12.8 ft Mr. John Dining, Sr., and John Boy Scouts had then‘ regularl Low 9:41 p.m. 5.7 ft Dining, .Jrl' attended the gradua. meeting at the schoolhouse Mon-I . '. 0 tion of Bob Dining Tuesday eve-tday night , I H‘gh “‘16 a-m- 14-3 ft hing. The Boy Scouts Will soon re—IMon Low 10:35 a.m. -1.6 ft Henry Rfshel is in Seattle, at new their charter, with Bill Dancv,Juno 17 High 5241 P-m- 13-6 ft the Navel Reserve Air Station’Iof Bremerton as :~coutmastcr_ I LOW 10:45 p.m. 6.1 it where he has been training since' Mrs. Betty Curl was on the' . the first of June. sick list the past week. High 4:01 a..m. 14.; I .Wurrcn Chappcl is! in the. 1103- Mrs. Currier and Mrs. HarrlslTueS 110W 11:20 a,m. -2. ft ,pital recovering from an appen- Watson and two children, Mrs,lJ"“l1e 18 High 6:33 P-m-14v3 ft Idix operation. Warren is reportediGlen Harris, Allis Harris, Doris LOW 11-43 P.m- 6’3 1getting along nicely. * IMay Mick-leson June Hyde and v"'"“.. I .Mrs. Scott entertained with a Genie Stevens, 'pic‘nicked at thelwed longtlficéily dinner Sunday. in honor schoolhouse Tuesday. I June 19 High 7:20 pm. 14.7 ft . (laughter Peggy. Those attending were Velma. and Doris Wilson, Dave Rayson and Leon Scott. Little Hazel Scott spent the iweekend with Dorothy Wilso‘i’i, who celebrated her eighth birth- day Saturday. Willard Adams visited at the home of his Mrs. Pete Weckhorst, who wasg operated on in a hospital at PortI Orchard, is getting along nicelyi and will soon be home again. Matthews is caring for“ the chil-I dren and home. i A Mason county Guernsey I breeder, Clarence O. Wivell of ' Shelton, has just won national re- t National Recognition iLice‘nse Boom 0n sister, Mrs, Harold . Imade a. business trip to Seattle |Sunday. , I Mr. Charles Chappel injured his Iarm and hand Sunday while cut- 1 -~ h h- _lin‘ the Advanced Register of The i362] in t: e motor ve iclc dlv1s IAmericm Guernsey Cattle Club. Up to mid-afternoon yesterdayiTheo'Valc War CIOUd 213084 Win 2910 sets o'f‘private automobileibe know“ here after as an Ad' l 'ting down a. tree. The injury is ._ r. . t = d Re ister sire Ont G I .. . . . . licenses had been issued by tliyetVa’“:c , g .' y “em llquite painful, but is mending mce- auditor? staff, leaving only QOISQYS‘which meet hlgll‘ production 'y' imore sets to go for the entireirequu'ements are ehgmle for ‘91" IS Mr. Frank Lemke is visiting in This is over 100 sets of ; try. The five daughters which have eattie at the home of his duugh-‘year' , . '1 tea ff' 'al 1 h f {comp e C 0 mi records are Mo Iter Mrs. Mildred Pederson. lf’agfegegfad “Te same “means. of Hughes Place 446100, Dairy- I There‘s to be another dance atI IDayton Saturday night, June 2% I Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lamb'andl four children of . Capitol Hill were aplmeid of Hughes Place 497245, ready had to re—ordcr on its;Dn°T_°thy DixpofHu’g‘hes Place 4'9.- supply of trailer licenses. The§7k46f Dafimm 0f Hughes Place original shipment of 100 sets sold . 446099 and Daffodil of The auditor‘s office has dinner guests at the home of Mr. I out nick] this ear and 30582075. iglndDggs' A' E' Lemke on Memor' mereqsetcgf an_adciitional 50 sent; _'___ by the state license department; are already taken. ‘ Tip Ynur Straw Germans Reintroduce Soccer Tr‘mk owners have take“ 543 Among the national courtesiee settl Of Ute 700 allOttéd MSSoni which travelers find in Denmark is county, while a rush on marriage , . . . that of men‘s raising their hats to . licenses ook 32 certificates dur-l ,. , _ and the government has reintro- mg May twhilc so far in June the the Shot) $111 on entering a Store} duced the game into sc‘hcol curricu- I page has continued unabated. They furthermore remain with'head In from which it had been banned as iUsuaiiy June in the heavy month uncovered. until gomg out on the "rough stufi'." 'i'or marriage licenses, too. street again. German schoolboys|begin playing Ioccer when they are 10 years old I i i Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hudsoni I AAMAAMM t Boyd 'Fa'rm l I l ORV SALE: SIJOCRS Of hay. ,‘ HIGH RIGGHVGV tree topping. Harry Phelps, phone 485-1 P—6-11‘tf. 6-11-18-3t.i WANTED: loan or rent of canoe for annual Shelton swimming and life saving classes. J. L. Replinger. Phone 329-R. 6-11-13-2l’. H-6—6-11-13-3t lat School. ,WANTED: two worthy girl grad; uates 1940 to attend Olympia leading business school. 'Work for part of tuition. ’Call in per- son or write Olympia Secretar- 6-4-6-2t. FOUND: Jersey cow. Owner :nainANTED3 housework by mat-h. day of: hour or waitress. Fully experienced. Phone 267-VV. S—5-28-6-4-3t. WANTED: woman or girl for housework. No children in fam- ily. Call 246. P—v6-6-11-2t vVVVVVVVQV'r'vvvvwfi'v "WV immnumnuiihmn Mason County Bull Wins V' Rand of Tacoma, Thursda of I icognition on his pure bred Guern- last week. y I bull, heo-Vale War Cloudt _ Little Wanda. Okerstrom is ViS-l —————-— I213084. iting Betty Lemkc for a few License sales have been boom_; This bull, having five dough- ays' ing to high totals at the audi_I'terS which have made creditable Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Buechel finds Office this year_ particulnofficial records, has been entered l I ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton INSURANCE i HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angler Building GEORGE E. CANAAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Graham Bldg. Cota St. Phone 245 DOANE BRODIE Attorney-At—Law Angle Building Phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington Closing Day For Eldon Children Is Lots Of Fun A delightful little program con- sisting of a play, “The Price of Liberty,” and music, including a. number by the girls' harmonica band and several 'solos and chor- uses, was given by the John Ahl school of Eldon at their closing day celebration Tuesday. This was followed by running races, wheel-barrow races, three- legged, sack find ’z‘e‘l‘ay one: in which the children received rib- bons and prizes. Then the party moved over to Jamison’s Park for a picnic lunch of the most pleasing pro- portions. followed by alenty of ice cream. Swimming «as also indulged in by some 'of he chil- dren and everyone meme to‘h‘ave enjoyed the day. At the 8611001 house, the children? work was on exhibition. , ' Increase in Scholars There has been an increase of 3” per 'cent in the nu'm‘ber of attending [colleges and 1800 pér fit In file number of high school stu- dents in the last 30 years.